46 research outputs found

    kV420 Balsfjord-Hammerfest. Arkeologiske undersøkelser 2013

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    I forbindelse med Statnetts planleggelse av ny kraftlinjetrase for kV420 kraftlinje mellom Balsfjord og Hammerfest ble det i 2010 satt i gang prosjekt fra både Sametinget, Troms fylkeskommune og Finnmark fylkeskommune for å avklare om den planlagte utbyggingen ville komme i konflikt med noen automatisk fredete kulturminner. Statnett fikk konsesjon fra NVE for bygging av den nye kraftledningen, og oppstart av prosjektet var planlagt til 2013/14, med plan om ferdigstilling i 2018

    Sucrose diffusion in aqueous solution.

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    The diffusion of sugar in aqueous solution is important both in nature and in technological applications, yet measurements of diffusion coefficients at low water content are scarce. We report directly measured sucrose diffusion coefficients in aqueous solution. Our technique utilises a Raman isotope tracer method to monitor the diffusion of non-deuterated and deuterated sucrose across a boundary between the two aqueous solutions. At a water activity of 0.4 (equivalent to 90 wt% sucrose) at room temperature, the diffusion coefficient of sucrose was determined to be approximately four orders of magnitude smaller than that of water in the same material. Using literature viscosity data, we show that, although inappropriate for the prediction of water diffusion, the Stokes-Einstein equation works well for predicting sucrose diffusion under the conditions studied. As well as providing information of importance to the fundamental understanding of diffusion in binary solutions, these data have technological, pharmaceutical and medical implications, for example in cryopreservation. Moreover, in the atmosphere, slow organic diffusion may have important implications for aerosol growth, chemistry and evaporation, where processes may be limited by the inability of a molecule to diffuse between the bulk and the surface of a particle

    Byggeskikken i middelalderens Nord-Norge : fra bruk av torv, jord, og stein som byggematerialer til trehuset

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    Byggeskikken i Nord-Norge i middelalderen var dominert fram til 1500- og 1600-tallet av jord, torv og stein som byggematerialer. Jeg argumenterer for at trehuset har vært i bruk i Nord-Norge alt i tidlig- og høymiddelalder, men i en begrenset grad. Diskuterer også om de stratigrafiske lagenes tykkelse kan si noe om hvilke byggematerialer som er brukt

    A nationwide survey of first aid training and encounters in Norway

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    Background: Bystander first aid can improve survival following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest or trauma. Thus, providing first aid education to laypersons may lead to better outcomes. In this study, we aimed to establish the prevalence and distribution of first aid training in the populace, how often first aid skills are needed, and selfreported helping behaviour. Methods: We conducted a telephone survey of 1000 respondents who were representative of the Norwegian population. Respondents were asked where and when they had first aid training, if they had ever encountered situations where first aid was necessary, and stratified by occupation. First aid included cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and basic life support (BLS). To test theoretical first aid knowledge, respondents were subjected to two hypothetical first aid scenarios. Results: Among the respondents, 90% had received first aid training, and 54% had undergone first aid training within the last 5 years. The workplace was the most common source of first aid training. Of the 43% who had been in a situation requiring first aid, 89% had provided first aid in that situation. There were considerable variations among different occupations in first aid training, and exposure to situations requiring first aid. Theoretical first aid knowledge was not as good as expected in light of the high share who had first aid training. In the presented scenarios 42% of respondent would initiate CPR in an unconscious patient not breathing normally, and 46% would provide an open airway to an unconscious road traffic victim. First aid training was correlated with better theoretical knowledge, but time since first aid training was not. Conclusions: A high proportion of the Norwegian population had first aid training, and interviewees reported high willingness to provide first aid. Theoretical first aid knowledge was worse than expected. While first aid is part of national school curriculum, few have listed school as the source for their first aid training

    ”For this one, let me take the risk”: why surgical staff continued to perform caesarean sections during the 2014–2016 Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone

