183 research outputs found

    Jóvenes, noticias e Internet : el factor del diseño

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    La vertebración clásica de los medios de comunicación se está difuminando y reconfigurando en el sistema comunicativo. La llegada de Internet ha incorporado una serie de novedades a los medios de comunicación y ha provocado un cambio en los hábitos de los receptores. Entre ellos, los jóvenes lideran estas modificaciones con una preferencia mayor por los medios en red, que fomenten la participación, la interactividad y el multimedia. Pero además, un factor clave es el diseño de la información, que puede hacer que estos jóvenes se conviertan o no en consumidores de noticias.Classic mass media system is changing. The arrival of Internet has incorporated a series of new features to mass media and has caused a change in the habits of the receivers. Among them, the young people lead these modifications with a greater preference by the media in network, that foment the participation, the interactivity and the multimedia. But in addition, a key factor is the design of the information, that it can cause that these young people become or not in consumers of the news

    El modelo de atención centrado en la persona, aplicado en un centro de día geriátrico para la mejora en las actividades de la vida diaria y habilidades sociales

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    The Center where the study is carried out works with the model of care centered on the person, as fundamental objective intends to maintain or improve the operation in several areas of his life, promoting social skills on residents in an individualized manner. The experience is carried out in two nursing of day (one as a control group and one experimental), directed by two occupational therapists and caregivers fixed in each one of them, located in the residence for greater Los Royales. After making an assessment prior to the residents (cognitive, physical, functional, everyday and affective life skills) and knowing their social skills and peculiarities of aging in an individualized manner, the experimental group are given guidelines to their caregivers that develop a small plan of attention focused on the person that enhances your skills and be able to personal autonomy to promote the maintenance of their capabilities and even see if this improvement is experienced in the resident. Results: The experimentation is carried out for three weeks, and then a statistical analysis with nonparametric tests, where notes the effectiveness in different areas.La experiencia es realizada en dos centros de día geriátricos (uno como grupo control y otro experimental), dirigidos por dos terapeutas ocupacionales, y con cuidadores fijos en cada uno de ellos, ubicados en la Residencia para Mayores Los Royales. Tras realizar una valoración previa a los residentes (Cognitiva, físico, funcional, habilidades de la vida cotidiana y afectiva) y conociendo sus habilidades sociales y valoración propia del envejecimiento de manera individualizada, se instruye a las cuidadoras del grupo experimental que permitan desarrollar un plan de atención centrado en la persona para potenciar las habilidades y el poder de autonomía personal y para favorecer el mantenimiento o mejoría de las habilidades en el residente.Resultados: La investigación se realiza durante tres semanas, con evaluación pretest y postest, y se realiza un análisis estadístico con pruebas no paramétricas en donde se observa la eficacia del mismo en diferentes áreas del usuario

    Electromyography: a simple and accessible tool to assess physical performance and health during hypoxia training. A systematic review

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    Hypoxia causes reduced partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood and induces adaptations in skeletal muscle that may affect individuals’ physical performance and muscular health. These muscular changes are detectable and quantifiable by electromyography (EMG), an instrument that assesses electrical activity during active contraction at rest. EMG is a relatively simple and accessible technique for all patients, one that can show the degree of the sensory and motor functions because it provides information about the status of the peripheral nerves and muscles. The main goal of this review is to evaluate the scientific evidence of EMG as an instrument for monitoring different responses of skeletal muscles subjected to external stimuli such as hypoxia and physical activity. A structured search was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines in Medline/PubMed, Scielo, Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library Plus. The search included articles published in the last 25 years until May 2020 and was restricted to English- and Spanish-language publications. As such, investigators identified nine articles that met the search criteria. The results determined that EMG was able to detect muscle fatigue from changes in the frequency spectrum. When a muscle was fatigued, high frequency components decreased and low frequency components increased. In other studies, EMG determined muscle activation increased during exercise by recruiting motor units and by increasing the intensity of muscle contractions. Finally, it was also possible to calculate the mean quadriceps quadratic activity used to obtain an image of muscle activation. In conclusion, EMG offers a suitable tool for monitoring the different skeletal muscle responses and has sufficient sensitivity to detect hypoxia-induced muscle changes produced by hypoxic stimuli. Moreover, EMG enhances an extension of physical examination and tests motor-system integrity

