279 research outputs found

    Efficacité des corridors : qu’en savons-nous vraiment ?

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    La trame verte et bleue et toutes les politiques de préservation et de restauration de réseaux écologiques identifient la fragmentation comme un facteur majeur de dégradation du fonctionnement des paysages. Elles y remédient par la préservation de corridors permettant de restaurer des connexions entre habitats pour les espèces. Issue de l’écologie du paysage, la notion de corridor s’est modifiée dans le vocabulaire de la trame verte et bleue. Les connaissances écologiques sur le rôle des corridors ne permettent pas forcément de répondre aux attentes des décideurs politiques mais confortent un certain nombre d’enjeux (déplacement des espèces notamment pour permettre l’adaptation au changement climatique, services écosystémiques…). L’apport scientifique à la mise en ½uvre de corridors reconnectant des espaces auparavant isolés sera de pouvoir proposer des protocoles permettant d’évaluer l'efficacité de la construction de passage à faune sur des infrastructures anciennes qui en étaient dépourvues et avaient donc fragmenté des habitats. / The Trame verte et bleue and preservation and restoration of ecological networks policies identify fragmentation as a major factor of degradation of landscapes functions. Preservation of corridors aims to restore connections between habitats for species. The concept of corridors, developed by landscape ecology research, is changed when used for ecological network. Ecological knowledge on the role of corridors do not necessarily answer the expectations of policy makers but are consistent with a number of issues (moving species particular to enable the adaptation to climate change, ecosystem services..). The scientific contribution to the implementation of corridors reconnecting spaces previously isolated (by infrastructure) will be to propose protocols for assessing the achievement of these transparency rehabilitation operations

    X-Ray Microanalysis of Calcium Containing Organelles in Resin Embedded Tissue

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    The localization of calcium in cell organelles at the electron microscope level is often achieved through cytochemical techniques, and verified by X-ray microanalysis. Various methods have been used to cytochemically detect calcium or calcium-binding sites : calcium loading, calcium substitution by strontium, barium, or even lead, and calcium precipitation by oxalate, phosphate, fluoride, or pyroantimonate. Their results may have heuristic value, particularly in preliminary studies of poorly known cell types. A complementary and more physiological approach is offered by quantitative measurement of the total calcium content of organelles after cryofixation. Resin embedding is less demanding than cryomicrotomy and gives better images : it can be used after cryosubstitution in the presence of oxalic acid. This technique was tested, and applied to several cell types

    The serotonin-N-acetylserotonin–melatonin pathway as a biomarker for autism spectrum disorders

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    Elevated whole-blood serotonin and decreased plasma melatonin (a circadian synchronizer hormone that derives from serotonin) have been reported independently in patients with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Here, we explored, in parallel, serotonin, melatonin and the intermediate N-acetylserotonin (NAS) in a large cohort of patients with ASD and their relatives. We then investigated the clinical correlates of these biochemical parameters. Whole-blood serotonin, platelet NAS and plasma melatonin were assessed in 278 patients with ASD, their 506 first-degree relatives (129 unaffected siblings, 199 mothers and 178 fathers) and 416 sex- and age-matched controls. We confirmed the previously reported hyperserotonemia in ASD (40% (35–46%) of patients), as well as the deficit in melatonin (51% (45–57%)), taking as a threshold the 95th or 5th percentile of the control group, respectively. In addition, this study reveals an increase of NAS (47% (41–54%) of patients) in platelets, pointing to a disruption of the serotonin-NAS–melatonin pathway in ASD. Biochemical impairments were also observed in the first-degree relatives of patients. A score combining impairments of serotonin, NAS and melatonin distinguished between patients and controls with a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 85%. In patients the melatonin deficit was only significantly associated with insomnia. Impairments of melatonin synthesis in ASD may be linked with decreased 14-3-3 proteins. Although ASDs are highly heterogeneous, disruption of the serotonin-NAS–melatonin pathway is a very frequent trait in patients and may represent a useful biomarker for a large subgroup of individuals with ASD

