339 research outputs found

    Aproximación a la construcción de liderazgos indígenas amazónicos y su interrelación con el Estado peruano moderno. Estudio del caso del pueblo awajún con base en historias de vida de dos líderes indígenas: Santiago Manuin y Eduardo Nayap

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    Durante muchos años, la participación en política ha sido una estrategia de los pueblos de la amazonía para construir un vínculo con el Estado peruano. La formación de organizaciones de base que sirvieran de apoyo a la gestión de intereses de las poblaciones empezó a consolidar una serie de liderazgos y a construir un camino para que el líder se forme en la búsqueda de cumplir sus objetivos. De este modo, el líder se convierte en un representante de su pueblo que establece una relación con el Estado. ¿Qué sucede cuando esta relación se tensa a partir de una crisis? ¿Cómo se da el proceso para que un líder logre asumir esa representación? ¿Cómo se han transformado estos procesos en los últimos años? La gran crisis entre los pueblos de la amazonía, en este caso awajún y wampis, denominada ‘El Baguazo’, ha sido un hito fundamental. Para enteder algunas de sus consecuencias, esta tesis plantea aproximarse a los líderes indígenas que empezaron a transformar su estrategia de representación política. La construcción de su liderazgo, su estrategia de legitimación, las alianzas políticas y su imaginario sobre el Estado se integran a su religiosidad, su etnicidad, su territorio y su tradición de manera que se construye una cultura política o una cultura del liderazgo de una manera singular. Muchas tensiones futuras seguirán llevando a las organizaciones de los pueblos a establecer una relación con el Estado para lo cual es importante conocer en profundidad las lógicas que marcan el camino del líder. Esta tesis propone un breve acercamiento a algunas historias de construcción de estos liderazgosTesi

    Imágenes de legitimidad : Canal N y la lucha por la hegemonía mediática de finales de los años 90 /

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    Canal N fue un canal de cable que lanzó su señal un 4 de julio de 1999 producto de una iniciativa comercial del Grupo Editorial El Comercio, a través de la señal de cable de Cablemágico perteneciente a la transnacional española, Telefónica. El contexto en el que Canal N lanza su señal estuvo marcado por la crisis del segundo gobierno de Alberto Fujimori (Burt, 2009; Panfichi y Coronel, 2010; Tanaka, 1998; Degregori, 2000 y 2003) y la pérdida de la legitimidad de los medios de comunicación (Burt, 2009; Vivas, 2008; Fowks, 2000). Es así que, como característica fundamental del diseño técnico, estético y metodológico del canal, se propone un canal innovador, diferente a la conocida tendencia propuesta por los noticieros de canales de señal abierta. La diferencia innovadora se concentró en hacer de este un canal de noticias las 24 horas del día, con noticieros cada media hora, dándole prioridad a las coberturas en vivo y siguiendo ciertos lineamientos de la ética periodística aparecidos en el Libro de Canal N. La pregunta principal: ¿cuáles fueron los roles que desempeñó Canal N en una época políticamente convulsa? A partir de esta propuesta general se planteó un acercamiento particular al canal en un momento preciso de la historia peruana contemporánea (los años 1999 y 2000), siguiendo las siguientes preguntas: ¿Cómo es el proceso a través del cual surge el Canal N, en el contexto de las manifestaciones sociales de oposición al gobierno de Fujimori de los años 1999 y 2000? ¿Cómo se construyó la legitimidad del canal N en el contexto de las manifestaciones sociales de oposición al gobierno de Alberto Fujimori de los años 1999 y 2000? Y ¿Cómo fue el contexto de las manifestaciones sociales de oposición al gobierno de Alberto Fujimori de los años 1999 y 2000? La información recogida se basa principalmente en testimonios de testigos directos, tanto de la fundación y formación del canal, como de los organizadores y líderes de los movimientos sociales de oposición al gobierno de Fujimori de modo que se reconstruye el contexto sociopolítico del cambio de siglo a la luz de la relación entre un canal de televisión y un grupo que fue parte de un movimiento social contra el régimen de turno. Entre las ideas principales que se obtienen, después del proceso de recojo, sistematización, análisis y síntesis de la información, tenemos que la crisis del gobierno de Fujimori trajo consigo lo que Imbert denomina “una crisis de las formas discursivas” y que se hacía evidente en la desconfianza del público a los medios de comunicación. Ante esto, Canal N, construye una estrategia de legitimación de su discurso a través de tres factores: técnico, estético y metodológico. En ese sentido, su relación de simbiosis con el movimiento social universitario de oposición al gobierno de Fujimori, ayudó a construir una identidad y a acercarse a un público que hasta el momento no había sido tomado en cuenta en un panorama mediático solidario con el discurso del régimen.Tesi

