245 research outputs found

    Bioethics from a latin american perspective

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    La mayoría de los escritos especializados ponen a la bioética como una disciplina contemporánea originaria de una cultura altamente tecnificada, cuya creación ha servido para ayudar a establecer controles al desarrollo indiscriminado de la tecnociencia, sobre todo en su aplicación descontrolada a la vida en sus diferentes expresiones, con mayor énfasis en la humana, sin plena consciencia de sus efectos sobre el futuro de nuestra especie. Esto quiere decir que con la bioética se plantea coadyuvar en la resolución de problemas propios de una sociedad con muchos recursos materiales, altamente intelectualizada, pero todavía con deficiencias jurídicas, condicionada por una moral sin valores, y con una concepción ética que, muchas veces, antepone la autonomía del hombre sobre el bien común, la justicia distributiva y la espiritualidad del paciente. Pero, ¿qué rol puede jugar en las sociedades no tecnificadas ni intelectualizadas como las nuestras, donde prevalece la pobreza, las fallas en el sistema jurídico, y en las cuales no se ha logrado constituir una concepción estructurada de la persona humana? Por otro lado, ¿será posible darle un nuevo sentido a la bioética desde una realidad como la nuestra marcada por las luchas sociales y políticas, emprendidas por colectivos sensibilizados y con una consciencia crítica de su situación?.Most of the specialized writings put bioethics as a contemporary discipline originated in a highly technological culture whose creation has helped to establish controls for the indiscriminate development of technoscience, especially in its uncontrolled application to life in its different expressions with greater emphasis on the human, without full awareness of its effects on the future of our species. Therefore, with bioethics it is intended to contribute to solving the problems of a society with many material resources, highly intellectualized, but still with legal deficiencies, conditioned by a morality without values, and with an ethical conception that often puts the autonomy of man above the common good, the distributive justice and the spirituality of the patient. But what role can be played in non-technified and non-intellectualized societies such as ours, where poverty prevails, failures in the legal system, and in which a structured conception of the human person has not been achieved? On the other hand, will it be possible to give a new meaning to bioethics from a reality such as ours marked by social and political struggles, undertaken by sensitized groups and with a critical awareness of their situation?

    Differences in basketball training loads between comprehensive and technical models of teaching/training

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    Researchers analyze differences between models of sport training in order to identify the most suitable one. In basketball studies are focused on finding out differences amongst the processes of sport learning and taking decisions. The basketball training load includes the total sum of stimulus to which players are subjected during the preparation process. The aim of this research was to identity differences in training loads amongst the different tasks designed by basketball coaches who used different comprehensive and technical models of teaching/training. Two expert coaches of each training model participated in the study. All tasks performed during 10 training sessions were analyzed. In each task several aspects were studied: opposition, density/intensity, number of performers, competitive load, game area, cognitive involvement, mean heart rate, total time and useful time of the task. After that, the load of the task, value of training, and utilization of the task were calculated. There are statistically significant differences (p < .05) between the proposed tasks under the Comprehensive and Technical Model in the level of opposition, the number of performers, the load of the task, total time, useful time and utilization of tasks. The Comprehensive Model of training increases training load compared to the Technical Model, increasing the level of opposition and the number of players participating in the tasks. It also provides better utilization of tasks. The training process is more effective in practice time under the comprehensive model.Los investigadores analizan las diferencias entre los modelos de entrenamiento deportivo para identificar cual es el más idóneo. En baloncesto los estudios se orientan a descubrir las diferencias en el aprendizaje deportivo y en la toma de decisiones. La carga de entrenamiento en baloncesto se considera como la suma total de estímulos a los que el jugador se ve sometido durante el proceso de preparación. El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar la existencia de diferencias en la carga de entrenamiento en las tareas diseñadas por entrenadores de baloncesto posicionados en modelos de entrenamiento-aprendizaje comprensivo y técnico. Participaron en el estudio dos entrenadores expertos posicionados en cada uno de los modelos de entrenamiento. Se examinaron las tareas realizadas durante 10 sesiones de entrenamiento. En cada tarea se analizó el grado oposición, densidad/intensidad, número de ejecutantes, carga competitiva, espacio de juego, implicación cognitiva, frecuencia cardíaca media, tiempo total y tiempo útil de la tarea. Posteriormente se calculó la carga de la tarea, valor del entrenamiento, y el aprovechamiento de la tarea. Existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p < .05), entre las tareas propuestas bajo el Modelo Comprensivo y Técnico en el grado de oposición, el número de ejecutantes, la carga de la tarea, tiempo total, tiempo útil y el aprovechamiento de las tareas. El Modelo Comprensivo de entrenamiento incrementa la carga de entrenamiento frente al Modelo Técnico, al aumentar el grado de oposición y el número de jugadores que participan en las tareas. Además, ofrece un mayor aprovechamiento de las tareas. El proceso de entrenamiento es más eficaz en el tiempo de práctica bajo el modelo comprensivo

