521 research outputs found

    GNSS/LiDAR-Based Navigation of an Aerial Robot in Sparse Forests

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    Autonomous navigation of unmanned vehicles in forests is a challenging task. In such environments, due to the canopies of the trees, information from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) can be degraded or even unavailable. Also, because of the large number of obstacles, a previous detailed map of the environment is not practical. In this paper, we solve the complete navigation problem of an aerial robot in a sparse forest, where there is enough space for the flight and the GNSS signals can be sporadically detected. For localization, we propose a state estimator that merges information from GNSS, Attitude and Heading Reference Systems (AHRS), and odometry based on Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensors. In our LiDAR-based odometry solution, the trunks of the trees are used in a feature-based scan matching algorithm to estimate the relative movement of the vehicle. Our method employs a robust adaptive fusion algorithm based on the unscented Kalman filter. For motion control, we adopt a strategy that integrates a vector field, used to impose the main direction of the movement for the robot, with an optimal probabilistic planner, which is responsible for obstacle avoidance. Experiments with a quadrotor equipped with a planar LiDAR in an actual forest environment is used to illustrate the effectiveness of our approach

    Práctica administrativa canónica en materia de iglesias y lugares sagrados. La experiencia de la Iglesia en Italia y en la Diócesis de Roma

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    El artículo examina la actividad administrativa canónica en relación con los edificios y otros lugares de culto (iglesias, oratorios, capillas privadas y santuarios) en la praxis de la Iglesia en Italia, a partir de las normas del CIC y las instrucciones emanadas por la CEI. Después de analizar los elementos y efectos de la deputatio ad cultum, de la reparatio iniuriae y de la reductio ad usus profanos, se contempla la praxis tanto en materia de conciertos, visitas, exposiciones, etc., como en la concesión de licencias y aprobaciones que se refieren a lugares de culto. Atención particular se reserva al peculiar sistema italiano de «calificación jurídico-pastoral» de las iglesias, establecido por la CEI, y a los acuerdos previstos para encomendar o conceder el uso de una iglesia. Finalmente se describe la peculiar praxis de la Diócesis de Roma en la construcción de nuevas iglesias, confiada de modo exclusivo a la ORPF. En los anexos se ofrecen modelos de reglamentos y formularios empleados en Italia.This paper explores canonical administrative activity in relation to buildings and other places of worship (churches, oratories, private chapels and sanctuaries) in church praxis in , based on CIC rules and instructions issued by the Italian episcopal conference. In light of an analysis of the elements and effects of deputatio ad cultum, reparatio iniuriae and reductio ad usus profanos, the praxis with regard to concerts, tours, exhibitions, etc. is addressed, as well as the award of licenses and approvals relating to places of worship. The Italy-specific system enabling the «juridical-pastoral description» of churches es- tablished by the Italian episcopal conference is a particular focus of inquiry, along with agreements drafted to commend or concede the use of a church. Finally, the praxis governing the construction of new churches in the Diocese of Rome, which is entrusted exclusively to the ORPF, is discussed. The appendices comprise a set of model forms and regulations used in Italy

    Ranking factors affecting emissions of GHG from incubated agricultural soils

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    Agriculture significantly contributes to global greenhouse gas (GHG) missions and there is a need to develop effective mitigation strategies. The efficacy of methods to reduce GHG fluxes from agricultural soils can be affected by a range of interacting management and environmental factors. Uniquely, we used the Taguchi experimental design methodology to rank the relative importance of six factors known to affect the emission of GHG from soil: nitrate (NO3?) addition, carbon quality (labile and non-labile C), soil temperature, water-filled pore space (WFPS) and extent of soil compaction. Grassland soil was incubated in jars where selected factors, considered at two or three amounts within the experimental range, were combined in an orthogonal array to determine the importance and interactions between factors with a L16 design, comprising 16 experimental units. Within this L16 design, 216 combinations of the full factorial experimental design were represented. Headspace nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations were measured and used to calculate fluxes. Results found for the relative influence of factors (WFPS and NO3? addition were the main factors affecting N2O fluxes, whilst glucose, NO3? and soil temperature were the main factors affecting CO2 and CH4 fluxes) were consistent with those already well documented. Interactions between factors were also studied and results showed that factors with Little individual influence became more influential in combination. The proposed methodology offers new possibilities for GHG researchers to study interactions between influential factors and address the optimized sets of conditions to reduce GHG emissions in agro-ecosystems, while reducing the number of experimental units required compared with conventional experimental procedures that adjust one variable at a time

    Care coordination in a business-to-business and a business-to-consumer model for telemonitoring patients with chronic diseases

