56 research outputs found

    Gli2, hedgehog and TCR signalling

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    Shh production and Gli signaling is activated in vivo in lung, enhancing the Th2 response during a murine model of allergic asthma

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    The pathophysiology of allergic asthma is driven by T-helper 2 (Th2) immune responses following aeroallergen inhalation. The mechanisms that initiate, potentiate and regulate airways allergy are incompletely characterized. We have previously shown that Hedgehog (Hh) signaling to T-cells, via downstream Gli transcription factors, enhances T-cell conversion to a Th2 phenotype. Here, we show for the first time that Gli-dependent transcription is activated in T-cells in vivo during murine allergic airways disease (AAD) a model for the immunopathology of asthma; and that genetic repression of Gli signaling in Tcells decreases the differentiation and/or recruitment of Th2 cells to the lung. We report that T-cells are not the only cells capable of expressing activated Gli during AAD. A substantial proportion of eosinophils and lung epithelial cells, both central mediators of the immunopathology of asthma, are also able to undergo Hh/Gli signaling. Finally, we show that Shh increases Il4 expression in eosinophils. We therefore propose that Hh signaling during AAD is complex, involving multiple cell types, signaling in an auto- or paracrine fashion. Improved understanding of the role of this major morphogenetic pathway in asthma may give rise to new drug targets for this chronic condition

    A novel role for Hedgehog in T-cell receptor signaling: implications for development and immunity

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    The Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway is a key regulator of both embryonic development and homeostasis of adult tissues, including thymus and blood. In the thymus, Hh signals for differentiation, survival and proliferation in the early stages of T cell development, before TCR gene rearrangement. Our recent data has shown that Hh signaling also modulates T cell receptor (TCR) signal strength in more mature T lineage cells. We showed that constitutive activation of the Hh pathway in thymocytes (by transgenic expression of the transcriptional activator form of Gli2) decreased TCR signal strength with profound consequences for the thymus--allowing self-reactive T cells to escape deletion and altering T cell CD4/CD8 lineage decisions. In contrast, in the Sonic Hh deficient thymus, TCR signaling was increased, again influencing both TCR repertoire selection and CD4/8 lineage commitment. In peripheral T cells, the transcriptional changes induced by activation of the Hh signaling pathway lead to reduced T cell activation. Hh signaling also attenuated ERK phosphorylation and proliferation in mature T cells on TCR ligation. Modulation of TCR signal strength by Hh pathway activation has importance for immunity as the presence or absence of Hh in the environment in which a T cell is activated would shape the immune response

    Hedgehog signalling promotes Th2-differentiation in naive human CD4 T-cells

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    Original journal article Abstract: Here we show that differentiation of human naïve CD4 T-cells to Th2 is promoted by Hedgehog signaling and attenuated by SMO-inhibition. As Hedgehog proteins are produced by epithelial tissues this finding is important to understanding atopic disease

    Repression of hedgehog signal transduction in T-lineage cells increases TCR-induced activation and proliferation

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    Hedgehog proteins signal for differentiation, survival and proliferation of the earliest thymocyte progenitors, but their functions at later stages of thymocyte development and in peripheral T-cell function are controversial. Here we show that repression of Hedgehog (Hh) pathway activation in T-lineage cells, by expression of a transgenic repressor form of Gli2 (Gli2DeltaC2), increased T-cell differentiation and activationin response to TCR signalling. Expression of the Gli2DeltaC2 transgene increased differentiation from CD4(+)CD8(+) to single positive thymocyte, and increased peripheral T cell populations. Gli2DeltaC2 T-cells were hyper-responsive to activation by ligation of CD3 and CD28: they expressed cell surface activation markers CD69 and CD25 more quickly, and proliferated more than wild-type T-cells. These data show that Hedgehog pathway activation in thymocytes and T-cells negatively regulates TCR-dependent differentiation and proliferation. Thus, as negative regulators of TCR-dependent events, Hh proteins provide an environmental influence on T-cell fate

