908 research outputs found

    Impacto da Formulação de Diferentes Matrizes Granulométricas na Dosagem de Misturas Asfálticas Densas

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Joinville. Engenharia de Infraestrutura.O objetivo principal deste trabalho é comparar o comportamento mecânico, com base na estabilidade e fluência Marshall, de uma mistura asfáltica aplicada em campo, a partir da adaptação de um projeto executado na cidade de Curitiba/PR, considerando a formulação do esqueleto mineral por tentativa (prática), em relação a outras duas misturas asfálticas, sendo uma concebida pelo método racional (teórica) e outra pelo controle das frações granulométricas a cada peneira, tomando em conta a mesma distribuição percentual utilizada na formulação prática (controlada). O método por tentativas é empregado na maioria das produções de misturas asfálticas do Brasil, em que o objetivo é enquadrar as formulações em faixas preestabelecidas pelos organismos regulamentadores das esferas do poder público. Porém, este método é caracterizado pelo uso de frações granulares comerciais heterogêneas, ou seja, com graduações dimensionais distintas, devido aos processos de beneficiamento adotados nas pedreiras, contribuindo para o controle deficiente do processo de formulação. Em consequência, não é raro se deparar com misturas asfálticas mal dosadas e com comportamento mecânico não satisfatório. No caso do método racional, utilizando a equação de Füller-Talbot, são fixados os parâmetros característicos da curva granulométrica que se deseja formular, assim, pode-se controlar as frações dos agregados por peneira, a partir da distribuição normalizada dos percentuais de distribuição das partículas, dispensando o uso de faixas granulométricas. Para tanto, foram caracterizados e utilizados agregados de origem granítica provenientes de jazida localizada na região metropolitana de Joinville, bem como o ligante asfáltico de classificação por penetração 50/70, fornecido pela refinaria REPLAN/SP. A metodologia Marshall foi a escolhida para determinar a dosagem de trabalho do ligante betuminoso, com base nos parâmetros físicos e mecânicos de avaliação das misturas asfálticas, em razão de ser a metodologia oficialmente adotada no Brasil para esta finalidade. Ato contínuo, a partir da verificação dos teores de trabalho pela metodologia Marshall, tem-se que a análise foi complementada pelo ensaio de tração indireta, a fim de verificar possíveis variações de indicadores de resistência das misturas formuladas. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a formulação teórica apresenta maior resistência à ruptura, menor fluência e menor consumo de ligante, em comparação às demais misturas asfálticas formuladas, e ainda que a formulação controlada apresenta resultados mais satisfatórios que a mistura prática utilizada como referência

    Do romantismo a Nietzsche: rupturas e transformações na filosofia do século XIX

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    Este livro reúne oito estudos de Filosofia Moderna e Contemporânea, com o objetivo de investigar as rupturas e transformações ocorridas no pensamento filosófico desse período. A pergunta que norteia cada um desses ensaios é: como a Filosofia reage ao triunfo das ciências naturais e da industrialização no século XIX? Nem o pensamento mais abstrato pode se furtar ao fato de que a Filosofia tem de responder ao domínio crescente da tecnociência e das novas condições de vida trazidas pelas Revoluções Francesa e Industrial


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    The intention is to reconstruct and analyse the introduction of Quine's O sentido da nova lógica to, in light of its historical justifications for the modern corollary logical system, seeking to defend the ontological neutrality that it's formal aspect allows. The distinction between naming and meaning at Quine's new logic, points out the fact that it's not necessary to "admit a kingdom of entities called meanings" (QUINE, 1985. p. 230) and that, therefore the formality of ontological statements assumes no ontological commitment.Pretende-se reconstruir e analisar a introdução de O sentido da nova lógica de Quine para, à luz de suas justificativas históricas para o corolário sistema lógico moderno, procurar defender a neutralidade ontológica que seu aspecto formal possibilita. A distinção entre nomear e significar, na nova lógica de Quine, ressalta o fato de que não é necessário “admitir um reino de entidades chamadas significados” (QUINE, 1985, p. 230), e que, portanto, a formalidade dos enunciados ontológicos não assume compromisso ontológico

    A qualitative analysis of perspectives educational implications in the Spanish bilingual programs in primary education in the Central Florida region