    School Dropout by Gender in the European Union: Evidence from Spain

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    The aim of this paper is double, to describe the scope of high school dropout in Spain in comparative terms with Europe and to provide empirical evidence about its main determinants from a gender perspective. Using data from the Eurostat LFS for 1996-2009, the study makes evident a singularity for Spain: the important gender disparity at school. The multivariate statistical analysis shows that for females the academic performance, father’s nationality and mother’s educational level are the most determining factors in their education demand decisions. For males, father’s occupation and labour market conditions are the most significant influences

    Topology-preserving perceptual segmentation using the Combinatorial Pyramid

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    Scene understanding and other high-level visual tasks usually rely on segmenting the captured images for dealing with a more efficient mid-level representation. Although this segmentation stage will consider topological constraints for the set of obtained regions (e.g., their internal connectivity), it is typical that the importance of preserving the topological relationships among regions will be not taken into account. Contrary to other similar approaches, this paper presents a bottom-up approach for perceptual segmentation of natural images which preserves the topology of the image. The segmentation algorithm consists of two consecutive stages: firstly, the input image is partitioned into a set of blobs of uniform colour (pre-segmentation stage) and then, using a more complex distance which integrates edge and region descriptors, these blobs are hierarchically merged (perceptual grouping). Both stages are addressed using the Combinatorial Pyramid, a hierarchical structure which can correctly encode relationships among image regions at upper levels. The performance of the proposed approach has been initially evaluated with respect to groundtruth segmentation data using the Berkeley Segmentation Dataset and Benchmark. Although additional descriptors must be added to deal with small regions and textured surfaces, experimental results reveal that the proposed perceptual grouping provides satisfactory scores

    Utilización de la música en educación física: principales problemas

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    La utilización de la música para el desarrollo de las clases de Educación Física nos puede ofrecer multitud de posibilidades, convirtiéndose en un elemento indispensable para alcanzar objetivos didácticos. Pero la realidad docente está muy lejos de aprovechar el potencial que la música ofrece, tendiendo a un escaso uso, que casi siempre se cierne al contenido de Expresión Corporal, actualmente denominado en los contenidos oficiales, Ritmo y Expresión. Hemos realizado un estudio cuyo objetivo es conocer como el profesor de Educación Física utiliza la música en sus clases y cuales son los principales motivos que causan tal deficiencia. Para obtener los datos aplicamos un cuestionario de opinión que fue contestado por el 95% de los profesores de Educación Física que imparten clase en primer ciclo de la E.S.O. de la Región de Murcia. De los resultados obtenidos podemos extraer que aunque el profesor tiene una valoración positiva sobre la música, el principal factor que influye en su falta de utilización es la escasa formación que ha recibido durante sus estudios, tanto a nivel inicial como permanente

    Differences in performance indicators among winners and losers of group a of the spanish basketball amateur league (EBA)

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    The aim of this study is to identify differences in relation to performance indicators between winning and losing teams of Group A of Spanish Basketball Amateur League, in function of the type of game. The sample of the study is formed by 231 games (N = 462 cases) that were played during 2005/2006 season by teams of Group A along EBA League Regular Phase (Spanish Amateur Basketball). Variables of the study were performance indicators and secondary variables, such as ball possessions and offensive and defensive efficacy coefficients. Inferential analysis between winners and losers showed that there were significant differences in many performance indicators as well as efficacy coefficients of three type of game, increasing number of indicators that differentiate according as games become unbalanced. Relative to balanced games, 2 points failed shots, scored free shots, defensive rebounds, assists and personal fouls, as well as efficacy coefficients, are the ones that differentiate between winning and losing teams. In relation to unbalanced games, scored field shots, turnovers and blocked made must be added. For very unbalanced games almost all performance indicators, except steals, offensive rebounds and 3 points shot failed, differentiate winner from loser. It shows that there are a greater number of performance indicators on average that differentiate winners from losers teams compared to other professional leagues, because of that we can say that exists a higher heterogeneity between teams that participate in this kind of amateur leagues

