487 research outputs found

    Qualidade no ensino a distância

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    Quando o palco é parte da realidade O Sociodrama na formação dos Educadores Sociais.

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    A dimensão pessoal na formação do Educador Social assume-se como crucial ao influenciar a forma como este lê e analisa a realidade social e, consequentemente, a intervenção que desenvolve. Neste sentido, a metodologia sociodramática pode desempenhar um papel de grande importância ao permitir que este profissional desenvolva o conhecimento acerca de si próprio, a consciencialização dos fenómenos afetivos e grupais bem como a espontaneidade e criatividade, decisivas para uma intervenção capaz de responder aos grandes desafios que enfrenta diariamente. Partindo dos diários de bordo de Educadores Sociais em formação são aqui discutidas as mais-valias desta metodologia na sua formação.The personal dimension in the Social Educator formation is assumed as crucial, since it influences the way that one reads and analyses the social reality, and therefore the intervention that is developed. To this end, the sociodramatic methodology may play a major role by allowing that this professional may develop the knowledge about himself, the awareness from the afection phenomenon and groups as well as spontaneity and creativity, critical for an intervention that is able to respond to the great challenges wich he faces daily. Starting from the logbooks of the Social Educators in training, the valuable assets from this methodology in its formation are here discusssed the valuable assets from this methodology in its formation

    A comparison of two methods for the definition of Regional Metropolitan Areas through an application in the North of Portugal

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    The objective of this paper is to present a comparison of two methods for the definition of regional metropolitan areas, in a perspective of identification of urban territories with similar characteristics. In this study it is assumed that population density is, in the absence of another measure that describe daily or weekly individual movements, a variable that can be used to evaluate, although indirectly, the activity level and dynamics of the territory. The first method explored here uses ESDA (Exploratory Spatial Data Analyses) techniques for the definition of regional metropolitan areas. The second method is based on an index value that results from a rank of the variable under analysis in a spatial context, both at the local and national (or regional) levels. The methods are implemented in a case study in the north of Portugal, where this is a very opportune issue.

    Em torno da distintividade : alguns princípios fundamentais no âmbito da avaliação da qualidade de cursos online

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    Nos últimos anos tem-se assistido a um boom na oferta de cursos de formação suportados na web, em parte consequência do rápido desenvolvimento das TIC, o qual nem sempre tem sido acompanhado por uma exigência de qualidade adequada. Este facto conduziu a alguma desvalorização desta metodologia de ensino que importa ultrapassar. Neste artigo pretende-se discutir o quadro teórico que fundamenta o desenvolvimento de um sistema de avaliação da qualidade adaptado a cursos ministrados online. Assim, partindo-se da identificação dos princípios que nortearam historicamente o funcionamento dos sistemas de qualidade implementados nas instituições de ensino presencial, na dupla vertente dos produtos e dos processos, analisam-se os critérios de avaliação da qualidade no ensino online estabelecidos por diferentes organizações internacionais e aponta-se um referencial passível de ser adoptado pelas instituições de ensino a distância portuguesas.peerreviewe

    The impact of cultural distance and language diversity in the internationalization process of a company

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    This dissertation analyzes the influence of cultural distance and language diversity in the internationalization process of a company, in terms of entry mode choice in a foreign market, impediments in negotiations, impact on type of internationalization, the effect on dayto- day operations and factors influencing the relationship between cultural distance and entry mode choice. The study includes five interviews to a top manager working for company A for 21 years. Findings show that cultural distance and language diversity were considered in the company’s strategic option of internationalizing incrementally, with the goal of decreasing these two phenomena’s impact. Moreover, language diversity proved to be constraining during negotiation processes with clients that did not speak English, French, Portuguese or Spanish and would reject the option of not negotiating besides their native language, such as clients in Vietnam. On the other hand, cultural distance and language diversity posed complications and inefficiencies such as quality and security gaps, disruptions in the communication flows and pace of negotiations, leading delays on delivery, hindering day-today operations. The final findings were the preference of company A for Wholly Owned Subsidiaries as entry mode choice in every country, despite the research suggesting otherwise, and the company A showing easier integration in Anglo-Saxon countries due its organizational culture being better aligned with their cultural traits. The goal is to have these findings becoming appealing for future literature on the subjects as well as companies integrating them in their strategic planning and creating effective measures to lead with the expected impacts

    Tecnologias de armazenamento de energias - identificação do potencial e aplicações

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    COLABORACIÓN Y APRENDIZAJE EN EL CIBERESPACIO @rcacomum: comunidad de práctica iberoamericana de educadores de infancia

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    En este trabajo presentamos un proyecto de doctorado en Estudios del Niño con especialidad en el área de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC), que se desarrolló en la Universidad de Minho-Portugal, desde septiembre de 2005 a mayo de 2009. A través de este proyecto, de la Comunidad @rcaComum (www.arcacomum.pt), nos hemos propuesto encontrar formas de integración de las TIC para la auto-formación de los educadores de infancia y su integración en las prácticas desarrolladas en contextos de educación infantil (preescolar). Nuestra intención es presentar un breve marco conceptual sobre la sociedad de la información y del conocimiento, la relevancia de las TIC en contextos educativos y, posteriormente, de forma exhaustiva cómo se formó la comunidad de práctica @rcaComum, cuáles son sus herramientas y actividades e intereses para los profesionales de este nivel educativo

    An exploration of integrality in project productions and its final outcome : the mobile production cells

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Industrial e Gestão. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Soft biomaterials as a substitute for the Nucleus Pulposus

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    One of the largest health problems faced worldwide, when evaluated by direct (clinical) as well indirect cost (absenteeism), is the degeneration of the intervertebral disc (IVD) that leads to back pain and, potentially disability and individual´s quality of life decreasing. The intervertebral disc is a mechanical and biological complex structure, formed by a tough outer layer of fibrocartilage called Annulus Fibrosus (AF),which surrounds a soft, elastic and gelatinous core called Nucleus Pulposus (NP). These two structures are completed by two upper and lower encasing layer called Vertebral Endplates (VEP). The degeneration of the IVD is marked by the dehydration of the Nucleus Pulposus, reducing the hydrostatic pressure inside the nucleus, resulting in a loss of capability to support compressive forces, during the active period, and to regain height during the resting period. This situation will compromise the role of shock absorber by the NP and transfers these forces to the AF. This transfer will result in cracks on the AF, deteriorating the IVD, allowing the ingrowth of vessels and nerves. This project was based on the developing a protocol to test suitable NP replacements, in hope to future assessment of discrete mechanical values and characteristics for an NP replacement. For this, Nucleus pulposus samples from goat, encapsulated Hydromed gel denominated “Raviolis” and Chitosan gels, produced via wet route using an ammonium environment, were confined compressed. Chitosan was rheologically tested and swelling capability of all the three type of materials was assessed. Results showed that the Nucleus Pulposus and “Raviolis” have similar mechanical behavior, being able to swell and “build up” hydrostatic pressure after a compression stage, while the Chitosan gel did not showed that ability. Therefore, “Raviolis” are a more suitable candidate to replace the NP than Chitosan gels. It was also observed that confined compression is the key test to perform on any possible candidate to replace the NP