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    The proposed goal of this research was to take the data gathered and implement it in analyzing the potential reformation of programs in need of evaluation, assessing the potential benefits of further development in the field of bilingual education in the United States as a nation. Using data collected in the Central Florida region as a microcosmic example of how existing programs function in the modern elementary educational system, the purpose of this study was to demonstrate through the conduction of interviews with local teachers and currently available research that a more suitable standard for bilingual education is both necessary and valuable for our school systems and for the future of our students as productive and capable adults. As a survey of the current state of bilingual education in Central Florida elementary schools, this research sought to establish a clearer panoramic view of the ways in which our system is perceived as observed directly through those participating and facilitating it firsthand in local classrooms. Classroom observations and data gathered from educational professionals within the participating elementary school system, inclusive solely of those implementing a bilingual program as a method of assimilation for a high population of Spanish-speaking students transitioning to a targeted language of English, were the primary basis of this research, supplemented by existing psychological and educational research in the field of language acquisition and development in young children. Results have suggested that current methods of bilingual instruction are based upon the integrated standards of three existing models: transitional bilingual education, immersion, and English as a Second Language.; The three appeared to be functioning in such a way that does not fully allow for a wide range of learning needs to be met, and that furthermore does not fully support a directed initiative toward a future in consistently dynamic and progressive research in the bilingual field, such that a standardized system flexible enough to encourage the needs of a diverse population might be realized. With further standardization and research, bilingual education might itself become a standard of American education for all students, native and non-native

    Development of a tool to investigate factors related to job satisfaction in geriatric nurses

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    The purpose of this study was to develop and assess a three part semantic differential instrument to measure job satisfaction of geriatric nurses based on an adaptation of Dorothy Johnson\u27s conceptual framework. A sample of 306 geriatric nurses who were members of the American Nurse\u27s Association responded to a 4-page, mailed questionnaire (return rate 37%). The questionnaire developed consisted of four parts: Sociodemographic data, and three semantic differential scales assessing, Attitudes toward geriatric nursing, Attitudes toward the work environment, and Attitudes toward the administrator. Descriptive statistics were compiled for sociodemographic variables; Results of the regression analyses demonstrated that job satisfaction, leadership style, and years as a geriatric nurse accounted for significant variance in the semantic differential scales. The two semantic differentials of attitude toward geriatric nursing and attitude toward the administrator were found to be reliable instruments. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.)

    The Nine Forms of the French Riviera: Classifying Urban Fabrics from the Pedestrian Perspective

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    [EN] Recent metropolitan growth produces new kinds of urban fabric, revealing different logics in the organization of urban space, but coexisting with more traditional urban fabrics in central cities and older suburbs. Having an overall view of the spatial patterns of urban fabrics in a vast metropolitan area is paramount for understanding the emerging spatial organization of the contemporary metropolis. The French Riviera is a polycentric metropolitan area of more than 1200 km2 structured around the old coastal cities of Nice, Cannes, Antibes and Monaco. XIX century and early XX century urban growth is now complemented by modern developments and more recent suburban areas. A large-scale analysis of urban fabrics can only be carried out through a new geoprocessing protocol, combining indicators of spatial relations within urban fabrics, geo-statistical analysis and Bayesian data-mining. Applied to the French Riviera, nine families of urban fabrics are identified and correlated to the historical periods of their production. Central cities are thus characterized by the combination of different families of pre-modern, dense, continuous built-up fabrics, as well as by modern discontinuous forms. More interestingly, fringe-belts in Nice and Cannes, as well as the techno-park of Sophia-Antipolis, combine a spinal cord of connective artificial fabrics having sparse specialized buildings, with the already mentioned discontinuous fabrics of modern urbanism. Further forms are identified in the suburban and “rurban” spaces around central cities. The proposed geoprocessing procedure is not intended to supersede traditional expert-base analysis of urban fabric. Rather, it should be considered as a complementary tool for large urban space analysis and as an input for studying urban form relation to socioeconomic phenomena.This research was carried out thanks to a research grant of the Nice-Côte d’Azur Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CIFRE agreement with UMR ESPACE).Fusco, G.; Araldi, A. (2018). The Nine Forms of the French Riviera: Classifying Urban Fabrics from the Pedestrian Perspective. En 24th ISUF International Conference. Book of Papers. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1313-1325. https://doi.org/10.4995/ISUF2017.2017.52191313132

