920 research outputs found

    MicroRNAs circulantes como biomarcadores en cirrosis hepática descompensada

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    Introducción. La ascitis refractaria representa una fase de descompensación grave de la cirrosis hepática en la que los β-bloqueantes no cardioselectivos (BBNS) podrían tener un efecto deletéreo. Los microRNAs (miRNAs) están desregulados en distintas patologías y existe un creciente interés en su papel como biomarcadores diagnósticos y pronósticos. Objetivos. Caracterizar una firma de miRNAs y evaluar su capacidad para distinguir ascitis refractaria, predecir respuesta hemodinámica a BBNS e identificar el desarrollo de disfunción sistólica cardiaca con tratamiento BBNS en pacientes con cirrosis descompensada. Métodos. Estudio multicéntrico traslacional que se desarrolló en tres fases: 1) Identificación de una firma de miRNAs en el secretoma de hepatocitos humanos primarios procedentes de hígados de pacientes con cirrosis descompensada (n =9) e hígados sin cirrosis (n =9). 2) Análisis de la firma y de 3 miRNAs control descritos previamente como biomarcadores de enfermedad hepática crónica (miR-192-5p, miR-34a-5p y miR-29a-5p) en suero de pacientes con cirrosis descompensada (n =36) y controles no cirróticos apareados por sexo y edad (n =36). 3) Evaluación de la capacidad de la firma de miRNAs para identificar ascitis refractaria, predecir respuesta hemodinámica a BBNS y aparición de disfunción cardiaca en muestras de suero de pacientes con cirrosis descompensada (n =36, 18 con ascitis refractaria). Se analizaron los miRNAs mediante qRT-PCR y se realizó una medición del gradiente de presión venosa hepática (GPVH) y un ecocardiograma antes y un mes tras iniciar tratamiento con BBNS. Resultados. Se caracterizó una firma de 5 miRNAs (miR-452-5p, miR-429, miR-885-5p, miR-181b-5p y miR-122-5p) en el secretoma de hepatocitos cirróticos. Los pacientes cirróticos presentaron niveles séricos más bajos de miR-429, miR-885-5p, miR-181b-5p, miR-122-5p, miR-192-5p y miR-29a-5p (p <0,05). Los pacientes con ascitis refractaria presentaron niveles de miR-181b-5p significativamente superiores a los pacientes con ascitis sensible a diuréticos (p =0,008). Los niveles basales de miR-452-5p y miR-429 en suero fueron menores en los pacientes con respuesta hemodinámica a BBNS (p =0,006). En pacientes con ascitis refractaria, los niveles séricos basales de miR-452-5p y miR-885-5p se correlacionaron inversamente con las resistencias vasculares sistémicas basales (ρ =−0,46, p =0,007; y ρ =−0,41, p =0,01, respectivamente) y con la reducción de la función sistólica cardiaca con tratamiento BBNS (ρ =−0,55, p =0,02; y ρ =−0,55, p =0,02, respectivamente). Los 3 miRNAs control no presentaron diferencias significativas en ninguno de los escenarios evaluados en pacientes con cirrosis descompensada. Conclusiones. La firma de miRNAs identificada permite distinguir a los pacientes con cirrosis descompensada con mayor probabilidad de presentar respuesta hemodinámica y riesgo de compromiso de la función sistólica cardiaca con tratamiento BBNS. En la cirrosis descompensada, los niveles séricos de miRNAs podrían ser una herramienta no invasiva útil para predecir respuesta a BBNS e identificar pacientes con en los que los BBNS deberían evitarse

