445 research outputs found


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    Dalam mencapai langkah pembelajaran geografi, dibutuhkan sumber belajar untuk memperoleh informasi, pengetahuan, pengalaman, dan keterampilan pada proses belajar mengajar. Sumber belajar memiliki beberapa jenis, salah satu yang dapat digunakan pada pembelajaran geografi yang mempelajari gejala dan peristiwa alam yang terjadi di muka bumi yaitu sumber belajar lingkungan. Sehingga, keberadaan Taman Wisata Alam Situ Gunung di Kabupaten Sukabumi yang didalamnya memiliki potensi untuk dimanfaatkan oleh guru geografi SMA sebagai sumber belajar geografi pada kegiatan belajar mengajar. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, penelitian ini mengkaji tentang pemanfaatan Taman Wisata Alam Situ Gunung sebagai sumber belajar geografi SMA di Kabupaten Sukabumi. Penelitian ini bertujuan : 1) Mengidentifikasi potensi TWA Situ Gunung sebagai sumber belajar geografi, 2) Mengetahui pendapat dan penilaian guru terhadap pemanfaatan TWA Situ Gunung sebagai sumber belajar geografi, 3) Mengidentifikasi faktor pendorong dan penghambat TWA Situ Gunung sebagai sumber belajar geografi. Menggunakan metode deskriptif. Populasi seluruh guru geografi SMA di Kabupaten Sukabumi bagian utara, dan sampel menggunakan area sampling dengan faktor lokasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik persentase dan Skala likert. Hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan : 1) Potensi Taman Wisata Alam Situ Gunung meliputi kondisi fisik, tersedianya sarana dan prasarana, keanekaragaman flora dan fauna serta objek wisata dapat menunjang sebagai sumber belajar geografi. 2) Sebanyak 67% guru geografi memberikan pendapat dan penilaian kuat atau positif terhadap pemanfaatan TWA Situ Gunung sebagai sumber belajar. Hal tersebut meliputi guru memahami sumber belajar, mengetahui TWA Situ Gunung sebagai sumber belajar, guru cukup memanfaatkan TWA Situ Gunung sebagai sumber belajar geografi dan pendapat penilaiannya positif terhadap dukungan pemanfaatan lingkungan TWA Situ Gunung sebagai sumber belajar. 3) Sebagian besar guru setuju faktor pendukung berupa potensi TWA Situ Gunung dapat mendukung kegiatan pembelajaran geografi. Serta diantara faktor penghambat, yaitu faktor sekolah memiliki pengaruh lebih dominan disamping faktor guru. Kata Kunci : Pembelajaran Geografi, Sumber Belajar, Taman Wisata Alam Situ Gunung In case to acquire steps of geography learning, learning source is needed to get information, knowledge, experiences, and skills at teaching and learning process. Learning source has some kinds, one that can be used at Geography learning which studying about indication and natural events that occur on earth is enviromental learning source. So that the existence of Taman Wisata Alam Situ Gunung in Sukabumi Regency has potential to be used by high school geography teacher as geography learning source in teaching and learning activity. Based on this background, this research examines the usage TWA Situ Gunung as the learning source for geography high schooler in Sukabumi Regency. The goals from this research are: 1) Identifying the potential of TWA Situ Gunung as the learning source, 2) Knowing the opinions and judgements from the geography teachers about using TWA Situ Gunung as the learning source, 3) Identifying the organizer factors and the obstacles TWA Situ Gunung as a source of geography learning. Using descriptive metode. The population of senior high school’s geography teachers in north Sukabumi Regency, and using area sampling or schools distance. Data were analyzed using percentage techniques and Likert scale. The yield of research indicating : 1) Physical conditon of TWA Situ Gunung, the availability of the tools and infrastructure, also the various of flora and fauna also tour object has potential to be used as geography’s learning source. 2) about 67% geography teacher gave opinion and good rating or positive for the usage of TWA Situ Gunung as learning source. This includes teachers understand the learning source, find out TWA Situ Gunung as learning source, the teachers using TWA Situ Gunung as geography learning source and their positive appraisal to support the usage of the TWA Situ Gunung environment as learning source. 3) More than half of them agreed that the organizer factors which are the potential of TWA Situ Gunung can support the geography learning activity. As well as among the obstacles, is school factor have bigger dominan than the teachers affect. Keywords: Geography learning, The Learning Source, Taman Wisata Alam Situ Gunun

    Case: Quality of Student’s Content Writing Through Implementation of Project Based Learning Model in Biology

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    The research aims to improve the quality of student’s content writing in biology through implementation of Project Based Learning model. The research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) with the subjects of this research were students of class XI MIPA 6 SMA N 4 Surakarta are 32 learners. Research conducted by the cyclical phases: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research data was collected through observation, documentation, and interviews, which are equipped with a writing rubric skills. Data validation method using triangulation techniques. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis: reduction, presentation, and verification of data. The results showed an increase in the quality of learners writing the content for the application of the model Project Based Learning in learning biology