    Studies on the impact of cover crops on soybean productivity and root diseases

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    Soybean (Glycine max L.) and corn (Zea mays L.) are the two main field crops grown in the Midwest, and they are usually used in a rotation system (FAOSTAT, 2018). This cropping system contributes to the elevated nitrate levels found in the surface waters in the Midwest (David et al., 1997; Dinnes et al., 2002), along with higher risk of soil erosion (Pimentel et al., 1995) and loss of nutrients and organic matter (Burkart and James, 1999; David and Gentry, 2000). Cover crops, grown between soybean or corn harvest in the fall and planting of the subsequent crop in the spring, may reduce erosion and nutrient loss, thus improving or maintaining soil health as well as protecting water quality (Lu et al., 2000; Sarrantonio and Gallandt, 2003; Kaspar et al., 2007; Qi and Helmers, 2010; Kaspar and Singer, 2011). However, little is known about the impact of cover crops on soybean seedling and root rot diseases, as well as on their causal agents, including Fusarium graminearum and Pythium sylvaticum. This study was conducted to: (i) determine the susceptibility of different cover crop species to infection by F. graminearum and P. sylvaticum; (ii) test the effect of long-term winter rye (Secale cereale) cover crop, established for at least 10 years, on soybean seedling and root rot diseases, growth parameters, and grain yield; and (iii) evaluate the effect of different cover crops species on soybean grown in soil artificially infested with F. graminearum and P. sylvaticum. In vitro and greenhouse experiments were conducted to evaluate the susceptibility of cover crop species to infection by F. graminearum, F. oxysporum, and P. sylvaticum. Seventeen cover crop species belonging to the Brassicaceae, Poaceae, and Leguminosae families were tested in addition to a resistant and susceptible soybean cultivar and a corn hybrid. For the in vitro study, eight seeds of each plant species were placed in petri dishes colonized with F. graminearum or P. sylvaticum, and non-colonized petri dishes were used as controls. After 7 days, crops were assessed for germination rate and disease severity. For the greenhouse experiment, seeds of each plant species were sown to pots containing sand:soil mixture (2:1 [v/v]) infested with F. graminearum, F. oxysporum, or P. sylvaticum. Non-infested sand:soil mixture was used as control. Pots were incubated for 4 to 5 weeks, then all plant species were assessed for percent of plant emergence, dry biomass weight, and root rot severity (% root length showing discoloration). Our findings from an in vitro experiment indicated that most of the species were susceptible to F. graminearumand P. sylvaticum,except pea, which was the only species that was not affected by P. sylvaticum. Under greenhouse conditions, we observed that soybean, alfalfa, pea, red clover, false flax, radish, rapeseed, corn oat, rye, ryegrass, and wheat are susceptible to infection by F. graminearum. False flax, radish, rapeseed, corn, millet, oat, rye, ryegrass, sorghum, and wheat are susceptible to infection by F. oxysporum. Soybean, alfalfa, hairy vetch, red clover, false flax, turnip, oat, rye, ryegrass, sorghum, and triticale are susceptible to infection by P. sylvaticum. It is important to know the cover crops that are susceptible to infection by these soilborne pathogens, because susceptible cover crops can increase pathogen populations in the soil, leading to a higher risk of soybean diseases and yield loss; therefore, soybean farmers can make a better decision on what cover crops to plant. The effects of winter rye cover crops (Secale cereale L.) on soybean population, biomass, root morphology, seedling and root diseases, pathogen incidence, canopy reflectance, and yield were assessed over two years at four field locations (eight site-years). Plots without a rye cover crop were compared to plots with early-kill rye and late-kill rye cover crops, which were terminated 34 to 49 days or 5 to 17 days before soybean planting, respectively. Soybean shoot dry weight, root rot severity, and incidence of Fusarium spp. and Pythium spp. on roots were not influenced by the treatments. Soybean grain yield and plant population were reduced in the presence of rye at two site-years, increased in one site-year, and not changed in the remaining five site-years. Soybean canopy reflectance, measured at 810 nm at approximately 120 days after planting (DAP), differed by treatments but was not consistently associated with the presence or absence of a rye cover crop. Our field studies suggest that soybean farmers can use winter rye as a cover crop in soybean fields with low disease pressure without increasing the risk of soybean seedling and root diseases or suppressing soybean yield and plant populations. From our field microplot and in vitro experiments testing cover crop species, we observed that cover crops rarely affect soybean diseases caused by F. graminearum and P. sylvaticum, as well as soybean growth and productivity. In the field microplot study, cover crops of rye, oat, triticale, hairy vetch, red clover, brown mustard, and rapeseed were tested in 2016 and 2017, and the site was infested or not with F. graminearum or P. sylvaticum. Soybean yield, plant population, plant height, and shoot weight were sometimes influenced by the cover crops; but the results were inconsistent between years. Filtrates of whole plants of cover crops of rye, oat, red clover, and alfalfa were tested in vitro. Filtrates of alfalfa, rye, and red clover stimulated the mycelial growth of F. graminearum,and the oat filtrate treatment was not different from the non-amended control. The mycelial growth of P. sylvaticum was inhibited by rye filtrates; however, no disease suppression was observed in field conditions. The results from this study have improved our understanding of the impact of cover crops on soybean diseases caused F. graminearum and P. sylvaticum, and on these soilborne pathogens. Although we observed that most of the cover crops tested in this study may be susceptible to infection by F. graminearum, F. oxysporum and P. sylvaticum, they rarely have detrimental effects on soybean health, measured as plant weight, shoot height, root length, and canopy reflectance as well as and production in field conditions