    An Organized Repository of Ethereum Smart Contracts’ Source Codes and Metrics

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    International audienceMany empirical software engineering studies show that there is a need for repositories where source codes are acquired, filtered and classified. During the last few years, Ethereum block explorer services have emerged as a popular project to explore and search for Ethereum blockchain data such as transactions, addresses, tokens, smart contracts’ source codes, prices and other activities taking place on the Ethereum blockchain. Despite the availability of this kind of service, retrieving specific information useful to empirical software engineering studies, such as the study of smart contracts’ software metrics, might require many subtasks, such as searching for specific transactions in a block, parsing files in HTML format, and filtering the smart contracts to remove duplicated code or unused smart contracts. In this paper, we afford this problem by creating Smart Corpus, a corpus of smart contracts in an organized, reasoned and up-to-date repository where Solidity source code and other metadata about Ethereum smart contracts can easily and systematically be retrieved. We present Smart Corpus’s design and its initial implementation, and we show how the data set of smart contracts’ source codes in a variety of programming languages can be queried and processed to get useful information on smart contracts and their software metrics. Smart Corpus aims to create a smart-contract repository where smart-contract data (source code, application binary interface (ABI) and byte code) are freely and immediately available and are classified based on the main software metrics identified in the scientific literature. Smart contracts’ source codes have been validated by EtherScan, and each contract comes with its own associated software metrics as computed by the freely available software PASO. Moreover, Smart Corpus can be easily extended as the number of new smart contracts increases day by day

    Oxygen doping-induced photogeneration loss in P3HT:PCBM solar cells

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    This work investigates the loss in performance induced by molecular oxygen in bulk heterojunction solar cells. We observe that upon exposure to molecular oxygen both formation of P3HT+:O2− complex and metal oxidation at the interface between the active layer and metallic contact occur. These two different effects were separately investigated using NOBF4 as an oxidant. Our procedure has allowed studying p-doping of the active layer independently from contact degradation. A loss in photocurrent is associated with formation of P3HT+:O2− complex, which reduces the concentration of neutral P3HT present in the film in accordance with absorption and external quantum efficiency spectra. This complex is regarded as a source of a pathway of reversible degradation. Capacitance–voltage measurements allow for an accurate extraction of p-doping levels of the active layer produced by the presence of charged O2− species. In addition, one of the irreversible degradation pathways is identified to be oxidation of the metallic contact to form CaO. This oxide forms a thin dipole layer producing a voltage drop across the active layer/Ca interface, which has a direct impact on the open circuit voltage and fill factor

    Petrogenesis of fertile mantle peridotites from the Monte del Estado massif (Southwest Puerto Rico): a preserved section of Proto-Caribbean lithospheric mantle?

