11 research outputs found

    Citizen science for assessing pesticide impacts in agricultural streams

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    The majority of central European streams are in poor ecological condition. Pesticide inputs from terrestrial habitats present a key threat to sensitive insects in streams. Both standardized stream monitoring data and societal support are needed to conserve and restore freshwater habitats. Citizen science (CS) offers potential to complement international freshwater monitoring while it is often viewed critically due to concerns about data accuracy. Here, we developed a CS program based on the Water Framework Directive that enables citizen scientists to provide data on stream hydromorphology, physicochemical status and benthic macroinvertebrates to apply the trait-based bio-indicator SPEARpesticides for pesticide exposure. We compared CS monitoring data with professional data across 28 central German stream sites and could show that both CS and professional monitoring identified a similar average proportion of pesticide-sensitive macroinvertebrate taxa per stream site (20 %). CS data were highly correlated to the professional data for both stream hydromorphology and SPEARpesticides (r = 0.72 and 0.76). To assess the extent to which CS macroinvertebrate data can indicate pesticide exposure, we tested the relationship of CS generated SPEARpesticides values and measured pesticide concentrations at 21 stream sites, and found a fair correlation similar to professional results. We conclude that given appropriate training and support, citizen scientists can generate valid data on the ecological status and pesticide contamination of streams. By complementing official monitoring, data from well-managed CS programs can advance freshwater science and enhance the implementation of freshwater conservation goals

    A Synthesis of Marine Monitoring Methods With the Potential to Enhance the Status Assessment of the Baltic Sea

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    Highlights - We rated novel methods regarding their ability to improve the Baltic Sea monitoring. - Methods were assessed with respect to their costs and applicability. - All methods can potentially increase data resolution or monitor novel ecosystem elements. - We recommend several novel methods for the Baltic status assessment.A multitude of anthropogenic pressures deteriorate the Baltic Sea, resulting in the need to protect and restore its marine ecosystem. For an efficient conservation, comprehensive monitoring and assessment of all ecosystem elements is of fundamental importance. The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission HELCOM coordinates conservation measures regulated by several European directives. However, this holistic assessment is hindered by gaps within the current monitoring schemes. Here, twenty-two novel methods with the potential to fill some of these gaps and improve the monitoring of the Baltic marine environment are examined. We asked key stakeholders to point out methods likely to improve current Baltic Sea monitoring. We then described these methods in a comparable way and evaluated them based on their costs and applicability potential (i.e., possibility to make them operational). Twelve methods require low to very low costs, while five require moderate and two high costs. Seventeen methods were rated with a high to very high applicability, whereas four methods had moderate and one low applicability for Baltic Sea monitoring. Methods with both low costs and a high applicability include the Manta Trawl, Rocket Sediment Corer, Argo Float, Artificial Substrates, Citizen Observation, Earth Observation, the HydroFIAÂźpH system, DNA Metabarcoding and Stable Isotope Analysis

    The asylum process – mental health consequences and nursing implications.

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    Bakgrund: Varje Är drivs miljontals mÀnniskor pÄ flykt runtom i vÀrlden. Detta har stÀllt krav pÄ mottagarlÀndernas omhÀndertagande av asylsökande, krav som inte alltid uppfylls och som resulterar i ett stort psykiskt lidande hos flyktingar. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva de faktorer som pÄverkar flyktingars psykiska hÀlsa under asylprocessen samt undersöka hur vÄrdbehovet hos asylsökande kan tillgodoses av sjuksköterskan. Metod: Litteraturöversikt. Ur databaserna Cinahl och PubMed valdes 15 artiklar ut. Teman arbetades fram genom gemensam granskning av artiklarna och Äterfinns som rubriker i resultatet. Resultat: Samtliga artiklar visade pÄ en rad faktorer som pÄverkar den psykiska hÀlsan hos asylsökande. Dessa utmynnade i följande teman; lÄng asylprocess, förvaringsenheter, diskriminering och rasism, sociala nÀtverk, nya kulturer och sammanhang. MÄnga författare menade Àven att sjuksköterskan har en viktig roll att spela i samband med vÄrd och omhÀndertagande av asylsökande. Slutsats: Vi konstaterar att flyktingmottagandet i mÄnga lÀnder Àr undermÄligt och bidrar till en ökad psykisk ohÀlsa bland asylsökande. Vi upptÀckte tvÄ centrala punkter som enligt oss krÀver större uppmÀrksamhet; dels att asylprocessens tidsÄtgÄng kortas ner, dels att psykisk omvÄrdnad fÄr ett större fokus