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    __Introduction:__ For telemonitoring to support care coordination, a sound business model is conditional. The aim of this study is to explore the systemic and economic differences in care coordination via business-to-business and business-to-consumer models for telemonitoring patients with chronic diseases. __Methods:__ We performed a literature search in order to design the business-to-business and business-to-consumer telemonitoring models, and to assess the design elements and themes by applying the activity system theory, and describe the transaction costs in each model. The design elements are content, structure, and governance, while the design themes are novelty, lock-in, complementarities, and efficiency. In the transaction cost analysis, we looked into all the elements of a transaction in both models. __Results:__ Care coordination in the business-to-business model is designed to be organized between the places of activity, rather than the participants in the activity. The design of the business-to-business model creates a firm lock-in but for a limited time. In the business-to-consumer model, the interdependencies are to be found between the persons in the care process and not between the places of care. The differences between the models were found in both the design elements and the design themes. __Discussion:__ Care coordination in the business-to-business and business-to-consumer models for telemonitoring chronic diseases differs in principle in terms of design elements and design themes. Based on the theoretical models, the transaction costs could potentially be lower in the business-to-consumer model than in the business-to-business, which could be a promoting economic principle for the implementation of telemonitoring

    Caracterização molecular de espécies de Enterococci resistentes à vancomicina oito anos após seu primeiro isolamento em São Paulo, Brasil

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    E. faecium was the first reported VRE species, carrying the vanA gene in Brazil. In spite of this, vancomycin-resistant E. faecalis has become the predominant species in Brazilian hospitals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic relatedness of VREs isolated in a Brazilian teaching hospital eight years apart from its first isolation. We analyzed 38 VRE strains obtained from 81 surveillance cultures of patients admitted to the four largest intensive care units in Hospital São Paulo in February, 2006. Presence of the vanA gene was assayed by PCR and PFGE analysis was used for molecular characterization. All VRE strains carried the vanA gene. Two distinct clonal groups were observed among vancomycin-resistant E. faecalis. Vancomycin-resistant E. faecium belonged to five distinct clones were demonstrated by molecular typing. All of these clones were different from the first vancomycin-resistant enterococci clone isolated eight years ago in our hospital.E. faecium contendo o gene vanA foi a primeira espécie de VRE descrita, no Brasil. Apesar disto, E. faecalis resistente a vancomicina tem se tornado a espécie predominante nos hospitais brasileiros.O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a relação genética de VREs isolados em um hospital de ensino brasileiro após oito anos de seu primeiro isolamento. Analisamos 37 isolados de VRE obtidos de 81 culturas de vigilância de pacientes admitidos nas quatro maiores Unidades de Tratamento Intensivo em Fevereiro de 2006. A presença do gene vanA foi analisada por PCR e a caracterização molecular por PFGE. Todas as amostras VRE carreavam o gene vanA. Entre os E. faecalis vancomicina-resistentes, dois distintos grupos clonais foram observados. E. faecium resistente a vancomicina pertencentes a cinco clones distintos foram demonstrados por tipagem molecular. Todos esses clones foram diferentes do primeiro clone de enterococo resistente a vancomicina isolado oito anos atrás em nosso hospital

    Influence of Temperature, Air Velocity, and Ultrasound Application on Drying Kinetics of Grape Seeds

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    The objective of this work was to determine the influence of temperature, air velocity, and ultrasound application on the drying kinetics of grape seeds. The drying kinetics were determined at 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0 m/s and at 40, 50, 60, and 70 C. At 1.0 and 1.5 m/s, the experiments were carried out with and without ultrasound application. To establish the influence of the variables on the drying kinetics, the results were modeled by means of both the Peleg and a diffusion model. The activation energy was determined (Arrhenius equation). For an air velocity of over 1.5 m/s, it was determined that the external resistance to mass transfer was negligible. No influence of ultrasound application was observed, probably due to the fact that grape seeds are very hard and have a low level of porosity.The authors of this article acknowledge financial support from the Valencian Government ("Generalitat Valenciana,'' Valencia, Spain, PROMETEO/2010/062).Clemente Polo, G.; Sanjuán Pellicer, MN.; Cárcel Carrión, JA.; Mulet Pons, A. (2014). Influence of Temperature, Air Velocity, and Ultrasound Application on Drying Kinetics of Grape Seeds. Drying Technology. 32(1):68-76. https://doi.org/10.1080/07373937.2013.811592S687632

    SMS Spam Filtering using Probabilistic Topic Modelling and Stacked Denoising Autoencoder