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    The Monte del Estado massif is the largest and northernmost serpentinized peridotite belt in southwest Puerto Rico. It is mainly composed of spinel lherzolite and minor harzburgite with variable clinopyroxene modal abundances. Mineral and whole rock major and trace element compositions of peridotites coincide with those of fertile abyssal mantle rocks from mid ocean ridges. Peridotites lost 2-14 wt% of relative MgO and variable amounts of CaO by serpentinization and seafloor weathering. HREE contents in whole rock indicate that the Monte del Estado peridotites are residues after low to moderate degrees (2-15%) of fractional partial melting in the spinel stability field. However, very low LREE/HREE and MREE/HREE in clinopyroxene cannot be explained by melting models of a spinel lherzolite source and support that the Monte del Estado peridotites experienced initial low fractional melting degrees (~ 4%) in the garnet stability field. The relative enrichment of LREE in whole rock is not due to alteration processes but probably reflects the capture of percolating fluid/melt fractions or the crystallization of sub-percent amounts of hydrous minerals (e.g., amphibole, phlogopite) along grain boundaries or as microinclusions in minerals. We propose that the Monte del Estado peridotite belt represents a section of ancient Proto-Caribbean (Atlantic) lithospheric mantle originated by seafloor spreading between North and South America in the Late Jurassic- Early Cretaceous. This portion of oceanic lithospheric mantle was subsequently trapped in the forearc region of the Greater Antilles paleo-island arc generated by the northward subduction of the Caribbean plate beneath the Proto-Caribbean ocean. Finally, the Monte del Estado peridotites belt was emplaced in the Early Cretaceous probably as result of the change in subduction polarity of the Greater Antilles paleo-island arc without having been significantly modified by subduction processe

    How the Charge-Neutrality Level of Interface States Controls Energy Level Alignment in Cathode Contacts of Organic Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cells

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    Electronic equilibration at the metal–organic interface, leading to equalization of the Fermi levels, is a key process in organic optoelectronic devices. How the energy levels are set across the interface determines carrier extraction at the contact and also limits the achievable open-circuit voltage under illumination. Here, we report an extensive investigation of the cathode energy equilibration of organic bulk-heterojunction solar cells. We show that the potential to balance the mismatch between the cathode metal and the organic layer Fermi levels is divided into two contributions: spatially extended band bending in the organic bulk and voltage drop at the interface dipole layer caused by a net charge transfer. We scan the operation of the cathode under a varied set of conditions, using metals of different work functions in the range of 2 eV, different fullerene acceptors, and several cathode interlayers. The measurements allow us to locate the charge-neutrality level within the interface density of sates and calculate the corresponding dipole layer strength. The dipole layer withstands a large part of the total Fermi level mismatch when the polymer:fullerene blend ratio approaches 1:1, producing the practical alignment between the metal Fermi level and the charge-neutrality level. Origin of the interface states is linked with fullerene reduced molecules covering the metal contact. The dipole contribution, and consequently the band bending, is highly sensitive to the nature and amount of fullerene molecules forming the interface density of states. Our analysis provides a detailed picture of the evolution of the potentials in the bulk and the interface of the solar cell when forward voltage is applied or when photogeneration takes place

    High-P metamorphism of rodingites during serpentinite dehydration (Cerro del Almirez, Southern Spain): Implications for the redox state in subduction zones

