20 research outputs found

    South Atlantic intermediate water advances into the North-east Atlantic with reduced Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the last glacial period

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    The Nd isotopic composition (epsilon Nd) of seawater and cold-water coral (CWC) samples from the Gulf of Cadiz and the Alboran Sea, at a depth of 280-827 m were investigated in order to constrain middepth water mass dynamics within the Gulf of Cadiz over the past 40 ka. epsilon Nd of glacial and Holocene CWC from the Alboran Sea and the northern Gulf of Cadiz reveals relatively constant values (-8.6 to -9.0 and -9.5 to -10.4, respectively). Such values are similar to those of the surrounding present-day middepth waters from the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW; epsilon Nd approximate to -9.4) and Mediterranean Sea Water (MSW; epsilon Nd approximate to -9.9). In contrast, glacial epsilon Nd values for CWC collected at thermocline depth (550-827 m) in the southern Gulf of Cadiz display a higher average value (-8.90.4) compared to the present-day value (-11.70.3). This implies a higher relative contribution of water masses of Mediterranean (MSW) or South Atlantic origin (East Antarctic Intermediate Water, EAAIW). Our study has produced the first evidence of significant radiogenic epsilon Nd values (approximate to -8) at 19, 23-24, and 27 ka, which are coeval with increasing iceberg discharges and a weakening of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Since MOW epsilon Nd values remained stable during the last glacial period, it is suggested that these radiogenic epsilon Nd values most likely reflect an enhanced northward propagation of glacial EAAIW into the eastern Atlantic Basin

    Anthropogenic Carbon in the Arctic Ocean: Perspectives From Different Transient Tracers

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    In this study we investigated the physical characteristics of the Atlantic layer in the Arctic Ocean (AO) and its role in the distribution and storage of anthropogenic carbon (Cant). The novelty of this work is to use the Transit Time Distribution method (TTD) with the radionuclides 129I and 236U and its comparison to the commonly applied gas tracers, CFC-12 and SF6. Overall, our examination of two distinct tracer pairs, along with the novel TTD method in comparison to a classical approach, revealed a notable agreement, highlighting the robustness of these Cant estimates. The TTD analysis based on radionuclides showed that whereas the Eurasian Basin has shorter transit times and is dominated by strong mixing conditions, the Amerasian Basin is characterized by longer transit times and a strong advective flow. Overall, the Cant concentrations obtained from radionuclides confirm that the distribution in the AO follows its circulation patterns, with higher concentrations in the Eurasian Basin (∼50 μmol kg−1) compared to the Amerasian one (∼36–42 μmol kg−1). An estimated partial inventory of 0.85 ± 0.17 and 1.0 ± 0.03 Pg C was assessed for 2015 from the novel application of TTD with radionuclides and gas tracers, respectively. Finally, we identified the saturation of gas tracers as a larger source of uncertainty for Cant estimation compared to the uncertainty associated to different radionuclides' input functions, thus remarking the importance of including non-saturation dependent tracers, such as radionuclides, as an additional tool to support Cant estimates in the AO.ISSN:0148-0227ISSN:2169-927

    Circulation timescales of Atlantic Waters in the Arctic Ocean determined from anthropogenic radionuclides

