659 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Pemanfaatan air sungai Bribin hilir (Bribin II), menggunakan teknologi mikro-hidro turbin-pompa. Sistem tersebut bertujuan agar air dapat ditampung di reservoir (RB-2) Kaligoro (+ 406.225 m). Hasil penelitian awal menyatakan bahwa pengambilan debit sungai Bribin II, sebesar 84 l/dt, mampu melayani konsumen ± 75.000 orang. Uji kualitas air, menunjukkan bahwa air sungai Bribin II, termasuk klas II, atau layak dikonsumsi. kelayakan ekonomi proyek air bersih Bribin II perlu dikaji berdasarkan nilai manfaat dan besar biaya. Analisis manfaat dan biaya untuk kelayakan proyek, menggunakan parameter Benefit-Cost Ratio (B/C), Net-Benefit (B-C), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), dan tingkat bunga nominal ( nominal interest rates). Berdasarkan capital cost Rp.10.420.106 dan nilai manfaat dari tarif air (rp/m3/th) dengan umur manfaat (n)=20 tahun, maka untuk nilai B/C = 1, diperoleh (B-C) = 16,95 > 0 dan IRR = 7.92 %. Jadi proyek air bersih Bribin II menguntungkan dan layak dilaksanakan. Kata kunci : Bribin II, aspek ekonomi, kelayakan proyek

    Pengembangan Sumber Daya Air Sungai Bawah Tanah Bribin Di Kecamatan Semanu Kabupaten Gunung Kidul DIY

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    Bribin society in Sub District Semanu Regency Gunung Kidul encounters water deficiency. For overcoming such deficiency, the subsystem Bribin of PDAM Gunung Kidul uses Bribin underground river with 60 l/s rate of flow. On the implementation, it has not sufficiently catered the ± 75.000 consumers. The government cooperates with Karlsruhe University in increasing the discharge to 80 l/s. The water uptake was conducted using pump turbine micro-hydro technology and the water was stored in reservoir in Kaligoro (RB-2) at al.of + 406.225 m. The research aims is to find out the capability of 80l/s rate in catering the consumer\u27s. The high level of karst solubility and the potential contaminated experienced by the river, would therefore lead to the need for conducting the water quality test. The determination analysis of RB-2 inflow was conducted by the use of routing reservoir. The result of water quality test shows that the Bribin underground river is categorized to be class II. The water distribution from RB-2 which use gravitation mode and old network are still conducted. The 80l/s rate in RB-2 was able to cater 91% of consumers. In order to make 100% of services, the rate should be increased to 84l/s. Thus R-6 and R-4 volumes should also increased to 300 m3 and 350 m3


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    Dalam sistem distribusi air bersih, dijumpai sistem jaringan pipa yang cukup rumit, dan untuk mengetahui besaran aliran, kehilangan tenaga yang terjadi, serta faktor kekasaran pipa, akan menjadi sulit dan hasil analisis menjadi kurang akurat. Oleh karena itu perlu pendekatan dalam penyelesaian persoalannya, salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan pembuatan suatu model jaringan pipa. Penelitian ini membuat 3 buah model jaringan pipa dengan pipa pvc dan diameter pipa D = 0,50 inchi. Selanjutnya untuk uji model dilakukan perubahan besaran debit sebanyak 5 kali pada setiap model. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen laboratorium, dengan analisis data menggunakan cara Hardy Cross, Hazen William dan Blasius. Karakter pipa digambarkan dalam bentuk hubungan antara faktor kekasaran pipa dengan kecepatan aliran, serta hubungan antara kehilangan tenaga dan kecepatan alirannya. Hubungan tersebut dinyatakan dalam suatu grafik persamaan regresi dengan program Exsel. Hasil uji kesesuaian karakter pipa menunjukkan bahwa hasil pengukuran cukup baik, dan hasil analisis sesuai Hazen William dan Blasius sangat baik, serta mempunyai kecenderungan/ tren sama untuk semua cara. Kata kunci: debit aliran, faktor kekasaran, karakter pipa, kehilangan tenaga, model jaringan pipa

