7,166 research outputs found

    A Pirâmide das RP: Os media sociais e o papel das Relações

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    This paper explores the relationship between social media as tools used by public relations professionals and as part of the daily lives of organizations’ stakeholders, identifying emergent practices in public relations and confronting new perspectives, both professional and academic, on public relations functions and on its role within organizational communication. Departing from the agreement shared by academics and professionals on a profound shift in public relations as a consequence of the increasingly widespread, intense and frequent use of social media, this paper intends to clarify the nature and terms of that shift. Two perspectives are confronted: one of them is focused on emergent professional practices and regards social media as tools at the disposal of the PR professional; the other is broader in scope and views social media as a contextual factor that influences both the stakeholders’ behavior patterns and PR practices, thus redefining the role of public relations within organizational communication. The paper presents results from an exploratory study whose goal was to identify a conceptual framework for understanding the impact of social media on public relations.A relevant case study was identified, presenting the solution found by TAP, the Portuguese airline company, to deal with communication crisis involving the social media and to successfully manage social media use as a complementary communication channel. TAP’s social media presence is managed through an articulation of public relations, marketing and customer support where public relations assume a pivotal role. Drawing on this case study, we propose the PR pyramid as a theoretical model that redefines the role of public relations as the orchestrator of the consistent, coherent and integrated communication that is demanded by the contemporary digital context

    Idosos ativos, idosos saudáveis

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    Mestrado em FisioterapiaIntrodução: O envelhecimento saudável enfatiza uma abordagem que reconhece os direitos à igualdade de oportunidades e de tratamento. A falta de atividade física contribui para muitas doenças crónicas que afetam os idosos. Objetivo: O objetivo geral deste projeto é planear um programa de atividade física segundo as suas necessidades e preferências da população dos Olivais Sul tendo em conta a qualidade de vida. Método: Para concretizar este projeto foi desenhado um estudo observacional, descritivo e transversal. Apresenta como variável dependente a qualidade de vida e como variável independente a atividade física. Foi ainda, elaborado um questionário e utilizada a escala de qualidade de vida SF-36 e os dados analisados através do programa IBM SPSS Statistics 20. Resultados: A dimensão da qualidade de vida mais afetada é a vitalidade, seguida da dor corporal, função física e saúde geral, desempenhos físico e emocional, mudança de saúde, saúde mental e função social. A maioria dos idosos expressa o desejo de praticar mais atividade física. Conclusão: É possível concluir que alguns dos problemas presentes na população afetam a qualidade de vida e que, segundo diversos estudos, podem ser melhorados com a atividade física. Este projeto torna-se pertinente pois a maioria dos idosos expressa desejo de praticar mais atividade física e apresenta condições que podem ser melhoradas com a sua prática, nomeadamente problemas respiratórios, cardíacos e neurológicos; dores; diminuição da força muscular, equilíbrio e flexibilidade.ABSTRACT - Introduction: Healthy aging emphasizes an approach that recognizes the rights to equal opportunity and treatment. The lack of physical activity contributes to many chronic diseases that affect older people. Objetives: The goal of this project is to plan a program of physical activity according the needs, preferences and the quality of life of the population resident in Olivais Sul Methodology: To realize this project was designed an observational, descriptive and transversal study. The dependent variable is the quality of life and the independent variable is the physical activity. It also was designed a questionnaire and used a scale for measure the quality of life, SF-36- The data analyze was using the software PASW Statistics 20. Results: The dimension of quality of life more affected is the vitality, followed by body pain, physical function and general health, physical and emotional performance, changes in health, mental health and social function. Most seniors wants to practice more physical activity. Conclusion: It is possible to conclude that some of the problems present in this population affect the quality of life and, somes studies say, that they may be improved with physical activity. This project is pertinent because most seniors expressed desire to do more physical activity and provides conditions that can be improved with this practice, including respiratory problems, cardiac and neurological disorders, pain, decreased muscle strength, balance and flexibility

