119 research outputs found

    Protest camps

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    Protest camps are global phenomena, occurring across a wide range of social movements and encompassing a diversity of demands for social change. They are spaces where people come together to imagine alternative worlds and articulate contentious politics, often in confrontation with the state. By taking a closer look at protest camps this book contributes two original insights. Firstly it provides a detailed investigation into the empirical history of protest camps from a global perspective, a story that has never been told before. Protest Camps will discuss a variety of examples of camps, taking the reader across different cultural, political and geographical landscapes of protest. Secondly the book will contribute to the understanding of the role of protest camps in contentious politics. This book argues that protest camps are unique spaces in which activists form collective political identities and enact experimental and experiential forms of democratic politics

    Blommande pÀrlband

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    Intensivare regn och en tÀtare stadsbyggnad kommer att stÀlla större krav pÄ bÄde effektivare dagvattenhantering och effektivare nyttjande av ytor. Det Àr en viktig och sjÀlvklar funktion hos vÄra parker att kunna ta hand om dagvatten. Syftet med detta arbete Àr att visa hur en dagvattenanlÀggning i Vilbergsparken i Norrköpings kommun kan utformas, med speciellt fokus pÄ vÀxtligheten. Detta arbete inleddes med en förstudie som bestod av tre parallella spÄr: Teoretisk översikt över vÀxter i dagvattenanlÀggningar, studier av referensprojekt samt inventering och analys av Vilbergsparken och den planerade dagvattenhanteringen i parken. Metoderna för detta har varit litteraturstudier, intervjuer, platsbesök, dokumentgranskning och samtal med sakkunniga. UtifrÄn dessa studier har sedan ett gestaltningsförslag för dagvattenanlÀggningen i Vilbergsparken arbetats fram. Gestaltningens huvudidé var att lÄta dagvattenanlÀggningen bli ett blommande pÀrlband genom Vilbergsparken. Huvudprinciperna var att lÄta vÄtmarksvegetation etablera sig spontant och komplettera detta med blommande vÀxter pÄ utvalda platser och rama in med rumskapande trÀd och buskar. Diken och dammar ges mjuka, rundade former med flacka slÀnter för att smÀlta in i parken. VÀxter valdes för att tillföra en ökad variation och lÀngre blomningssÀsong i parken. Spontanetablerad vÄtmarksvegetation Àr intressant ur perspektivet att minimera anvÀndningen av förnybara resurser. Den fyller ocksÄ renande och fördröjande funktioner i en dagvattenanlÀggning, men riskerar att uppfattas som ogrÀs. MÄnga mÀnniskor föredrar landskap som upplevs prydliga och som visar tecken pÄ mÀnsklig omsorg. Blommor och trÀd Àr huvudingredienser i min gestaltning för att rama in det vilda. Stora och visuellt starka blommor i högre andel Àn vad som Àr naturligt kan ge en ökad acceptans för en naturlik gestaltning. TrÀd Àr ocksÄ nÄgot som mÀnniskor i hög grad Àr benÀgna att omedelbart uppskatta. Men spontanetablerad vegetation kan ocksÄ vara bÄde rik i upplevelse och arter och ge en naturlig kÀnsla som tydligt signalerar vatten. Med medveten skötsel med en tydlig strategi kan ocksÄ platsen formas och utvecklas över tiden.Climate changes will lead to more intense and frequent rainfall, resulting in overloaded storm sewers and flooding. Denser cities with more hard surfaces also increase the storm water load and demands a more efficient use of space were multiple functions are combined. Handling stormwater is an important and natural function of our parks. The aim of this work was to show how a stormwater facility in Vilbergsparken in the city of Norrköping can be designed, specifically focusing on vegetation and planting design. The project started with an initial study consisting of three different parts, a theoretical overview of plants in storm water systems, a study of reference projects and inventory and analysis of Vilbergsparken and the planned open storm water drainage system. The methods used were literature studies, interviews, site visits and document studies. Based on the result of these studies a design proposal was created. Sketching was used through the entire process to capture, explore and evaluate ideas. The main idea for the design is a string of flowering pearls along the drainage system. The main design principles were to let wetland vegetation self-establish, complimented by planted flowering focal points at selected spots and to use trees and shrubs to create the space and structure around the facility. Swales and ponds are given gentle slopes and rounded shapes to integrate in the surrounding landscape. Plants were chosen to increase diversity and flowering season in the park. Self-established plants are interesting from the aspect of saving both economic and ecological resources. Experience also show that it is functional in stormwater drainage systems where it results in a rich flora, which contribute to the retention and cleaning of the water. Natural flora, settling at their own will, can be perceived as weeds. Many people prefer landscapes that are tidy, showing signs of human care. A main strategy in my design was to use trees and flowering plants to give the natural wetland vegetation an orderly frame signalling human intention. On the other hand, natural flora may add a natural feel and enhance the experience of a water landscape. The maintenance required will be relatively simple, based on cutting back the vegetation. It also offers the opportunity for creative management, where for example access to water can be regulated

