1,473 research outputs found

    Public Firms in a Dynamic Third Market Model

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    We set the third market model in a dynamic context to decide whether a country can achieve benefits by subsidizing a public rm's exports. We use calculus of variations with the constraint that the welfare is either maximized or grows at constant rate, reflecting the public concern of the firm. We conclude that a subsidy can be a good strategy for the country in some instances, even though only over a finite period of time. The duration of this period depends on the output strategy of the public firm as well as on exogenous factors.public firms, strategic trade policy, third market model, calculus of variations

    Plenty of land, land of plenty: the agrarian output of Portugal (1311-20)

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    This article presents a benchmark for Portuguese agrarian output for the 1311–20 decade. This benchmark is built from the supply side using the value of church tithes combined with contemporary parish accounts. Two main findings emerge: first, per capita agrarian output was similar in the recently conquered South and the North, hinting that internal migration after the Reconquista led to the equalization of marginal product across the country; second, that Portuguese real per capita agrarian output was above subsistence and higher than that of contemporary England and Wales. This result, which is robust to the assumptions used, confirms that by 1320 Portugal was a “frontier economy” with a high land/labor ratio and a high per capita output. This seems to reinforce the Malthusian theory that the amount of land per person was key in determining living standards. The article discusses the implication of these results for the inequality among nations

    Second-Order Emotions

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    UIDB/00183/2020 UIDP/00183/2020Heidegger explains our emotional life using three schemes: causal explanation, mental internalisation of emotions and metaphorical expression. None of the three schemes explains emotion though. Either because the causal nexus does not always occur or because objects and people in the external world are carriers of emotional agents or because language is already on a metaphorical level. Moreover, how is it possible that there are presently emotions constituting our life without our being aware of their existence? From the analysis of boredom in its three varieties (“bored by X”, “get oneself bored”, and “it is boring”) we will get to the depth where emotions lie, trying to rouse them and to keep them awake. Although it surfaces with the force and energy of the present, every emotion has its past and future constitution. How can we understand the future of a present emotion along with its past?publishersversionpublishe

    David Bouvier, Véronique Dasen (edd.), Héraclite: le temps est un enfant qui joue

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    UIDB/00183/2020 UIDP/00183/2020publishersversionpublishe

    Anthrôpos como "Aitia" e"Archê" do horizonte prático na ética a Nicômaco

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    UID/FIL/00183/2013O artigo dedica-se à interpretação da Ética a Nicômaco, de Aristóteles, para esclarecer como o homem, marcado pelo logose assim desafiado pela procura da verdade prática –em seu diálogo com paixões e desejos, tudo quanto o singulariza enquanto humano –é causa e princípio do agir. Nesta procura, compreende-se o homem em sua humanidade, revelando-se em seu insuperável vir-a-ser. This article focuses on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics to clarify the way the human being is cause and principle of acting, in practical situations wherein logos deals with desiring and feeling in the task of finding practical truth. That leads us to understand the one who acts and decides (the anthropos) in his humanity, and how deciding and acting make him a human being (and why he is an always “still yet to come” being).publishersversionpublishe

    Changes on the climatic edge: adaptation of and challenges to pastoralism in montesinho (Northern Portugal)

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    Mountain areas are sensitive to changes in precipitation and temperature, which significantly impact traditional pastoralist communities, their economy, and their lifestyle. Alarming climate change scenarios justify the investigation of the ecological and socioeconomic vulnerabilities that characterize Portugal’s mountain regions. This work explores how the traditional production systems of small ruminants—sheep and goats—could adapt in the Montesinho mountain range as it changes over the next 2 decades. Land use–land cover maps from 1995 and 2018 show how the pastoral landscape has changed and indicate trends for a future scenario. Documented landscape grazing patterns are used to determine sheep and goat landscape preferences under different climatic conditions. Finally, we identify the near-future constraints on traditional sheep and goat systems, contrasting landscape changes with sheep and goat preferences. Over coming decades, the balance between rangelands and cultivated lands will persist in the Montesinho mountain landscape, despite some trade-offs between both. Woodlands could emerge from scrublands colonizing rangelands, and permanent crops could significantly replace arable lands in agricultural areas. Therefore, it is likely that the agricultural areas preferred for sheep, and rangelands preferred for goats, may not be affected by the forecast landscape changes, but rather be favored by the expansion of permanent crops. However, pasture areas must expand, as they are key to pastoral landscape function in a warming climate scenario. Landscape decision makers and managers should implement a landscape-monitoring system to inform policies and strategies aimed at protecting and safeguarding mountain pastoralism and its vital ecosystem services.The authors would like to thank Am^andio Carloto for his help with data collection, as well as 2 anonymous reviewers for their helpful and constructive comments and suggestions on the manuscript. This research was partially funded from Portuguese national funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the projects MTS/CAC/0028/2020: PASTOPRAXIS and UIDB/00690/2020 (FCT/MCTES to CIMO).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cargos e ofícios nas monarquias ibéricas: provimento, controlo e venalidade (séculos XVII-XVIII) [recensão]

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    Recensão crítico do livro "Cargos e ofícios nas monarquias ibéricas: provimento, controlo e venalidade (séculos XVII-XVIII)", editado por Roberta Stumpf e Nandini Chaturvedul

    Uma fórmula de soft power

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    A existência e proliferação de rankings internacionais de medição de performances governamentais não é um acaso. São modelos supostamente objectivos para decidir da alocação de recursos e também da avaliação do poder. Quando Joseph Nye sistematizou a distinção entre soft e hard power, chamou-nos a atenção que qualquer dos tipos de poder pode ser trabalhado mediante fórmulas, construídas por indicadores extraídos de rankings internacionais. Na perspectiva do hard power existem numerosos e bem conhecidos indicadores económicos, como sejam o PNB, a capitação, a balança comercial. De igual modo a inventariação de recursos de força militar (military capabilities) tem clássicos exemplos. Propomo-nos aqui construir e explorar uma fórmula do soft power, assente em indicadores credíveis, e contendo variáveis suficientemente fundamentadas e flexíveis. Atendendo à importância crescente dos rankings – que são utilizados como as novas ideologias – este é um componente essencial para transmitir uma imagem do poder nacional, mediante uma avaliação objectiva