    O conflito na educação de infância: conceções e práticas dos educadores

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    O presente relatório, no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar realizado na Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, está dividido em três partes. A primeira parte é dedicada aos estágios em três contextos, dois de creche e um de jardim-de-infância e refere-se aos trabalhos e projetos desenvolvidos ao longo do percurso académico. A segunda parte refere-se à componente investigativa “O conflito na educação de infância: Conceções e práticas dos educadores.” O principal objetivo deste estudo centra-se em compreender qual o papel do/a educador/a na gestão de conflitos entre as criança em contexto educativo. Pretende-se ao longo deste estudo perceber qual o modo como as educadoras de infância conceptualizam o conflito e identificar e descrever as estratégias que utilizam na resolução/mediação dos conflitos. O estudo realizado é de natureza qualitativa, recolhendo informação documental a partir da bibliografia consultada e através de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas a quatro educadoras, consequentemente os dados recolhidos foram sujeitos a análise. A terceira e última parte, considerações finais, sintetiza o percurso realizado e o seu contributo para o desenvolvimento e crescimento pessoal e profissional da autora, como futura educadora de infância. Concluindo este estudo permitiu conhecer diversas estratégias a utilizar na resolução dos conflitos mas mais importante, independentemente da estratégia, é respeitar e mostrar reconhecimento sobre aquilo que a criança esta a sentir e levar as crianças a serem participantes no processo de resolução de conflitos. A solução deve sempre ser justa e razoável.This report, in the scope of Master’s Degree in Pre-School Education held at School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, is divided into three parts. The first part is dedicated to the placements performed in three contexts, two of them in nursery and one of kindergarten and refers to the works and projects developed along the academic career. The second part refers to the research component "The Conflict in Childhood Education: Conceptions and Practices of Educators". The main objective of this study is to understand the role of the educator in the management of Between children in an educational context. It is intended throughout this study to understand how the educators of childhood conceptualize the conflict and to identify and to describe the strategies that they use in the resolution / mediation of the conflicts. The study was qualitative in nature, collecting documentary information from the bibliography consulted and through semi-structured interviews conducted to four educators, consequently the data collected were subject to analysis. The third and last part, final considerations, summarizes the course and contribution to the development and personal and professional growth of the author as a future kindergarten teacher. Concluding this study allowed to know several strategies to be used in conflict resolution but more important, regardless of strategy, is to respect and show recognition of what the child is feeling and lead children to be participants in the conflict resolution process. The solution must always be fair and reasonable.N/