    Replacing the irreplaceable : an investigation of tree species for replacing the weeping elms at the Woodland Cemetery

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    Paraplyalmarna i Meditationslunden Àr symboliska för SkogskyrkogÄrden, men deras framtid Àr hotad av almsjukan. Vad skulle hÀnda om man var tvungen att ta bort dem? Hur kan platsens karaktÀr pÄ bÀsta sÀtt bevaras om almarna inte kan vara kvar? Dessa frÄgor var grunden till denna uppsats vars syfte Àr att undersöka hur man kan gÄ tillvÀga för att hitta lÀmpliga ersÀttande trÀdarter för paraplyalmarna i Meditationslunden. Platsen studerades med en litteraturstudie av ursprungliga gestaltningsidéer, upplevelsevÀrden, en ELA-baserad analys av upplevelser, rörelsemönster och sinnesintryck pÄ platsen samt dess stÄndortsförhÄllanden. UtifrÄn dessa resultat definierades kriterier för val av trÀd. Baserat pÄ principerna frÄn Robinsons respektive Sjöman och Slagstedts vÀxtvalsmodeller utformades en anpassad modell för stegvis urval av vÀxter som tillÀmpades pÄ trÀdsortimentet hos StÄngby plantskola. Analysen identifierade siluetten av trÀden pÄ kullen med breda kronor och ett elegant och exotiskt uttryck som viktiga. I första urvalssteget lÄg fokus pÄ trÀdets storlek och kronbredd, vilket sÄllade bort mÄnga arter. I följande urvalssteg gjordes en mer detaljerad utvÀrdering av trÀdens karaktÀr. Sibiriskt korktrÀd valdes genom urvalsprocessen ut som det trÀd som bÀst uppfyllde kriterierna. Ett trÀdbyte skulle vara ett stort ingrepp i kulturhistoriska och upplevelsemÀssiga vÀrden, men det sibiriska korktrÀdet ansÄgs bÀst kunna bevara utseendet och upplevelsen av karaktÀren pÄ platsen.The weeping elms of the Meditation grove are iconic for the Woodland Cemetery, but their future is threatened by the Dutch elm disease. What would happen if they need to be removed? How can the site be best preserved when the elms are no longer there? These questions were the basis for this study of how to find replacing tree species for the elms. A literature study of the original design ideas and experience values, an ELA-based analysis of experiences, movements and sensory experiences at the site as well as an investigation of growth conditions was the basis for defining criteria for selecting new tree species. Based on the principles of stepwise selection in the plant selection methods of Robinson a well as Sjöman and Slagstedt a tailor made selection model was created and applied to the assortment of trees of StÄngby plantskola. The analysis identified the silhouette of the trees with their wide crowns on the hill as well as their elegant and exotic appearance as important. The tree size and width of the crown led to the exclusion of many trees. In subsequent selection steps a more detailed evaluation of tree character and appearance was done. Finally, Amur cork tree was selected to best fulfil the postulated criteria. Even though changing tree species at the Meditation grove would mean a loss of historic as well as experiential values, when all else fails the amur cork tree was found to be the best candidate to preserve the appearance at the site

