208 research outputs found

    Impacto de los métodos de enseñanza de la lectura en la comprensión lectora

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    Existe una importante controversia sobre la idoneidad de los diferentes métodos de enseñanza de la lectura para obtener una buena comprensión lectora. El presente estudio fue diseñado para conocer el impacto que tienen los métodos de lectura iniciados en Educación Infantil en la comprensión lectora en Educación Primaria. Con este fin, se seleccionó una muestra de 54 alumnos de 2º de primaria, diferenciados en dos grupos (instruidos con un enfoque constructivista y con un método sintético-fonético). En primer lugar, se realizó un análisis cualitativo con entrevistas y un diario de campo a partir de la observación en las aulas. En segundo lugar, se pasó la prueba PROLEC-R a ambos grupos, comparando sus puntuaciones en velocidad, precisión y comprensión lectora. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto a la velocidad, comprensión lectora y precisión de lectura de palabras. En cambio, en la lectura de pseudopalabras, los resultados obtenidos por el alumnado del método sintético-fonético fueron significativamente superiores. Estos resultados sugieren la necesidad de buscar métodos alternativos que tengan presentes los beneficios que conlleva el aprendizaje del código escrito, pero sin dejar de lado la construcción del significado desde una perspectiva práctica, funcional y significativa considerando la lectura y la escritura como prácticas sociales

    The Efficacy of Therapeutic Respiratory Muscle Training Interventions in People with Bronchiectasis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Respiratory muscle dysfunction is an important health problem with high morbidity and mortality and associated costs in patients with bronchiectasis (BC). The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of therapeutic respiratory muscle training (RMT) interventions on improving sputum clearance, ventilator function, muscle strength and functional capacity in BC. Methods: Systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted following PRISMA guidelines. Two independent investigators searched using several electronic databases. The methodological quality of nine studies was assessed using the PEDro scale. Study selection/eligibility criteria: The following were included: randomised controlled trials, randomised crossover trials and pilot studies of patients with BC that used the intervention as RMT (inspiratory/expiratory) and evaluations of respiratory muscle strength (maximal expiratory pressure/maximal inspiratory pressure). This systematic review was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42017075101). Nine studies were included, five of which obtained an A recommendation grade, three with B, and one with C. Study quality was poor to good (mean PEDro Score of 6.375 out of 10). Studies had small sample sizes (8-98). Results show improvements on PImax in favour of therapeutic respiratory muscle training intervention (MD = 6.08; 95% CI = 1.38, 10.77; p < 0.01; I-2 = 92%). However, high heterogeneity was identified on meta-analysis

    Puesta en riego por goteo de una plantacion de pistacheros en una parcela de 7,39 ha en Valmuel (Teruel)

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    El presente proyecto consiste en una plantación de pistacheros en una parcela de 7,39 ha en la localidad de Valmuel (Teruel), así como su transformación de riego por gravedad al sistema de riego por goteo. Para ello se ha estudiado la climatología de la zona, las características edáficas y del agua de riego empleada. Además, se han desarrollado las pautas para el correcto manejo de la plantación. Tras la realización del estudio agronómico, se ha diseñado la instalación de riego por goteo de alta frecuencia. También se han realizado los planos necesarios, el pliego de condiciones y el estudio de seguridad y salud de la obra. Para finalizar, se ha realizado un presupuesto con el correspondiente estudio de viabilidad económica

    Consensus on the Clinical Approach to Moderate-to-Severe Atopic Dermatitis in Spain: A Delphi Survey

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    Background. The purpose of this study was to gather information on the current assessment and management of patients with moderate-to-severe AD in routine daily practice. Methods. A cross-sectional two-round Delphi survey with the participation of dermatologists and allergologists throughout Spain was conducted. They completed a 46-item questionnaire, and consensus was defined when responses of >= 80% of participants coincided in the categories of a 5-point Likert scale for that item. Results. A total of 105 specialists (aged 40-59 years) completed the two rounds. Participants agreed regarding the consideration of AD as a multifaceted disease and the differences in clinical presentation of AD according to the patient's age. It is recommendable to perform a skin biopsy to exclude early stage T-cell cutaneous lymphoma, psoriasis, or dermatitis herpetiformis, among others (99.1%). Also, consensus was reached regarding the use of the SCORAD index to quantify the severity of the disease (86.7%), the use of wet wraps to increase the effect of topical corticosteroids (90.4%), the usefulness of proactive treatment during follow-up (85.6%) and tacrolimus ointment (91.2%) to reduce new flares, and the fact that crisaborole is not the treatment of choice for severe AD (92.4%). AD was not considered a contraindication for immunotherapy in patients with allergic respiratory diseases (92.4%). In patients with severe AD, the use of immune response modifier drugs (97.6%) or phototherapy (92.8%) does not sufficiently cover their treatment needs. Consensus was also obtained regarding the role of the new biologic drugs (93.6%) targeting cytokines involved in the Th2 inflammatory pathway (92.0%) and the potential role of dupilumab as first-line treatment (90.4%) in moderate-to-severe AD patients. Conclusion. This study contributes a reference framework to the care of AD patients. There is no diagnostic test or biomarkers to direct treatment or to assess the severity of the disease, and many therapeutic challenges remain