    Respostas de biomarcadores a disruptores endócrinos em P. microps

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    Mestrado em Biologia Aplicada - Toxicologia e EcotoxicologiaA presença de compostos químicos de origem antropogénica, nos mais variados ecossistemas aquáticos, já não é um assunto novo. No entanto, apesar da proibição da utilização de muitos destes compostos, a sua presença continua a ser detectada mesmo a concentrações baixas. As zonas costeiras, mais propriamente os estuários, são objecto de grande preocupação. Devido ao seu elevado valor ecológico e económico e, também, o facto de serem um destino final de uma grande quantidade de compostos maioritariamente de origem antropogénica, torna necessário a sua monitorização e o desenvolvimento de métodos com espécies autóctones que permitam uma melhor avaliação do impacto desses compostos. Assim, o objectivo principal deste trabalho consistiu na determinação e avaliação das respostas de biomarcadores a determinados contaminantes disruptores endócrinos (EDCs), utilizando o peixe estuarino Pomatoschistus microps como organismo-teste e na avaliação da viabilidade de utilizar a quantificação da vitelogenina (vtg) nesta espécie como biomarcador de exposição a esses compostos. Esta avaliação foi realizada após 21 dias de exposição, tanto em juvenis (em corpo inteiro) como em fêmeas (fígado e gónadas). Em conjunto com a vtg foram analisados os índices hepato e gonadossomáticos (HSI e GSI, respectivamente) para a disrupção endócrina e a avaliação da acetilcolinesterase (AChE) para exposição a neurotóxicos. Os EDCs testados, a nível sub-letal, foram o 17β-estradiol (E2), o pesticida p,p’-DDE e o PCB-77, todos considerados compostos disruptores endócrinos de acção estrogénica e/ou antiestrogénica. Os resultados mostraram, em juvenis, um aumento na vtg por acção do 17β-estradiol e uma diminuição nos seus valores por acção do PCB-77. Nas fêmeas, foram encontrados resultados significativos com o aumento da vtg no fígado depois da exposição ao PCB-77 e nenhuns resultados significativos nos outros parâmetros. A exposição ao p,p’-DDE não induziu alterações significativas nos parâmetros endócrinos analisados. Relativamente à AChE, o PCB-77 parece aumentar a sua actividade nos juvenis e observa-se o resultado oposto nas fêmeas. Por sua vez, o p,p’-DDE parece não afectar a actividade da AChE nas fêmeas. Em conclusão, os juvenis de P. microps parecem responder à contaminação por EDCs a concentrações ambientais relevantes de E2 e PCB-77 e a utilização da vtg neste estágio de vida parece apropriado para identificar a contaminação por EDCs em estudos de monitorização ambiental. As fêmeas deste peixe, no geral, parecem não ser suficientemente afectadas pelas concentrações dos EDCs testados.The presence of chemical compounds, in the most diverse aquatic ecosystems it was not a recent subject. However, in spite of the prohibition of the use of many of these compounds, their presence in the environment keeps being detected even at low concentrations. The coastal areas, namely the estuaries, are object of great concern. Due to their great ecologic and economic value and, also, the fact of being the final destination of a lot of compounds mainly from anthropogenic sources, become necessary its monitoring and the development of methods with autochthonous species that allow a better evaluation of the impact of those compounds. Thus, the main objective of this work consisted in the determination and evaluation of the biomarker responses to selected endocrine disruptor compounds (EDCs) using the estuarine fish Pomatoschistus microps as organism test and in the assessment of the viability to use vitellogenin quantification (vtg) in this species as a biomarker of exposure to these compounds. This evaluation was realized after 21-days exposure, both in juveniles (whole body) and females (liver and gonads). In addition to vtg were analysed the hepato and gonadossomatic indexes (HSI and GSI, respectively) for endocrine disruption assessment and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) for exposure to neurotoxicants. The EDCs tested, at sub-lethal level, were the 17β-estradiol (E2) and the pesticides p,p’-DDE and PCB-77, all considered endocrine disruptors with estrogenic and/or antiestrogenic activity. The results showed, in juveniles, an increase in vtg-like proteins by action of 17β-estradiol and a decrease in its values by action of PCB-77. In females, it was found significant results with an increase in liver vtg-like proteins after exposure to PCB-77 and no significant results in the other endpoints. The p,p’-DDE exposure did not induce any significant alterations in the endocrine endpoints analyzed. Relatively to AChE, the compound PCB-77 seems to increase its activity in juveniles and the opposite result was observed in females. In turn, p,p’-DDE seems to not affect the AChE activity in females. In conclusion, the juveniles of P. microps seem to respond to EDC contamination at environmental relevant concentrations of E2 and PCB-77 and the use of vtg in this life stage seems appropriate to track EDC contamination in field biomonitoring studies. The female fish, in general, do not seem to be clearly affected by the exposure to these EDCs at the concentrations tested

    How multisensory experiences in virtual environments affect intention to return: The role of cognitive flexibility, sense of power and personality traits

