2,548 research outputs found

    Contribution to the knowledge of the Neotropical Anteoninae (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae), with the descriptions of two new species and new records

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    Two new species of Anteoninae (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea, Dryinidae) are described: Deinodryinus brasiliensis sp. nov., from Brazil (Bahia, Minas Gerais and Paraná) and D. mexicanus sp. nov., from Mexico (Chiapas). Comments on Lonchodryinus tricolor Kieffer, 1905 are presented and new geographic records are provided for the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais and Paraná. The key to the females of the Neotropical Deinodryinus is updated, and illustrations and distributional maps are provided for the species studied here

    Modelling the live-electronics in electroacoustic music using particle systems

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    Developing the live-electronics for a contemporary electroacoustic piece is a complex process that normally involves the transfer of artistic and aesthetic concepts between the composer and the musical assistant. Translating in technical terms the musical, artistic and aesthetic concepts by means of algorithms and mathematical parameters is seldom an easy and straightforward task. The use of a particle system to describe the dynamics and characteristics of compositional parameters can reveal an effective way for achieving a significant relationship between compositional aspects and their technical implementation. This paper describes a method for creating and modelling a particle system based on compositional parameters and how to map those parameters into digital audio processes. An implementation of this method is described, as well as the use of such a method for the development of the work O Farfalhar das Folhas (The rustling of leaves) (2010), for one flutist, one clarinetist, violin, violoncello, piano and live-electronics, by Flo Menezes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Marginal adaptation of class V composite restorations submitted to thermal and mechanical cycling

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    Objective This study evaluated the effect of the margin location and an adhesive system on the marginal adaptation of composite restorations. Material and Methods Class V cavities were prepared in bovine teeth with the gingival margin on the dentin and the incisal margin on the enamel. The cavities were restored with a micro-hybrid composite resin using an etch-and-rinse [Single Bond 2 (SB)] or a self-etching adhesive [Clearfil SE Bond (CL)]. After finishing and polishing the restorations, epoxy replicas were prepared. The marginal adaptation was analyzed using scanning electronic microscopy (SEM, 500 x magnification). The higher gap width in each margin was recorded (T0). After the first evaluation, the samples were submitted to thermal cycling (2,000 cycles of 5°C±2°C followed by 55°C±2°C – T1) and mechanical cycling (100,000 cycles of 50 kN and 2 Hz – T2). Replicas of samples were rebuilt after each cycling and analyzed under SEM. The data were submitted to Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon and Friedman testing (α=0.05). Results The SB presented higher gaps in the dentin than the enamel, while there was no difference between the substrate for the CL. In the dentin, the CL showed better marginal sealing than the SB. The opposite occurred in the enamel. There were no significant differences between the baseline, thermal and mechanical cycling for any experimental condition. Conclusions The outcomes of the present study showed that the adhesive system and margin location have an important effect on the marginal adaptation of composite restorations

    A Enfermagem de Reabilitação no empoderamento e capacitação da pessoa em processos de transição saúde-doença