    “Mucho x vivir”. Psychosocial care for women with breast cancer

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    Las consecuencias psicosociales del cáncer de mama han sido ampliamente documentadas. La Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC) desarrolla desde 1987 un programa de atención integral, Mucho x Vivir, dirigido a atender las necesidades psicológicas, sociales y de rehabilitación física (linfedema) de las pacientes operadas de cáncer de mama. En la actualidad atiende a 12.000 afectadas al año en 49 provincias españolas con la participación de más de 100 psicólogos. El programa incluye atención psicológica individual y grupal, atención social, actividades de ocio y tiempo libre, prevención y rehabilitación del linfedema, inserción laboral, voluntariado testimonial e información a través de Internet (www.muchoxvivir.org y Chat Consulta). La elevada participación y la mejora en la calidad de vida mostrada por diferentes estudios realizados avalan la necesidad de continuar desarrollando este programa y lo convierten en referente a nivel estatal de intervención psicosocial multidisciplinar.Breast cancer psychosocial consequences have been extensively documented. Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC) is carrying out from 1987 a comprehensive attention program, ‘Mucho x Vivir’, aimed at meeting breast cancer patients’ psychological, social, physical (lymphedema) needs. It currently attends 12.000 patients every year at 49 Spanish provinces with more than 100 psychologists taking part in it. Program includes individual and group psychological attention, social attention, leisure activities, lymphedema rehabilitation, peer support and information through Internet (www.muchoxvivir.org and Chat). Big entry and shown improvement in quality of life back necessity to go on developing this program and turn it into a multidisciplinary psychosocial intervention model at a national level

    “Mucho x vivir”: atención psicosocial para mujeres con cáncer de mama

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    Las consecuencias psicosociales del cáncer de mama han sido ampliamente documentadas. La Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC) desarrolla desde 1987 un programa de atención integral, Mucho x Vivir, dirigido a atender las necesidades psicológicas, sociales y de rehabilitación física (linfedema) de las pacientes operadas de cáncer de mama. En la actualidad atiende a 12.000 afectadas al año en 49 provincias españolas con la participación de más de 100 psicólogos. El programa incluye atención psicológica individual y grupal, atención social, actividades de ocio y tiempo libre, prevención y rehabilitación del linfedema, inserción laboral, voluntariado testimonial e información a través de Internet (www.muchoxvivir.org y Chat Consulta). La elevada participación y la mejora en la calidad de vida mostrada por diferentes estudios realizados avalan la necesidad de continuar desarrollando este programa y lo convierten en referente a nivel estatal de intervención psicosocial multidisciplinar

    Molecular Profiling of Decompensated Cirrhosis by a Novel MicroRNA Signature

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    Noninvasive staging of decompensated cirrhosis is an unmet clinical need. The aims of this study were to characterize and validate a novel microRNA (miRNA) signature to stage decompensated cirrhosis and predict the portal pressure and systolic cardiac response to nonselective beta-blockers (NSBBs). Serum samples from patients with decompensated cirrhosis (n = 36) and healthy controls (n = 36) were tested for a novel signature of five miRNAs (miR-452-5p, miR-429, miR-885-5p, miR-181b-5p, and miR-122-5p) identified in the secretome of primary human hepatocytes and for three miRNAs (miR-192-5p, miR-34a-5p, and miR-29a-5p) previously discovered as biomarkers of chronic liver disease. All patients had ascites, which was refractory in 18 (50%), and were placed on NSBBs for variceal bleeding prophylaxis. In all patients, serum miRNAs, hepatic venous pressure gradient, and an echocardiogram study were performed before and 1 month after NSBBs. Patients with cirrhosis had lower serum levels of miR-429, miR-885-5p, miR-181b-5p, miR-122-5p, miR-192-5p, and miR-29a-5p (P < 0.05). Baseline serum miR-452-5p and miR-429 levels were lower in NSBB responders (P = 0.006). miR-181b-5p levels were greater in refractory ascites than in diuretic-sensitive ascites (P = 0.008) and correlated with serum creatinine. miR-452-5p and miR-885-5p were inversely correlated with baseline systemic vascular resistance (ρ = −0.46, P = 0.007; and ρ = −0.41, P = 0.01, respectively) and with diminished systolic contractility (ρ = −0.55, P = 0.02; and ρ = −0.55, P = 0.02, respectively) in patients with refractory ascites after NSBBs. Conclusion: Analysis of a miRNA signature in serum discriminates between patients with decompensated cirrhosis who show more severe systemic circulatory dysfunction and compromised systolic function after beta-blockade and those more likely to benefit from NSBBs

    Estimating fish passage over velocity barriers for non-uniform flow conditions: A case study in flat-V gauging weirs