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    The technology advances made every day are creating opportunities for business. Virtual Reality has been the focus of several studies. However, virtual reality has been stated to fail in implementing some senses, such as tactile, smell and taste. In this study, we cross two sensory experiences, one with the senses of sight and sound and the other with the sight, sound and smell. The experience takes place in a Virtual Café and measures the impact it has on the intention to return. The choice of the different sensory experiences was based on the concepts of proximal and distal senses. For the purposes of the study, this dissertation further analyses the concepts of Sense of Power and Cognitive Flexibility and Personality traits is introduced as a moderator in this relationship. The type of sensory experience is introduced and used as a moderator on the relationship between Sense of Power and Intention to Return (behavior). This study concludes that multisensory experiences in a virtual environment, have no impact on return intentions. However, this study also concludes that cognitive flexibility has a positive impact on sense of power and that personality traits plays as a moderator in the relationship between the two variables. Furthermore, this study findings suggested the notion that senses can be psychologically more proximal or distal based on the maximum physical distance typically required for a stimulus to be sensed also applies to virtual reality environments.Os avanços tecnológicos concretizados todos os dias estão a criar oportunidades para as empresas. A Realidade Virtual tem sido o foco de diversos estudos. Contudo, a realidade virtual tem sido apontada pela inexistência de alguns sentidos, tais como o tato, cheiro e paladar. Neste estudo, cruzamos duas experiências sensoriais, uma com os sentidos da visão e audição e a outra com os sentidos da visão, audição e cheiro. As experiências tomam lugar num café virtual e mede o impacto que tem na intenção de retorno (intention to return). A escolha das diferentes experiências sensoriais teve por base os conceitos de sentidos mais próximos e sentidos mais distantes. Para o objetivo desta tese, vão ser também analisados os conceitos de sentimento de poder e flexibilidade cognitiva e as características de personalidade são introduzidas como moderador desta relação. Posto isto, este estudo conclui que as experiências multissensoriais num ambiente virtual, não têm impacto na intenção de retorno. Contudo, o estudo conclui também que a flexibilidade cognitiva tem um impacto positivo no sentimento de poder e ainda que as características de personalidade têm um papel de moderador na relação entre os dois. Além disto, este estudo sugere que a ideia de que os sentidos podem ser psicologicamente mais próximos ou distantes, com base na distância física normalmente necessária para um estímulo ser sentido, também se verifica em ambientes de realidade virtual

    The articulation of massmedia and social media: exploring civic movements in Portugal

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    Each time a new communication medium is introduced and reaches relative generalization, it creates new balances and articulations among the existing media, thus reconfiguring the whole mediatic and communicational landscape (Bolter and Grusin, 2000; Jenkins, 2006). In contemporary society, two types of media with totally different characteristics and operating logics coexist, articulate and converge among themselves – massmedia and social media – resulting in a new way of communicating, describes by Manuel Castells (2009) as mass-self communication. Within public relations, several authors recognize a transition from asymmetric communication theories and models, in which organizations publicize information a strongly control their messages, to more symmetric conversation and dialogic models that are emerging as a consequence of PR professionals using social media as communication channels and tools (Kunsch, 2003; Solis and Breakenridge, 2009; Scott, 2010; Macnamara and Zerfass, 2012). Although most of these authors highlight the loss of control over their messages that organizations are undergoing, others explore the emergence of new power balances that are not necessarily symmetric or equalitarian (Edwards and Hodges, 2001; Coombs and Holladay, 2012; Dutta, Ban and Pal, 2012). This paper explores civic movements as an example of the new articulations among massmedia and social media that emerging, as well as new power balances between the public, media and politic agendas (McCombs and Shaw, 1972). Using qualitative methods, this paper empirically explores the recent civic movements against austerity in Portugal, that culminated with the demonstrations “Geração à Rasca” [‘Precarious’ Generation] (12th March 2011) and “Que se lixe a Troika!: Queremos as nossas vidas” [Screw Troika! We want our lives back] (15th September 2012), discussing the articulation of massmedia and social media that was done both by citizens and communication professionals (PRs and journalists, as well the role played by each of these types of media in publicizing, mobilizing and in the social impact of these movements

    The impact of sound in people's behaviour in outdoor settings: A study using virtual reality and eye-tracking

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    This paper presents an analysis of space perception and how visual cues, such as landmarks and sound, are perceived and impact people's behaviour while exploring a given outdoor space. The primary goal of the research is to investigate how auditory sensations and visual stimuli influence people's behaviour in outdoor built environments. Our technique compares people's perception of the built environment in different conditions: the real world and a replicated virtual world. As a case study, a university campus was used, and four experimental conditions were designed. The study followed a between-subjects design, and the data collection included gaze data acquired from an eye-tracking device as well as self-reports. The study concludes that sound influences human behaviour in such settings. More specifically conclusions are that: i) human behaviour in virtual replications of the real space, including both visual and sound stimuli, is tendentially more similar to human behaviour in the real world than in simulations omitting sound; and ii) there is a difference in human behaviour when people explore the same virtually replicated outdoor space, by varying the presence of sound. This study is particularly useful for researchers working on the comparison between human behaviour in virtual and real environments, related to visual and sound stimuli.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio