232 research outputs found

    Role of Emilin1 during melanoma progression and lymph node pre-metastatic niche formation

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Bioquímica. Fecha de lectura: 13-12-2019Esta tesis tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta el 13-06-2021It has been described that melanoma-derived exosomes have a role in lymph node metastasis reinforcing lymphangiogenesis and extracellular matrix remodeling. Several studies have demonstrated that melanoma-derived exosomes home in sentinel lymph nodes promoting gene expression changes that favor metastasis. Recent data from our laboratory support a role for melanoma-derived exosomes in establishing the lymph node pre-metastatic niche formation due to specific cargo. In this thesis, we postulated that lymph node microenvironment acts as a selective pressure selecting specific phenotypes for metastasis. As such, we wanted to analyze if lymph node metastatic melanoma cells present a specific signature that may favor their survival in lymph nodes. In our analysis, we have found a specific signature of genes over-expressed and proteins hyper-secreted in exosomes from a mouse melanoma lymph node metastatic model. Out of these candidates, EMILIN1 was selected due to its relevance in lymphatic vessel functionality. We have found that EMILIN1 impacts negatively on cell proliferation and migration of melanoma cells. Overall, our data support that EMILIN1 acts as a tumour suppressor-like protein both intrinsically and extrinsically and its function is inactivated by its degradation and secretion in exosomes. Importantly, our in vivo studies demonstrate that its overexpression reduced primary tumour growth and metastasis in mouse melanoma models. Analysis in human melanoma showed that its expression is maintained along melanoma progression but cells expressing high levels of EMILIN1 are reduced in metastatic lesions. Overall, our analysis suggests a novel mechanism involved in the inactivation of EMILIN1 in melanoma favouring tumour progression.This work was supported by the following grants and fellowships: - Beca Excelencia Severo Ochoa PhD Fellowship, 2014 call- Ana Isabel Amor López. Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. - Proyecto GRUPOS COORDINADOS ESTABLES DE INVESTIGACIÓN, Asociación Española contra el cáncer (AECC). SAF2014 54541-R. MINEC

    Posicionamiento de las mujeres como locutoras en las transmisiones de programas radiales en Santiago de Chile

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    This paper aims to describe the role of women in FM radios broadcasting in Santiago de Chile. A database was created in order to identify the number of women participating as announcers and to observe, through the categorization of different programs, which is the role they have been given. This is a descriptive analysis that follows the notions of communicational framing of gender,agenda setting and critical feminist analysis. It also relates the underrepresentation of women in radio broadcasting with the masculinization of public spaces and power.Este artículo busca describir el rol de las mujeres en las radios de Frecuencia Modulada que transmiten en Santiago de Chile. Para ello levanta información respecto a la cantidad de mujeres que ocupan roles de locución y observa a través de la categorización de los programas qué espacios se les han asignado. Se trata de un análisis descriptivo que discute mediante las nociones del encuadre de género, agenda setting y análisis crítico feminista la subrepresentación de las mujeres en la locución radial. Junto a esto, da cuenta de algunas relaciones entre los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación y la masculinización de los espacios públicos y de poder


