55 research outputs found


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    Kista bartholin merupakan penyumbatan duktus kelenjar bagian distal berupa pembesaran berisi cairan dan mempunyai struktur seperti kantong (swollen sac-like structure). Sekitar 2% perempuan usia reproduktif mengalami pembengkakan pada satu atau kedua glandula Bartholini dengan kasus abses Bartholin dan kista Bartholin mencapai 2% dari semua kunjungan ginekologi per tahun. Dalam Kaidah dasar bioetik terdapat empat aspek yaitu Beneficience, non maleficience, autonomy, dan justice. Dalam prespektif ilmu fiqh ada lima kaidah yaitu Al- umur ubi Maqashidha, La Dharar Wala Dhirara, Al Masyaqqah Tajlibut Tasyir, Al- yaqinu La Yuzalu bi Syak, dan Al-Adatu Muhakkamah. Laporan kasus ini adalah Perempuan Nona berusia 22 tahun dengan keluhan nyeri pada vagina di sertai benjolan pada vulva sinistra. Pada pemeriksaan fisik ditemukan massa pada vulva sinistra diameter 6 cm konsistensi kenyal berbatas tegas, hiperemis dan disertai flour albus warna putih kekuningan,nyeri tekan pada vulva sinistra. Tatalaksana yang dilakukan Marsupialisasi sebagai pembedahan konervatif. Kasus ini memenuhi aspek Beneficiene & autonomy. Serta dasar fiqh yaitu Al-umuru Bi Maqashidha dan Al-Adatu Muhakkamah. Kesimpulan kasus ini adalah kasus abses bartholini dilakukan tindakan sesuai indikasi medis, Kaidah Dasar Bioetik dan Kaidah Fiqh

    Kajian Distribusi Suhu dan Efisiensi Alat Pengering Pati Sagu Agitated Fluidized Bed Tipe Silinder Bertingkat Berbahan Bakar Kayu dan Tempurung Kelapa

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    Pengeringan pati sagu dengan pengering agitated fluidized bed tipe silinder bertingkat telah dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji distribusi suhu dan efisiensi pengering pati sagu model Agitated Fluidized Bed tipe Piringan-Silinder Bertingkat (AFB Tipe PSB) menggunakan bahan bakar biomassa kayu dan tempurung kelapa. Untuk menghitung besarnya energi dan efisiensi selama proses pengeringan, maka digunakan analisis matematis. Distribusi suhu yang terjadi di dalam ruang agitator merata dengan baik. Pengering AFB tipe PSB memiliki kapasitas 30 kg/5 jam. Efisiensi pengeringan dan alat pengering untuk kayu bakar adalah 38,09% dan 2,5%, sedangkan untuk tempurung kelapa 37,76% dan 2,1%, dengan konsumsi energi biomassa kayu bakar 1072 x103 kJ, tempurung kelapa1274 x103 kJ, energi listrik 55,98x103 kJ. Suhu pengeringan dalam ruang agitator (50,64oC-54,82oC) dan fluidisasi (66,64oC) untuk kayu bakar, sedangkan untuk tempurung kelapa suhu dalam ruang agitator (49,55oC-53,82oC) dan ruang fluidisasi (64,27oC).Pengering AFB tipe PSB mampu menurunkan kadar air pati sagu dari 42% basis basah menjadi 12,02% untuk bahan bahan bakar kayu, dan 12,21% untuk bahan bakar tempurung kelapa

    Case Report: The Effect of Ajwa Date Consumption on Total Cholesterol Levels in Perimenopausal Women