    Detailed investigations of proximal tubular function in Imerslund-Grasbeck syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: Imerslund-Gräsbeck Syndrome (IGS) is a rare genetic disorder characterised by juvenile megaloblastic anaemia. IGS is caused by mutations in either of the genes encoding the intestinal intrinsic factor-vitamin B(12) receptor complex, cubam. The cubam receptor proteins cubilin and amnionless are both expressed in the small intestine as well as the proximal tubules of the kidney and exhibit an interdependent relationship for post-translational processing and trafficking. In the proximal tubules cubilin is involved in the reabsorption of several filtered plasma proteins including vitamin carriers and lipoproteins. Consistent with this, low-molecular-weight proteinuria has been observed in most patients with IGS. The aim of this study was to characterise novel disease-causing mutations and correlate novel and previously reported mutations with the presence of low-molecular-weight proteinuria. METHODS: Genetic screening was performed by direct sequencing of the CUBN and AMN genes and novel identified mutations were characterised by in silico and/or in vitro investigations. Urinary protein excretion was analysed by immunoblotting and high-resolution gel electrophoresis of collected urines from patients and healthy controls to determine renal phenotype. RESULTS: Genetic characterisation of nine IGS patients identified two novel AMN frameshift mutations alongside a frequently reported AMN splice site mutation and two CUBN missense mutations; one novel and one previously reported in Finnish patients. The novel AMN mutations were predicted to result in functionally null AMN alleles with no cell-surface expression of cubilin. Also, the novel CUBN missense mutation was predicted to affect structural integrity of the IF-B(12) binding site of cubilin and hereby most likely cubilin cell-surface expression. Analysis of urinary protein excretion in the patients and 20 healthy controls revealed increased urinary excretion of cubilin ligands including apolipoprotein A-I, transferrin, vitamin D-binding protein, and albumin. This was, however, only observed in patients where plasma membrane expression of cubilin was predicted to be perturbed. CONCLUSIONS: In the present study, mutational characterisation of nine IGS patients coupled with analyses of urinary protein excretion provide additional evidence for a correlation between mutation type and presence of the characteristic low-molecular-weight proteinuria

    Phylogeography of an endangered disjunct herb: long-distance dispersal, refugia and colonization routes

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    Quaternary glacial cycles appear to have had a consistent role in shaping the genetic diversity and structure of plant species. Despite the unusual combination of the characteristics of the western Mediterranean– Macaronesian area, there are no studies that have specifically examined the effects of palaeoclimatic and palaeogeographic factors on the genetic composition and structure of annual herbs. Astragalus edulis is a disjunct endemic found in the easternmost Canary Islands and the semi-arid areas of north-eastern Africa and south-eastern Iberian Peninsula. This endangered species shows no evident adaptations to long-distance dispersal. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) data and plastid DNA sequences were analysed from a total of 360 individuals distributed throughout the range of this species. The modelled potential distribution of A. edulis under current conditions was projected over the climatic conditions of the Last Interglacial (130 ka BP) and Last Glacial Maximum (21 ka BP) to analyse changes in habitat suitability and to look for associations between the modelling and genetic results. Amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis showed clear phylogeographic structure with four distinct genetic clusters. Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) models based on plastid DNA sequences indicated a Middle Pleistocene long-distance dispersal event as the origin of the populations of the Canary Islands. The models also suggested south-western Morocco as the ancestral area for the species, as well as subsequent colonization of north-eastern Morocco and the Iberian Peninsula. The data compiled indicated the possibility of the presence of refuge areas at favourable locations around the High Atlas and Anti-Atlas mountain ranges. Moreover, palaeodistribution models strongly support the events inferred by ABC modelling and show the potential distribution of the species in the past, suggesting a putative colonization route.This work has been financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación through the projects CGL2012- 32574 and REN2003-09427, as well as by the Andalusian Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología through the project RNM1067. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript

    CNTN6 mutations are risk factors for abnormal auditory sensory perception in autism spectrum disorders

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    Contactin genes CNTN5 and CNTN6 code for neuronal cell adhesion molecules that promote neurite outgrowth in sensory-motor neuronal pathways. Mutations of CNTN5 and CNTN6 have previously been reported in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), but very little is known on their prevalence and clinical impact. In this study, we identified CNTN5 and CNTN6 deleterious variants in individuals with ASD. Among the carriers, a girl with ASD and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder was carrying five copies of CNTN5. For CNTN6, both deletions (6/1534 ASD vs 1/8936 controls; P=0.00006) and private coding sequence variants (18/501 ASD vs 535/33480 controls; P=0.0005) were enriched in individuals with ASD. Among the rare CNTN6 variants, two deletions were transmitted by fathers diagnosed with ASD, one stop mutation CNTN6W923X was transmitted by a mother to her two sons with ASD and one variant CNTN6P770L was found de novo in a boy with ASD. Clinical investigations of the patients carrying CNTN5 or CNTN6 variants showed that they were hypersensitive to sounds (a condition called hyperacusis) and displayed changes in wave latency within the auditory pathway. These results reinforce the hypothesis of abnormal neuronal connectivity in the pathophysiology of ASD and shed new light on the genes that increase risk for abnormal sensory perception in ASD
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