24 research outputs found

    Does urbanisation lead to parallel demographic shifts across the world in a cosmopolitan plant?

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    Urbanisation is occurring globally, leading to dramatic environmental changes that are altering the ecology and evolution of species. In particular, the expansion of human infrastructure and the loss and fragmentation of natural habitats in cities is predicted to increase genetic drift and reduce gene flow by reducing the size and connectivity of populations. Alternatively, the ‘urban facilitation model’ suggests that some species will have greater gene flow into and within cities leading to higher diversity and lower differentiation in urban populations. These alternative hypotheses have not been contrasted across multiple cities. Here, we used the genomic data from the GLobal Urban Evolution project (GLUE), to study the effects of urbanisation on non-adaptive evolutionary processes of white clover (Trifolium repens) at a global scale. We found that white clover populations presented high genetic diversity and no evidence of reduced Ne linked to urbanisation. On the contrary, we found that urban populations were less likely to experience a recent decrease in effective population size than rural ones. In addition, we found little genetic structure among populations both globally and between urban and rural populations, which showed extensive gene flow between habitats. Interestingly, white clover displayed overall higher gene flow within urban areas than within rural habitats. Our study provides the largest comprehensive test of the demographic effects of urbanisation. Our results contrast with the common perception that heavily altered and fragmented urban environments will reduce the effective population size and genetic diversity of populations and contribute to their isolation

    Ellagitannins from the Onagraceae Decrease the Performance of Generalist and Specialist Herbivores

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    Phenolics have a role in defenses against herbivores, but the defensive functions of specific groups of phenolics are still poorly understood. For example, ellagitannins (a type of hydrolyzable tannin) are predicted to decrease insect herbivore performance, but the effect of different types of ellagitannins on generalist and specialist herbivores has rarely been assessed. Here, we test the effects of the dominant oligomeric ellagitannins of Oenothera biennis and other Onagraceae on herbivore performance. We fed artificial diets containing between 1 and 100 mg/g of polyphenol fractions comprised of varying amounts and compositions of dimeric oenothein B, the trimeric oenothein A and larger oligomers, to one generalist (Spodoptera exigua) and one specialist (Schinia florida) insect herbivore species. We compared the effects of these ellagitannin fractions on herbivore performance to the effects of artificial diet containing total phenolic extracts from O. biennis, which contained these ellagitannins as well as many additional phenolic metabolites including flavonoid glycosides and caffeic acid derivatives. Both the ellagitannin fractions and O. biennis phenolic extracts had strong negative effects on S. exigua and S. florida performance, with stronger effects on the generalist herbivore. Differences between the effects of the various ellagitannin fractions were small and depended on insect life stage. The defensive effects of these ellagitannins were large, with lethal concentrations as low as 0.1% of the diet. These results highlight the important defensive function of ellagitannins against specialist and generalist herbivores and the need to characterize the effects of these understudied phenolics.</p

    Can genetically based clines in plant defence explain greater herbivory at higher latitudes?

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    Greater plant defence is predicted to evolve at lower latitudes in response to increased herbivore pressure. However, recent studies question the generality of this pattern. In this study, we tested for genetically based latitudinal clines in resistance to herbivores and underlying defence traits of Oenothera biennis. We grew plants from 137 populations from across the entire native range of O. biennis. Populations from lower latitudes showed greater resistance to multiple specialist and generalist herbivores. These patterns were associated with an increase in total phenolics at lower latitudes. A significant proportion of the phenolics were driven by the concentrations of two major ellagitannins, which exhibited opposing latitudinal clines. Our analyses suggest that these findings are unlikely to be explained by local adaptation of herbivore populations or genetic variation in phenology. Rather greater herbivory at high latitudes can be explained by latitudinal clines in the evolution of plant defences.</p

    Integrating landscape genomics and spatially explicit approaches to detect loci under selection in clinal populations

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    Uncovering the genetic basis of adaptation hinges on the ability to detect loci under selection. However, population genomics outlier approaches to detect selected loci may be inappropriate for clinal populations or those with unclear population structure because they require that individuals be clustered into populations. An alternate approach, landscape genomics, uses individual-based approaches to detect loci under selection and reveal potential environmental drivers of selection. We tested four landscape genomics methods on a simulated clinal population to determine their effectiveness at identifying a locus under varying selection strengths along an environmental gradient. We found all methods produced very low type I error rates across all selection strengths, but elevated type II error rates under ‘weak’ selection. We then applied these methods to an AFLP genome scan of an alpine plant, Campanula barbata, and identified five highly supported candidate loci associated with precipitation variables. These loci also showed spatial autocorrelation and cline patterns indicative of selection along a precipitation gradient. Our results suggest that landscape genomics in combination with other spatial analyses provides a powerful approach for identifying loci potentially under selection and explaining spatially complex interactions between species and their environment

    Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover

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    Urbanization transforms environments in ways that alter biological evolution. We examined whether urban environmental change drives parallel evolution by sampling 110,019 white clover plants from 6169 populations in 160 cities globally. Plants were assayed for a Mendelian antiherbivore defense that also affects tolerance to abiotic stressors. Urban-rural gradients were associated with the evolution of clines in defense in 47% of cities throughout the world. Variation in the strength of clines was explained by environmental changes in drought stress and vegetation cover that varied among cities. Sequencing 2074 genomes from 26 cities revealed that the evolution of urban-rural clines was best explained by adaptive evolution, but the degree of parallel adaptation varied among cities. Our results demonstrate that urbanization leads to adaptation at a global scale

    Sources of controversy surrounding latitudinal patterns in herbivory and defence

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    This is the accepted manuscript of an article published by Elsevier.Both herbivory and plant defences against herbivores have been predicted to increase toward tropical regions. Early tests of this latitudinal herbivory-defence hypothesis (LHDH) were supportive, but accumulating evidence has been mixed. We argue that the lack of clarity might be due to heterogeneity in methodology and problems with study design and interpretation. Here we suggest possible solutions. Latitudinal studies need to carefully consider spatial and phylogenetic scale, to link plant defence measurements to herbivore performance, and to incorporate additional concepts from plant defence theory such as tolerance and induced defence. Additionally, we call for consistent measures of herbivory to standardize comparisons across biomes. Improving methodology in future studies of LHDH can resolve much of the current controversy.This work was supported by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Grant to PMK, an NSERC Vanier grant to DNA, and a Michigan State University Distinguished Fellowship to CAB

    Data from: The influence of range-wide plant genetic variation on soil invertebrate communities

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    Plant genetic variation can have far-reaching effects on associated communities and ecosystems. Heritable variation in ecologically relevant plant traits is often non-randomly distributed across a species’ range and can exhibit geographic clines. In the event of range expansions and migration, previously unfamiliar genotypes may have large impacts on resident communities and ecosystems due to the introduction of novel and heritable phenotypic variation. Here we test the hypothesis that geographic origin of a focal plant genotype has effects on belowground invertebrate communities using a common garden field experiment. We sampled soil invertebrates from 103 Oenothera biennis genotypes, which were collected from across the species’ range and planted into a common garden field experiment at the northern range limit. We enumerated 24,000 individuals from 190 morphospecies and found that the diversity, abundance, and composition of soil invertebrate communities varied greatly among plant genotypes. Despite strong effects of plant genotype, we found few genetic correlations between plant traits and soil invertebrate community variables. However, herbivore damage was strongly related to variation in the soil invertebrate community. Geographic origin of plant genotypes had at most a weak effect on belowground communities. We speculate that predicting the extended effects of population movement on associated communities will require detailed knowledge of the trait variation occurring within focal species across particular environmental gradients

    Pelagic fish predation is stronger at temperate latitudes than near the equator.

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    Species interactions are widely thought to be strongest in the tropics, potentially contributing to the greater number of species at lower latitudes. Yet, empirical tests of this “biotic interactions” hypothesis remain limited and often provide mixed results. Here, we analyze 55 years of catch per unit effort data from pelagic longline fisheries to estimate the strength of predation exerted by large predatory fish in the world’s oceans. We test two central tenets of the biotic interactions hypothesis: that predation is (1) strongest near the equator, and (2) positively correlated with species richness. Counter to these predictions, we find that predation is (1) strongest in or near the temperate zone and (2) negatively correlated with oceanic fish species richness. These patterns suggest that, at least for pelagic fish predation, common assumptions about the latitudinal distribution of species interactions do not apply, thereby challenging a leading explanation for the latitudinal gradient in species diversity

    Latitudinal plant defence across Onagraceae

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    Plant chemical defence data for 80 species across Onagraceae and associated geographical and environmental variables