45 research outputs found

    The association between environmental exposures during childhood and the subsequent development of Crohn's Disease: A score analysis approach

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    Background Environmental factors during childhood are thought to play a role in the aetiology of Crohn's Disease (CD). In South Africa, recently published work based on an investigation of 14 childhood environmental exposures during 3 age intervals (0-5, 6-10 and 11-18 years) has provided insight into the role of timing of exposure in the future development of CD. The 'overlapping' contribution of the investigated variables however, remains unclear. The aim of this study was to perform a post hoc analysis using this data and investigate the extent to which each variable contributes to the subsequent development of CD relative to each aforementioned age interval, based on a score analysis approach. Methods Three methods were used for the score analysis. Two methods employed the subgrouping of one or more (similar) variables (methods A and B), with each subgroup assigned a score value weighting equal to one. For comparison, the third approach (method 0) involved no grouping of the 14 variables. Thus, each variable held a score value of one. Results Results of the score analysis (Method 0) for the environmental exposures during 3 age intervals (0-5, 6-10 and 11-18 years) revealed no significant difference between the case and control groups. By contrast, results from Method A and Method B revealed a significant difference during all 3 age intervals between the case and control groups, with cases having significantly lower exposure scores (approximately 30% and 40% lower, respectively). Conclusion Results from the score analysis provide insight into the 'compound' effects from multiple environmental exposures in the aetiology of CD.IS

    CMS physics technical design report : Addendum on high density QCD with heavy ions

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    Ubiquitin-editing enzyme A20 promotes tolerance to lipopolysaccharide in enterocytes

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    Although enterocytes are capable of innate immune responses, the intestinal epithelium is normally tolerant to commensal bacteria. To elucidate the mechanisms of tolerance, we examined the effect of preexposure to LPS on activation of p38, c-Jun, and NF-kappaB in enterocytes by several inflammatory and stress stimuli. Shortly after the initial LPS challenge, enterocytes become tolerant to restimulation with LPS or CpG DNA, but not with IL-17 or UV. The state of tolerance, which lasts 20-26 h, temporally coincides with LPS-induced expression of the anti-inflammatory ubiquitin-editing enzyme A20. Small interfering RNA silencing of A20 prevents tolerance, whereas ectopic expression of A20 blocks responses to LPS and CpG DNA, but not to IL-17 or UV. A20 levels in the epithelium of the small intestine are low at birth and following gut decontamination with antibiotics, but high under conditions of bacterial colonization. In the small intestine of adult rodents, A20 prominently localizes to the luminal interface of villus enterocytes. Lower parts of the crypts display relatively low levels of A20, but relatively high levels of phospho-p38. Gut decontamination with antibiotics reduces the levels of both A20 and phospho-p38. Along with the fact that A20-deficient mice develop severe intestinal inflammation, our results indicate that induction of A20 plays a key role in the tolerance of the intestinal epithelium to TLR ligands and bacteria

    Experimental Anti-Inflammatory Drug Semapimod Inhibits TLR Signaling by Targeting the TLR Chaperone gp96

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    Semapimod, a tetravalent guanylhydrazone, suppresses inflammatory cytokine production and has potential in a variety of inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. The mechanism of action of Semapimod is not well understood. Here we demonstrate that in rat IEC-6 intestinal epithelioid cells, Semapimod inhibits activation of p38 MAPK, NF-kB and induction of COX-2 by TLR ligands, but not by IL-1β or stresses. Semapimod inhibits TLR4 signaling (IC(50)≈0.3 μM) and acts by desensitizing cells to LPS; it fails to block responses to LPS concentrations of 5 μg/ml or higher. Inhibition of TLR signaling by Semapimod is almost instantaneous: the drug is effective when applied simultaneously with LPS. Semapimod blocks cell surface recruitment of the MyD88 adapter, one of the earliest events in TLR signaling. gp96, the ER-localized chaperone of the HSP90 family critically involved in the biogenesis of TLRs, was identified as a target of Semapimod using ATP-desthiobiotin pull-down and mass spectroscopy. Semapimod inhibits ATP-binding and ATPase activities of gp96 in vitro (IC(50)≈0.2-0.4 μM). On prolonged exposure, Semapimod causes accumulation of TLR4 and TLR9 in perinuclear space, consistent with ER retention, an anticipated consequence of impaired gp96 chaperone function. Our data indicate that Semapimod desensitizes TLR signaling via its effect on the TLR chaperone gp96. Fast inhibition by Semapimod is consistent with gp96 participating in high affinity sensing of TLR ligands in addition to its role as a TLR chaperone

    Application of Pyroelectric Sensors Based on PVDF Films for EPR Spectra Detection by Heat Release

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    Pyroelectrics are a wide class of materials that change their polarization when the system temperature varies. This effect is utilized for a number of different commercial and industrial applications ranging from simple thermal sensors and laser interferometers to water vapor harvesting. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is a powerful tool for studying the structure and dynamics of materials with unpaired electrons. Since heating accompanies a resonant change of the orientation of electron spins in an external magnetic field, pyroelectrics can be utilized as versatile detectors for so-called indirect detection of the EPR signal. In this work, we investigated three different types of PVDF (polyvinylidene difluoride) standard pyroelectric films with indium tin oxide, Cu/Ni, and Au coatings to determine their sensitivity for detecting EPR signals. All the films were shown to be able to detect the EPR spectra of about 1 μg of a standard stable free radical by heat release. A comparative study based on the calculation of the noise-equivalent power and specific detectivity from experimental spectra showed that the Au coated PVDF film is the most promising active element for measuring the EPR signal. Using the best achieved sensitivity, estimation is given whether this is sufficient for using a PVDF-based pyrodetector for indirectly detecting EPR spectra by recombination heat release or not

