10 research outputs found

    Oskuste kasulikkus tööturul - PIAAC uuringu temaatiline aruanne nr 1

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    PIAAC uuringuga kogutud andmed võimaldavad saada ülevaate inimeste infotöötlusoskuste tasemest Eestis ja teistes riikides ning analüüsida, millised on seosed oskuste ja erinevates eluvaldkondades toimetuleku vahel. Üheks olulisemaks selliseks eluvaldkonnaks on tööturg. Sellel osalemine on valdavale enamikule inimestest peamise sissetuleku allikas ja seal toimetulek üks olulisemaid elustandardit mõjutavaid tegureid. Käesolevas aruandes vaadatakse, kas ja kuidas on infotöötlusoskused seotud tööturul osalevate inimeste suutlikkusega püsida hõives, tööga hõivatud inimeste palga ja tööelukvaliteediga ning töötuks jäädes töötuse kestusega. Samuti käsitletakse oskuste seoseid ettevõtjaks olemisega. Kui varem on Statistikaameti kogutavate andmete baasil olnud võimalik analüüsida nende tööturuväljundite seoseid inimeste haridustaseme, soo, vanuse ja muude tunnustega, siis PIAACi andmetega avaneb esmakordselt võimalus uurida, milline on infotöötlus-oskuste roll teiste tunnuste taustal ning kas nende arvessevõtmine analüüsis aitab paremini mõista, mis mõjutab inimeste toimetulekut tööturul. Käesolev uuringuaruanne esitabki ülevaate nende seoste analüüsi tulemustest

    Angiotensin-(1-7) Receptor Mas in Hemodynamic and Thermoregulatory Dysfunction After High-Level Spinal Cord Injury in Mice: A Pilot Study

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) above mid-thoracic levels leads to autonomic dysfunction affecting both the cardiovascular system and thermoregulation. The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) which is a potent regulator of blood pressure, including its novel beneficial arm with the receptor Mas could be an interesting target in post-SCI hemodynamics. To test the hypothesis that hemodynamics, activity and diurnal patterns of those are more affected in the Mas deficient mice post-SCI we used a mouse model of SCI with complete transection of spinal cord at thoracic level 4 (T4-Tx) and performed telemetric monitoring of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR). Our data revealed that hypothermia deteriorated physiological BP and HR control. Preserving normothermia by keeping mice at 30°C prevented severe hypotension and bradycardia post-SCI. Moreover, it facilitated rapid return of diurnal regulation of BP, HR and activity in wild type (WT) mice. In contrast, although Mas deficient mice had comparable reacquisition of diurnal HR rhythm, they showed delayed recovery of diurnal rhythmicity in BP and significantly lower nocturnal activity. Exposing mice with T4-Tx (kept in temperature-controlled cages) to 23°C room temperature for one hour at different time-points post-SCI, demonstrated their inability to maintain core body temperature, Mas deficient mice being significantly more impaired than WT littermates. We conclude that Mas deficient mice were more resistant to acute hypotension, delayed nocturnal recovery, lower activity and more severely impaired thermoregulation. The ambient temperature had significant effect on hemodynamics and, thus it should be taken into account when assessing cardiovascular parameters post-SCI in mice

    Angiotensin-(1-7) Receptor Mas in Hemodynamic and Thermoregulatory Dysfunction After High-Level Spinal Cord Injury in Mice: A Pilot Study

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) above mid-thoracic levels leads to autonomic dysfunction affecting both the cardiovascular system and thermoregulation. The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) which is a potent regulator of blood pressure, including its novel beneficial arm with the receptor Mas could be an interesting target in post-SCI hemodynamics. To test the hypothesis that hemodynamics, activity and diurnal patterns of those are more affected in the Mas deficient mice post-SCI we used a mouse model of SCI with complete transection of spinal cord at thoracic level 4 (T4-Tx) and performed telemetric monitoring of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR). Our data revealed that hypothermia deteriorated physiological BP and HR control. Preserving normothermia by keeping mice at 30°C prevented severe hypotension and bradycardia post-SCI. Moreover, it facilitated rapid return of diurnal regulation of BP, HR and activity in wild type (WT) mice. In contrast, although Mas deficient mice had comparable reacquisition of diurnal HR rhythm, they showed delayed recovery of diurnal rhythmicity in BP and significantly lower nocturnal activity. Exposing mice with T4-Tx (kept in temperature-controlled cages) to 23°C room temperature for one hour at different time-points post-SCI, demonstrated their inability to maintain core body temperature, Mas deficient mice being significantly more impaired than WT littermates. We conclude that Mas deficient mice were more resistant to acute hypotension, delayed nocturnal recovery, lower activity and more severely impaired thermoregulation. The ambient temperature had significant effect on hemodynamics and, thus it should be taken into account when assessing cardiovascular parameters post-SCI in mice.Peer Reviewe

    FRET imaging of cells transfected with siRNA/liposome complexes

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    By monitoring the efficiency of fluorescence resonance energy transfer of dyes attached to the different strands of siRNA, the structural integrity of the latter can be traced inside cells. Here, the experimental details of dye-labeled siRNA construction, tissue culture, and transfection with liposomally formulated siRNAs are given, as well as the conditions for confocal microscopy and an algorithm allowing the visualization of intact siRNA after image data treatment. The method allows rapid screening of different liposomal siRNA formulations, obtained by small scale dual asymmetric centrifugation with high entrapping efficiency

    A recent bottleneck of Y chromosome diversity coincides with a global change in culture

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    International audienceIt is commonly thought that human genetic diversity in non-African populations was shaped primarily by an out-of-Africa dispersal 50-100 thousand yr ago (kya). Here, we present a study of 456 geographically diverse high-coverage Y chromosome sequences, including 299 newly reported samples. Applying ancient DNA calibration, we date the Y-chromosomal most recent common ancestor (MRCA) in Africa at 254 (95% CI 192-307) kya and detect a cluster of major non-African founder haplogroups in a narrow time interval at 47-52 kya, consistent with a rapid initial colonization model of Eurasia and Oceania after the out-of-Africa bottleneck. In contrast to demographic reconstructions based on mtDNA, we infer a second strong bottleneck in Y-chromosome lineages dating to the last 10 ky. We hypothesize that this bottleneck is caused by cultural changes affecting variance of reproductive success among males

    A recent bottleneck of Y chromosome diversity coincides with a global change in culture

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    International audienceIt is commonly thought that human genetic diversity in non-African populations was shaped primarily by an out-of-Africa dispersal 50-100 thousand yr ago (kya). Here, we present a study of 456 geographically diverse high-coverage Y chromosome sequences, including 299 newly reported samples. Applying ancient DNA calibration, we date the Y-chromosomal most recent common ancestor (MRCA) in Africa at 254 (95% CI 192-307) kya and detect a cluster of major non-African founder haplogroups in a narrow time interval at 47-52 kya, consistent with a rapid initial colonization model of Eurasia and Oceania after the out-of-Africa bottleneck. In contrast to demographic reconstructions based on mtDNA, we infer a second strong bottleneck in Y-chromosome lineages dating to the last 10 ky. We hypothesize that this bottleneck is caused by cultural changes affecting variance of reproductive success among males