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    The inflow of Atlantic Waters to the Arctic Ocean is a crucial determinant for the future trajectory of this ocean basin with regard to warming, loss of sea-ice and ocean acidification. Yet many details of the fate and circulation of these waters within the Arctic remain unclear. Here, we use the two long-lived artificial radionuclides 129I and 236U together with two tracer age models to constrain the pathways and circulation times of Atlantic waters in the surface and in the mid-depth Atlantic layer (250–800 m depth). We thereby benefit from the unique time-dependent tagging of Atlantic waters by these two isotopes. In the surface layer, a binary mixing model yields tracer ages of Atlantic Waters between 9–16 years in the Amundsen Basin, 12–17 years in the Fram Strait (East Greenland Current) and up to 20 years in the Canada Basin, reflecting the pathways of Atlantic Waters through the Arctic and their exiting through Fram Strait. In the mid-depth Atlantic layer (250 to 800 m), the transit time distribution (TTD) model yields mean ages in the central Arctic ranging between 15 and 65 years, while the mode ages representing the most probable ages of the TTD range between 2 and 30 years. The estimated mean ages are overall in good agreement with previous studies using artificial radionuclides or ventilation tracers. Although we find the overall flow to be dominated by advection, the shift of the mode age towards a younger age compared to the mean age reflects also the presence of a substantial amount of lateral mixing. For applications interested in how fast signals are transported into the Arctic's interior, the mode age appears to be a suitable measure. The short mode ages obtained in this study suggest that changes in the properties of Atlantic Waters will quickly spread through the Arctic Ocean and can lead to relatively rapid changes throughout the upper water column in future years.ISSN:1812-0806ISSN:1812-082

    Circulation timescales of Atlantic Water in the Arctic Ocean determined from anthropogenic radionuclides

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    The inflow of Atlantic Water to the Arctic Ocean is a crucial determinant for the future trajectory of this ocean basin with regard to warming, loss of sea ice, and ocean acidification. Yet many details of the fate and circulation of these waters within the Arctic remain unclear. Here, we use the two long-lived anthropogenic radionuclides 129I and 236U together with two age models to constrain the pathways and circulation times of Atlantic Water in the surface (10-35 m depth) and in the mid-depth Atlantic layer (250-800 m depth). We thereby benefit from the unique time-dependent tagging of Atlantic Water by these two isotopes. In the surface layer, a binary mixing model yields tracer ages of Atlantic Water between 9-16 years in the Amundsen Basin, 12-17 years in the Fram Strait (East Greenland Current), and up to 20 years in the Canada Basin, reflecting the pathways of Atlantic Water through the Arctic and their exiting through the Fram Strait. In the mid-depth Atlantic layer (250-800 m), the transit time distribution (TTD) model yields mean ages in the central Arctic ranging between 15 and 55 years, while the mode ages representing the most probable ages of the TTD range between 3 and 30 years. The estimated mean ages are overall in good agreement with previous studies using artificial radionuclides or ventilation tracers. Although we find the overall flow to be dominated by advection, the shift in the mode age towards a younger age compared to the mean age also reflects the presence of a substantial amount of lateral mixing. For applications interested in how fast signals are transported into the Arctic's interior, the mode age appears to be a suitable measure. The short mode ages obtained in this study suggest that changes in the properties of Atlantic Water will quickly spread through the Arctic Ocean and can lead to relatively rapid changes throughout the upper water column in future years. © Author(s) 2021.ISSN:1812-0784ISSN:1812-079

    Water mass composition in Fram Strait determined from the combination of 129I and 236U: Changes between 2016, 2018, and 2019

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    Changes in the provenance and composition of waters exported from the Arctic Ocean have the potential to impact large-scale ocean circulation processes in the sub-polar North Atlantic. The main conveyor of waters from the Arctic Ocean to lower latitudes is the East Greenland Current (EGC), flowing southward through Fram Strait. It is therefore crucial to determine and monitor the composition of the EGC, a mixture of polar waters of different origins. Here we present a pilot study on the potential of the long-lived anthropogenic radionuclides 129I and 236U as tracers of the EGC water mass composition, based on a time series of 236U and 129I concentrations measured across Fram Strait in the years 2016, 2018, and 2019. The overall spatial distribution of 236U and 129I was similar among the three sampling years, but a decrease in concentration was observed in the upper water column of the EGC. The observed changes could only partly be attributed to the transient nature of the radionuclide signals, but instead pointed to changes in the EGC water mass composition. To investigate these changes, 236U and 129I were first combined in a mixing model featuring the endmembers expected in the upper EGC. We distinguished between Pacific Water (PAC), Atlantic Water advected from the Arctic Ocean (ATL), and Atlantic Water recirculating in Fram Strait (RAC). In 236U-129I tracer space, PAC and RAC showed similar tracer signatures, but were well distinguished from ATL. From 2016 to 2018/19, a decrease in the ATL fraction was evident for the upper EGC. Secondly, the respective combination of 236U and 129I with salinity showed differences in absolute water mass fractions, but similar temporal trends. Both suggested an increase in PAC of about 20% for the uppermost layer of the EGC (samples with potential densities below 26.5) and an increase in RAC of about 10−20 % for denser samples. 129I and 236U, in combination with salinity, were shown to be suitable tracers to investigate water mass composition in Fram Strait, with the advantage that they can distinguish Atlantic Water advected from the Arctic Ocean from that recirculating in Fram Strait.ISSN:2296-774