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    Producción CientíficaWhen the flow velocity over a river structure exceeds the swimming capacity of fish, it behaves as a velocity barrier. Depending on the hydrodynamic circumstances of the structure as well as the fish’s swimming ability and motivation, the barrier can be permanent, partial, or intermittent. This is the case of flat-V gauging weirs, a common type of velocity barrier in Spanish rivers and in other European rivers. Flat-V weirs are broadly used as they provide precise information about river discharge for water resource management under different hydraulic scenarios, especially during low flow conditions. However, depending on their size, local river morphology, and the river flow scenario, they can produce excessive velocities and thus, reduce or hinder fish upstream movements. Due to their variable geometry, velocity barriers exhibit a non-uniform flow velocity field, which means that flow velocity varies along the barrier. Therefore, any predictive swimming model to assess the barrier effect on fish must consider the spatial variation to achieve a valuable forecast. This work aims to estimate fish passage over Flat-V weirs by linking their 3D hydraulic performance with the swimming capacity of fish. For this, a predictive model is developed using as target species the Iberian barbel (Luciobarbus bocagei), combining research on their swimming ability with 3D models of the structure. Results of the model show the river conditions and weir dimensions that permit the ascent of this species through the sloped wall of the weir. This information has direct implications for the design and assessment of velocity barriers as well as for the retrofitting of velocity barriers, making them compatible with the fish migration.Consejo Europeo de Investigación, European Union’s Horizon 2020 - (Grant 101032024

    Fish upstream passage through gauging stations: experiences with Iberian barbel in Flat-V Weirs

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    Producción CientíficaThe monitoring of river discharge is vital for the correct management of water resources. Flat-V gauging weirs are facilities used worldwide for measuring discharge. These structures consist of a small weir with a triangular cross-section and a flat “V”-shaped notch. Their extensive use is a consequence of their utility in the measurement of both low and high flow conditions. However, depending on their size, local morphology and river discharge can act as full or partial hydraulic barriers to fish migration. To address this concern, the present work studies fish passage performance over flat-V weirs considering their hydraulic performance. For this, radio-tracking and video-monitoring observations were combined with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models in two flat-V weirs, using Iberian barbel (Luciobarbus bocagei) as the target species. Results showed that fish passage is conditioned by both hydraulic and behavioral processes, providing evidence for scenarios in which flat-V weirs may act as full or partial barriers to upstream movements. For the studied flat-V weirs, a discharge range of 0.27–8 m3/s, with a water drop difference between upstream and downstream water levels lower than 0.7 m and a depth downstream of the weir of higher than 0.3 m can be considered an effective passage situation for barbels. These findings are of interest for quantifying flat-V weir impacts, for engineering applications and for establishing managing or retrofitting actions when required.European Union’s Horizon 2020 (Grant 101032024

    Effect of rapid maxillary expansion on sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome in growing patients. A meta-analysis

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    Changes produced in the upper airway after rapid maxillary expansion makes this procedure a therapeutic option for treating sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS) in children. The objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to analyze the evidence available for the effects of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) on SAHS, analyzing changes produced in oximetric variables: apnea-hypopnea index (AHI); oxygen saturation (SO2); sleep efficiency (SE), total sleep time (TST), percentage of rapid eye movement (REM) phase; and arousal index (AI). An electronic search was conducted in the PubMed, Scopus, Embase, and Cochrane databases, and in grey literature (Opengrey). No limit was placed on publication date or language. Inclusion criteria were: patients in growth with sleep apnea who underwent rapid maxillary expansion with oximetric values registered before and after treatment. Articles with patient sample sizes <10 were excluded. Ten articles were included for qualitative synthesis and nine for meta-analysis (eliminating one observational study). AHI values underwent a mean reduction of 5.79 events/hour (CI -95% 9.06 to 2.5); an increase in mean oxygen saturation of 2.54 % (CI-95% -0.28 to 4.80, 6.7 %); a reduction in AI of 2.17 events/hour (CI-95% -5.25 to -0.582); an increase in REM phase of 1.20 % (CI-95% 1.02 to 1.38); and an increase in SE of 0.961% (CI-95% -1.574 to 3.495). RME would appear efficient for treating slight or moderate SAHS, as indicated by improvement in oximetric parameters; it may be effective as coadjuvant therapy to adenotonsillectomy in severe cases of children with maxillary compression