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    The Covid-19 pandemic is an extraordinary event that is currently hitting various parts of the world. Many of the consequences caused by this outbreak of this virus. Limitation of social interaction (social distancing) in an effort to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19 was taken and followed government health protocols. Online learning as an alternative to learning in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Learning that is carried out indirectly and is in a network, of course, makes students must have strong learning motivation to achieve maximum learning outcomes. There are two objectives in this study, namely 1) to analyze and test the differences in learning outcomes of class X students of SMK Muhammadiyah Kartasura in offline learning before the Covid-19 pandemic era and in online learning in the Covid-19 pandemic era, 2) Analyze and test the influence of motivation on outcomes. class X student of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Kartasura in online learning in the Covid-19 pandemic era. This research uses a quantitative approach with the type of comparative causal research. The results of this study indicate that there are significant differences in the average learning outcomes of Class X Vocational School students in offline learning before the Covid-19 pandemic era and in online learning in the Covid-19 pandemic era. Student learning outcomes in offline learning are higher than in online learning. Meanwhile, the one-way Anova test results show that there is an influence of motivation on learning outcomes of class X Vocational High School students in online learning in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. Students have high motivation to learn in the high and low groups


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    The development of business ventures is increasingly marked by the increasing level competition between companies and the existence of business opportunities in motorcycle services  that  make  many  entrepreneurs  interested  in  opening  the  business.  The  purpose study was to determine the effect of facilities and services on customer satisfaction where the  independent  variable  is  Facility  and  Service,  affecting  customer  satisfaction  as  the dependent  variable.The  population  used  study  is  customer  service  service  customers  and the  purchase  of  PT  Honda  Alexsander  motorcycle  spare  parts  in  Batam,  sample  of  100 respondents  used  as  PT  Honda  Alexsander  customers  in  Batam.The  sampling  collection method  uses  the  Slovin  method  and  the  data  collection  technique  uses  a  questionnaire. This  type  of  research  is  quantitative  research.  Quantitative  analysis  includes  validity, reliability,  classic  assumption  test,  multiple  linear  analysis,  coefficient  of  determination (R2), f test and t test. Data from study were processed using SPSS version 20. The results study  are  that  the  facilities  partially  have  a  positive  and  significant  influence  on purchasing decisions, service has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. While simultaneous results, facilities and services have a significant influence on customer satisfaction at PT Honda Alexsander in the city of Batam.&nbsp


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    Abstract: This study uses a quantitative research approach to the type of pre-experimental design types of One-group pretest-posttest design. The purposed this research is to determine the effect of media flannel board to recognize patterns in children's ability group A in RA AL Hidayah Ngadirejo Pogalan Trenggalek. The subjects were children in group A consisting of 9 girls and 13 boys. The result of this research indicates that the use of the flannel board media significantly influence the child's ability to recognize patterns in group A in RA AL Hidayah. Keywords: Media board flannel, Know your ability pattern, Child  Abstrak: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis pre eksperimen design jenis One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh media papan flanel terhadap kemampuan mengenal pola pada anak kelompok A di RA AL Hidayah Ngadirejo Pogalan Trenggalek. Subjek penelitian ini adalah anak kelompok A yang terdiri dari 9 perempuan dan 13 laki-laki. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media papan flanel berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kemampuan mengenal pola pada anak kelompok A di RA AL Hidayah. Kata kunci: Media papan flanel, Kemampuan mengenal pola, Ana

    Education on Factors Influencing Couple of Reproductive Age in Choosing Implants Contraception At Gonting Malaha Health Center

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    The Family Planning (KB) program has a role in reducing the population's birth rate so that fertility and birth rates can be controlled. Regulating the spacing of pregnancies, birth spacing, and determining the number of children in a family are expected to reduce population growth. The family planning program was initiated by the government to reduce the population explosion. Many factors influence couples of childbearing age in choosing the right contraception. For example, the weight factor changes due to use, and experiencing allergies. Some of the mothers also set the time of birth. Implants are very effective but still quite low. Where the implant can be removed at any time, is not dangerous, and does not affect sexual activity. Service activities are carried out through lectures, discussions, and education methods. The number of participants in this PkM activity was 10 health workers at the Gonting Malaha Health Center. The activity begins with the provision of pretest and posttest which are presented in written form and are of course related to the material to be taught. The results of PkM activities through education show that it is the low knowledge factor that causes couples not to choose implant contraception, namely 60%. Knowledge, education, and parity factors influence couples in choosing implant contraception with a p-value less than 0.05. PkM participant post-test scores always increased after being given education with the highest increase of 25% and the lowest increase of 20%. The average increase in knowledge of all PkM participants increased to 23% when compared to the beginning. So it can be stated that this PKM activity has succeeded in educating PKM participants in knowing the factors of partners in choosing implant contraception