    Una visión integral en la gestión de colecciones de restos humanos : El caso de Rada Tilly (Chubut)

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    En este artículo se describen las tareas de extensión desarrolladas en torno a la colección osteológica humana del Museo Regional de Rada Tilly (Chubut). Las tareas se vinculan con el proyecto de investigación “Investigaciones interdisciplinarias del Holoceno tardío en Patagonia Central: Arqueología, Antropología Biológica y Geología“ (PICT-Agencia 01527) co-dirigido por una de las autoras (A.M.A.), que contempla el acondicionamiento y la puesta en valor de las colecciones estudiadas, orientados a la interacción con la comunidad a través de museos locales. En septiembre de 2010 un grupo de bioantropólogos del Museo de La Plata se trasladó a Chubut y, de manera conjunta con el personal de Rada Tilly, acondicionó la colección, registró información bioantropológica, y a la vez brindó capacitación a los encargados en las técnicas utilizadas. Las actividades estuvieron enmarcadas en los lineamientos internacionales de manejo de materiales culturales delicados, establecidos en el código de deontología del ICOM para museos, es decir, brindar a los materiales un trato respetuoso y profesional. Por último se dio difusión a la comunidad sobre el trabajo desarrollado, con el objetivo de dar a conocer las vías normales de denuncia ante cualquier hallazgo de esa naturaleza y ofrecer información sobre los antiguos habitantes de sus tierras. El proyecto no está concluido ya que se abrieron nuevas líneas para continuar haciendo extensión.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Exofucosylation of adipose mesenchymal stromal cells alters their secretome profile

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    Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) constitute the cell type more frequently used in many regenerative medicine approaches due to their exclusive immunomodulatory properties, and they have been reported to mediate profound immunomodulatory effects in vivo. Nevertheless, MSCs do not express essential adhesion molecules actively involved in cell migration, a phenotypic feature that hampers their ability to home inflamed tissues following intravenous administration. In this study, we investigated whether modification by fucosylation of murine AdMSCs (mAdMSCs) creates Hematopoietic Cell E-/L-selectin Ligand, the E-selectin-binding CD44 glycoform. This cell surface glycan modification of CD44 has previously shown in preclinical studies to favor trafficking of mAdMSCs to inflamed or injured peripheral tissues. We analyzed the impact that exofucosylation could have in other innate phenotypic and functional properties of MSCs. Compared to unmodified counterparts, fucosylated mAdMSCs demonstrated higher in vitro migration, an altered secretome pattern, including increased expression and secretion of anti-inflammatory molecules, and a higher capacity to inhibit mitogenstimulated splenocyte proliferation under standard culture conditions. Together, these findings indicate that exofucosylation could represent a suitable cell engineering strategy, not only to facilitate the in vivo MSC colonization of damaged tissues after systemic administration, but also to convert MSCs in a more potent immunomodulatory/antiinflammatory cell therapy-based product for the treatment of a variety of autoimmune, inflammatory, and degenerative diseases

    Implication of type 4 NADPH oxidase (NOX4) in tauopathy.

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    Aggregates of the microtubule-associated protein tau are a common marker of neurodegenerative diseases collectively termed as tauopathies, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and frontotemporal dementia. Therapeutic strategies based on tau have failed in late stage clinical trials, suggesting that tauopathy may be the consequence of upstream causal mechanisms. As increasing levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) may trigger protein aggregation or modulate protein degradation and, we had previously shown that the ROS producing enzyme NADPH oxidase 4 (NOX4) is a major contributor to cellular autotoxicity, this study was designed to evaluate if NOX4 is implicated in tauopathy. Our results show that NOX4 is upregulated in patients with frontotemporal lobar degeneration and AD patients and, in a humanized mouse model of tauopathy induced by AVV-TauP301L brain delivery. Both, global knockout and neuronal knockdown of the Nox4 gene in mice, diminished the accumulation of pathological tau and positively modified established tauopathy by a mechanism that implicates modulation of the autophagy-lysosomal pathway (ALP) and, consequently, improving the macroautophagy flux. Moreover, neuronal-targeted NOX4 knockdown was sufficient to reduce neurotoxicity and prevent cognitive decline, even after induction of tauopathy, suggesting a direct and causal role for neuronal NOX4 in tauopathy. Thus, NOX4 is a previously unrecognized causative, mechanism-based target in tauopathies and blood-brain barrier permeable specific NOX4 inhibitors could have therapeutic potential even in established disease.post-print5895 K

