112 research outputs found

    The Simulation of Human Intelligence

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    Nowadays, we are extensively feed up with technology of information all around us. Everything we have seen around us is purely a product of high end advancement. The arrival of computers made the importance of information technology rapidly spreading around where everyone has observed its unveiling growth. It’s an industry which gathers the procedure of computer hardware, software and networking. Information technology turns as an aide. A standard process that allows great bulks of data to be kept and processed or transmitted at lightning speed. Now, there is more information at hand to make choices, sustain and preserve relations, monitor business activities or track movements. By this, information can be received and acquired at any moment

    Реформирование шведского опыта дистанционного обучение в украинскую систему высшего образования

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    The article deals with the conceptual ideas of distance education in the European Higher Education Area and future prospects definition in distance learning implementation into higher education system of Ukraine. Development system of higher education and distance learning development stages are analyzed. The main goal of creating distance education in Ukraine is to increase the level of education of the society and the quality of education, as well as the formation of a single educational space. It is necessary to address such major challenges as the formation of legal, organizational, teaching, information and telecommunications, logistics, personnel, economic and financial support. The development of distance education will not only provide our population access to quality education, but also provide an opportunity to take a place on the global education market.Статья посвящена исследованию концептуальных идей дистанционного образования в Европейском пространстве высшего образования и определению дальнейших перспектив развития отечественной практики внедрения дистанционного обучения в систему высшего образования Украины. Проанализировано систему развития высшего образования и этапы развития дистанционного обучения

    Защита интеллектуальной собственности в системе дистанционного образования

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    Main aspects of intellectual property protection in the implementation of distance learning are studied. The relevance based on the need of implementation distance learning and the use of the opportunities offered by e-learning. The problem of the protection intellectual property in distance education. It is determined that technical means should provide a program of students' work on the content of the educational material (program of its learning process), a combination of training and education functions, strengthening the control and self-control of the process and its results of the process of learning knowledge, assistance in implementing the ideas of differential and problem learning.В работе рассматриваются основные аспекты защиты интеллектуальной собственности при внедрении дистанционного обучения. Актуальность работы обусловлена необходимостью внедрения дистанционного обучения и использованием возможностей, которые дает электронное обучение. Исследована проблема необходимости защиты интеллектуальной собственности в системе дистанционного образования. Установлено, что технические средства должны обеспечивать программу работы студентов по содержанию учебного материала (программа его учебного процесса), сочетание функций обучения и образования, укрепление контроля и самоконтроля процесса и его результатов процесса обучения знаниям, помощи в реализации идей дифференциального и проблемного обучени

    Аналіз граматичних можливостей науково-технічного перекладу

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    The aim of the present study is to determine the most significant grammatical difficulties that occur in the process of translating from English into Ukrainian and vice versa and to suggest the efficient ways of their mastering. The reasons of the said difficulties existence have been explained, namely: differences and significant discrepancies in the grammatical structure of the both languages, the first being mostly an analytical, and the latter a synthetic, flexible language. Grammatical difficulties of translation are classified into the following six groups: 1) connected with misunderstanding of the syntactic structure and morphological composition of the sentence; 2) connected with the different content volume of analogous forms and constructions in the two languages; 3) the grammar features of the original text’s language possessing functional characteristics different from the respective grammar features in the target language; 4) grammar features possessing different frequency characteristicsin English and Ukrainian scientific and technical literature; 5) grammar homonyms, formally identical grammar forms or constructions performing different grammar functions; 6) peculiarities ofexpressing the sentence parts in the both languages, primarily that of the subject and the predicate. The problem of grammatical literalism and its consequences affecting the translation’s quality has been touched upon. Certain ways of mastering grammatical difficulties have been suggested, namely performance of translational grammatical transformations which fall under five categories: permutations (reordering), substitution (replacement), addition, omission and a complex transformation. Reasons explaining the necessity of transformations performance are presented. As a result of the study the conclusion has been made that skills and habits of performing translational transformations constitute an important component of the translator’s competence. Therefore, proper attention should be paid to their training and adequate use. Translational transformations should be aimed at adequate rendering of the original text’s ideas with account of the target language’s norms.Целью настоящего исследования является выявление основных грамматических трудностей при переводе англоязычных научно-технических текстов на украинский язык и предложение способов их преодоления. Грамматические трудности перевода сгруппированы в шесть групп в зависимости от вида грамматических явлений, которыми они вызваны. Затронута проблема грамматического буквализма и его последствий, сказывающихся на качестве перевода. С целью преодоления трудностей пеевода грамматического характера предложено проведение ряда переводческих трансформаций, а именно: пермутация, субституция, добавление, опущение и комплексная трансформация. Дано обоснование необходимости трансформаций при переводе с английского языка на украинский. В заключительной части статьи сделан вывод о том, что умения и навыки выполнения переводческих трансформаций являются существенным компонентом профессиональной компетенции переводчика, потому выработка этих навыков и правильное употребление трансформаций при переводе требуют достаточного времени и внимания. Применение трансформаций должно быть направлено на адекватную передачу смысла оригинального текста с учетом норм языка перевода.Метою даного дослідження є виявлення основних граматичних труднощів при перекладі англомовних науково-технічних текстів українською мовою і пропозиція способів їх подолання. Граматичні труднощі перекладу згруповані в шість груп залежно від виду граматичних явищ, якими вони викликані. Порушена проблема граматичного буквалізму і його наслідків, що позначаються на якості перекладу. З метою подолання труднощів перекладу граматичного характеру запропоновано проведення ряду перекладацьких трансформацій, а саме: пермутації, субституция, додавання, опущення і комплексна трансформація. Дано обґрунтування необхідності трансформацій при перекладі з англійської мови на українську. У заключній частині статті зроблено висновок про те, що вміння і навички виконання перекладацьких трансформацій є істотним компонентом професійної компетенції перекладача, тому вироблення цих навичок і правильне вживання трансформацій при перекладі вимагають достатнього часу і уваги. Застосування трансформацій має бути направлено на адекватну передачу сенсу оригінального тексту з урахуванням норм мови перекладу