    Tracking microbial diversity and hygienic-sanitary status during processing of farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    Aquaculture is becoming a strategic sector for many national economies to supply the increasing demand for fish from consumers. Fish culture conditions and processing operations can lead to an increase in microbial contamination of farmed fish that may shorten the shelf-life of fish products and byproducts, and ready-to-eat fishery products. The objective of this study was to evaluate the hygienic-sanitary status of water, environment, and processing of fresh-farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets produced in a local fish farm in Andalusia, Spain. To achieve this, a longitudinal study was carried out by collecting environmental (air and food-contact surfaces), water from fish ponds, and rainbow trout samples. Thereby, seven sampling visits were performed between February 2021 and July 2022, where foodborne pathogens and spoilage microorganisms, together with physicochemical parameters, were analysed in the collected samples. Further, microbial identification of microbiota was achieved through a culture-dependent technique using blast analysis of 16S RNA gene sequencing. The results showed that Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella were not detected in the analysed samples. Regarding the hygienic-sanitary status of the fish farm, the slaughtering bath, the eviscerating machine and the outlet water from fish ponds presented the highest counts of coliforms, Enterobacteriaceae, and Aerobic Mesophilic Bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus and sulphite-reducing Clostridium were identified in the conveyor belts, fish flesh, and viscera. The 16S RNA identification confirmed the presence of viable spoilage bacteria such as Citrobacter gillenii, Macrococcus caseolyticus, Hafnia paralvei, Lactococcus lactis, Lactococcus cremoris, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Morganella morganii, and Shewanella. Three of these genera (Citrobacter, Hafnia, and Pseudomonas) were present in all types of samples analysed. The results evidenced potential transmission of microbial contamination from contaminated packaging belts and boxes, evisceration and filleting machines to flesh and viscera samples, thus the establishment of control measures should be implemented in fish farm facilities to extend the shelf-life of farmed fishery products

    Functional Diversity in empoverished countries. A case study in Tanzania

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    ¿Qué Desarrollo queremos? La Agenda Post 2015 y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (Actas del III Congreso Internacional de Estudios del Desarrollo)Living with functional diversity has always been a disadvantage, especially when one is born and grows up in an impoverished country. With this article we pretend to give birth to a human need: the recognition of the rights of people with disabilities. To do that, we will base on the different paradigms and models of inclusion in functional diversity. To explain the reality of people with disabilities in poor countries, we have conducted a study on the situation of people with disabilities in Masonga, a town located in Tanzania. The aim was to discuss his treatment among children with disabilities in the community. The results of the study envisioned that the fact of offering education to this community of children, made them improve their autonomy and social participation in their environment.Vivir con diversidad funcional siempre ha supuesto una desventaja, más aún cuando naces y creces en un país empobrecido. Con este artículo pretendemos dar luz a una necesidad humana como es la de reconocer los derechos de las personas con diversidad funcional. Para ello, nos fundamentaremos en los distintos paradigmas y modelos de inclusión en diversidad funcional. Para explicar la realidad de las personas con diversidad funcional en países empobrecidos, hemos realizado un estudio sobre la situación de las personas con diversidad funcional en Masonga, población ubicada en la República Unida de Tanzania. El objetivo era analizar el trato que recibía la población infantil con discapacidad en la comunidad. Los resultados del mismo vislumbraron que el hecho de ofrecer la posibilidad de escolarización, donde desarrollar su potencial, hizo que mejorase su autonomía y participación social en su entorno

    Chitosan biofilms: Insights for the selective electromembrane extraction of fluoroquinolones from biological samples

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    A selective electromembrane extraction procedure for the extraction of Enrofloxacin, Marbofloxacin and Flumequine, usually employed as antibiotic in veterinarian use, is proposed by using a chitosan biofilm, composed by 60% (w/w) chitosan and 40% (w/w) Aliquat®336, as active biopolymeric support. The interaction mechanism occurring between the target drugs and the biopolymer has been deeply studied using the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules. The obtained results show the interaction between the extracted fluoroquinolones and the biomembrane is stabilized by two hydrogen bonds formed between both the carboxyl and keto groups of the drugs with both the amine and hydroxyl groups of glucosamine in the biopolymer. The energetic results agree with the high extraction efficiency obtained for Marbofloxacin, Enrofloxacin and Flumequine in terms of enrichment factors (83, 82 and 58, respectively) in presence of other fluoroquinolones. Under optimum conditions, the proposed electromembrane extraction method exhibits wide linear ranges of 4.2e200 mg L1 , 5.6e200 mg L1 and 5.1e200 mg L1 , respectively; low limits of detection close to 1.3 mg L1 and appropriate repeatability (relative standard deviation values 4e7%).Fondos Europeos FEDER, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Agencia Estatal de Investigación, de España - PGC2018-096608- B-C22Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España - RED2018-102522-TJunta de Andalucía - 2019/FQM-106Premio Mensual Publicación Científica Destacada de la US. Facultad de Químic