    Effect of dithiocarbamate thiram on Wistar rat growth plate and articular cartilage

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    Avaliou-se o efeito do tirame, ditiocarbamato largamente utilizado na agricultura como antifúngico e repelente de roedores, na ossificação endocondral de mamíferos, usando, como modelo, ratos Wistar. Não foram observadas lesões na cartilagem articular, nem nas placas de crescimento, o que pode ser atribuído à dose utilizada e à duração do ensaio. A diminuição da altura da placa de crescimento nos animais aos quais foi administrado o tirame parece traduzir o atraso verificado no crescimento em geral, e não um efeito específico na cartilagem, uma vez que as diferentes zonas da placa epifisária mantiveram as proporções dos animais do grupo-controle. Embora não tenham sido verificados, no presente trabalho, os efeitos registrados para outras espécies nos tecidos cartilaginosos, sugere-se a avaliação dos efeitos crónicos do tirame no crescimento e no desenvolvimento dos ossos longos em mamíferos

    Analysis of selected maternal factors for development trends in Sainthamaruthu moh division

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    Prevalence of low birth weight (LBW) in Sri Lanka is 22 % and in the Ampara district it is 15.8%. It is believed the Sainthamaruthu Medical Officer of Health (MOH) division which is a suburban area in the Ampara district has improved maternal health facilities and this should have different statistics. In this descriptive research study, all the pregnant women who delivered babies in 2015 in Sainthamaruthu MOH area were studied for the selected maternal factors and this statistics were comparedfor development trend with2009. The associated maternal factors related to LBW were also studied. The study results revealed that theprevalence of LBW was 12.65% which is significantly less than the district statistics (p = 0.032). The mean birth weight was 2997.47 g. The initial weight of the pregnant mothers was significantly associated with LBW (p = 0.0073). The relative risk of delivering LBW babies in 2015 compare to that of 2009 was between 0.866 to 1.969 (OR=1.3059, 95% CI: 0.866, 1.969). Therefore no improvement has occurred which is not a good contribution to the millennium development goal and therefore it is recommended to identify the high risk mothers early during their pregnancy time to provide special prenatal car

    Effects of manganese, 2,5-xylidine, veratryl alcohol and tween 80 on the production of ligninolytic enzymes by Ceriporiopsis subvermispora

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    The effects of adding manganese, 2,5-xylidine, veratryl alcohol and Tween 80 in a culture medium used for the production of ligninolytic enzymes by polyurethane foam-immobilized Ceriporiopsis subvermispora were studied. While 11 ppm Mn2+ promoted the highest maximum activity of  manganese peroxidase (108.0 ± 43.3 U/L, in the 6th day of cultivation), the medium without manganese led to the highest maximum activity of laccase (15.5 ± 2.1 U/L, in the 12th day of cultivation). By supplementing the medium containing 11 ppm Mn2+ with 1.0 mM 2,5-xylidine, it was possible to improve the maximum activity of laccase to 21.5 ± 4.9 U/L. The supplementation of the medium containing 11 ppm Mn2+ with 1.0mM veratryl alcohol, in turn, led to an apparent second peak of MnP activity (110.0 ± 1.4 U/L, in the 24th day of cultivation; compared to 147.5 ± 60.1 U/L, in the 9th day of cultivation). When the medium containing 11 ppm Mn2+ and 1.0 mM 2,5-xylidine was supplemented with 0.05% (v/v) Tween 80, the maximum activities of Lac and MnP reached 53.3 ± 17.7 U/L (21st day of cultivation) and 174.8 ± 1.4 U/L (9th day of cultivation),  respectively. During the cultivations, the exhaustion of glucose in the medium promoted nutritional stress, which, in turn, led to cell autolysis; reflected by an apparent reduction in the concentration of mycelium, and by an increase in the concentration of ammonium. The concentrations of extracellular proteins increased throughout the cultivations; such  concentrations, however, did not generally exhibit good correlations with the measured enzyme activities.Key words: Ceriporiopsis subvermispora, manganese, 2,5-xylidine, veratryl alcohol, Tween 80; manganese peroxidase, laccase