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    Objective: To discuss the contribution of Rehabilitation Nursing to the Empowerment and Training of the person in health-disease transition processes. Method: Reflective practice with discussion guided by the Afaf Ibrahim Meleis Theory of Transitions and by the International Classification for Nursing Practice diagnoses and the skills prescribed for the rehabilitation nurse. Results: The qualification process of rehabilitation nurses’ privileges knowledge and learning skills, allowing the development of interventions that contribute to specific indicators of the health-disease transition processes. These results are based on concepts that support good practices that aim to standardize the language and terminology of rehabilitation nurses. Conclusion: The intervention of the rehabilitation nurse in the focus of knowledge and learning of person's abilities allows empowerment, decision making and transition to action. It also enables the person to develop skills and feel empowered to deal with the daily challenges that arise from transition processes.Objetivo: Discutir la contribución de la Enfermería de Rehabilitación al Empoderamiento y Capacitación de la persona en los procesos de transición salud-enfermedad. Método: Práctica reflexiva con discusión guiada por la teoría de las transiciones de Afaf Ibrahim Meleis, diagnósticos de enfermería según el lenguaje de la Clasificación Internacional para la Práctica de Enfermería y las habilidades prescritas para la enfermera de rehabilitación. Resultados: Los enfermeros de rehabilitación desarrollan un proceso de capacitación centrado en el enfoque de atención en el conocimiento y las habilidades de aprendizaje, desarrollando intervenciones de manera a contribuir para los indicadores específicos de los procesos de transición de salud-enfermedad. Estos resultados se basan en conceptos que respaldan las buenas prácticas defendidas con el objetivo final de estandarizar el lenguaje y la terminología de los enfermeros de rehabilitación. Conclusión: La intervención del enfermero de rehabilitación en el enfoque del conocimiento y aprendizaje de las habilidades de la persona permite el empoderamiento, la toma de decisiones y la transición a la acción, a fin de desarrollar habilidades y, por lo tanto, sentirse empoderado para enfrentar los desafíos que surgen en el día a día, derivado de procesos de transición.Objetivo: Discutir a contribuição da Enfermagem de Reabilitação para o Empoderamento e a Capacitação da pessoa em processos de transição saúde-doença. Método: Prática reflexiva com discussão norteada pela Teoria das Transições de Afaf Ibrahim Meleis, os diagnósticos de enfermagem segundo a linguagem da Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem e as competências prescritas para o enfermeiro de reabilitação. Resultados: Os enfermeiros de reabilitação desenvolvem um processo de capacitação privilegiando o foco de atenção o conhecimento e aprendizagem de capacidades desenvolvendo intervenções de modo a contribuir para indicadores específicos dos processos de transição saúde doença. Estes resultados assentam em conceitos subsidiários de boas práticas preconizadas com o objetivo último de uniformizar linguagem e terminologia dos enfermeiros de reabilitação. Conclusão: A intervenção do enfermeiro de reabilitação nos focos conhecimento e aprendizagem de capacidades da pessoa permite o empoderamento, a tomada de decisão e a passagem à ação, de modo a desenvolver habilidades e assim fazer a pessoa sentir-se capacitada para lidar com os desafios que surgem no dia a dia, decorrentes de processos de transição

    Deposição de gotas proporcionadas por pontas hidráulicas em função da velocidade do vento durante a aplicação de agrotóxicos

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the distance of droplets deposition as a function of wind seed using a computational program. It was used a representative sample of 10 spray nozzles ULD015F120, LD02F110 and VP11002 in the procedure of characterization of droplets spectrum in the working pressure of 3 bar being performed 3 replications. The values of D0.9, D0.1 and D0.5 of each nozzle were inserted into software to simulate the effect of wind speed of 2, 4 and 6 m s-1 in the drift distance on the droplet spectrum generated by nozzles. As result it was observed that the wind speed is an important factor to be considered in the spray nozzle choice. The nozzles ULD02F120 are capable to be used as a drift reducer. During the use of the nozzle VP11002 greater care must be taken due to the higher percentage of droplets with diameter inferior to 100 μm for the simulated conditions.El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar la distancia de deposición de gotas en función de la velocidad del viento mediante un programa informático. Una muestra representativa de 10 boquillas de pulverización, ULD015F120, LD02F110 y VP11002 en la caracterización del espectro de gotas en la presión de trabajo de 3 bar, con 3 réplicas. Los valores de D0,9; D0,1 y D0,5 de cada una de las boquillas fueran insertados en un programa informático para simular el efecto de la velocidad del viento de 2, 4 y 6 m s-1 en la distancia de deriva del espectro las gotas generadas. Como resultado se observó que la velocidad del viento es un factor importante a considerar en la elección de la boquilla de pulverización. Las boquillas ULD02F120 son adecuados para su uso como herramientas de reducción de la deriva. Durante el uso de la boquilla VP11002 se debe tener mayor cuidado debido al mayor porcentaje de gotas con diámetro de menos de 100 μm en las condiciones simuladas.O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a distância de deposição de gotas em função da velocidade do vento utilizando programa computacional. Foi utilizada uma amostra representativa de 10 pontas de pulverização, ULD015F120, LD02F110 e VP11002, no procedimento de caracterização do espectro de gotas na pressão de trabalho de 3 bar, sendo realizada 3 repetições. Os valores de D0,9; D0,1 e D0,5 de cada uma das pontas foram inseridos em um programa computacional para simular o efeito da velocidade do vento de 2, 4 e 6 m s-1 na distância de deriva sobre o espectro de gotas gerado pelas pontas. Como resultado observou-se que a velocidade do vento é um fator importante a ser considerado na escolha da ponta de pulverização. As pontas de pulverização ULD02F120 são aptas a serem utilizadas como ferramentas de redução de deriva. Durante a utilização da ponta VP11002 maior cuidado deve ser tomado devido à maior porcentagem de gotas com diâmetro inferior a 100 μm nas condições simuladas