    DĂŒngewirkung organischer Nebenprodukte aus der Insektenzucht der Schwarzen Soldatenfliege (Hermetia illucens)

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    Untersucht wurde die DĂŒngewirkung von organischen Nebenprodukten aus der Insektenzucht mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften zu Staudenbasilikum. Eine hoher Frischmasseertrag wurde nach DĂŒngung von Insektenfraß aufgrund eines gĂŒnstigen VerhĂ€ltnis von N-P-K im DĂŒngemittel festgestellt

    Assessing circadian rhythms in propofol PK and PD during prolonged infusion in ICU patients

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    This study evaluates possible circadian rhythms during prolonged propofol infusion in patients in the intensive care unit. Eleven patients were sedated with a constant propofol infusion. The blood samples for the propofol assay were collected every hour during the second day, the third day, and after the termination of the propofol infusion. Values of electroencephalographic bispectral index (BIS), arterial blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen saturation and body temperature were recorded every hour at the blood collection time points. A two-compartment model was used to describe propofol pharmacokinetics. Typical values of the central and peripheral volume of distribution and inter-compartmental clearance were VC = 27.7 l, VT = 801 l, and CLD = 2.73 l/min. The systolic blood pressure (SBP) was found to influence the propofol metabolic clearance according to Cl (l/min) = 2.65·(1 − 0.00714·(SBP − 135)). There was no significant circadian rhythm detected with respect to propofol pharmacokinetics. The BIS score was assessed as a direct effect model with EC50 equal 1.98 mg/l. There was no significant circadian rhythm detected within the BIS scores. We concluded that the light–dark cycle did not influence propofol pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in intensive care units patients. The lack of night–day differences was also noted for systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and blood oxygenation. Circadian rhythms were detected for heart rate and body temperature, however they were severely disturbed from the pattern of healthy patients

    Design and Characterization of a Human Monoclonal Antibody that Modulates Mutant Connexin 26 Hemichannels Implicated in Deafness and Skin Disorders

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    Background: Mutations leading to changes in properties, regulation, or expression of connexin-made channels have been implicated in 28 distinct human hereditary diseases. Eight of these result from variants of connexin 26 (Cx26), a protein critically involved in cell-cell signaling in the inner ear and skin. Lack of non-toxic drugs with defined mechanisms of action poses a serious obstacle to therapeutic interventions for diseases caused by mutant connexins. In particular, molecules that specifically modulate connexin hemichannel function without affecting gap junction channels are considered of primary importance for the study of connexin hemichannel role in physiological as well as pathological conditions. Monoclonal antibodies developed in the last three decades have become the most important class of therapeutic biologicals. Recombinant methods permit rapid selection and improvement of monoclonal antibodies from libraries with large diversity.Methods: By screening a combinatorial library of human single-chain fragment variable (scFv) antibodies expressed in phage, we identified a candidate that binds an extracellular epitope of Cx26. We characterized antibody action using a variety of biochemical and biophysical assays in HeLa cells, organotypic cultures of mouse cochlea and human keratinocyte-derived cells.Results: We determined that the antibody is a remarkably efficient, non-toxic, and completely reversible inhibitor of hemichannels formed by connexin 26 and does not affect direct cell-cell communication via gap junction channels. Importantly, we also demonstrate that the antibody efficiently inhibits hyperative mutant Cx26 hemichannels implicated in autosomal dominant non-syndromic hearing impairment accompanied by keratitis and hystrix-like ichthyosis-deafness (KID/HID) syndrome. We solved the crystal structure of the antibody, identified residues that are critical for binding and used molecular dynamics to uncover its mechanism of action.Conclusions: Although further studies will be necessary to validate the effect of the antibody in vivo, the methodology described here can be extended to select antibodies against hemichannels composed by other connexin isoforms and, consequently, to target other pathologies associated with hyperactive hemichannels. Our study highlights the potential of this approach and identifies connexins as therapeutic targets addressable by screening phage display libraries expressing human randomized antibodies