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    The transition between antigorite-serpentinite and chlorite-harzburgite at Cerro del Almirez (Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain) exceptionally marks in the field the front of antigorite breakdown at high pressure (~16–19 kbar) and temperature (~650°C) in a paleosubducted serpentinite. These ultramafic lithologies enclose three types of metarodingite boudins of variable size surrounded by metasomatic reaction rims. Type 1 Grandite-metarodingite (garnet+chlorite+diopside+titanite±magnetite±ilmenite) mainly crops out in the antigorite-serpentinite domain and has three generations of garnet. Grossular-rich Grt-1 formed during rodingitization at the seafloor (10 kbar, ~350–650°C, ~FMQ buffer) to influx events of oxidizing fluids (fO ~HM buffer) released by brucite breakdown in the host antigorite-serpentinite. Type 2 Epidote-metarodingite (epidote+diopside+titanite±garnet) derives from Type 1 and is the most abundant metarodingite type enclosed in dehydrated chlorite-harzburgite. Type 2 formed by increasing μSiO (from −884 to −860 kJ/mol) and decreasing μCaO (from −708 to −725 kJ/mol) triggered by the flux of high amounts of oxidizing fluids during the high-P antigorite breakdown in serpentinite. The growth of Grt-4, with low-grandite and high-pyralspite components, in Type 2 metarodingite accounts for progressive reequilibration of garnet with changing intensive variables. Type 3 Pyralspite-metarodingite (garnet+epidote+amphibole+chlorite±diopside+rutile) crops out in the chlorite-harzburgite domain and formed at peak metamorphic conditions (16–19 kbar, 660–684°C) from Type 2 metarodingite. This transformation caused the growth of a last generation of pyralspite-rich garnet (Grt-5) and the recrystallization of diopside into tremolitic amphibole at decreasing fO and μCaO (from −726 to −735 kJ/mol) and increasing μMgO (from −630 to −626 kJ/mol) due to chemical mixing between the metarodingite and the reaction rims. The different bulk Fe/Fe ratios of antigorite-serpentinite and chlorite-harzburgite, and of the three metarodingite types, reflect the highly heterogeneous oxidation state of the subducting slab and likely point to the transfer of localized oxidized reservoirs, such as metarodingites, into the deep mantle.“Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad” (MINECO), Grant/Award Number: CGL2012-32067, CGL201675224-R; Junta de Andalucía, Grant/ Award Number: RNM-145, P12-RNM3141; Ramón y Cajal, Grant/Award Number: RYC-2012-11314; MINECO, Grant/Award Number: CGL2016-81085-R, PCIN-2015-05


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    Em plantações experimentais foram amostradas 156 árvores de E. grandis com 7 anos de idade, visando selecionar o melhor modelo para determinações de biomassa de tronco, folhas e ramos. Foram extraídos discos de madeira em 125 árvores, na base (0%), 25%, 50%, 75% e 100% da altura comercial, os quais foram processados em laboratório para determinações da densidade básica da madeira e da densidade da casca. Em outras 31 árvores foram pesados separadamente todos os ramos e folhas, e coletar as amostras para a determinação das relações de peso entre matéria seca e matéria verde. Sete modelos de regressão, em função de DAP e altura total, foram testados para estimar os pesos totais de matéria seca de tronco total com e sem casca, tronco comercial com e sem casca, folhas, ramos e copa. O modelo selecionado para tais estimativas de biomassa foi o de Schumacher-Hall na forma logarítmica

    Primitive Cretaceous island-arc volcanic rocks in eastern Cuba : the Téneme Formation

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    The Téneme Formation is located in the Mayarí-Cristal ophiolitic massif and represents one of the three Cretaceous volcanic Formations established in northeastern Cuba. Téneme volcanics are cut by small bodies of 89.70 ± 0.50 Ma quarz-diorite rocks (Río Grande intrusive), and are overthrusted by serpentinized ultramafics. Téneme volcanic rocks are mainly basalts, basaltic andesites, andesites, and minor dacites, and their geochemical signature varies between low-Ti island arc tholeiites (IAT) with boninitic affinity (TiO2 < 0.4 %; high field strength elements « N-type MORB) and typical oceanic arc tholeiites (TiO2 = 0.5-0.8 %). Basaltic rocks exhibit low light REE/Yb ratios (La/Yb < 5), typical of intraoceanic arcs and are comparable to Maimón Formation in Dominican Republic (IAT, pre Albian) and Puerto Rican lavas of volcanic phase I (island arc tholeiites, Aptian to Early Albian). The mantle wedge signature of the Téneme Formation indicates a highly depleted MORB-type mantle source, without any contribution of E-MORB or OIB components. Our results suggest that Téneme volcanism represents a primitive oceanic island arc environment. If the Late Cretaceous age (Turonian or early Coniacian) proposed for Téneme Formation is correct, our results indicate that the Cretaceous volcanic rocks of eastern Cuba and the Dominican Republic are not segments of a single arc system, and that in Late Cretaceous (Albian-Campanian) Caribbean island arc development is not represented only by calc-alkaline (CA) volcanic rocks as has been suggested in previous works