    Electron Microscopic Characteristics of The Blood-Air Barrier Interstitium in Fibrous Cavernous Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Comparison with Chronic Nonspecifi c Lung Diseases

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    Aim. To describe the ultrastructural characteristics of the blood-air barrier (BAB) interstitium in fi brous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis (FCT) in comparison with chronic nonspecifi c lung diseases (CNSLD).Materials and methods. The fragments of the pericavernal zone and lung tissue were taken for the study at the resection border from the dead or operated for CNSLD persons (n = 163), and the perifocal and boundary zone of lung tissue. 116 CNSLD patients were divided into 3 subgroups: 1) chronic lung abscess (n = 42); 2) bronchiectasis (n = 44); 3) lung cyst (n = 30). The lung fragments of 30 patients who died from pathology not associated with lung diseases (myocardial infarction, acute cerebrovascular accident) were used as a control group to compare the morphological parameters. The criteria for inclusion of patients in the study: age from 18 to 65 years, negative clinical and laboratory data on the presence of comorbid pathology (viral hepatitis B, C and HIV). For TEM, lung fragments 1×1×1 mm in size were cut out and fi xed in a 2.5% glutaraldehyde solution in phosphate buffer (pH = 7.2–7.4) and washed in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH = 7.4), followed by dehydration in alcohols of an ascending concentration and placing in a mixture of Epon and Araldite resins according to the scheme. Ultrathin sections were made with Reynolds staining. Viewing and photographing preparations was carried out on a PEM-100 transmission electron microscope (Ukraine) (magnifi cation range from ×1000 to ×30 000). Results. It was established that changes in BAB components in all groups had similar features in the form of severe interstitial fi brosis, the signs of endothelial cell degeneration and destruction of varying degrees of severity, as well as the heterogeneity of the endothelial and epithelial basement membranes.Conclusion. Ultrastructural changes in the BAB components of the removed lung part in patients with FCT and chronic nonspecifi c lung diseases are characterised by a polymorphism with prevailing dystrophic and destructive changes in the perifocal zone of infl ammation, and compensatory-adaptive processes on the peripheral, especially at the resection border

    Actin Cytoskeleton Organization Regulated by the PAK family of Protein Kinases

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    Cdc42, Rac1 and other Rho-type GTPases regulate gene expression, cell proliferation and cytoskeletal architecture [1,2]. A challenge is to identify the effectors of Cdc42 and Rac1 that mediate these biological responses. Protein kinases of the p21-activated kinase (PAK) family bind activated Rac1 and Cdc42, and switch on mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathways; however, their roles in regulating actin cytoskeleton organization have not been clearly established [3-5]. Here, we show that mutants of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacking the PAK homologs Ste20 and Cla4 exhibit actin cytoskeletal defects, in vivo and in vitro, that resemble those of cdc42-1 mutants. Moreover, STE20 overexpression suppresses cdc42-1 growth defects and cytoskeletal defects in vivo, and Ste20 kinase corrects the actin-assembly defects of permeabilized cdc42-1 cells in vitro. Thus, PAKs are effectors of Cdc42 in pathways that regulate the organization of the cortical actin cytoskeleton

    Lipopolysaccharide Induces Cyclooxygenase-2 in Intestinal Epithelium via a Noncanonical p38 MAPK Pathway

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    Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a severe intestinal inflammation in neonates, occurs following bacterial colonization of the gut. LPS-induced production of inflammatory factors in immature enterocytes may be a factor in NEC. Previously, we described LPS-induced p38 MAPK-dependent expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in rat IEC-6 cells. In this study, we examine COX-2 expression in newborn rat intestinal epithelium and further characterize the mechanisms of COX-2 regulation in enterocytes. Induction of NEC by formula feeding/hypoxia increased phospho-p38 and COX-2 levels in the intestinal mucosa. Celecoxib, a selective COX-2 inhibitor, exacerbated the disease, suggesting a protective role for COX-2. COX-2 was induced in the intestinal epithelium by LPS in vivo and ex vivo. The latter response was attenuated by the p38 inhibitor SB202190, but not by inhibitors of ERK, JNK, or NF-kappaB. In IEC-6 enterocytes, COX-2 was induced by the expression of MAPK kinase 3 EE (MKK3EE), a constitutive activator of p38, but not of activators of ERK or JNK pathways. However, neither MKK3/6 nor MKK4, the known p38 upstream kinases, were activated by LPS. Dominant-negative MKK3 or MKK4 or SB202190 failed to prevent LPS-induced, p38-activating phosphorylation, ruling out important roles of these kinases or p38 autophosphorylation. LPS increased COX-2 and activating phosphorylation of p38 with similar dose-response. Blockade of LPS-induced expression of COX-2-luciferase reporter and destabilization of COX-2 message by SB202190 indicate that p38 regulates COX-2 at transcription and mRNA stability levels. Our data indicate that p38-mediated expression of COX-2 proceeds through a novel upstream pathway and support the role of the neonate's enterocytes as bacterial sensors