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    The principal objective of this study is to evaluate the level of development of the Generic Competences in the professors, students and graduates of the university Education degrees, using the Teacher Competence Evaluation (TCE) scale. The sample was formed of 1,243 Students, 491 Graduates and 351 Teachers from 23 Spanish universities. This study was carried out as part of the other R&D research project. The statistical analyses employed in order to achieve the objectives of this study were carried out using the following procedure: we first carried out a Conformational Factorial Analysis (CFA) of the TCE scale in order to compare the factorial structure of the instrument used and we went on to calculate the basic descriptive statistical analyses of the items of which the scale is composed. We subsequently carried out a variance analysis (ANOVA) with the objective of analysing the differences among the groups. The results obtained from the group of students and the groups comprising graduates and teaching staff demonstrate that certain competences from the Instrumental Competences, i.e. competence in a foreign language and technological competency, are perceived to be less developed. We noted that there were significant differences in the three groups as regards the questionnaire as a whole. It concludes with the need to encourage the development of these competences in Initial Teacher Training. Between the instrumental competences, the domination of a second language and technological ability continue to play a very relevant role as regards to guaranteeing a quality education. This study is useful for curricular reform in the European Higher Education’s study plans.El objetivo principal de este estudio es evaluar el nivel de desarrollo delas Competencias Genéricas en profesores, estudiantes y egresados delos títulos universitarios de educación, utilizando la escala de Evaluaciónde Competencia Docentes (ECD). La muestra estuvo conformadapor 1.243 estudiantes, 491 egresados y 351 docentes, provenientes de23 universidades españolas. Este estudio forma parte de un proyecto deinvestigación de I + D + i. Los análisis estadísticos empleados para alcanzar los objetivos planteados se realizaron con el siguiente procedimiento: en primer lugar se realizó un Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC) de la escala ECD para comprobar la estructura factorial del instrumento y en segundo lugar, se calcularon los análisis estadísticos descriptivos básicos de los elementos de los que se compone la escala. Posteriormente, realizamos un análisis de varianza (ANOVA) con el objetivo de analizar las diferencias entre los grupos. Los resultados obtenidos en los tres grupos: estudiantes, graduados y docentes, demuestran que se sienten poco capacitados en las competencias instrumentales, concretamente en la competencia para hablaren un idioma extranjero y la competencia tecnológica. También observamos que existen diferencias significativas entre los tres grupos en lo que respecta al cuestionario en su conjunto. Se concluye con la necesidad de fomentar el desarrollo de estas competencias en la Formación Inicial del Profesorado.Entre las competencias instrumentales, la dominación de una segundalengua y la habilidad tecnológica siguen jugando un papel muy relevante en la garantía de una educación de calidad. Este estudio es útil para ayudar a la reforma curricular en los planes de estudio de la educación superior europea

    An Evaluation of University Students’ Perceptions of Gender Violence—A Study of Its Prevalence in Southern Spain

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    Discovering students’ beliefs and values as regards gender violence is a fundamental factor when attempting to tackle this problem in the sphere of universities. This study presents the validation of a scale for university students’ perceptions of gender-based violence, denominated as the Gender Violence Perception Scale (GVP-S). This scale measures the degree to which the aforementioned perceptions are influenced by gender, the university degree in which participants are enrolled, the type of school to which (i.e., private or state) they attended, and the level of education reached by their parents. The study was carried out with a sample of 1870 students at the University of Cordoba (Spain), and its results revealed that: (1) the GVP-S is well adjusted to and has the optimum psychometric properties for the sample studied, and (2) there are significant differences according to gender, the university degree being studied and the students’ parents’ education, but not the type of secondary education establishment attended. The conclusion that was reached was that it is necessary to carry out more research in this area, to provide preventative measures and training programs regarding gender violence to university students

    La asesoría académica: una figura para la orientación y la tutoría en la universidad

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    La creación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior trae consigo unaserie de cambios, no sólo en la docencia y la metodología universitaria, sino también en el rol del profesorado. Con este trabajo nos hemos planteado conocer la adecuación y la relevancia de la orientación y la tutoría en el ámbito universitario a través del análisis de la figura del Asesor Académico.En la Universidad de Córdoba, se creó la figura del Asesor Académico cuyas funciones se basan en garantizar y satisfacer la orientación, la tutoría y el asesoramiento personalizado durante el transcurso de la vida universitaria del alumnado.Se presentan aquí, los resultados obtenidos tras la valoración de esta actividad por parte del alumnado y del profesorado participante y que han revelado lanecesidad de la orientación en la esfera universitaria, suponiendo un primer paso para el diseño de un futuro plan de orientación y acción tutorial universitario

    La Orientación y la Tutoría universitaria como elementos de calidad e innovación en la Educación Superior. Modelo de Acción Tutorial

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    Todos somos conscientes de los cambios que de manera progresiva y más acusadamente en los últimos años, se están produciendo en la sociedad a nivel económico, político, social, educativo, etc. Cambios, que son consecuencia de los progresos alcanzados en diferentes campos científicos y que han dado lugar a la actual sociedad del conocimiento en la que nos encontramos. La educación, cómo es lógico y más concretamente la universidad, no es ajena a estos avances y progresos, al encontrarse sumergida plenamente en este contexto, por lo que deberá responder de forma eficaz a las demandas actuales que le exige la sociedad. De este modo, la orientación y la tutoría universitaria se convierte en uno de los instrumentos más idóneos para lograr los presupuestos que actualmente definen la Educación Superior, ya que a través de ella se aborda la formación del alumno en todas sus dimensiones: personal, académica y profesional; se fomenta la implicación y la autonomía en su proceso formativo y se promueve la orientación y el asesoramiento a lo largo de su itinerario formativo. De la importancia y pertinencia de profundizar en esta temática en el momento actual y del interés personal que nos suscita surge el presente trabajo de investigación. Su finalidad consiste en poner de manifiesto la importancia de la orientación y la acción tutorial como uno de los componentes que, con mayor eficacia, puede y debe contribuir a la formación integral del alumnado universitario, además de responder a los desafíos y a los cambios que nos exige el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Por otro lado, pretende analizar y conocer el desarrollo de la orientación y la acción tutorial en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Córdoba, así como la percepción que tienen sobre el desarrollo de esta labor, tanto el profesorado como el alumnado en este centro

    La creación musical como aprendizaje vivencial

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    El principal objetivo de este trabajo es señalar la importancia del aprendizaje vivencial que se da tanto en las aulas de educación infantil como en las aulas de formación inicial del profesorado. [...]Grado en Educación Infanti

    Board committees and non-financial information assurance services

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    [EN] The objective of this study is to examine the role that the specialized committees, created within the board of directors, and the auditor play in relation to the hiring of a non-financial information assurance service and in relation to the choices of the assurance provider for such non-financial information. Specifically, this study analyses the effect of the independence and specialisation of the audit committee, the existence of a CSR committee, and the reputation of the financial auditor associated with its classification as Big4. The results indicate that those responsible for financial information do not show interest in contracting an assurance service, especially if it is realized by an accountant provider, except that the information is standardised according to the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines and the contracted service is comparable to the financial audit standards, has assurance for a reasonable/high level, and is carried out according to the ISAE3000 standard.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Metaverso y educación: el caso pionero de Minecraft en el aprendizaje inmersivo digital

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    The metaverse is presented as a possible new technological iteration for the Internet. The generation of virtual universes in which the physical and the digital converge raises the question of how education will be addressed in these new systems. We find, however, pioneering exercises such as Minecraft: Education Edition. This platform is a version based on the popular sandbox video game, which was originally created by a community of teachers. The aim of this research is to analyze and describe the idiosyncratic characteristics of Minecraft as an educational platform, framing it as one of the pioneering exercises in the metaverse. To this end, we have employed a methodology that combines Multimodal Discourse Analysis with Grounded Theory and the Constant Comparative Method. As conclusions, we observe how the Minecraft Education platform reinforces from its approach pre-existing aspects from the physical world, resizing them to adapt them to its connected digital environment. These are key elements such as the identity of the participants, their ability to act within the system, creativity through lessons as a guide to the educational objectives and the community as the backbone of the process. At the same time, it presents differential components, such as the use of avatars, the transition from textual literacy to multimodal literacy, game mechanics that boost creativity or transhuman capabilities that defy physical space-time. All in all, the platform is designed for teachers, parents and managers, to whom it offers a series of benefits. Therefore, the pedagogical action will depend on their judgment and execution, especially through the elaboration of lessons and worlds, the management of the sessions and their interaction in community environments. It is their responsibility to ensure that the educational experience is truly empowering or, on the contrary, that it ends up being governed by reproductive criteria linked to symbolic violence.El metaverso se presenta como una posible nueva iteración tecnológica para Internet. La generación de universos virtuales en los que convergen lo físico y lo digital pone sobre la mesa la cuestión de cómo se afrontará la educación en estos nuevos sistemas. Encontramos, no obstante, ejercicios pioneros como Minecraft: Education Edition. Esta plataforma es una versión basada en el popular videojuego sandbox, que fue creada originalmente por una comunidad de profesores. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar y describir las características idiosincráticas de Minecraft como plataforma educativa, enmarcándola como uno de los ejercicios pioneros en el metaverso. Para ello, se ha empleado una metodología que combina el Análisis del Discurso Multimodal con la Grounded Theory y el Constant Comparative Method. Como conclusiones, se determina que la plataforma Minecraft Education refuerza desde su planteamiento cuestiones pre-existentes en el mundo físico, redimensionándolas para adaptarlas a su entorno digital conectado. Son claves como la identidad de los participantes, la agencia, la creatividad, con las lecciones como guía de los objetivos educativos, y la comunidad como vertebradora del proceso. Al mismo tiempo, presenta componentes diferenciales digitales, como el uso de avatares, la transición de la lectoescritura textual a la alfabetización en entornos multimodales, las mecánicas que impulsan la creatividad o las capacidades transhumanas que desafían el espacio-tiempo físico. Con todo, la plataforma está diseñada para profesores, padres y gestores, a los que ofrece una serie de prebendas. Por tanto, la acción pedagógica dependerá de su criterio y ejecución, especialmente a través de la elaboración de lecciones y mundos, la gestión de las sesiones, y la interacción en los entornos comunitarios. Queda bajo su responsabilidad que la experiencia educativa sea verdaderamente empoderadora o, por el contrario, esta se acabe rigiendo por criterios reproductivos y vinculados a la violencia simbólica.Research financed through the Margarita Salas Grant from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Government of Spain and the Next Generation EU program. This work is endorsed by the I+D+i project (2019-2021), entitled “Youtubers and instagramers: Media competence in emerging prosumers” with code RTI2018-093303-B-I00, financed by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and for the I+D+i project (2020-2022), entitled “Instagramers and youtubers for the transmedia empowerment of Andalusian citizens. The media competence of the instatubers”, with code P18-RT-756, financed by the Junta de Andalucía, in the 2018 call (Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Plan, 2020) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This work has been partially funded by the grant CIPROM/2021/17 of the Prometeo program of the Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana

    Perception of Gender-Based Violence and Sexual Harassment in University Students: Analysis of the Information Sources and Risk Within a Relationship

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    In a truly democratic society, there should be no place for any kind of discrimination or violence. Among the basic tools for eradicating discrimination and violence against women, education has a crucial role to play. Education about gender should be considered at all levels, in all year groups and across the curriculum, so as to improve education about this subject. Although these matters are increasingly addressed, at university level, including at postgraduate level, they are often forgotten. The purpose of this study is to break down the level of knowledge of gender-based violence and/or sexual stalking, the sources of information most widely used for developing this knowledge, and beliefs about situations of risk in relationships among a sample of 268 Science and Social Science students at the University of Córdoba (Spain). The analysis was descriptive, comparative and correlative. Means and standard deviations were analyzed, and correlations were used to establish possible relations among the variables. Cluster analysis was used to distribute the sample with respect to knowledge of violence and Student’s t-test was used to identify differences between groups. The chi-squared test was used to find the association between variables such as situations of violence and places of residence. The results show that, although the experience of gender-based violence is among the least common sources of violence, there is evidence that these situations do exist, and the risk of violent acts and/or stalking is greater when couples break up. The perception of risk is higher when students have a greater knowledge of gender-based violence or sexual harassment and this perception is higher in women. As expected, greater knowledge is also associated with experience of this type of situation; however, place of residence was not linked to greater or lesser knowledge. Training in gender is considered essential and necessary in the university environment