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    Introduction: Routine health service provision decreased during the 2014-2016 Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in Sierra Leone, while caesarean section (CS) rates at public hospitals did not. It is unknown what made staff provide CS despite the risks of contracting EVD. This study explores Sierra Leonean health worker perspectives of why they continued to provide CS. Methods: This qualitative study documents the experiences of 15 CS providers who worked during the EVD outbreak. We interviewed surgical and non-surgical CS providers who worked at public hospitals that either increased or decreased CS volumes during the outbreak. Hospitals in all four administrative areas of Sierra Leone were included. Semistructured interviews averaged 97 min and healthcare experience 21 years. Transcripts were analysed by modified framework analysis in the NVivo V.11.4.1 software. Results: We identified two themes that may explain why providers performed CS despite EVD risks: (1) clinical adaptability and (2) overcoming the moral dilemmas. CS providers reported being overworked and exposed to infection hazards. However, they developed clinical workarounds to the lack of surgical materials, protective equipment and standard operating procedures until the broader international response introduced formal personal protective equipment and infection prevention and control practices. CS providers reported that dutifulness and sense of responsibility for one's community increased during EVD, which helped them justify taking the risk of being infected. Although most surgical activities were reduced to minimise staff exposure to EVD, staff at public hospitals tended to prioritise performing CS surgery for women with acute obstetric complications. Conclusion: This study found that CS surgery during EVD in Sierra Leone may be explained by remarkable decisions by individual CS providers at public hospitals. They adapted practically to material limitations exacerbated by the outbreak and overcame the moral dilemmas of performing CS despite the risk of being infected with EVD

    The Met Needs for Pediatric Surgical Conditions in Sierra Leone : Estimating the Gap

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    Background: In low- and middle-income countries, there is a gap between the need for surgery and its equitable provision, and a lack of proxy indicators to estimate this gap. Sierra Leone is a West African country with close to three million children. It is unknown to what extent the surgical needs of these children are met. Aim: To describe a nationwide provision of pediatric surgical procedures and to assess pediatric hernia repair as a proxy indicator for the shortage of surgical care in the pediatric population in Sierra Leone. Methods: We analyzed results from a nationwide facility survey in Sierra Leone that collected data on surgical procedures from operation and anesthesia logbooks in all facilities performing surgery. We included data on all patients under the age of 16 years undergoing surgery. Primary outcomes were rate and volume of surgical procedures. We calculated the expected number of inguinal hernia in children and estimated the unmet need for hernia repair. Results: In 2012, a total of 2381 pediatric surgical procedures were performed in Sierra Leone. The rate of pediatric surgical procedures was 84 per 100,000 children 0–15 years of age. The most common pediatric surgical procedure was hernia repair (18%), corresponding to a rate of 16 per 100,000 children 0–15 years of age. The estimated unmet need for inguinal hernia repair was 88%. Conclusions: The rate of pediatric surgery in Sierra Leone was very low, and inguinal hernia was the single most common procedure noted among children in Sierra Leone

    Kartsamarbeidsprosjektet - Felles bruk av miljødirektoratenes og landbruksforvaltningens kartdata

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    Prosjektet har hatt som målsetning å gi en felles beskrivelse av et utvalg av partenes datasett for å vise hvordan disse kan gjøres tilgjengelig på Gårdskart på Internett (GPI). I prosjektet er det laget en testversjon av løsningen som viser partenes datasett sammen med de øvrige dataene for hver eiendom i gårdskartet. Prosjektets konklusjon er at alle miljøregistreringer fra de utvalgte datasettene, samt ”tilskuddsprioriterte” miljøregistreringer i de fylkene som ønsker dette i regionalt miljøprogram bør gjøres tilgjengelig i GPI, men at løsningen som viser alle miljøregistreringer bør prioriteres først sammen med brukerveiledning og informasjonsknapp for objektenes egenskaper.publishedVersio