    Residual effect of two sewage sludges from a phytoremediation test with thistle on camelina (Camelina sativa (l.) Crantz) in Madrid

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    Se realizó un ensayo de campo con camelina (Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz para estudiar su comportamiento en rotación de cultivo con un ensayo de fitorremediación con cardo (Cynara cardunculus L.), en un suelo representativo de un agroecosistema semiárido. El diseño experimental constó de parcelas sembradas con Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz, aprovechando la fertilización residual de enmiendas con dosis de lodo secado térmicamente (ST50) y (ST100) y de lodo compostado con resto de poda (CP50) y (CP100) comparados con un suelo control (T), en rotación de cultivo con un ensayo de fitorremediación con cardo. En términos generales, la fertilización residual con el lodo secado térmicamente (ST50) mejora la respuesta del cultivo, aumentando los valores de producción respecto del control y de la fertilización residual con lodo compostado con resto de poda. También con el efecto residual del lodo secado térmicamente (ST50) se consigue un aprovechamiento más eficaz del nitrógeno aplicado (proteína) y un mayor contenido en grasa. Respecto de las propiedades físico-químicas del suelo los resultados obtenidos muestran que los suelos fertilizados con lodos experimentaron un incremento de pH, materia orgánica, P, K, Ca, Mg y Na. La concentración de micronutrientes Cu, Zn y Ni y metales pesados Cr, Cd y Pb aumentó respecto del testigo, pero no hubo riesgos de contaminación.A field trial with Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz was performed to study their behavior following a residual of previous crop fertilization in a representative soil of a semiarid agroecosystem. The experimental design consisted of plots sown with Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz in crop rotation with Cynara cardunculus L. and using their residual fertilizer amendments (ST50) and (ST100) thermally-dried sewage sludge and (CP50) and (CP100) composted sewage sludge with pruning waste, which were compared with a control soil (control). Overall, fertilization thermally-dried sewage sludge (ST50) improved crop response, increasing production values compared to control and fertilization with composted sewage sludge with pruning waste. Moreover, with the residual effect of the thermally-dried sewage sludge (ST50) a more efficient utilization of the applied nitrogen (protein) is achieved, as well as a higher fat content. Regarding the physicochemical properties of soil, the results show that the soil fertilized with sludge had an increase of pH, organic matter, P, K, Ca, Mg and Na. The concentration of micronutrients Cu, Zn and Ni and heavy metals Cr, Cd and Pb increase over the control, but there was no risk of contamination.Fil: Delgado, Maria del Mar.Fil: Lobo, Carmen.Fil: Plaza, Antonio.Fil: Capuano, Aníbal.Fil: Hernando, Gonzalo.Fil: Prieto, Javier.Fil: Miralles de Imperial, Rosario.Fil: Valero Martín, José

    Drug ‘clicking’ on cell-penetrating fluorescent nanoparticles for in cellulo chemical proteomics

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    Chemical proteomics approaches are widely used to identify molecular targets of existing or novel drugs. This manuscript describes the development of a straightforward approach to conjugate azide-labeled drugs via click chemistry to alkyne-tagged cell-penetrating fluorescent nanoparticles as a novel tool to study target engagement and/or identification inside living cells. A modification of the Baeyer test for alkynes allows monitoring the Cu­(I)-catalyzed azide–alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) reaction, guaranteeing the presence of the drug on the solid support. As a proof of concept, the conjugation of the promiscuous kinase inhibitor dasatinib to Cy5-labeled nanoparticles is presented. Dasatinib-decorated fluorescent nanoparticles efficiently inhibited its protein target SRC in vitro, entered cancer cells, and colocalized with SRC in cellulo

    Virtual reality to improve low-back pain and pelvic pain during pregnancy: a pilot RCT for a multicenter randomized controlled trial

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    A significant proportion of women experience low back and pelvic pain during and after pregnancy, which can negatively impact their daily lives. Various factors are attributed to these complaints, and many affected women do not receive adequate healthcare. However, there is evidence to support the use of different physiotherapeutic interventions to alleviate these conditions. Virtual reality is a promising complementary treatment to physiotherapy, particularly in improving pain perception and avoidance. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a four-week program combining VR and physiotherapy compared to standard physiotherapy in pregnant women with low back and pelvic pain, in terms of improving pain avoidance, intensity, disability, and functional level. The study also aims to investigate patient satisfaction with the VR intervention. This research will be conducted through a multi-center randomized controlled clinical trial involving pregnant patients residing in the provinces of Seville and Malaga with a diagnosis of low back and pelvic pain during pregnancy. The alternative hypothesis is that the implementation of a Virtual Reality program in combination with standard physiotherapy will result in better clinical outcomes compared to the current standard intervention, which could lead to the development of new policies and interventions for these pathologies and their consequence