    Strategic Outsourcing? The Philips Case in the LCD TV Market

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    This work seeks to assess the outsourcing process adopted by Philips for producing LCD televisions. The authors used the Resource-based Theory and the Transaction Cost Theory for analyzing the case. Based on industry data and interviews with ten of the company’s senior executives, this study sought to understand how the decision making process was carried out and how it affected the company's activities in the field of LCD televisions. Philips has lost its competitiveness in the Brazilian market – it went from being the leader in 2006 to fourth place in 2009, both as far as regards its sales volume and value. The executives pointed out that the LCD panel is an important resource and that its supply by third parties represented a high transaction cost. The results illustrate the complementarity that exists between the RBT and TCT theories in a competitive environment that has few players

    Petrophysical characterization of the late-Variscan Santa Eulália Plutonic Complex (Ossa Morena Zone)

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    Petrophysical characterization of the late-Variscan Santa Eulália Plutonic Complex (Ossa Morena Zone) Sant’Ovaia, H.1, Nogueira, P.1,2, Carrilho Lopes, J.2,3, Fonseca, A.2, Sardinha, R.2, Lopes, L.2, Martins, H.1, Noronha, F.1 1: Universidade do Porto, Portugal; 2: Universidade de Évora, Portugal; 3: Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal The Santa Eulália Plutonic Complex (SEPC) is a calc-alkaline granitic body that occupies an area of 400 km2 and is located in the northern part of the Ossa Morena Zone of the Variscan Iberian sector, near the limit of the Central Iberian Zone. SEPC is considered as late-Variscan because it cross-cuts the regional variscan structures. The host rocks of the complex are composed by metamorphic formations from Proterozoic to Lower Paleozoic. The SEPC has two main facies which present different compositions and textures. From the rim to the core, there is a medium- to coarse-grained pinkish granite (G0) involving large masses of mafic to intermediate rocks and a central gray monzonitic granite (G1). The central facies can be divided into a porphyritic facies (G1A) and a central medium-grained facies (G1B). Petrography, mineralogy and whole-rock chemistry reveal clear differences between pinkish facies closer to I-type granites, and central gray facies similar to S-type granites. A preliminary study of the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) was conducted to acquire a petrophysical characterization of these granitoids. This study was based on 50 sampling sites where 8 specimens per station were available. The measurements were made in Porto using a KLY-4S Kappabridge susceptometer (AGICO). A sequence of 3 susceptibility measurements along different orientations of each specimen allowed us to compute the orientation and magnitude of the three main axes k1 / k2 / k3 of the AMS ellipsoid. For each site, the AGICO software enabled us to calculate the mean susceptibility Km and the intensities and orientations of the three axes K1 / K2 / K3, which are its tensorial means. K1, the long axis of the mean ellipsoid, is the magnetic lineation of the site and K3, the short axis, is the normal to the magnetic foliation. P%, the magnetic anisotropy, corresponds to (K1/K3-1)*100 and T, expressed by (2 ln (K2/K3)/ln(K1/K3))-1 is the shape parameter of the AMS ellipsoid. The Km values range between 55.09 and 7343.67 x 10-6 SI. Two major groups can be established: facies G0, with Km > 10-3 SI which supports the presence of magnetite, and the central facies (G1A, G1B) with Km< 10-4 SI. In the central facies the paramagnetic behaviour is due to ferromagnesian minerals, such as biotite, and ilmenite. P% ranges between 2.2 and 18.2% being in mean >5% in facies G0 and <4% in the central facies (G1A, G1B). The high P% in G0 facies may be caused by the fact that the magnetite, which has a high susceptibility, is the bearer of the magnetic signal. Therefore a weak alignment of magnetite grains leads to a higher anisotropy of the rock. Nevertheless, microscope observations show signs of a post-magmatic deformation in G0. T ranges between -0.015 and 0.600 with the strongest oblate AMS ellipsoids in central facies and the slightly oblate in G0. The magnetic foliations are subvertical E-W-striking in G0 and G1A granites and NESW- striking with moderated SE dips in G1B. Magnetic lineations are subvertical in G0 and plunge moderated to the SW in G1A and to the South in G1B. These preliminary data support that the facies G0 and the central facies (G1A, G1B) have a distinct magnetic behaviour which may suggest different redox conditions in magma genesis. The magnetic fabric patterns may reflect different emplacement mechanisms