    Die Regulation des Ubiquitin-konjugierenden Enzyms UBE2S

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    The ubiquitination of proteins serves as molecular signal to control an enormous number of physiological processes and its dysregulation is connected to human diseases like cancer. The versatility of this signal stems from the diverse ways by which ubiquitin can be attached to its targets. Thus, specificity and tight regulation of the ubiquitination are pivotal requirements of ubiquitin signaling. Ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2s) act at the heart of the ubiquitination cascade, transferring ubiquitin from a ubiquitin-activating enzyme (E1) to a ubiquitin ligase (E3) or substrate. When cooperating with a RING-type E3, ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes can determine linkage specificity in ubiquitin chain formation. Our understanding of the regulation of E2 activities is still limited at a structural level. The work described here identifies two regulation mechanisms in UBE2S, a cognate E2 of the human RING-type E3 anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C). UBE2S elongates ubiquitin chains on APC/C substrates in a Lys11 linkage-specific manner, thereby targeting these substrates for degradation and driving mitotic progression. In addition, UBE2S was found to have a role in DNA repair by enhancing non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) and causing transcriptional arrest at DNA damage sites in homologous recombination (HR). Furthermore, UBE2S overexpression is a characteristic feature of many cancer types and is connected to poor prognosis and diminished response to therapy. The first regulatory mechanism uncovered in this thesis involves the intramolecular auto-ubiquitination of a particular lysine residue (Lys+5) close to the active site cysteine, presumably through conformational flexibility of the active site region. The Lys+5-linked ubiquitin molecule adopts a donor-like, ‘closed’ orientation towards UBE2S, thereby conferring auto-inhibition. Notably, Lys+5 is a major physiological ubiquitination site in ~25% of the human E2 enzymes, thus providing regulatory opportunities beyond UBE2S. Besides the active, monomeric state and the auto-inhibited state caused by auto-ubiquitination, I discovered that UBE2S can adopt a dimeric state. The latter also provides an auto-inhibited state, in which ubiquitin transfer is blocked via the obstruction of donor binding. UBE2S dimerization is promoted by its unique C-terminal extension, suppresses auto-ubiquitination and thereby the proteasomal degradation of UBE2S. Taken together, the data provided in this thesis illustrate the intricate ways by which UBE2S activity is fine-tuned and the notion that structurally diverse mechanisms have evolved to restrict the first step in the catalytic cycle of E2 enzymes.Die Ubiquitinierung von Proteinen fungiert als molekulares Signal zur Kontrolle einer Vielzahl physiologischer Prozesse, wobei eine gestörte Regulation der Ubiquitinierung eng mit zahlreichen Erkrankungen, wie beispielsweise Krebs, verbunden ist. Aufgrund der verschiedenen VerknĂŒpfungsmöglichkeiten von Ubiquitin, die das zellulĂ€re Schicksal des Zielproteins bestimmen, sind SpezifitĂ€t und stringente Regulation unabkömmliche Voraussetzungen im Ubiquitinierungsprozess. Ubiquitin-konjugierende Enzyme (E2s) fungieren in der Mitte der Ubiquitinierungskaskade. Sie ĂŒbernehmen ein UbiquitinmolekĂŒl vom Ubiquitin-aktivierenden Enzym (E1) und ĂŒbertragen es auf eine Ubiquitin-Ligase (E3) oder direkt auf das Zielprotein. Arbeiten Ubiquitin-konjugierende Enzyme mit E3s des RING-Typus zusammen, so bestimmen E2s die Art der VerknĂŒpfung. Die Regulation der AktivitĂ€t Ubiquitin-konjugierender Enzyme auf struktureller Ebene ist jedoch bisher nur bedingt verstanden. Die hier dargelegte Arbeit umfasst die Identifizierung zweier Regulationsmechanismen des Ubiquitin-konjugierenden Enzyms UBE2S. UBE2S arbeitet mit einem humanen E3 des RING-Typus‚ dem ‚Anaphase Promoting Complex/Cyclosome‘ (APC/C) zusammen und bildet Lys11-spezifische Ubiquitinketten auf Substraten des APC/Cs. Hierdurch werden die Substrate fĂŒr den Abbau durch das Proteasom markiert, was das Fortschreiten der Mitose bedingt. ZusĂ€tzlich wird UBE2S eine Rolle in der DNS-Reparatur zugeschrieben. Hierbei verstĂ€rkt UBE2S die nicht-homologe Rekombination (NHEJ) und verhindert außerdem die Transkription an DNS-Bruchstellen, die durch Homologe Rekombination (HR) repariert werden. Die Überexpression von UBE2S ist ein Charakteristikum verschiedenster Krebsarten, vermindert den Erfolg herkömmlicher Krebstherapien, und fĂŒhrt somit zu schlechten Prognosen fĂŒr betroffenen Patienten. Der erste hier beschriebene Regulationsmechanismus beinhaltet die intramolekulare Ubiquitinierung eines Lysins (Lys+5) nahe des katalytischen Cysteins, mutmaßlich durch strukturelle FlexibilitĂ€t der Region des aktiven Zentrums. Das Lys+5-verknĂŒpfte Ubiquitin nimmt eine Donorubiquitin-Ă€hnliche Position auf UBE2S ein, wodurch UBE2S gehemmt wird. Da ein Lysin an der Position +5 in ~25% der humanen E2-Enzyme vorhanden und eine physiologische Ubiquitinierungsstelle ist, birgt dieser Mechanismus Regulationsmöglichkeiten ĂŒber UBE2S hinaus. ZusĂ€tzlich zum aktiven monomeren Zustand und dem durch Autoubiquitinierung ausgelösten inhibierten Zustand, kann UBE2S auch als Dimer vorliegen. In diesem Zustand ist es ebenfalls inaktiv, da die Donorubiquitin-Bindestelle auf UBE2S durch ein zweites MolekĂŒl des E2s blockiert wird. BegĂŒnstigt wird die Dimerisierung durch die C-terminale VerlĂ€ngerung von UBE2S und verhindert so deren Autoubiquitinierung, und folglich den proteasomalen Abbau von UBE2S. Es handelt sich hierbei somit um einen zweiten Regulationsmechanismus von UBE2S. Zusammenfassend veranschaulichen die in dieser Arbeit dargelegten Daten die komplexen Möglichkeiten, durch die die AktivitĂ€t von UBE2S reguliert werden kann, sowie die Erkenntnis, dass strukturell unterschiedliche Mechanismen existieren, um den ersten Schritt der von Ubiquitin-konjugierenden Enzymen katalysierten Reaktion zu hemmen

