716 research outputs found


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    Jumlah penduduk di Kabupaten Pidie selalu mengalami pertumbuhan setiap tahunnya yang menyebabkan peningkatan kebutuhan air, khususnya kebutuhan air domestik. Mengingat pentingnya keseimbangan antara jumlah penduduk dan kebutuhan air di masa mendatang, Peneliti bermaksud menganalisis tentang kebutuhan dan pemenuhan air domestik di Kabupaten Pidie dengan menggunakan persamaan (Qairdomestik = Pt . Un) dan proyeksi dengan metode aritmatika dan geometri yang kemudian dipetakan dengan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Dengan asumsi kebutuhan air domestik 144 liter (Survey Direktorat Pengembangan Air Minum, Ditjen Cipta Karya, 2006) menunjukkan bahwa Kecamatan yang memiliki jumlah penduduk tertinggi juga menjadi daerah dengan tingkat kebutuhan air domestik yang paling tinggi, yaitu kecamatan Pidie dengan jumlah penduduk 50,971 jiwa dan tingkat kebutuhan air domestik sebesar 7,339,824 liter. Sedangkan untuk Kecamatan dengan jumlah penduduk paling rendah juga menjadi Kecamatan dengan tingkat kebutuhan air domestik paling rendah, yaitu Kecamatan Titeu dengan jumlah penduduk 4,767 jiwa dengan tingkat kebutuhan air domestik sebesar 686,448 liter. Pemenuhan kebutuhan air domestik di Kabupaten Pidie masih tergantung pada sarana non perpipaan sebesar 84% dan sarana perpipaan hanya mampu melayani 10% sedangkan 6% lagi tidak terlayani


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    Improving the quality of XL Axiata service is not as expected. Data abaout twitter and comments from XL Axiata, shows there are still complaints from customers related to the unstable 4G LTE internet network. The development of increasingly advanced technology and intense competition, make telecommunication companies always improve their services, ecpecially XL Axiata. But this 4G LTE service can not have a positive impact on the corporate image. This study aims to analyze and discuss the influence of rebranding and service quality on corporate image XL Axiata. This population in this study simcard users XL were at least 17 years, and who was visiting in XL Center Pemuda Surabaya. This study using 210 samples, the sampling method is non-probability sampling with incidental sampling technique. The data analisys technique using multiple linear regression.  Keywords: Rebranding, Service Quality, Corporate Image


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    This study aims to determine the effect of partial and simultaneous prices, product quality and promotion on the Indosat's initial card purchase decision process in Malang City and find out the most influential variables on purchase decision process. This study uses a type of quantitative research with a population and sample of 100 Indosat consumer respondents in Malang City using multiple linear data analysis with the help of SPSS software. The results of the study show that prices, product, and promotion have simultaneously effect to Indosat's initial card purchase decision process in Malang city. And prices, product, and promotion have partial effect to Indosat's initial purchase decision process in Malang city. Dominant variable in influencing Indosat's initial card purchase decision process in Malang City is a promotion variable, with the influence value 38.4%

    Sustainable manufacturing performance evaluation tool for automotive companies

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    In response to the growing sustainability concerns, manufacturing companies have to formulate a set of measures to evaluate sustainable manufacturing performance, aimed at integration of sustainability aspects. Sustainability is generally evaluated by dimensions of environment, economic, and social, known as the triple bottom line (TBL) of sustainability. However, while the literature on sustainability is rapidly growing, only few studies have attempted to integrate sustainability into manufacturing performance evaluation. There is also no consensus yet on a standard set of sustainable manufacturing performance measures. This study aims to integrate sustainability into manufacturing performance by incorporating manufacturing performance measures with sustainable manufacturing measures. As a result, a set of initial measures for sustainable manufacturing performance evaluation believed to be suitable for automotive companies have been proposed, consisting of three factors divided into nine dimensions and a total of 41 subdimensions. In order to validate the initial measures with industry practices, a survey was conducted on the automotive companies in Malaysia. It was found that all the initial measures are highly important and thus proposed as the key measures of sustainable manufacturing performance evaluation for automotive companies. A sustainable manufacturing performance evaluation tool for automotive companies was then developed using a hybrid Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) technique. Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) methodology was applied to determine the structural relationships and inter-relationships amongst all the performance measures and Analytic Network Process (ANP) methodology was employed to determine the important weights of each of the performance measures by summarizing the opinions of the experts. While the tool provides a systematic approach for quantitative assessment of sustainable manufacturing performance, it is not entirely automated. Thus, for that purpose, a software-based tool named SUSMAP was subsequently developed using PHP and MySQL. Two case studies have been conducted to validate the tool. Results from the case studies suggested that the SUSMAP is easy to use and applicable to evaluate sustainable manufacturing performance in automotive companies. The tool can be used by companies for self-assessment as well as benchmarking. It shows the existing performance level on strengths and weaknesses, and where improvements need to be made. It is hoped that the proposed sustainable manufacturing performance measures and the associated SUSMAP tool can aid the automotive companies to achieve successful implementation of sustainable manufacturing so as to compete in a much more sustainable manne


