5,375 research outputs found

    Reflexoes gerais e agón em Electra de Sófocles

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    El propósito de este trabajo es analizar las reflexiones generales y agón en Electra de Sófocles. La pieza se analiza basada en la teoría retórico-argumentativa, cuyo argumento se define como una declaración de que legitima a una conclusión. Objetos de investigación son los argumentos éticos, patéticos y discusión lógica de los personajes presentes en Electra y Crisótemis (vv.871-1057)The purpose of this paper is to analyze the general reflections and Agon in Sophocles' Electra. The piece is analyzed based rhetoric-argumentative theory, the argument is defined as a statement that justifies a conclusion. Objects of research are ethical, pathetic and logical discussion of the characters in Electra and Chrysothemis (vv.871-1057)O propósito deste trabalho é analisar as reflexoes gerais e o agón na Electra, de Sófocles. A análise da peça se baseia na teoria retórico-argumentativa, cujo argumento se define como uma declaraçao que legitima uma conclusao. Os objetos de investigaçao sao os argumentos ético-patéticos e a discussao lógica das personagens presentes nos discursos de Electra e Crisótemis (vv.871-1057

    “Many of us are rare”: the right to health and the moral economy of rare diseases activism in Brazil (1990-2020)

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    This article discusses the different meanings attributed to the right to health in the mobilizations to guarantee care for rare disease patients in Brazil. Since the early 1990s, rare disease patient family associations have been putting agendas to the public authorities, with demands ranging from the recognition of diseases to the development of research and diagnostic tests. The trajectory of the mobilizations to guarantee care for rare disease patients is part of a broader process of social articulation around the possibilities and limits of the Brazilian National Health System. The right to health is at the center of this process, being the Subject of varied debates and interpretations in the political, health, and legal arenas, involving arguments guided by scientific evidence, legal principles, and moral values. We argue that these variations in the directions of the right to health have involved concomitant processes of strengthening networks of rare disease actors and institutions, and of maturing the healthcare system, both converging towards the establishment of a “moral economy of rare disease patients”. This moral economy is centered on the idea that the public health relevance of these diseases cannot be identified by epidemiological evidence, but rather by individual and family experience. We used a wide scope of documentation: texts from newspapers and magazines widely circulated in the country, legislative material, publications in specialized journals, and website materials from rare disease patient organizations in Brazil

    A ANEEL, o TCU e a fiscalização dos processos de revisão tarifária dos contratos de concessão de distribuição de energia elétrica

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    - Disponível também no Boletim de Licitações e Contratos, Curitiba, v. 3, n. 25, p.430-436, maio 2007 sob o título "O Tribunal de Contas da União e a fiscalização dos processos de revisão tarifária dos contratos de concessão de distribuição de energia elétrica

    Does Brazil need a notwithstanding clause?

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    In the last decade, Brazilian Supreme Court has been playing a very important role in the democratic process, raising concerns on judicial activism and on the so-called “juristocracy”. One of the ideas that comes up to tackle those issues is the adoption of a Canadian-style notwithstanding clause. Revolving the notwithstanding clause features and its practical exercise in Canada, the paper contends that it is not suitable for Brazilian constitutional system of strong judicial review. It also demonstrates that such a constitutional instrument would not help the improvement of institutional dialogues between the judiciary and legislative branches nor effectively remedy hints of judicial activism. 

    "Many of us are rare" : the right to health and the moral economy of rare diseases activism in Brazil (1990-2020)

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    This article discusses the different meanings attributed to the right to health in the mobilizations to guarantee care for rare disease patients in Brazil. Since the early 1990s, rare disease patient family associations have been putting agendas to the public authorities, with demands ranging from the recognition of diseases to the development of research and diagnostic tests. The trajectory of the mobilizations to guarantee care for rare disease patients is part of a broader process of social articulation around the possibilities and limits of the Brazilian National Health System. The right to health is at the center of this process, being the Subject of varied debates and interpretations in the political, health, and legal arenas, involving arguments guided by scientific evidence, legal principles, and moral values. We argue that these variations in the directions of the right to health have involved concomitant processes of strengthening networks of rare disease actors and institutions, and of maturing the health care system, both converging towards the establishment of a "moral economy of rare disease patients". This moral economy is centered on the idea that the public health relevance of these diseases cannot be identified by epidemiological evidence, but rather by individual and family experience. We used a wide scope of documentation: texts from newspapers and magazines widely circulated in the country, legislative material, publications in specialized journals, and website materials from rare disease patient organizations in Brazil.This article discusses the different meanings attributed to the right to health in the mobilizations to guarantee care for rare disease patients in Brazil. Since the early 1990s, rare disease patient family associations have been putting agendas to the public authorities, with demands ranging from the recognition of diseases to the development of research and diagnostic tests. The trajectory of the mobilizations to guarantee care for rare disease patients is part of a broader process of social articulation around the possibilities and limits of the Brazilian National Health System. The right to health is at the center of this process, being the Subject of varied debates and interpretations in the political, health, and legal arenas, involving arguments guided by scientific evidence, legal principles, and moral values. We argue that these variations in the directions of the right to health have involved concomitant processes of strengthening networks of rare disease actors and institutions, and of maturing the healthcare system, both converging towards the establishment of a "moral economy of rare disease patients". This moral economy is centered on the idea that the public health relevance of these diseases cannot be identified by epidemiological evidence, but rather by individual and family experience. We used a wide scope of documentation: texts from newspapers and magazines widely circulated in the country, legislative material, publications in specialized journals, and website materials from rare disease patient organizations in Brazil