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    Based on the 2016 Riskesdas, the prevalence of high cholesterol in Indonesia among women aged 35-59 years was 52.9%, and among those aged ≥60 years, it was 58.7%. According to provincial data, the highest percentage of patients with high cholesterol levels at Posbindu and FKTP in Indonesia was in West Papua Province, reaching up to 70%. The concentration of cholesterol levels in women's blood tends to increase with age, particularly for those over 40 years old, due to hormonal factors, especially the decrease in estrogen production and function. The decline in estrogen levels leads to an increase in lipids or total cholesterol, resulting in changes in body fat composition associated with hypercholesterolemia. This case report aims to investigate the impact of consuming Ajwa dates on the total cholesterol levels of perimenopausal women. Results: Ajwa dates contain higher polyphenol concentrations with an impressive nutritional profile that enhances blood lipoproteins. Additionally, dates can increase estrogen levels due to the estradiol and estrone present in their pollen. Several experimental studies have shown a significant difference in total cholesterol levels in subjects before and after consuming Ajwa dates. Conclusion: There is a notable difference in total cholesterol levels before and after the administration of Ajwa dates


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    ABSTRACT   Utilization of dried sago starch as a source of raw materials and agroindustry-based starch and flour is still very limited, especially sago starch processed by people from Papua and West Papua. This is because the sago starch production only reached the stage of wet processing sago starch, as well as the lack of support for the agroindustry  to produce and use dried sago starch. The objective of this study were  to develop a design of agitated and vibro cross flow fluidized bed dryer unit into a model of Agitated-vibro Cross Flow Fluidized Bed (AgRoCFFB) that can work in semi-continuous,  to  perform technical evaluations,  to  analysis  the chemical composition of dried sago starch, and to analysis financial performance as well as to determine the feasibility of using  AgRoCFFB dryer on sago processing industry folk. Stages of  the study  included  the development (i.e. designing  semi-continuously  agitators and vibrators), the technical evaluation (i.e.  test and analyze the performance of the dryer to determine the drying rate, energy requirements, and efficiency of drying), dried sago starch quality analysis (analyzing the chemical composition), and analyzing financial  of  AgRoCFFB dryers models.    The results  of  dryers development  produced  agitators and vibrators with maximum capacity of 100 kg/process.  The performance of the dryer was able to drain the sago starch as much as 35 kg for 6 hours with a fuel consumption of 70 kg of coconut shells, dryer efficiency of 4.9%, and the chemical composition of dry starch starch approaching ISO (ISO 3729:2008 ).  The results of the financial analysis showed decent drier AgRoCFFB was feasible to support micro-small-scale agroindustry in Papua and West Papua . Keywords: agitated vibro, cross flow fluidized bed, sago starch, agroindustr


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    ABSTRACT   Utilization of dried sago starch as a source of raw materials and agroindustry-based starch and flour is still very limited, especially sago starch processed by people from Papua and West Papua. This is because the sago starch production only reached the stage of wet processing sago starch, as well as the lack of support for the agroindustry  to produce and use dried sago starch. The objective of this study were  to develop a design of agitated and vibro cross flow fluidized bed dryer unit into a model of Agitated-vibro Cross Flow Fluidized Bed (AgRoCFFB) that can work in semi-continuous,  to  perform technical evaluations,  to  analysis  the chemical composition of dried sago starch, and to analysis financial performance as well as to determine the feasibility of using  AgRoCFFB dryer on sago processing industry folk. Stages of  the study  included  the development (i.e. designing  semi-continuously  agitators and vibrators), the technical evaluation (i.e.  test and analyze the performance of the dryer to determine the drying rate, energy requirements, and efficiency of drying), dried sago starch quality analysis (analyzing the chemical composition), and analyzing financial  of  AgRoCFFB dryers models.    The results  of  dryers development  produced  agitators and vibrators with maximum capacity of 100 kg/process.  The performance of the dryer was able to drain the sago starch as much as 35 kg for 6 hours with a fuel consumption of 70 kg of coconut shells, dryer efficiency of 4.9%, and the chemical composition of dry starch starch approaching ISO (ISO 3729:2008 ).  The results of the financial analysis showed decent drier AgRoCFFB was feasible to support micro-small-scale agroindustry in Papua and West Papua . Keywords: agitated vibro, cross flow fluidized bed, sago starch, agroindustr

    UPAYA PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN TENTANG MENOPAUSE PADA KADER KESEHATAN DAN TOKOH MASYARAKAT DI MAKASSAR: Improvement of Menopause Knowledge for Healthcare Assistants and Community Leaders in Makassar