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peningkatan penguasaan meteri pelajaran IPA tentang sumber daya alam melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif dengan metode struktural pada siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 1 Ngabeyan Kartasura. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan menggunakan model siklus. Tiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 1 Ngabeyan Kartasura dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 28 siswa. Metode pengumpulan data mengunakan metode observasi partisipasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan penguasaan materi pelajaran siswa dalam pembelajaran IPA pada pokok bahasan sumber daya alam. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari 1) kesiapan mengikuti pelajaran sebelum diadakan tindakan sebesar 60,71 % di akhir putaran mencapai 96,43 %, 2) memperhatikan penjelasan guru sebelum diadakan tindakan sebesar 67,86 %, di akhir putaran mencapai 92,86 %, serta 3) mengerjakan soal latihan guru sebelum diadakan tindakan sebesar 64,29 %, pada di akhir putaran mencapai 96,43 %. Hasil tes tertulis yang dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan penguasaan materi pelajaran siswa. Sebelum diberikan tindakan kelas, hasil belajar siswa hanya mencapai daya serap 46,43 %, sedangkan di akhir tindakan hasil belajar siswa mencapai daya serap 100 %. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa metode struktural dalam pembelajaran IPA dapat meningkatkan penguasaan materi pelajaran siswa

    Etika komunikasi dakwah: Studi terhadap video kajian Ustaz Abdul Somad tentang K-Pop dan Salib

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    Ustaz Abdul Somad kembali menjadi sorotan khalayak karena dakwahnya yang kontroversial. Pada akhir Agustus 2019, video ceramah Ustaz Abdul Somad yang diunggah pada tahun 2016 yang berjudul “Hukum Melihat Salib” sempat viral di media sosial karena dianggap mengandung unsur Suku, Agama, Ras, dan Antargolongan (SARA). Video pendek yang berisi jawaban Ustaz Abdul Somad atas pertanyaan jamaah, mengandung konten yang menyinggung tentang salib sehingga menimbulkan respon negatif dari umat nonmuslim. Selain itu, ada video ceramah lain yang berjudul “Hukum Menonton Film Korea” yang juga menimbulkan respon negative bagi para penggemar KPop atau KPopers. Tulisan ini fokus pada bagaimana etika komunikasi dakwah Ustaz Abdul Somad yang dibangun berdasarkan perspektif Al Quran. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif-deskriptif. Subjek penelitiannya adalah dua video ceramah Ustaz Abdul Somad yang berjudul “Hukum menonton Film Korea” dan “Hukum Melihat Salib”. Sementara objek penelitian ini ialah retorika Ustaz Abdul Somad dalam video-video tersebut. Hasilnya, ceramah dalam kedua video tersebut mengandung prinsip etika komunikasi dalam Al Quran, dengan catatan ceramah tersebut dilakukan pada kelompok terbatas. Etika Al Quran yang dimaksud adalah prinsip bicara tegas dan jujur. Namun, jika dalam konteks media sosial yang bersifat general atau umum, maka pesan dakwahnya tidak sesuai dengan salah satu kode etik dakwah serta dinilai tidak efektif. Ustaz Abdul Somad returned to the media spotlight because of his preaching that triggered a negative response by other groups. At the end of August 2019, Ustaz Abdul Somad's video lecture uploaded in 2016 entitled "Hukum Melihat Salib" was viral on social media because it was considered to contain SARA elements. In the video footage, there is content that is offensive about the cross, giving rise to negative responses from non-Muslim communities. In addition, the lecture video entitled "Hukum Menonton Film Korea" also caused a negative response for KPopers. Therefore, this paper focuses on how the ethics of Ustaz Abdul Somad's missionary communication are built on the perspective of the Qur'an. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. His research subjects used Ustaz Abdul Somad's video lecture entitled "Hukum Menonton Film Korea" and "Hukum Melihat Salib". While the object of this research is the rhetoric of Ustad Abdul Somad in the videos. As a result, both videos contain ethical principles of communication in the Koran, if the lecture is aimed at a particular group. Unlike the case in social media that is universal (anyone, anytime and anywhere can be accessed), then the message of preaching is not following one of the preaching code of ethics and has not been effective