    Count Regression and Machine Learning Approach for Zero-Inflated Over-Dispersed Count Data. Application to Micro-Retail Distribution and Urban Form

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    This paper investigates the relationship between urban form and the spatial distribution of micro-retail activities. In the last decades, several works demonstrated how configurational properties of the street network and morphological descriptors of the urban built environment are significantly related to store distribution. However, two main challenges still need to be addressed. On the one side, the combined effect of different urban form properties should be considered providing a holistic study of the urban form and its relationship to retail patterns. On the other, analytical approaches should consider the discrete, skewed and zero-inflated nature of the micro-retail distribution. To overcome these limitations, this work compares two sophisticated modelling procedure: Penalised Count Regression and Machine Learning approaches. While the former is specifically conceived to account for retail count distribution, the latter can capture non-linear behaviours in the data. The two modelling procedures are implemented on the same large dataset of street-based measures describing the urban form of the French Riviera. The outcomes of the two modelling approaches are compared in terms of prediction performance and selection frequencies of the most recurrent variables among the implemented models

    Cenário da prevalência de parasitos em amostras de solo/areia no Brasil: análise sistemática

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    Introduction: Zoonotic diseases are transmitted from animals to humans, compromising their health. The high concentration of dogs and cats in urban areas plays an important epidemiological role on soil contamination and thus in the dissemination of zoonotic diseases. The ingestion of eggs, cysts or oocysts of parasites and the penetration of helminths larvae in the skin are frequently related to environmental contamination. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of parasites in soil and/or sand samples in Brazil by a systematic review. Methods: A total of 43 papers were selected from SciELO Brasil, LILACS-Bireme PubMed/NCBI and Scopus, published between 2009 and 2019. The search was performed using the tems parasites, soil, sand and Brazil. Results: A higher number of publications occurred from 2012 to 2017. Studies were mainly concentrated in Southeast and South regions. Hence, further studies are needed in regions where there is limited basic sanitation. Ancilostomidae (larvae or eggs) were the most frequent parasites found in 41.8% of studies, followed by Toxocara spp. (32.6%) and Ascaris spp. (14%). Conclusion: The knowledge on the presence of parasites in the environment and its potential of contamination to the population is essential. Thus, the promotion of educational campaigns related to the implementation of zoonotic control is required in order to avoid the dissemination of parasites in the environment. Keywords: Parasites. Sand. Soil. Zoonoses. Brazil.Introdução: As doenças zoonóticas são transmitidas de animais para humanos, comprometendo sua saúde. A alta concentração de cães e gatos nas áreas urbanas constitui num importante papel epidemiológico na contaminação do solo e, assim na disseminação de doenças zoonóticas. A ingestão de ovos, cistos ou oocistos de parasitos e a penetração das larvas de helmintos através da pele estão frequentemente relacionadas com a contaminação ambiental. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a prevalência de parasitos em amostras de solo e/ou areia no Brasil através de uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Métodos: Um total de 43 artigos foram selecionados a partir da pesquisa nas bases de dados SciELO Brasil, LILACS-Bireme PubMed/NCBI e Scopus, publicados entre 2009 e 2019. A pesquisa foi realizada utilizando os termos parasitas, solo, areia e Brasil. Resultados: Um alto número de publicações ocorreu de 2012 a 2017. Os estudos foram referentes principalmente às regiões sudeste e sul. Desta forma, estudos futuros são necessários em regiões onde existem condições limitadas de saneamento básico. Os ancilostomídeos (larvas e ovos) foram os parasitos mais frequentes, sendo os parasitos mais prevalentes em 41,8% dos estudos, seguido pelo Toxocara spp. (32,6%) e do Ascaris spp. (14%). Conclusão: O conhecimento sobre a presença de parasitos no ambiente e seu potencial de contaminação para a população é essencial. Desta forma, a promoção de campanhas educacionais relacionadas à implementação do controle zoonótico é necessária para evitar a disseminação de parasitos no ambiente. Palavras-chave: Parasitos. Areia. Solo. Zoonose. Brasil