    Thymus transplantation for complete DiGeorge syndrome: European experience

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    Background: Thymus transplantation is a promising strategy for the treatment of athymic complete DiGeorge syndrome (cDGS). Methods: Twelve patients with cDGS were transplanted with allogeneic cultured thymus. Objective: To confirm and extend the results previously obtained in a single centre. Results: Two patients died of pre-existing viral infections without developing thymopoeisis and one late death occurred from autoimmune thrombocytopaenia. One infant suffered septic shock shortly after transplant resulting in graft loss and the need for a second transplant. Evidence of thymopoeisis developed from 5-6 months after transplantation in ten patients. The median (range) of circulating naïve CD4 counts (x10663 /L) were 44(11-440) and 200(5-310) at twelve and twenty-four months post-transplant and T-cell receptor excision circles were 2238 (320-8807) and 4184 (1582 -24596) per106 65 T-cells. Counts did not usually reach normal levels for age but patients were able to clear pre-existing and later acquired infections. At a median of 49 months (22-80), eight have ceased prophylactic antimicrobials and five immunoglobulin replacement. Histological confirmation of thymopoeisis was seen in seven of eleven patients undergoing biopsy of transplanted tissue including five showing full maturation through to the terminal stage of Hassall body formation. Autoimmune regulator (AIRE) expression was also demonstrated. Autoimmune complications were seen in 7/12 patients. In two, early transient autoimmune haemolysis settled after treatment and did not recur. The other five suffered ongoing autoimmune problems including: thyroiditis (3); haemolysis (1), thrombocytopaenia (4) and neutropenia (1). Conclusions: This study confirms the previous reports that thymus transplantation can reconstitute T cells in cDGS but with frequent autoimmune complications in survivors

    IFITM proteins drive type 2 T helper cell differentiation and exacerbate allergic airway inflammation

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    T cells differentiated more efficiently to Th1, whereas Th2 differentiation was inhibited. Ifitm-family-deficient mice, but not Ifitm3-deficient mice, were less susceptible than WT to induction of allergic airways disease, with a weaker Th2 response and less severe disease and lower Il4 but higher Ifng expression and IL-27 secretion. Thus, the Ifitm family is important in adaptive immunity, influencing Th1/Th2 polarization, and Th2 immunopathology

    Joint resummation in electroweak boson production

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    We present a phenomenological application of the joint resummation formalism to electroweak annihilation processes at measured boson momentum Q_T. This formalism simultaneously resums at next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy large threshold and recoil corrections to partonic scattering. We invert the impact parameter transform using a previously described analytic continuation procedure. This leads to a well-defined, resummed perturbative cross section for all nonzero Q_T, which can be compared to resummation carried out directly in Q_T space. From the structure of the resummed expressions, we also determine the form of nonperturbative corrections to the cross section and implement these into our analysis. We obtain a good description of the transverse momentum distribution of Z bosons produced at the Tevatron collider.Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX, 8 figures as eps files. Some additions to earlier version, this version as published in Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 01401

    Sonic Hedgehog regulates thymic epithelial cell differentiation

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    Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) is expressed in the thymus, where it regulates T cell development. Here we investigated the influence of Shh on thymic epithelial cell (TEC) development. Components of the Hedgehog (Hh) signalling pathway were expressed by TEC, and use of a Gli Binding Site-green fluorescence protein (GFP) transgenic reporter mouse demonstrated active Hh-dependent transcription in TEC in the foetal and adult thymus. Analysis of Shh-deficient foetal thymus organ cultures (FTOC) showed that Shh is required for normal TEC differentiation. Shh-deficient foetal thymus contained fewer TEC than wild type (WT), the proportion of medullary TEC was reduced relative to cortical TEC, and cell surface expression of MHC Class II molecules was increased on both cortical and medullary TEC populations. In contrast, the Gli3-deficient thymus, which shows increased Hh-dependent transcription in thymic stroma, had increased numbers of TEC, but decreased cell surface expression of MHC Class II molecules on both cortical and medullary TEC. Neutralisation of endogenous Hh proteins in WT FTOC led to a reduction in TEC numbers, and in the proportion of mature Aire-expressing medullary TEC, but an increase in cell surface expression of MHC Class II molecules on medullary TEC. Likewise, conditional deletion of Shh from TEC in the adult thymus resulted in alterations in TEC differentiation and consequent changes in T cell development. TEC numbers, and the proportion of mature Aire-expressing medullary TEC were reduced, and cell surface expression of MHC Class II molecules on medullary TEC was increased. Differentiation of mature CD4 and CD8 single positive thymocytes was increased, demonstrating the regulatory role of Shh production by TEC on T cell development. Treatment of human thymus explants with recombinant Shh or neutralising anti-Shh antibody indicated that the Hedgehog pathway is also involved in regulation of differentiation from DP to mature SP T cells in the human thymus