    Electrochemical activation of Ru catalyst with alkaline ion conductors for the catalytic decomposition of ammonia

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    This study reports the electrochemical activation (EPOC) of ruthenium catalyst film with alkaline ion conductors for hydrogen production via catalytic decomposition of ammonia. Two electrocatalysts, Ru/Na-βAl2O3 and Ru/KβAl2O3 have been prepared, characterized, and tested under low temperature reaction conditions (250–350 ◦C). The electrochemically supply of moderate amounts of alkaline ions (Na+ and K+) from the solid electrolyte support to the ruthenium catalyst film, activated the hydrogen production rate. The promotional effect has been attributed to a strengthening of the chemisorptive bond of weakly adsorbed N surface species, which stabilizes N adsorbed molecules on the ruthenium catalyst surface and thus facilitating the ammonia decomposition reaction. Among the two alkali ions, the effect of potassium was stronger, increasing the hydrogen production rate above 230% at 300 ◦C under optimally conditions. Temperature programmed reaction experiments also confirms the interest of EPOC for the activation of the catalyst at low temperatures

    A critical view on the current use of daptomycin in Spain: The daptomise study

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    Background: The Study on the Clinical Use of DAPTOMycin in Spain (DAPTOMISE Study) is a national surveillance program of daptomycin use. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the current variability in daptomycin consumption across the different hospitals and the adequacy of therapy, specially focused on underdosing. Methods: All adult and pediatric patients who received, at least, one dose of daptomycin in a single week in 98 institutions in Spain were included. The adequacy of daptomycin use was evaluated with respect to the indication, dosage, adjustments after microbiology results, switching to an oral agent and length of treatment. Results: A total of 615 patients received daptomycin during the study week. The prevalence use was 2.3 patients / 100,000 inhabitants per week, 12.4 patients / 1000 admissions and 9.2 Days of Therapy (DOT) / 1000 hospital stays. These rates varied between hospitals: from 0 to 13.9 patients / 100,000 inhabitants, from 0 to 76.1 patients / 1000 admissions and from 0 to 49.4 DOT / 1000 hospital stays. The most frequent infections were bacteremia (31.6 %) and skin and soft tissue infections (17.9 %). Microbiological results were available in only 65.4 % of infections. The most frequent microorganisms were Staphylococcus aureus (192 isolates, of which 87 were resistant to methicillin) and coagulase-negative staphylococci (124 isolates). A total of 136 prescriptions (22.1 %) were underdosed. Dosages < 8 mg/kg were used for 35.6 % of endovascular infections and for 26.2 % of osteoarticular infections. Overall, 57.2 % of prescriptions were not optimal in, at least, one item. Clinical cure rate was 76.1% and mortality attributable to the infection 8.1%. Conclusion: This is the first registry that identifies the prevalence of use of daptomycin in Spain and shows a high variability in the consumption between the different hospitals. Daptomycin underdosing was present in more than 20 % of cases. (c) 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    A Quick Guide for Using Microsoft Onenote as an Electronic Laboratory Notebook

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    [Abstract] Scientific data recording and reporting systems are of a great interest for endorsing reproducibility and transparency practices among the scientific community. Current research generates large datasets that can no longer be documented using paper lab notebooks (PLNs). In this regard, electronic laboratory notebooks (ELNs) could be a promising solution to replace PLNs and promote scientific reproducibility and transparency. We previously analyzed five ELNs and performed two survey-based studies to implement an ELN in a biomedical research institute. Among the ELNs tested, we found that Microsoft OneNote presents numerous features related to ELN best functionalities. In addition, both surveyed groups preferred OneNote over a scientifically designed ELN (PerkinElmer Elements). However, OneNote remains a general note-taking application and has not been designed for scientific purposes. We therefore provide a quick guide to adapt OneNote to an ELN workflow that can also be adjusted to other nonscientific ELNs