    Exploring Networks of Lexical Variation in Russian Sign Language

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    When describing variation at the lexical level in sign languages, researchers often distinguish between phonological and lexical variants, using the following principle: if two signs differ in only one of the major phonological components (handshape, orientation, movement, location), then they are considered phonological variants, otherwise they are considered separate lexemes. We demonstrate that this principle leads to contradictions in some simple and more complex cases of variation. We argue that it is useful to visualize the relations between variants as graphs, and we describe possible networks of variants that can arise using this visualization tool. We further demonstrate that these scenarios in fact arise in the case of variation in color terms and kinship terms in Russian Sign Language (RSL), using a newly created database of lexical variation in RSL. We show that it is possible to develop a set of formal rules that can help distinguish phonological and lexical variation also in the problematic scenarios. However, we argue that it might be a mistake to dismiss the actual patterns of variant relations in order to arrive at the binary lexical vs. phonological variant opposition.publishedVersio


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    The article deals with the conceptual ideas of distance education in the European Higher Education Area and future prospects definition in distance learning implementation into higher education system of Ukraine. Development system of higher education and distance learning development stages are analyzed. The main goal of creating distance education in Ukraine is to increase the level of education of the society and the quality of education, as well as the formation of a single educational space. It is necessary to address such major challenges as the formation of legal, organizational, teaching, information and telecommunications, logistics, personnel, economic and financial support. The development of distance education will not only provide our population access to quality education, but also provide an opportunity to take a place on the global education marketСтатья посвящена исследованию концептуальных идей дистанционного образования в Европейском пространстве высшего образования и определению дальнейших перспектив развития отечественной практики внедрения дистанционного обучения в систему высшего образования Украины. Проанализировано систему развития высшего образования и этапы развития дистанционного обучения.Стаття присвячена дослідженню концептуальних ідей дистанційної освіти в Європейському просторі вищої освіти та  визначенню подальших перспектив розвитку вітчизняної практики впровадження дистанційного навчання в систему вищої освіти України. Проаналізовано систему розвитку вищої освіти та етапи розвитку дистанційного навчанн

    Cytoplasmic linker proteins promote microtubule rescue in vivo

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    The role of plus end–tracking proteins in regulating microtubule (MT) dynamics was investigated by expressing a dominant negative mutant that removed endogenous cytoplasmic linker proteins (CLIPs) from MT plus ends. In control CHO cells, MTs exhibited asymmetric behavior: MTs persistently grew toward the plasma membrane and displayed frequent fluctuations of length near the cell periphery. In the absence of CLIPs, the microtubule rescue frequency was reduced by sevenfold. MT behavior became symmetrical, consisting of persistent growth and persistent shortening. Removal of CLIPs also caused loss of p150Glued but not CLIP-associating protein (CLASP2) or EB1. This result raised the possibility that the change in dynamics was a result of the loss of either CLIPs or p150Glued. To distinguish between these possibilities, we performed rescue experiments. Normal MT dynamics were restored by expression of the CLIP-170 head domain, but p150Glued was not recruited back to MT plus ends. Expression of p150Glued head domain only partially restored MT dynamics. We conclude that the CLIP head domain is sufficient to alter MT dynamics either by itself serving as a rescue factor or indirectly by recruiting a rescue factor. By promoting a high rescue frequency, CLIPs provide a mechanism by which MT plus ends may be concentrated near the cell margin