    3D characterization of CdSe nanoparticles attached to carbon nanotubes

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    The crystallographic structure of CdSe nanoparticles attached to carbon nanotubes has been elucidated by means of high resolution transmission electron microscopy and high angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy tomography. CdSe rod-like nanoparticles, grown in solution together with carbon nanotubes, undergo a morphological transformation and become attached to the carbon surface. Electron tomography reveals that the nanoparticles are hexagonal-based with the (001) planes epitaxially matched to the outer graphene layer.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Active methods in electricity and magnetism courses: Influence of degree, academic level and gender on student performance

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    [EN] The performance of first-year students in electromagnetism (E&M) courses of different engineering degrees at a Spanish public university was measured using the Brief Electricity and Magnetism Assessment (BEMA), a standard research-based instrument to assess students' understanding after attending introductory courses in electricity and magnetism. In all cases, Flipped classroom (FC) built on information and communications technology was used. The objective of this paper is to analyse if the gain in the BEMA pre and post-test results is influenced by several factors such as the degree, the students' academic grade, and gender. Moreover, as some studies have shown that the students' retention of the concepts was significantly stronger in active learning than in traditional approaches, a third BEMA test was performed by the students to analyse the long-term retention gain dependence on the same factors. Students from different engineering degree programs were asked to complete two BEMA tests during the course and a third one after a few months. ANOVA tests were used to analyse the existence of significant differences in gain between student degree programs, student academic level and student gender. Results have shown no differences in the BEMA performance by degree program, but significant differences were found by academic level and gender. Retention did not depend on the degree course but on the academic level. Mean gain value by academic level, and gender was obtained and concluded that the best students presented the best gain results and that gain depends on the students' gender: males outperformed females in the BEMA tests, although there were no significant differences in the course grades. It is thus necessary to understand these differences and to implement measures in daily teaching work to improve women's performance.Authors would like to thank the Instituto de Ciencias de la Educacion (ICE) in the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for their help, through the Innovation and Educational Quality Program and for supporting the team of the Innovacion en Metodologias Activas para el Aprendizaje de la Fisica (e-MACAFI) . This work has been supported by the UPV through the Project of Innovation and Educational Improvement Program (Projects PIME/18-19/76, PIME/18-19/88 and PIME/20-21/220 Convocatoria de Proyectos de Innovacion y Convergencia de la UPV) .Serrano, M.; Vidaurre, A.; Meseguer-Dueñas, JM.; Tort-Ausina, I.; Quiles Casado, SDLS.; Sabater I Serra, R.; García-Sanchez, T.... (2023). Active methods in electricity and magnetism courses: Influence of degree, academic level and gender on student performance. Heliyon. 9(10):1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e2049011591

    Extracellular Kir2.1C122Y Mutant Upsets Kir2.1-PIP2 Bonds and Is Arrhythmogenic in Andersen-Tawil Syndrome.