    Eerlijkheid van selectie op basis van papieren en video cv’s

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    Internet and multi-media are increasingly being used for recruitment and selection, such as in video résumé screening. This paper presents the general findings and rationale of a dissertation on fairness perceptions of video résumés vis-à-vis paper résumés. Potential hiring discrimination was also considered. Applicant perceptions of video résumés compared to paper résumés were influenced by applicant characteristics, like ethnic background, language proficiency and educational level/GMA. Extraverted applicants experienced more opportunity to perform in video résumés compared to introverted applicants. Recruiter perceptions of video résumés were more negative compared to paper résumés. Despite discriminatory concerns, video résumés did not necessarily lead to hiring discrimination. Reported human capital in paper résumés, such as extracurricular activities, partly explained the existing differential job access among ethnic groups. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed


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    Regency Gunung Kidul is karst and hill area. The porosity of soil caused the difficulty of obtaining surface water, thereby water shortage/ drought always happens in dry season. In order to manage the water supply Sub System Bribin, PDAM Gunung Kidul uses water from Underground River with 60 l/s. In fact , the discharge of pumping is not sufficient to serve approximately 75.000 consumers. The government’s plan in cooperation with Karlsruhe University to use 80 l/s water from a new barrage in downstream Bribin river. The water would be pumped by micro-hydro pump turbine and received by the new reservoir on Kaligoro (RB-2) et + 406.225 m. Water from RB-2 would be distributed by gravitation in order to make the cost cheaper. In order to find out the discharge capacity of 80 l/s in serving the consumers, a study is needed. Due to the high solvability of limestone and the potential contamination in the upstream of river, the test of water quality has been conducted. This study is a descriptive-qualitative research, giving a systematical description about the water distribution network system with gravitation.To determine inflow to RB-2 of Kaligoro reservoir, the routing reservoir has been applied. Result of water quality test shows that the quality of water in Bribin is class II ,that means enough and available to drink.Water is distributed from RB-2 to R-4, R-5 and R-8 by gravitation method, the old network is still used.With 80 l/s discharge RB-2, the old system serves only 91% from consumers. Therefore, to serve up 100% consumers, the discharge capacity should be increased 84 l/s. Furthermore the volume of R-6 and R-4 should be enlarged 300m3 and 350m3 respectively. Keywords: Water distribution, SBT. Bribin water, water quality, gravitation system, minimum discharge of reservoir

    Quantification of respiratory parameters in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy

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    Dysfunction affecting cardiac or pulmonary systems has been postulated as a major factor in sudden death in epilepsy (SUDEP). Whilst the majority of studies of cardiorespiratory function have focused on changes during seizures, here we investigate whether epilepsy influences basal respiratory parameters in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) during the interictal period. Spirometry was performed in 10 females and 10 males. Measurements of Vital Capacity (VC), Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), Forced Expiratory Volume in the first second (FEV1) and ratios of FEV1 to FVC (FEV1/FVC) were obtained, and these values were analyzed as percentages of predicted values. None of the patients had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and no significant alterations in respiratory function tests were found among these patients. No association between seizure frequency, antiepileptic drugs and SUDEP could be found in this study. Although the study did not identify any specific respiratory abnormality in TLE patients during the interictal period, re-evaluation of clinical data on pulmonary disorders in people with epilepsy should be better investigated

    Efeitos da semicarbazida no esqueleto de ratos Wistar em crescimento.

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    The effects of semicarbazide hydrochloride on skeletal tissues were evaluated using Wistar rats. In the animals submitted to the administration of semicarbazide, radiological examination showed bone and articular alterations with growth plates enlargement. Histological exams showed irregular patterns and proliferation of chondrocytes and excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix. Immunohistochemical exams showed PCNA positive reaction in pre- and hypertrofic chondrocytes. These results confirm that semicarbazide induces important changes in skeletal tissues and that has potential utility in experimental osteolathryrism