    Modernization of the approach to usage of region’s budget resources in the conditions of information economy development

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    The purpose of the article is to substantiate the necessity and to develop recommendations for modernizing the approach for usage of region’s budget resources in the conditions of the information economy creation. The methodological provision of verification of the offered hypothesis includes the specially developed method for evaluating the effectiveness of usage of region’s budget resources from the position of the information economy creation. For calculations, the article uses the information and analytical materials of the Russian specialized institutions that study the processes of development of the information economy: “Research Financial Institute”, Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, and expert and ranking organizations – the State Management and CNews. It is proved that the traditional approach to usage of region’s budget resources, which is applied in modern Russia, contradicts the general national course for development of the information economy, as it does not stimulate the formation of information society and development of information and technological spheres of the regional economy and does not allow for development of interaction and cooperation of all interests parties within the budget process, which confirms the offered hypothesis. To solve the determined problem, the authors develop the modern approach to the usage of region’s budget resources in the conditions of the information economy creation and offer practical recommendations for modernizing the existing approach in modern Russia.peer-reviewe


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    Main aspects of intellectual property protection in the implementation of distance learning are studied. The relevance based on the need of implementation distance learning and the use of the opportunities offered by e-learning. The problem of the protection intellectual property in distance education. It is determined that technical means should provide a program of students' work on the content of the educational material (program of its learning process), a combination of training and education functions, strengthening the control and self-control of the process and its results of the process of learning knowledge, assistance in implementing the ideas of differential and problem learning.В работе рассматриваются основные аспекты защиты интеллектуальной собственности при внедрении дистанционного обучения. Актуальность работы обусловлена необходимостью внедрения дистанционного обучения и использованием возможностей, которые дает электронное обучение. Исследована проблема необходимости защиты интеллектуальной собственности в системе дистанционного образования. Установлено, что технические средства должны обеспечивать программу работы студентов по содержанию учебного материала (программа его учебного процесса), сочетание функций обучения и образования, укрепление контроля и самоконтроля процесса и его результатов процесса обучения знаниям, помощи в реализации идей дифференциального и проблемного обучения.В роботі розглядаються головні аспекти захисту інтелектуальної власності при впровадженні дистанційного навчання. Актуальність роботи зумовлена необхідністю впровадження дистанційного навчання та використанням можливостей, які дає електронне навчання. Досліджено проблему необхідності захисту інтелектуальної власності в системі дистанційного освіти. Визначено, що технічними засобами має бути передбачена програма роботи студентів за змістом навчального матеріалу (програма його навчального процесу), поєднання функцій навчання та освіти, посилення контролю та самоконтролю процесу та його результатів процесу вивчення знань, допомоги у реалізації ідей диференційованого та проблемного навчання

    Mammalian end binding proteins control persistent microtubule growth

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    © 2009 Komarova et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0. The definitive version was published in Journal of Cell Biology 184 (2009): 691-706, doi:10.1083/jcb.200807179.End binding proteins (EBs) are highly conserved core components of microtubule plus-end tracking protein networks. Here we investigated the roles of the three mammalian EBs in controlling microtubule dynamics and analyzed the domains involved. Protein depletion and rescue experiments showed that EB1 and EB3, but not EB2, promote persistent microtubule growth by suppressing catastrophes. Furthermore, we demonstrated in vitro and in cells that the EB plus-end tracking behavior depends on the calponin homology domain but does not require dimer formation. In contrast, dimerization is necessary for the EB anti-catastrophe activity in cells; this explains why the EB1 dimerization domain, which disrupts native EB dimers, exhibits a dominant-negative effect. When microtubule dynamics is reconstituted with purified tubulin, EBs promote rather than inhibit catastrophes, suggesting that in cells EBs prevent catastrophes by counteracting other microtubule regulators. This probably occurs through their action on microtubule ends, because catastrophe suppression does not require the EB domains needed for binding to known EB partners.This work was supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientifi c Research grants to A.A., by Funda ç ã o para a Ci ê ncia e a Tecnologia fellowship to S.M. Gouveia, by a FEBS fellowship to R.M. Buey, by the National Institutes of Health grant GM25062 to G.G. Borisy and by the Swiss National Science Foundation through grant 3100A0-109423 and by the National Center of Competence in Research Structural Biology program to M.O. Steinmetz