    Sustentabilidade Empresarial: A Questão Socioambiental Sob a Ótica da Análise Econômica do Direito

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    O atual contexto econômico apresenta um dos grandes paradoxos contemporâneos. Diante da expectativa e necessidade de um crescimento econômico, aliado aos necessários investimentos alocados junto aos setoresprodutivos, a sociedade depara-se com um sistema jurídico de proteção socioambiental344. O desafio dos agentes econômicos, público ou privados, está  na promoção de suas atividades empresariais e estabelecimento de um mercado preferencialmente concorrencial, o qual, simultaneamente deverá enfrentar as novas demandas socioambientais. O presente artigo pretende compreender este aparente conflito, verificar seus efeitos e a possibilidade de enfrentá-lo através da chamada Análise Econômica do Direito. Trata-se de método que encontra raízes na ciência econômica como uma resposta à abstração e subjetividade verificada nas correntes teóricas jusnaturalistas e juspositivistas, as quais nem sempre consideraram o elemento da eficácia quando da compreensão do universo jurídico. Este enfrentamento demonstrará que o viés puro econômico deverá perceber e recepcionar a chamada demanda socioambiental moderna, tradicionalmente registrada no cenário empresarial como uma externalidade ocasionadora de aumento dos custos de transação, capaz de afastar parte dos agentes econômicos, os quais tendem a maximizar seus lucros. DOI:10.5585/rdb.v4i3.1

    Butorphanol in romifidine-tiletamine-zolazepam anesthesia in cats

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    Visando observar os efeitos do butorfanol (B) na anestesia produzida pela associação de romifidina (R) e tiletamina-zolazepam (TZ), foram utilizados seis gatos adultos, de forma que todos animais receberam a associação de romifidina-tiletamina-zolazepam (grupo RTZ) ou a associação de romifidina-tiletamina-zolazepam-butorfanol (grupo RTZB). Os animais receberam em aplicação única, por via intramuscular, 7mg.kg-1 de tiletamina e 7mg.kg-1 de zolazepam e 40µg.kg-1 de romifidina (grupo RTZ) ou a mesma associação acrescida de 0,2mg.kg-1 de B (grupo RTZB). A freqüência cardíaca, freqüência respiratória, pressão arterial sistólica, diastólica e média por método não-invasivo oscilométrico, saturação de oxihemoglobina e temperatura retal foram avaliadas durante 120 minutos e comparadas aos valores basais. Os efeitos anestésicos foram caracterizados por meio de um sistema de escores. Outros dados como período de latência, período anestésico hábil e período de recuperação foram mensurados para efeito comparativo. Os períodos de latência e anestésico hábil foram significativamente mais prolongados no grupo RTZB. Ocorreu diminuição da freqüência respiratória no grupo RTZB, havendo decréscimo transitório no grupo RTZ. A freqüência cardíaca não variou no grupo RTZ até os 60 minutos e decresceu significativamente no grupo RTZB. Conclui-se que a associação RTZ produz anestesia com mínimos efeitos cardiovasculares e que a adição do butorfanol à associação prolonga o tempo anestésico hábil, além de proporcionar analgesia mais duradoura, mas provoca efeitos colaterais como decréscimo da freqüência cardíaca e da freqüência respiratória em gatos.The effect of butorphanol was investigated in six adult cats anesthetized with romifidine-tiletamine-zolazepam. Cats were given romifidine (40µg.kg-1) tiletamine (7mg.kg-1) and zolazepam (7mg.kg-1) (RTZ) intramuscularly, or RTZ and butorphanol (0.2mg.kg-1) (RTZB). Heart rate, respiratory rate, oscillometric systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and mean blood pressure, oxihemoglobin saturation and rectal temperature were determined for 120 minutes and compared to baseline values. Anesthetic effects were evaluated using a score system. Time of induction, anesthesia and recovery were also determined for comparison. Induction time and anesthetic time were significantly longer in RTZB. In the RTZB group a significant decrease in respiratory rate was observed while in the RTZ group this was transitory. Heart rate did not change in the RTZ group until 60 minutes and decreased significantly in the RTZB group from the time of injection. It is concluded that RTZ is an effective anesthetic combination with minimal cardiovascular side effects and that addition of butorphanol to this combination prolongs the anesthetic time and induces analgesia for a longer period, but causes a decrease in heart and respiratory rate in cats
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