12 research outputs found

    Estrategias de focalización de la gramática del español

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    En este trabajo se tratan dos cuestiones relacionadas con el foco: si existe un listado de subtipos de foco que se encuentre extendido en la bibliografía y si es posible establecer desde qué componente gramatical se legitima el foco. Siguiendo estos objetivos iniciales, en la primera parte del estudio se presentan los mecanismos que están disponibles en la gramàtica del español para marcar un constituyente como foco según el nivel gramatical que se explota: fonología, morfología o sintaxis (Gussenhoven, 2008). En la segunda parte, se comentan tres aproximaciones teóricas al foco. En función de la posición teórica que se adopte, se encuentran explicaciones de distinta naturaleza: fonológica (Cinque 1993), sintáctica (Rizzi 1997) y semántica (Herburger 2000).En aquest treball es tracten dues qüestions; per una banda, l'existència o no en la bibliografia d'un llistat de subtipus de focus i, per una altra banda, quin component gramatical legitima el focus. Seguint aquests objectius inicials, en la primera part de l'estudi es presenten els mecanismes que es troben disponibles en la gramàtica del espanyol per a marcar un constituent com a focus segons el nivell gramatical explotat: fonologia, morfologia o sintaxi (Gussenhoven, 2008). En la segona part, es comenten tres aproximacions teòriques al focus. En funció de la posició teòrica que s'adopti, es troben explicacions de diferent naturalesa: fonològica (Cinque 1993), sintàctica (Rizzi 1997) i semàntica (Herburger 2000)

    Prevalence, associated factors and outcomes of pressure injuries in adult intensive care unit patients: the DecubICUs study

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    Funder: European Society of Intensive Care Medicine; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100013347Funder: Flemish Society for Critical Care NursesAbstract: Purpose: Intensive care unit (ICU) patients are particularly susceptible to developing pressure injuries. Epidemiologic data is however unavailable. We aimed to provide an international picture of the extent of pressure injuries and factors associated with ICU-acquired pressure injuries in adult ICU patients. Methods: International 1-day point-prevalence study; follow-up for outcome assessment until hospital discharge (maximum 12 weeks). Factors associated with ICU-acquired pressure injury and hospital mortality were assessed by generalised linear mixed-effects regression analysis. Results: Data from 13,254 patients in 1117 ICUs (90 countries) revealed 6747 pressure injuries; 3997 (59.2%) were ICU-acquired. Overall prevalence was 26.6% (95% confidence interval [CI] 25.9–27.3). ICU-acquired prevalence was 16.2% (95% CI 15.6–16.8). Sacrum (37%) and heels (19.5%) were most affected. Factors independently associated with ICU-acquired pressure injuries were older age, male sex, being underweight, emergency surgery, higher Simplified Acute Physiology Score II, Braden score 3 days, comorbidities (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, immunodeficiency), organ support (renal replacement, mechanical ventilation on ICU admission), and being in a low or lower-middle income-economy. Gradually increasing associations with mortality were identified for increasing severity of pressure injury: stage I (odds ratio [OR] 1.5; 95% CI 1.2–1.8), stage II (OR 1.6; 95% CI 1.4–1.9), and stage III or worse (OR 2.8; 95% CI 2.3–3.3). Conclusion: Pressure injuries are common in adult ICU patients. ICU-acquired pressure injuries are associated with mainly intrinsic factors and mortality. Optimal care standards, increased awareness, appropriate resource allocation, and further research into optimal prevention are pivotal to tackle this important patient safety threat