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    In This paper we present a novel approach to spam filtering and demonstrate its applicability with respect to SMS messages. Our approach requires minimum features engineering and a small set of labelled data samples. Features are extracted using topic modelling based on latent Dirichlet allocation, and then a comprehensive data model is created using a Stacked Denoising Autoencoder (SDA). Topic modelling summarises the data providing ease of use and high interpretability by visualising the topics using word clouds. Given that the SMS messages can be regarded as either spam (unwanted) or ham (wanted), the SDA is able to model the messages and accurately discriminate between the two classes without the need for a pre-labelled training set. The results are compared against the state-of-the-art spam detection algorithms with our proposed approach achieving over 97 % accuracy which compares favourably to the best reported algorithms presented in the literature

    Effects of trifluralin on nodulation and nitrogen uptake by soybean

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    Foi estudado o efeito de 0, 1, 2, 3 e 4 1/ha de trifluralina sobre a nodulação e absorção de N pela soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill, cv. Paraná), cultivada em Terra Roxa Estruturada ou em Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro fase arenosa, em potes. O herbicida foi aplicado e incorporado à profundidade de 8 cm nos vasos. As avaliações foram feitas através de colheitas aos 30, 60 e 90 dias da emergência das plantas. Os resultados obtidos levaram à conclusão de que o herbicida causou redução do número de nódulos apenas nos estádios iniciais do desenvolvimento da planta, sendo que as plantas tratadas nodularam em profundidade maior que as testemunhas. Por outro lado, parece não ter ocorrido um efeito direto do herbicida sobre a absorção e translocação de N na planta de soja.The effects of trifluralin upon soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill, cv. Paraná) nodulation and nitrogen uptake were studied in two soils, a 'Terra Roxa Estruturada" (clay) and a Dark-Red Latosol (loamy sand), in pots. Doses of 0, 1,2,3 or 4 1/ha of trifluralin were incorporated 8cm deep in the pots, and the soybean plants were harvested at 30, 60 and 90 days after seedling emergence, an nodulation and nitrogen uptake were evaluated. The results allowed for the conclusion that at the earlier stages of soybean growth, in the soil layer with trifluralin there was no nodule development. In the treated pots nodule formation ocurred deeper than in untreated pots. There was not evidence of a direct effect of trifluralin upon nitrogen uptake

    Resonant production of fermions in an axial background

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    We consider the resonant production of fermions from an oscillating axial background. The classical evolution of the axial field is given by that of a massive pseudovector field, as suggested by the renormalizability of the theory. We look upon both the massive and the massless fermion production from a perturbative point of view. We obtain the corresponding spectrum and angular distributions for the different spins or helicities in the particular case of a spatial-like axial field. We also extend our study to the non-perturbative regime in the massless case and compare the results with the perturbative ones.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, 12 figures; new comments and references added, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Genomic screening of allelic and genotypic transmission ratio distortion in horse

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    The phenomenon in which the expected Mendelian inheritance is altered is known as transmission ratio distortion (TRD). The TRD analysis relies on the study of the transmission of one of the two alleles from a heterozygous parent to the offspring. These distortions are due to biological mechanisms affecting gametogenesis, embryo development and/or postnatal viability, among others. In this study, TRD phenomenon was characterized in horses using SNP-by-SNP model by TRDscan v.2.0 software. A total of 1,041 Pura Raza Español breed horses were genotyped with 554,634 SNPs. Among them, 277 horses genotyped in trios (stallion-mare-offspring) were used to perform the TRD analysis. Our results revealed 140 and 42 SNPs with allelic and genotypic patterns, respectively. Among them, 63 displayed stallion-TRD and 41 exhibited mare-TRD, while 36 SNPs showed overall TRD. In addition, 42 SNPs exhibited heterosis pattern. Functional analyses revealed that the annotated genes located within the TRD regions identified were associated with biological processes and molecular functions related to spermatogenesis, oocyte division, embryonic development, and hormonal activity. A total of 10 functional candidate genes related to fertility were found. To our knowledge, this is the most extensive study performed to evaluate the presence of alleles and functional candidate genes with transmission ratio distortion affecting reproductive performance in the domestic horse.Fil: Laseca, Nora. Universidad de Córdoba; EspañaFil: Cánovas, Ángela. University of Guelph; CanadáFil: Valera, Mercedes. Universidad de Sevilla; EspañaFil: Id Lahoucine, Samir. Scotland’s Rural College; Reino UnidoFil: Perdomo González, Davinia Isabel. Universidad de Sevilla; EspañaFil: Fonseca, Pablo A. S.. Universidad de León; EspañaFil: Demyda-peyrás, Sebastian. Universidad de Córdoba; España. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Molina, Antonio. Universidad de Córdoba; Españ