    Crystal structure of the catalytic C‐lobe of the HECT‐type ubiquitin ligase E6AP

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    The HECT‐type ubiquitin ligase E6AP (UBE3A) is critically involved in several neurodevelopmental disorders and human papilloma virus‐induced cervical tumorigenesis; the structural mechanisms underlying the activity of this crucial ligase, however, are incompletely understood. Here, we report a crystal structure of the C‐terminal lobe (“C‐lobe”) of the catalytic domain of E6AP that reveals two molecules in a domain‐swapped, dimeric arrangement. Interestingly, the molecular hinge that enables this structural reorganization with respect to the monomeric fold coincides with the active‐site region. While such dimerization is unlikely to occur in the context of full‐length E6AP, we noticed a similar domain swap in a crystal structure of the isolated C‐lobe of another HECT‐type ubiquitin ligase, HERC6. This may point to conformational strain in the active‐site region of HECT‐type ligases with possible implications for catalysis. Significance Statement The HECT‐type ubiquitin ligase E6AP has key roles in human papilloma virus‐induced cervical tumorigenesis and certain neurodevelopmental disorders. Here, we present a crystal structure of the C‐terminal, catalytic lobe of E6AP, providing basic insight into the conformational properties of this functionally critical region of HECT‐type ligases

    Towards a renewed research agenda in ecotoxicology

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    New concerns about biodiversity, ecosystem services and human health triggered several new regulations increasing the need for sound ecotoxicological risk assessment. The PEER network aims to share its view on the research issues that this challenges. PEER scientists call for an improved biologically relevant exposure assessment. They promote comprehensive effect assessment at several biological levels. Biological traits should be used for Environmental risk assessment (ERA) as promising tools to better understand relationships between structure and functioning of ecosystems. The use of modern high throughput methods could also enhance the amount of data for a better risk assessment. Improved models coping with multiple stressors or biological levels are necessary to answer for a more scientifically based risk assessment. Those methods must be embedded within life cycle analysis or economical models for efficient regulations. Joint research programmes involving humanities with ecological sciences should be developed for a sound risk management