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    Menopause merupakan suatu keadaan alamiah yang terjadi pada perempuan dimana haid terhenti secara permanen yang disertai dengan berbagai gejala seperti gejala fisik dan psikis. Tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat terkait dengan masalah menopause masih sangat rendah,   oleh karena itu, kami melakukan penyuluhan kepada para kader kesehatan dan tokoh masyarakat di Puskesmas Tamangapa, Makassar sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup pada perempuan menopause. Terdapat 45 responden yang ikut dalam penelitian. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan pre-test, ceramah, sesi tanya jawab dan diskusi kemudian dengan post-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai rata-rata hasil pre-test yaitu 5,28(1,48) dan nilai rata-rata hasil post-test yaitu 8,75(1,29) dengan nilai maksimal yaitu 10. Pada studi ini setelah diberikan penyuluhan terkait menopause menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan (p<0,05) yang menunjukkan semua responden mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan tentang menopause yang signifikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan tentang menopause pada kader kesehatan dan tokoh masyarakat setelah dilakukan penyuluhan. Kata kunci: Menopause, konseling, kader. ABSTRACT Menopause is a natural process on women that is a permanent cessation of ovulation, followed by symptoms, there are physic and psychic disturbances. The level of knowledge related to menopausal problems is still very low, therefore, we conducted counseling for healthcare assistants and community leaders at Puskesmas Tamangapa, Makassar so women can improve quality of life during menopause. Forty-five respondents participated in this research. Evaluation is carried out by pre-test, lecture, question and answer session with discussion then by post-test. The results showed that the average value of the pre-test was 5.28 (1.48) and the average value of the post-test was 8.75 (1.29) with a maximum score of 10. In this study after being given counseling related to menopause showed that there was a significant effect (p <0.05) which showed that all respondents experienced a significant increase in knowledge about menopause. The results showed that there was an increase in knowledge about menopause among healthcare assistants and community leaders after counseling. Keywords: Menopause, counseling, healthcare assistants

    UPAYA MENINGKATKAN PENGETAHUAN KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI REMAJA: Efforts to Improve Adolescent Reproductive Health Knowledge

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    Kesehatan reproduksi remaja didefinisikan sebagai kondisi sehat dari sistem, fungsi dan proses organ reproduksi yang dimiliki oleh remaja, yaitu laki-laki dan perempuan usia 10-19 tahun dan belum menikah. Kurangnya pengetahuan tentang kesehatan reproduksi tentunya akan berdampak pada sikap yang tidak peduli terhadap kesehatan reproduksnya. khususnya terkait kesehatan reproduksi. Remaja baik laki-laki maupun perempuan mengalami berbagai masalah terkait kesehatan reproduksi seperti kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan (KTD), penyakit menular seksual (PMS) termasuk infeksi Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), hal ini disebabkan salah satunya karena kurangnya pengetahuan dan sikap peduli terhadap kesehatan reproduksinya. Tujuan dalam intervensi kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan penyuluhan tentang kesehatan reproduksi pada remaja kemudian mengevaluasi tingkat pengetahuannya sebelum dan setelah dilakukannya penyuluhan. Tahapan berupa pre-test, dilanjutkan dengan penyampain materi dengan metode ceramah, kemudian sesi tanya jawab dan diakhir dengan post-test oleh peserta. Hasil menunjukkan tingkat pengetahuan tentang kesehatan remaja adalah 5,68 sebelum diberikan penyuluhan dan meningkat signifikan menjadi 9,52 (67,61%) setelah mengikuti program penyuluhan (p<0,05). Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa penyuluhan tentang kesehatan reproduksi efektif dalam meningkatkan tingkat pengetahuan pada remaja. Dampak dari kegiatan ini diharapkan dengan terjadinya peningkatan pengetahuan pada remaja juga mampu meningkatkan sikap kepedulian dalam menjaga kesehatan reproduksinya. Kata kunci: Pengetahuan, reproduksi, remaja. ABSTRACT Adolescent reproductive health is defined as a healthy condition of the reproductive organ systems, functions and processes possessed by adolescent boys and girls aged 10-19 years and not yet married. The low level of knowledge about reproductive health will certainly have an impact on attitudes that do not care about their reproductive health, especially those related to reproductive health. Adolescents, both male and female, experience various problems related to reproductive health such as unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) including infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), this is due to a lack of knowledge and caring attitude towards reproductive health. This community aims to provide counseling about reproductive health to adolescents and then evaluate their level of knowledge before and after counseling. The stages are in the form of a pre-test, followed by presenting the material using the lecture method, then a question and answer session and ending with a post-test by the participants. The results show the level of knowledge of adolescents about Adolescent health was 5.68 before being given counseling and significantly increased to 9.52 (67.61%) after attending the counseling program (p<0.05). These results indicate that counseling on reproductive health is effective in increasing the level of knowledge warning in adolescents. It is hoped that the impact of this activity will increase the knowledge of adolescents and will also be able to increase their caring attitude in maintaining their reproductive health. Keywords: Knowledge, reproduction, adolescent