    Constitutional Law around the globe: judicial review in the United States and the “writ of certiorari”

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    This paper exploring the writ of certiorari in the United States Constitutional Law is the second of the series “Constitutional Law Around the Globe”. This section of the series focuses on “Judicial Review and the Filters to Access Supreme and Constitutional Courts”. The first paper in the row, published in the year 2019, analyzed the Constitutionality Priority Question (Question Prioritaire de Constitutionnalité – QPC) in France. In this second paper, we analyze how the U.S. Supreme Court picks cases from thousands that reach it every year and the strategies that the Court adopts to filter these cases. The paper focuses specifically on Rule 10, the “writ of certiorari” and their operation in practice

    Cultivo agrícola de la caña de azúcar en Brasil: contribución al estudio de los territorios rurales y sus contradicciones y conflictos

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    Este artigo discute as modificações introduzidas na agricultura brasileira e o modelo de desenvolvimento econômico e político adotado no país desde o início do processo de industrialização na primeira metade do Século XX. O artigo propõe discussão teórica sobre o processo de modernização da agricultura e a dinâmica atual do agronegócio sucroenergético. A metodologia utiliza-se de revisão bibliográfica, bem como a construção de referencial teórico para compreensão e construção de narrativa a respeito do tema. Partindo da análise da cultura agrícola da cana-de-açúcar na formação sócio espacial brasileiro e do desenvolvimento agroindustrial canavieiro e as sucessivas crises neste setor, procura-se evidenciar a configuração territorial do setor sucroenergético, seus avanços e retrocessos no cenário nacional e suas relações com o setor de produção de commodities.Este artículo discute los cambios introducidos en la agricultura brasileña y el modelo de desarrollo económico y político adoptado en el país desde el comienzo del proceso de industrialización en la primera mitad del siglo XX. El artículo propone una discusión teórica sobre el proceso de modernización de la agricultura y la dinámica actual de los agronegocios de energía azucarera. La metodología utiliza una revisión bibliográfica, así como la construcción de un marco teórico para comprender y construir una narrativa sobre el tema. Partiendo del análisis de la cultura agrícola de la caña de azúcar en la formación socioespacial brasileña y del desarrollo agroindustrial de la caña de azúcar y las sucesivas crisis en este sector, buscamos resaltar la configuración territorial del sector azucarero, sus avances y retrocesos en el escenario nacional y sus relaciones con El sector de producción de productos básicos.Este artículo discute los cambios introducidos en la agricultura brasileña y el modelo de desarrollo económico y político adoptado en el país desde el comienzo del proceso de industrialización en la primera mitad del siglo XX. El artículo propone una discusión teórica sobre el proceso de modernización de la agricultura y la dinámica actual de los agronegocios de energía azucarera. La metodología utiliza una revisión bibliográfica, así como la construcción de un marco teórico para comprender y construir una narrativa sobre el tema. Partiendo del análisis de la cultura agrícola de la caña de azúcar en la formación socioespacial brasileña y del desarrollo agroindustrial de la caña de azúcar y las sucesivas crisis en este sector, buscamos resaltar la configuración territorial del sector azucarero, sus avances y retrocesos en el escenario nacional y sus relaciones con El sector de producción de productos básicos

    Space, Time and Nature: The process and the myth

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    The article fits into the debate regarding space, time and nature in dialogue with the world lived by subjects that build up themselves or are built as mythological heroes, source of speech and spacial concrete practices. It's a poorly explored field in Geography that recently approaches to the cultural dynamic debate, to the symbolic field and also to their spacialization processes. The aim is to discuss the possibility of understanding in the present time about the space organization processes related to the society's previous moments, in a space/time dialectics which articulate the present and past times in a complex and non linear way. Methodologically, starting from a literature review about the theme, the present study was linked to the field and documental research about migration to the vicinal ways of Transamazônica Highway (BR-230 Highway), the creation of the "Centro Espírita União do Vegetal", a religion that arises in the Amazon and set up its headquarters in Brasília and the construction of Brasilia as a modern metropolis without a past. The conclusion points at the possibility of space/time nexuses linking the Myth of Nature to the Creation of Heroes, constantly appropriated and with new meanings, in order to support speeches and new actions dialectically throughout the Brazilian contemporaneous space