    Language disintegration under conditions of severe formal thought disorder

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    On current models of the language faculty, the language system is taken to be divided by an interface with systems of thought. However, thought of the type expressed in language is difficult to access in language-independent terms. Potential inter-dependence of the two systems can be addressed by considering language under conditions of pathological changes in the neurotypical thought process. Speech patterns seen in patients with schizophrenia and formal thought disorder (FTD) present an opportunity to do this. Here we reanalyzed a corpus of severely thought-disordered speech with a view to capture patterns of linguistic disintegration comparatively across hierarchical layers of linguistic organization: 1. Referential anomalies, subcategorized into NP type involved, 2. Argument structure, 3. Lexis, and 4. Morphosyntax. Results showed significantly higher error proportions in referential anomalies against all other domains. Morphosyntax and lexis were comparatively least affected, while argument structure was intermediate. No differential impairment was seen in definite vs. indefinite NPs, or 3rd Person pronouns vs. lexical NPs. Statistically significant differences in error proportions emerged 'within' the domain of pronominals, where covert pronouns were more affected than overt pronouns, and 3rd Person pronouns more than 1st and 2nd Person ones. Moreover, copular clauses were more often anomalous than non-copular ones. These results provide evidence of how language and thought disintegrate together in FTD, with language disintegrating along hierarchical layers of linguistic organization and affecting specific construction types. A relative intactness of language at a procedural, morphosyntactic surface level masks a profound impairment in the referential functioning of language

    El árbol más grande del mundo

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    El trabajo obtuvo el Tercer Premio de la Modalidad A de los 'Premios Tomás García Verdejo' a las buenas prácticas educativas en la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura para el curso académico 2013/2014Se describe un proyecto llevado a cabo por un grupo de centros de la comarca de la Vera en la provincia de Cáceres, que consistió en desarrollar un conjunto de actividades de promoción de la lectura y de conocimiento de las diferentes formas literarias (poesía, cuento,etc.) teniendo como base el medio natural en el que se ubican los centros y fomentando los lazos de unión y convivencia entre los integrantes de los diferentes colegiosExtremaduraES

    How do women living with HIV experience menopause? Menopausal symptoms, anxiety and depression according to reproductive age in a multicenter cohort

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    CatedresBackground: To estimate the prevalence and severity of menopausal symptoms and anxiety/depression and to assess the differences according to menopausal status among women living with HIV aged 45-60 years from the cohort of Spanish HIV/AIDS Research Network (CoRIS). Methods: Women were interviewed by phone between September 2017 and December 2018 to determine whether they had experienced menopausal symptoms and anxiety/depression. The Menopause Rating Scale was used to evaluate the prevalence and severity of symptoms related to menopause in three subscales: somatic, psychologic and urogenital; and the 4-item Patient Health Questionnaire was used for anxiety/depression. Logistic regression models were used to estimate odds ratios (ORs) of association between menopausal status, and other potential risk factors, the presence and severity of somatic, psychological and urogenital symptoms and of anxiety/depression. Results: Of 251 women included, 137 (54.6%) were post-, 70 (27.9%) peri- and 44 (17.5%) pre-menopausal, respectively. Median age of onset menopause was 48 years (IQR 45-50). The proportions of pre-, peri- and post-menopausal women who had experienced any menopausal symptoms were 45.5%, 60.0% and 66.4%, respectively. Both peri- and post-menopause were associated with a higher likelihood of having somatic symptoms (aOR 3.01; 95% CI 1.38-6.55 and 2.63; 1.44-4.81, respectively), while post-menopause increased the likelihood of having psychological (2.16; 1.13-4.14) and urogenital symptoms (2.54; 1.42-4.85). By other hand, post-menopausal women had a statistically significant five-fold increase in the likelihood of presenting severe urogenital symptoms than pre-menopausal women (4.90; 1.74-13.84). No significant differences by menopausal status were found for anxiety/depression. Joint/muscle problems, exhaustion and sleeping disorders were the most commonly reported symptoms among all women. Differences in the prevalences of vaginal dryness (p = 0.002), joint/muscle complaints (p = 0.032), and sweating/flush (p = 0.032) were found among the three groups. Conclusions: Women living with HIV experienced a wide variety of menopausal symptoms, some of them initiated before women had any menstrual irregularity. We found a higher likelihood of somatic symptoms in peri- and post-menopausal women, while a higher likelihood of psychological and urogenital symptoms was found in post-menopausal women. Most somatic symptoms were of low or moderate severity, probably due to the good clinical and immunological situation of these women

    B. Sprachwissenschaft.

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