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    BACKGROUND Andersen-Tawil syndrome type 1 is a rare heritable disease caused by mutations in the gene coding the strong inwardly rectifying K+ channel Kir2.1. The extracellular Cys (cysteine)122-to-Cys154 disulfide bond in the channel structure is crucial for proper folding but has not been associated with correct channel function at the membrane. We evaluated whether a human mutation at the Cys122-to-Cys154 disulfide bridge leads to Kir2.1 channel dysfunction and arrhythmias by reorganizing the overall Kir2.1 channel structure and destabilizing its open state. METHODS We identified a Kir2.1 loss-of-function mutation (c.366 A>T; p.Cys122Tyr) in an ATS1 family. To investigate its pathophysiological implications, we generated an AAV9-mediated cardiac-specific mouse model expressing the Kir2.1C122Y variant. We employed a multidisciplinary approach, integrating patch clamping and intracardiac stimulation, molecular biology techniques, molecular dynamics, and bioluminescence resonance energy transfer experiments. RESULTS Kir2.1C122Y mice recapitulated the ECG features of ATS1 independently of sex, including corrected QT prolongation, conduction defects, and increased arrhythmia susceptibility. Isolated Kir2.1C122Y cardiomyocytes showed significantly reduced inwardly rectifier K+ (IK1) and inward Na+ (INa) current densities independently of normal trafficking. Molecular dynamics predicted that the C122Y mutation provoked a conformational change over the 2000-ns simulation, characterized by a greater loss of hydrogen bonds between Kir2.1 and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate than wild type (WT). Therefore, the phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate-binding pocket was destabilized, resulting in a lower conductance state compared with WT. Accordingly, on inside-out patch clamping, the C122Y mutation significantly blunted Kir2.1 sensitivity to increasing phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate concentrations. In addition, the Kir2.1C122Y mutation resulted in channelosome degradation, demonstrating temporal instability of both Kir2.1 and NaV1.5 proteins. CONCLUSIONS The extracellular Cys122-to-Cys154 disulfide bond in the tridimensional Kir2.1 channel structure is essential for the channel function. We demonstrate that breaking disulfide bonds in the extracellular domain disrupts phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate-dependent regulation, leading to channel dysfunction and defects in Kir2.1 energetic stability. The mutation also alters functional expression of the NaV1.5 channel and ultimately leads to conduction disturbances and life-threatening arrhythmia characteristic of Andersen-Tawil syndrome type 1.The authors thank the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) Viral Vectors Unit for producing the adeno-associated virus serotype 9. Confocal experiments were conducted at the CNIC Microscopy and Dynamic Imaging Unit. The authors thank the CNIC Bioinformatics Unit for generating the in silico homology modeling simulations, F-function analysis, and helpful discussions. The authors also thank the Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia for the use of the Finis Terrae III supercomputer to perform molecular dynamics studies. The CNIC was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, and the Pro CNIC Foundation and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (grant CEX2020-001041-S funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). This work was supported by the National heart, Lung and Blood Institute under National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant R01HL163943; the La Caixa Banking Foundation project code HR18-00304 (grant LCF/PR/HR19/52160013); grants PI-FIS-2020, PI20/01220, PI-FIS-2023, and PI23/01039 from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and cofunded by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) and the European Union, respectively; grants PID2020-116935RB-I00 and BFU2016-75144-R funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; the Fundación La Marató de TV3 (736/C/2020) amb el suport de la Fundació La Marató de TV3; the CIBER (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red) de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (grant CB16/11/00458); the European Union’s Horizon 2020 grant agreement GA-965286; and the Program S2022/BMD7229-CM ARCADIACM funded by the Comunidad de Madrid to J. Jalife; grant PID2021-126423OB-C22 (to M. Martín-Martínez) funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) grant PID2022-137214OB-C22 (to M. Gutierrez-Rodríguez) funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. The imaging studies were performed in the TRIMA@CNIC (Infraestructura de Imagen Traslacional Avanzada del CNIC) node of the ICTS ReDIB (Infraestructuras Científicas y Técnicas Singulares: Red Distribuida de Imagen Biomédica) grant ICTS-2018- 04-CNIC-16 funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and ERDF, and project EQC2018-005070-P funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FEDER. A.I. Moreno-Manuel holds an formación profesional universitaria (FPU) contract (FPU20/01569) from the Ministerio de Universidades. J.M. Ruiz Robles holds an FPU contract (FPU22/03253) from the Ministerio de Universidades. L.K. Gutiérrez holds an FPI contract (PRE2018-083530) from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España cofunded by the Fondo Social Europeo, attached to project SEV-2015-0505-18-2. I. Martínez-Carrascoso holds a PFIS (Contratos predoctorales de formación en investigación en salud) contract (FI21/00243) funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the Fondo Social Europeo Plus cofunded by the European Union. M.L. Vera-Pedrosa held contract PEJD-2019-PRE/BMD15982 funded by the Consejería de Educación e Investigación de la Comunidad de Madrid y Fondo Social Europeo.S