    Simulasi Level Sanitasi Pada Model Sir Dengan Imigrasi Dan Vaksinasi

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    Model endemik suscepctible, infected, recovered (SIR) merupakan salah satu model matematika yang menyatakan pola penyebaran penyakit dengan memperhatikan upaya pengendaliannya. Model ini menggambarkan penyebaran penyakit pada individu terinfeksi yang sudah sembuh tidak akan terinfeksi lagi. Penyakit yang bersifat endemik menyebar dalam kurun waktu tertentu dengan laju yang sangat tinggi. Salah satu usaha untuk menurunkan laju penyebarannya yaitu dengan perbaikan level sanitasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mensimulasi level sanitasi pada model endemik SIR dengan faktor imigrasi dan vaksinasi. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh sanitasi terhadap penurunan laju kontak dilakukan dengan simulasi. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa level sanitasi mempengaruhi besarnya laju penyebaran penyakit. Kata kunci : model SIR, imigrasi, vaksinasi, simulasi, level sanitasi


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    This study aims to determine the population, intensity of attack of Helopeltis sp, and the relationship of the cocoa plantation ecosystem to the level of attack of Helopeltis sp. P3S. The study was conducted from May to June 2020. The variables observed were population and intensity of Helopeltis sp attacks as well as temperature, humidity, and natural enemies. The results showed that the population and intensity at the two locations were different. The number of Helopeltis sp in cocoa plantations that did not apply P3S was 49 individuals/tree with attack intensity ranging from 0 - 81.25%, The number of Helopeltis sp in cocoa gardens applying P3S was 6 individuals/tree with attack intensity ranging from 0 - 43.75%. The main factors that play an important role are temperature, humidity, and natural enemies

    SubSurface Flow-Wetlands dengan Tanaman Air untuk Menurunkan Kadar COD pada Limbah Cair Tahu

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    Karakteristik limbah cair industri tahu umumnya mengandung zat organik tinggi. Kandungan zat organik dapat menyebabkan pertumbuhan mikroba dalam air secara cepat. Sehingga akan mengakibatkan kadar oksigen dalam air menurun tajam dan kadar COD tinggi. Untuk itu diperlukan sistem pengolahan air limbah yang murah dan efisien agar dapat mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dengan menggunakan SubSurface Flow-Wetlands. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh SSF-Wetlands dengan tanaman Eichhornia crassipes dan Pistia stratiotes L. dalam menurunkan kadar COD pada limbah cair tahu. Prosedur penelitian ini antara lain (1) Tahap Pengambilan sampel yaitu sampel limbah cair tahu dan sampel tanaman eceng gondok dan kayu apu. 2) Tahap Pembuatan SSF-Wetlands, (3) Tahap pengolahan limbah dengan SSF-Wetlands dan tanaman air. (4) Tahap pengujian COD. Kemudian data dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA satu arah. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh kadar COD awal pada limbah cair tahu  sebesar 12.500 mg/L. Namun, limbah cair tahu yang diolah menggunakan SSF-Wetlands dengan tanaman air mampu menurunkan kadar COD sampai 10.000 mg/L. Penurunan kadar COD tersebut disebabkan bahan padatan mulai mengendap sehingga bahan buangan di air limbah juga berkurang. Selain itu, sebagian bahan buangan telah teroksidasi dan sebagian lagi juga telah terserap oleh tanaman sehingga mengurangi kadar COD. Berdasarkan hasil uji Duncan menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang nyata pada perlakuan A1, A2 dan A3. Namun, perlakuan tersebut berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan A4. Dimana perlakuan SSF-Wetland dengan eceng gondok dan kayu apu (A4) menghasilkan kadar COD yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perlakuan yang lainnya yaitu sebesar 2420 mg/L

    Penerimaan Diri Orangtua Terhadap Anak Autisme Dan Peranannya Dalam Terapi Autisme

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai penerimaan orangtua terhadap anaknya yang menyandang autism serta perannya dalam terapi autism. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Karakteristik subjek penelitian meliputi orangtua yang memiliki anak yang didiagnosis menyandang autisme. Jumlah subjek dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 3 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara sebagai metode utama dan observasi sebagai metode pendukung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan ketiga subjek dapat menerima sepenuhnya kondisi anak mereka yang didiagnosis menyandang autisme. Adanya penerimaan dipengaruhi faktor dukungan dari keluarga besar, kemampuan keuangan keluarga, latar belakang agama, tingkat pendidikan, status perkawinan, usia serta dukungan para ahli dan masyarakat umum. Ketiga subjek cukup berperan serta dalam penanganan anak mereka mulai dari memastikan diagnosis dokter, membina komunikasi dengan dokter, mencari dokter lain apabila dokter yang bersangkutan dinilai kurang kooperatif, berkata jujur saat melakukan konsultasi mengenai perkembangan anaknya, memperkaya pengetahuan, dan mendampingi anak saat melakukan terapi
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