    Annual variability of the long-lived anthropogenic radionuclides 129I and 236U in the Fram Strait and their use as water mass composition tracers

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    Anthropogenic chemical tracers are powerful tools to study pathways, water mass provenance and mixing processes in the ocean. Releases of the long-lived anthropogenic radionuclides 129I and 236U from European nuclear reprocessing plants label Atlantic Water entering the Arctic Ocean with a distinct signal that can be used to track pathways and timescales of Atlantic Water circulation in the Arctic Ocean and Fram Strait. Apart from their application as transient tracers, the difference in anthropogenic radionuclide concentrations between Atlantic- and Pacific-origin water provides an instrument to distinguish the interface between both water masses. In contrast to classically used water mass tracers such as nitrate-phosphate (N:P) ratios, the two radionuclides are considered to behave conservatively in seawater and are not affected by biogeochemical processes occurring in particular in the broad shelf regions of the Arctic Ocean. Here we present a time-series of 129I and 236U data across the Fram Strait, collected in 2016 (as part of the GEOTRACES program) and in 2018 and 2019 (by the Norwegian Polar Institute). While the overall spatial distribution of both radionuclides was similar among the three sampling years, significant differences were observed in the upper water column of the EGC, especially between 2016 and 2018. This study is the first attempt to investigate the potential of 129I and 236U as water mass composition tracers in the East Greenland Current (EGC). We discuss how the 129I - 236U tracer pair can be applied to estimate fractions of Atlantic and Pacific Water, especially considering their time-dependent input into the Arctic Ocean

    High precision U-series dating of scleractinian cold-water corals using an automated chromatographic U and Th extraction

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    High-precision U-series dating of scleractinian cold-water corals is a key chronological tool for studies of past environmental and climate conditions. Here, we tested and optimized an automated chemical extraction system (ESI prepFAST-MC equipped with an Eichrom TRU-resin chromatographic column) for its ability to purify U and Th isotopes for mass spectrometric U-series dating at the sub-‰ precision level. Chemical yields are constantly high, on average around 90% for both U and Th. Analytical blanks are comparable to manual purification ( 1 μg g− 1 Th and U in order to achieve the above mentioned chemical yields. This conditioning has no impact on the Th/U data. The automated chemical preparation protocol described here is compared to conventional high precision U-series dating with manual sample purification. For the 34 cold-water corals extracted from a sediment core collected from a coral mound off Angola, the differences between 230Th/238U- and 234U/238U-ratios and U-series ages measured with the two analytical methods are smaller than the respective analytical uncertainty of < 3.0‰, 0.8‰ and 3.0‰, respectively. Overall, ages of the studied corals span 34,000 years and perfectly meet quality control constrains, such as initial seawater δ234U0. Finally, our record of coral ages indicates vigorous coral growth under warm and cold climate conditions in the temperate south-eastern Atlantic, contrasting climate influenced coral occurrences in the north-eastern Atlantic.ISSN:0009-2541ISSN:1872-683