47 research outputs found

    D7.4 Strategic view for the sustainability of ENEON after the end of the project

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    EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation (SC5-18a-2014 - H2020)Project title: Coordinating an Observation Network of Networks EnCompassing saTellite and IN situ to fill the Gaps in European ObservationsTheme: SC5-18a-2014. Coordinating European Observation Networks to reinforce the knowledge base for climate, natural resources and raw materials.Report with options for the continuation and sustainability of ENEON after the end of the project

    D2.3 : Proposal of EVs for selected themes

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    Report on the first proposal of EVs for selected themes. It will include description and justification of inclusion. It will collect drafts of SBA-specific EVs for Carbon (CMCC), Health and Pollution (CNR-IIA), Ecosystems (CNRISAC), Biodiversity (CNR- ISSIA), Energy (ARMINES), Disasters (TIWAH) and Oceans (CSIC). It will also include a report on the Co-located Essential Variables Workshop on M7

    D2.2. EVs current status in different communities and way to move forward

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    Report on the Essential Variables current status in the scientific community and the strategy to push them forward. This report summarizes the results of the workshop "Towards a sustainability process for GEOSS Essential Variables (EVs)," at which the current status of the EV discussions in a number of communities was reviewed and recommendations for the further development of a general process for the identification and validation of the EVs were developed

    A novel detector system for KATRIN to search for keV-scale sterile neutrinos

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    International audienceSterile neutrinos appear in minimal extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics. If their mass is in the keV regime, they are viable dark matter candidates. One way to search for sterile neutrinos in a laboratory-based experiment is via the analysis of β-decay spectra, where the new neutrino mass eigenstate would manifest itself as a kink-like distortion of the β-decay spectrum. The objective of the TRISTAN project is to extend the KATRIN setup with a new multi-pixel silicon drift detector system to search for a keV-scale sterile neutrino signal. In this paper we describe the requirements of such a new detector, and present first characterization measurement results obtained with a 7 pixel prototype system

    Opportunities for an African greenhouse gas observation system

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    Global population projections foresee the biggest increase to occur in Africa with most of the available uncultivated land to ensure food security remaining on the continent. Simultaneously, greenhouse gas emissions are expected to rise due to ongoing land use change, industrialisation, and transport amongst other reasons with Africa becoming a major emitter of greenhouse gases globally. However, distinct knowledge on greenhouse gas emissions sources and sinks as well as their variability remains largely unknown caused by its vast size and diversity and an according lack of observations across the continent. Thus, an environmental research infrastructure—as being setup in other regions—is more needed than ever. Here, we present the results of a design study that developed a blueprint for establishing such an environmental research infrastructure in Africa. The blueprint comprises an inventory of already existing observations, the spatial disaggregation of locations that will enable to reduce the uncertainty in climate forcing’s in Africa and globally as well as an overall estimated cost for such an endeavour of about 550 M€ over the next 30 years. We further highlight the importance of the development of an e-infrastructure, the necessity for capacity development and the inclusion of all stakeholders to ensure African ownership

    D3.4 : Report on observations, measurements and gaps in observation systems reported by the communities

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    Report on the list of observations, measurements, gaps, sensors, procedures, and practices used currently or expected in the future in observation systems reported by the communities. It also includes the Citizen science workshop report (WS4). D6.2 will contain more elaborated material based on this document and the other methodologies of the project

    Integrated Genomic, Functional, and Prognostic Characterization of Atypical Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

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    Atypical chronic myeloid leukemia (aCML) is a BCR-ABL1-negative clonal disorder, which belongs to the myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative group. This disease is characterized by recurrent somatic mutations in SETBP1, ASXL1 and ETNK1 genes, as well as high genetic heterogeneity, thus posing a great therapeutic challenge. To provide a comprehensive genomic characterization of aCML we applied a high-throughput sequencing strategy to 43 aCML samples, including both whole-exome and RNA-sequencing data. Our dataset identifies ASXL1, SETBP1, and ETNK1 as the most frequently mutated genes with a total of 43.2%, 29.7 and 16.2%, respectively. We characterized the clonal architecture of 7 aCML patients by means of colony assays and targeted resequencing. The results indicate that ETNK1 variants occur early in the clonal evolution history of aCML, while SETBP1 mutations often represent a late event. The presence of actionable mutations conferred both ex vivo and in vivo sensitivity to specific inhibitors with evidence of strong in vitro synergism in case of multiple targeting. In one patient, a clinical response was obtained. Stratification based on RNA-sequencing identified two different populations in terms of overall survival, and differential gene expression analysis identified 38 significantly overexpressed genes in the worse outcome group. Three genes correctly classified patients for overall survival

    Testing General Relativity with Present and Future Astrophysical Observations

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    One century after its formulation, Einstein's general relativity has maderemarkable predictions and turned out to be compatible with all experimentaltests. Most of these tests probe the theory in the weak-field regime, and thereare theoretical and experimental reasons to believe that general relativityshould be modified when gravitational fields are strong and spacetime curvatureis large. The best astrophysical laboratories to probe strong-field gravity areblack holes and neutron stars, whether isolated or in binary systems. We reviewthe motivations to consider extensions of general relativity. We present a(necessarily incomplete) catalog of modified theories of gravity for whichstrong-field predictions have been computed and contrasted to Einstein'stheory, and we summarize our current understanding of the structure anddynamics of compact objects in these theories. We discuss current bounds onmodified gravity from binary pulsar and cosmological observations, and wehighlight the potential of future gravitational wave measurements to inform uson the behavior of gravity in the strong-field regime

    Correlation between leaf age and other leaf traits in three Mediterranean maquis shrub species: Quercus ilex, Phillyrea latifolia and Cistus incanus

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    The anatomical and morphological leaf traits as well as leaf inclination and orientation per different leaf age cohort of Quercus ilex, Phillyrea latifolia and Cistus incanus growing in the Mediterranean maquis along Rome's coast-line (Italy) were investigated. Specific leaf weight (SLW), total leaf thickness (L), leaf density index and leaf inclination (alpha) changed according to leaf age. The maximum values were measured at full leaf expansion, underlining the strong influence of alpha on the reduction of solar radiation incident on leaf surface and the importance of the received solar radiation by leaf structure during leaf age. C. incanus summer leaves had the lowest surface area, the highest SLW (15 +/- 2 mg cm(-2)) and L (244 +/- 15 mu m) with respect to winter leaves, reducing the evaporative leaf surface during drought. Older leaves of 2-4 years Q. ilex and P. latifolia, shaded by new leaves had lower a: than 1 year old leaves. alpha is a linear function of SLW. By the seasonal leaf dimorphism and the characteristic leaf folding the adjustment of leaf inclination angle from -37 degrees in winter leaves to + 44 degrees in summer leaves increased reduction of incident solar radiation during drought. Leaf folding may be related to the less xeromorphic leaf structure of C. incanus. The index of xeromorphism, measured at full leaf expansion and resulting from the surface area of the polygon plotted joining the value of the seven considered xeromorphic leaf traits in the radar graph, is the highest in P. latifolia (0.88), and the lowest in C. incanus (0.44). (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved