155 research outputs found


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    Perkerasan jalan merupakan bagian dari struktur jalan yang diperkeras dengan lapis konstruksi tertentu yang terletak di atas tanah dasar. Ruas jalan akses menuju lokasi Dusun Betung Desa Tumbang Liting Kabupaten Katingan yang ada pada saat ini masih merupakan jalan tanah sepanjang 2200 m dan dengan lebar jalan 5 meter. Kondisi eksisting jalan akses tersebut jalan tersebut mengalami kerusakan parah (jalan tertutup semak dan tidak terawat) serta tidak memiliki sistem drainase yang baik (terjadi genangan), sehingga kinerja jalan menurun. Kon-disi jalan demikian tidak mendukung sebagai jalan akses menuju obyek pariwisata. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan perencanaan perkerasan jalan yang mampu lebih tahan terhadap drainase yang buruk dan lebih tahan terhadap masa pemeliharaan yang berkepanjangan yaitu direncanakan menggunakan perkerasan kaku dengan metode AASHTO 1993. Hasil penelitian pada jalan akses menuju lokasi Dusun Betung pada STA 0 + 000 – STA 2 + 200 dengan metode AASHTO 1993 CBR 18,5% didapatkan tebal pelat beton sebesar 25,5 cm, tebal learn concrete sebesar 10 cm dan tebal lapis pondasi agregat kelas A sebesar 15 cm, sedangkan perhitungan dengan Nomogram metode AASHTO 1993 didapat tebal pelat 26 cm. Hasil analisis tebal pelat menggunakan parameter input yang digunakan oleh metode AASHTO 1993

    A snapshot study on larval fish diversity in selected mangrove areas of Peninsular Malaysia, Malaysia / Izzati Adilah Azmir... [et al.]

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    The study on composition, abundance and diversity of larval fish was conducted with the aim to attain information on larval fish breeding ground and made easy for fishery management. Larval fish were collected during September 2015 from mangrove areas of Pekan Pahang, Pendas Johor, Matang Perak and Setiu Terengganu using a bongo net, towed at a depth of about 0.5 m from the surface for 5 min against the tidal flow. A total of 354 larval fish were collected, representing 21 families and 51 species. The top 3 families were Gobiidae (39.26%), Engraulidae (14.97%) and Clupeidae (14.40%), occurred in all sampling areas except in Setiu. The most abundant 11 species formed about 50% of all collected larval fish. Gobiidae spp. were the most abundant, making up 17.8% of the total catch, followed by Clupeidae spp. (12.7%), Engraulidae spp. (8.2%), Ambassis dusumieri (6.5%), Thryssa kammalensis (4.8%), Pseudogobius masago (both 4.8%), Sillaginidae spp. (4.2%), Ambassidae spp. (3.4%), Pseudogobius sp. (3.4%), Blenniidae spp. (2.8%), and Hemigobius hoevenii (2.5%). The highest diversity of larval fish was recorded for Pendas, Johor with Shannon Wiener index Hs = 2.699, and the lowest was Setiu, Terengganu (Hs = 0.832). The highest evenness index of larval fish species was recorded for Pekan, Pahang with Es = 0.815 and the lowest for Setiu Terengganu with Es = 0.465, indicating high single-species dominance. Species overlapping was the highest between Pendas and Setiu at 14.3%, and zero similarity of fish composition was recorded between Matang and Setiu according to Jaccard coefficient. Findings from surveillance of larval fish species provide valuable information for future biodiversity studies and allow better management of biodiversity resources in the mangrove ecosystem of Malaysia

    Microphotonic needle for minimally invasive endoscopic imaging with sub-cellular resolution

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    Ultra-compact micro-optical elements for endoscopic instruments and miniaturized microscopes allow for non-invasive and non-destructive examination of microstructures and tissues. With sub-cellular level resolution such instruments could provide immediate diagnosis that is virtually consistent with a histologic diagnosis enabling for example to differentiate the boundaries between malignant and benign tissue. Such instruments are now being developed at a rapid rate||however, current manufacturing technologies limit the instruments to very large sizes, well beyond the sub-mm sizes required in order to ensure minimal tissue damage. We show here a platform based on planar microfabrication and soft lithography that overcomes the limitation of current optical elements enabling single cell resolution. We show the ability to resolve lithographic features that are as small as 2 mu m using probes with a cross section that is only 100 microns in size. We also show the ability to image individual activated neural cells in brain slices via our fabricated probe.8116Agências de fomento estrangeiras apoiaram essa pesquisa, mais informações acesse artig

    The Product Life Cycle as the Mediating Role of Reverse Logistics on Supply Chain Performance in the Food Industries of East Java

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    The management of product returns, commonly known as reverse logistics (RL), has emerged as a critical concern for organizations in recent times. This is primarily due to the rising volume of returned goods, which has prompted companies to take notice and address the issue, especially in the food industry. The objective of this study is to examine the Impact of Reverse Logistics on the Supply Chain Performance mediated by Product Life Cycles in the food industry in East Java, Indonesia. The methodology employed in this study is explanatory methods and illustrates the interrelationships between variables through hypothesis testing using SPSS 22 and PLS. Furthermore, a method of surveying was implemented to retrieve data from purposeful sampling for 30 respondents from different companies who are proficient and possess reverse logistics. The results indicate that utilizing of supply chain performance indicators or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can assist organizations in gauging the effectiveness of their supply chain performance in accomplishing reverse logistics aims concerning expense management and heightened profitability through the contemplation of the product life cycle.Manajemen pengembalian produk, umumnya dikenal sebagai reverse logistics (RL), telah muncul sebagai masalah penting bagi organisasi akhir-akhir ini. Hal ini terutama disebabkan oleh meningkatnya volume pengembalian barang, yang telah mendorong perusahaan untuk memperhatikan dan mengatasi masalah ini, terutama di industri makanan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dampak Reverse Logistics terhadap Kinerja Rantai Pasokan yang dimediasi oleh Siklus Hidup Produk pada industri makanan di Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksplanatori dan menggambarkan keterkaitan antar variabel melalui pengujian hipotesis dengan menggunakan SPSS 22 dan PLS. Selain itu, metode survei diterapkan untuk mengambil data menggunakan purposive sampling dengan 30 responden dari berbagai perusahaan yang memiliki keahlian dan menangani reverse logistics di industri makanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan indikator kinerja rantai pasokan (KPI) dapat membantu organisasi dalam mengukur efektivitas kinerja rantai pasokan mereka dalam reverse logistics terkait manajemen biaya dan peningkatan profitabilitas dengan mempertimbangkan siklus hidup produk

    Identification of larval fish in mangrove areas of Peninsular Malaysia using morphology and DNA barcoding methods

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    The identification of larval fish has been an important morphological issue in marine biology due to the dramatic transformations that most species undergo from early larval stages to adulthood. Insufficient morphological diagnostic characters in larval fishes made it easy to misidentify them and a difficult process to key to genus and species level. The experiment aims to find out, by applying DNA barcoding, how consistent the morphological identifications can be among larval fish. Larval fish were mainly collected using plankton nets around mangrove areas in Pendas (Johor), Setiu (Terengganu), Pekan (Pahang) and Matang (Perak) Malaysia between April 2015 and October 2015. A total of 354 samples were morphologically identified, mostly to the family level and a few to the genus level. Larval fish ranged from 1.5 mm to 31 mm of total length, with the most abundant individuals being <3 mm. Among them, a total of 177 individuals were selected for DNA barcoding analyses. Molecular works involved polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing of mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxidase I (COI) gene fragment (655 base pairs) methods. DNA barcoding enabled all samples to be identified down to species level. The overall genetic identities ranged from 91% to 100%. Morphological identification classified the specimens into 19 families and 11 genera while DNA barcoding identified them into 19 families 33 genera and 40 species. A comparison between the two methods showed a mismatched identification of 42.6% where the accuracy percentage for morphological identification was moderate for the family level (67.8%) but was low for genus level identification (30%). The DNA barcoding method also managed to successfully identify 86.4% of the samples up to their species level where morphological method has failed to do so. The most misidentified families in the study were Blenniidae, Sparidae, Apogonidae Ambassidae and Monachantidae while almost all samples from the family Gobiidae and Engraulidae were correctly identified to family level because of their distinct morphology. In conclusion, taxonomic studies of larval fish should continue using combination of both morphology and DNA barcoding methods. Morphological identification should be more conservative i.e., when in doubt, it is better to key only to family and not to the genus and species level. DNA barcoding is a better method for deeper taxonomic levels identification with the existence of robust sequence reference libraries and should be able to validate the accuracy of traditional larval fish identification

    Implications of risk conferred by 5p15.33 loci genetic variants; human telomerase reverse transcriptase rs2736098 and rs2736100 in predisposition of bladder cancer

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    Background: The polymorphic variations of human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) gene play an important role in predisposition to carcinogenesis. The current study aimed to elucidate the genetic predisposition to bladder cancer in two important variants, rs2736098 and rs2736100 of hTERT gene. Materials and methods: Confirmed 130 patients of bladder cancer and 200 healthy controls were genotyped by PCR-RFLP to determine different variants of hTERT rs2736098 and rs2736100. Results: hTERT rs2736098 homozygous variant AA genotype frequency was observed to significantly differ 2-fold between cases and controls (26.15% vs. 13.5%) (p = 0.02). In addition, rare ‘A’ allele significantly differed among two groups (cases: 47% versus controls: 39%: p = 0.03). hTERT rs2736098 was observed to be presented significantly more in high stage tumors (p = 0.02). hTERT rs2736100 genotype AA or variant allele A showed no significant difference between cases and controls. Haplotype CA displayed significantly different pattern of frequency as 0.5 in cases as compared to 0.16 in controls (p &lt; 0.0001). Combination of variant A/G haplotype frequency implicated more in cases than in controls (0.34 vs. 0.16, p = 0.001). Conclusions: It is concluded that hTERT rs2736098 polymorphic variant has a vital role to confer a strong risk to bladder cancer in our population. Further, hTERT haplotypes CA and AG inhTERT could prove to be a promising tool to screen the risk for bladder cancer

    Harmonization of Neuroticism and Extraversion phenotypes across inventories and cohorts in the Genetics of Personality Consortium : an application of Item Response Theory

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    Meta-analysis of Genome-Wide Association Studies for Extraversion: Findings from the Genetics of Personality Consortium

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    Extraversion is a relatively stable and heritable personality trait associated with numerous psychosocial, lifestyle and health outcomes. Despite its substantial heritability, no genetic variants have been detected in previous genome-wide association (GWA) studies, which may be due to relatively small sample sizes of those studies. Here, we report on a large meta-analysis of GWA studies for extraversion in 63,030 subjects in 29 cohorts. Extraversion item data from multiple personality inventories were harmonized across inventories and cohorts. No genome-wide significant associations were found at the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) level but there was one significant hit at the gene level for a long non-coding RNA site (LOC101928162). Genome-wide complex trait analysis in two large cohorts showed that the additive variance explained by common SNPs was not significantly different from zero, but polygenic risk scores, weighted using linkage information, significantly predicted extraversion scores in an independent cohort. These results show that extraversion is a highly polygenic personality trait, with an architecture possibly different from other complex human traits, including other personality traits. Future studies are required to further determine which genetic variants, by what modes of gene action, constitute the heritable nature of extraversion

    Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for extraversion:Findings from the Genetics of Personality Consortium

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    Extraversion is a relatively stable and heritable personality trait associated with numerous psychosocial, lifestyle and health outcomes. Despite its substantial heritability, no genetic variants have been detected in previous genome-wide association (GWA) studies, which may be due to relatively small sample sizes of those studies. Here, we report on a large meta-analysis of GWA studies for extraversion in 63,030 subjects in 29 cohorts. Extraversion item data from multiple personality inventories were harmonized across inventories and cohorts. No genome-wide significant associations were found at the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) level but there was one significant hit at the gene level for a long non-coding RNA site (LOC101928162). Genome-wide complex trait analysis in two large cohorts showed that the additive variance explained by common SNPs was not significantly different from zero, but polygenic risk scores, weighted using linkage information, significantly predicted extraversion scores in an independent cohort. These results show that extraversion is a highly polygenic personality trait, with an architecture possibly different from other complex human traits, including other personality traits. Future studies are required to further determine which genetic variants, by what modes of gene action, constitute the heritable nature of extraversion

    Contribution of copy number variants to schizophrenia from a genome-wide study of 41,321 subjects

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    Copy number variants (CNVs) have been strongly implicated in the genetic etiology of schizophrenia (SCZ). However, genome-wide investigation of the contribution of CNV to risk has been hampered by limited sample sizes. We sought to address this obstacle by applying a centralized analysis pipeline to a SCZ cohort of 21,094 cases and 20,227 controls. A global enrichment of CNV burden was observed in cases (OR=1.11, P=5.7×10−15), which persisted after excluding loci implicated in previous studies (OR=1.07, P=1.7 ×10−6). CNV burden was enriched for genes associated with synaptic function (OR = 1.68, P = 2.8 ×10−11) and neurobehavioral phenotypes in mouse (OR = 1.18, P= 7.3 ×10−5). Genome-wide significant evidence was obtained for eight loci, including 1q21.1, 2p16.3 (NRXN1), 3q29, 7q11.2, 15q13.3, distal 16p11.2, proximal 16p11.2 and 22q11.2. Suggestive support was found for eight additional candidate susceptibility and protective loci, which consisted predominantly of CNVs mediated by non-allelic homologous recombination