    Towards Active Image Segmentation: the Foveal Bounded Irregular Pyramid

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    Presentado en: 2nd workshop on Recognition and Action for Scene Understanding York, Inglaterra August 30, 2013It is well established that the units of attention on human vision are not merely spatial but closely related to perceptual objects. This implies a strong relationship between segmentation and attention processes. This interaction is bi-directional: if the segmentation process constraints attention, the way an image is segmented may depend on the specific question asked to an observer, i.e. what she 'attend' in this sense. When the focus of attention is deployed from one visual unit to another, the rest of the scene is perceived but at a lower resolution that the focused object. The result is a multi-resolution visual perception in which the fovea, a dimple on the central retina, provides the highest resolution vision. While much work has recently been focused on computational models for object-based attention, the design and development of multi-resolution structures that can segment the input image according to the focused perceptual unit is largely unexplored. This paper proposes a novel structure for multi-resolution image segmentation that extends the encoding provided by the Bounded Irregular Pyramid. Bottom-up attention is enclosed in the same structure, allowing to set the fovea over the most salient image region. Preliminary results obtained from the segmentation of natural images show that the performance of the approach is good in terms of speed and accuracy.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Environmental awareness and curriculum sustainability, two tools on the road towards the sustainability of the University of Córdoba

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    El equipo de la Universidad de Córdoba autor de este trabajo lleva ya más de treinta años autodefiniéndose. Partiendo de un planteamiento de la educación ambiental más naturalista y centrado en los problemas de la conservación de la naturaleza, se ha ido derivando a planteamientos muchos más cercanos a la idea de sostenibilidad y sus objetivos definidos para el horizonte 2030. El presente artículo se dirige a realizar una revisión del compendio de trabajos e investigaciones desarrolladas, con un doble objetivo. El primero es el de presentarnos a la comunidad científica destinataria de esta nueva publicación, como grupo de trabajo universitario en Educación Ambiental (integrado en el grupo de investigación SEJ049 Evaluación educativa e innovación). Por otro, el de divulgar los hallazgos obtenidos y reflexionar sobre su utilidad. El título del artículo hace referencia a las dos grandes líneas de trabajo en las que nos estamos desenvolviendo: el estudio de la conciencia ambiental y de los procesos de sostenibilización curricular, con la formación del profesorado como principal catalizador.The team of the University of Córdoba author of this work has been self-defining for more than thirty years. Starting from a more naturalistic approach to environmental education focused on the problems of nature conservation, it has been evolving to approaches much closer to the idea of sustainability and its objectives defined for the 2030 horizon. This article aims to carry out a review of the compendium of works and research developed, with a double objective. The first is to present ourselves to the scientific community that is the receiver of this new publication, as a university work group on Environmental Education (integrated in the research group SEJ049 Educational evaluation and innovation). Secondly, to disseminate the findings of our research and reflect on its usefulness. The title of the article refers to the two main lines we are working in: the study of environmental awareness and curriculum sustainability processes, with teacher training as its main catalyst

    Systematic review of qualitative evidence literature

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020This study aims to synthesize and understand the qualitative and empirical evidence previously published on adapted sports career development. This systematic literature review also aimed at developing a conceptual model of the training and career path of adapted sports coaches. The research was carried out through the following databases: PubMed, Erid, EBSCO, Web of Science and Scopus. We selected nine qualitative studies according to the specific eligibility criteria. Data extraction was carried out independently by different authors, including the assessment of the methodological quality of the articles. We developed a conceptual model composed of four descriptive subjects (adapted sport option; perception of training athletes in adapted sports; development of the adapted sports coach’s learning; adapted sports coach reality) about the adapted sports coach’s pathway and added three analytical subjects about the difficulties, opportunity and reality of adapted sports. The conceptual model suggests inclusion of practical activity programs, the specificities of related contents with the adapted modalities, and observation in a real context are fundamental.publishersversionpublishe

    Universities That Learn to Tackle the Challenges of Sustainability: Case Study of the University of Córdoba (Spain)

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    On their path to sustainability, universities must consider both individual and organizational components. Universities are organizations that also have the capacity to learn and evolve. By means of an analysis conducted over the past 20 years at the University of Córdoba (Spain), this article identifies the variables present in the University’s environmental sustainability process, characterizing its evolution through different stages and proposing an organizational model that orders these variables into a system within the framework of complexity. This model highlights the importance of a scientific-technical structure as catalyst, facilitator, and attractor of transformative flows within the organization, which could be a key component of its evolution towards sustainability. It also underscores the possibility of using environmental awareness and the perceived norm as indicators of the system. This characterization reveals the potential of these variables as indicators of progress and anchoring points for the permanent monitoring of the system, and it will also help to design potentially more effective and forceful actions and could prove valuable as a comparison indicator between universities