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    AMRINA ANGGRARINI. The correlation between Learning Motivation and Learning Styles with Learning Achievement at XI Student Class in SMKN 44 Jakarta. Jakarta: Study Program of Commerce Education. Faculty of Economics. State University of Jakarta. 2016. This research aims to gain the proper knowledge to obtain empirical data and facts are accurate, valid, invalid, and can be trusted and relied on the relationship between learning motivation and learning achievement and learning styles and academic achievement in class XI student of SMK 44 Jakarta, This study used survey method with the correlational approach. This type of research is using descriptive research. This research was conducted at SMK 44 Jakarta. The population used are all students of class XI SMK 44 Jakarta. The population of inaccessibility is the class XI students majoring in Marketing and Administrative many as 123 students. The sampling technique used technique of random sampling as many as 89 students a class XI student majoring in Marketing and Administrative. The collection of data by distributing questionnaires. While the technique of analysis of this study using SPSS version 22. The hypothesis of this research indicate that: (1) There is a positive correlation between learning motivation and learning achievement, the hypothesis is proven with the value r = 0449 and tcount (4685)> t table (1,622) , (2) There is a positive correlation between learning styles and academic achievement, the hypothesis is proven with the value r = 0513 and tcount (5573)> t table (1,622). This hypothesis is evidenced by the value of the partial correlation between learning motivation and learning achievements of and the value obtained Fhitung> Ftable or 21 949> 3.95. While the value of the partial correlation between learning styles and academic achievement and the value obtained by Fhitung> Ftabel or 31 063> 3.95. Single regression equation obtained was Y = 78 630 + 0056 (X1) and Y = 75 778 + 0088 (X2). The results of determination (R2) between learning motivation and learning achievements obtained of 0201. The result of determination (R2) between learning styles and academic achievement obtained from the of 0263. So the ability of learning motivation variable to explain the simultaneous learning achievement of 20.1% while the rest influenced by other factors outside of the variable motivation to learn. Learning styles and abilities of variables to explain the simultaneous learning achievement of 26.3% while the rest influenced by other factors outside variables learning styles


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    Dalam penelitian ini, pembelajaran berbasis masalah telah diaplikasikan untuk meningkatkan saintifik konsistensi pada siswa kelas 7 dalam pembelajaran konsep perpindahan panas. Adapun instrument pada penelitian ini, penulis merancang berbagai representasi seperti verbal, gambar, dan matematis, yakni 45 pertanyaan pilihan ganda dengan berbeda representasi yang mengacu pada 5 pokok konsep perpindahan panas: konduksi, konveksi, radiasi, angin laut, dan angin darat. Semua konsep pokok tersebut, dikemas menjadi 15 sub tema perpindahan panas. Populasi penelitian ini dibatasi hanya untuk siswa kelas 7. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan desain pre-test dan post-test. Pembelajaran berbasis masalah dengan pendekatan multi representasi diaplikasikan 3 kali pertemuan selama 2 jam pelajaran. Pertemuan pertama sub-konsep konduksi, pertemuan sub-kedua konsep konveksi dan radiasi, dan pertemuan ketiga sub-konsep angin laut dan angin darat. Pada pembelajaran, setiap sub-konsep diterapkan dengan berbagai representasi. Penulis juga mendiskusikan desain pembelajaran dan bagaimana skenario dalam pembelajaran sehingga dapat merangsang siswa untuk belajar menggunakan multi representasi. Hasil penelitian yang didapat adalah adanya peningkatan saintifik konsistensi dengan gain normalisasi 0.92 yang berada di kategori tinggi. Peningkatan pada setiap sub konsep didapat gain normalisasi 0.98 pada sub konsep radiasi juga berada di kategori tinggi. Disamping itu, Terdapat 26 siswa yang mengalami peningkatan saintifik konsistensi pada setiap sub-tema. Penulis menyarankan bahwa saintifik konsistensi siswa harus diperhatikan di setiap proses belajar mengajar khususnya fisika. ---------- This study, Problem based learning model has been applied to improve 7th grade students’ scientific consistency in the context of heat transfer concept. The instrument of this research, we were designed using various representations such as verbal, picture and mathematical, yielding 45 multiple choice items using different representations concerning five central concepts underpinning the heat concept: conduction, convection, radiation, natural phenomena sea breeze and land breeze. Those are altogether 15 items sub-theme in heat concept. This analysis is limited to the 7th grade population. The method which is used was experimental method with pre-test post-test design. Students took problem based learning using multiple representations at two hours meeting each week for 3 weeks unit. 1st week about conduction. 2nd week about convection and radiation. 3rd week about land breeze and sea breeze. Each those sub concepts used problem based learning syntax which served in different representations learning. We also discuss the lesson design and how each learning scenario with its learning materials trigger student to learn the concept using different multiple representations. On average, we found scientific consistency increased during the instruction of 0.92 which are in the high category. The enhancement of sub concept scientific consistency obtained value of 0.98 on radiation concept and the number of students has highest scientific consistency improvement are 26 students from 26 students. In addition, we suggest that students’ scientific consistency should be recognized in physics teaching