    Cloud-To-Ground Lightning Flashes Under The Influence Of Pollution In Malaysia And Some Countries

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    The effect of air pollution produced from world war, industrial activities and transportation clearly can change the earth ecology system such as the atmospheric conditions. Base on few studies reported from by researcher in USA, Brazil, Spain and South Korea researcher have proven that the pollution effect can enhance the activity of lightning. Those information above motivate Advanced Multidisciplinary System Technology researcher in UTeM to report the cloud-to-ground lightning flashes in Malaysia the influence of pollution. Particulate Matter (PM10) and Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) concentration were used as gross indicator of Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) and examined in relation to the urban increase in CG lightning activity. PM10 concentration recorded in Subang, Ipoh and Bayan Lepas were 51, 50 and 49μgm/m³ respectively. Meanwhile, SO2 concentration recorded were 8, 7.9, 7.7μgm/m³. The three urban areas have average number of CG lightning flashes of 200, 197 and 184. An analysis related number of CG flashes against pollutants show positive correlation in Malaysia with reading of 0.94. This indicates PM10 and SO2 concentration have high influential factor in enhancement of CG lightning activity in Malaysia

    Global, regional, and national burden of epilepsy, 1990 - 2016 : a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016

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    Background: Seizures and their consequences contribute to the burden of epilepsy because they can cause health loss (premature mortality and residual disability). Data on the burden of epilepsy are needed for health-care planning and resource allocation. The aim of this study was to quantify health loss due to epilepsy by age, sex, year, and location using data from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study. Methods: We assessed the burden of epilepsy in 195 countries and territories from 1990 to 2016. Burden was measured as deaths, prevalence, and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs; a summary measure of health loss defined by the sum of years of life lost [YLLs] for premature mortality and years lived with disability), by age, sex, year, location, and Socio-demographic Index (SDI; a compound measure of income per capita, education, and fertility). Vital registrations and verbal autopsies provided information about deaths, and data on the prevalence and severity of epilepsy largely came from population representative surveys. All estimates were calculated with 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs). Interpretation: Despite the decrease in the disease burden from 1990 to 2016, epilepsy is still an important cause of disability and mortality. Standardised collection of data on epilepsy in population representative surveys will strengthen the estimates, particularly in countries for which we currently have no or sparse data and if additional data is collected on severity, causes, and treatment. Sizeable gains in reducing the burden of epilepsy might be expected from improved access to existing treatments in low-income countries and from the development of new effective drugs worldwide

    Global, regional, and national burden of tuberculosis, 1990–2016: results from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors 2016 Study

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    Background Although a preventable and treatable disease, tuberculosis causes more than a million deaths each year. As countries work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target to end the tuberculosis epidemic by 2030, robust assessments of the levels and trends of the burden of tuberculosis are crucial to inform policy and programme decision making. We assessed the levels and trends in the fatal and non-fatal burden of tuberculosis by drug resistance and HIV status for 195 countries and territories from 1990 to 2016. Methods We analysed 15 943 site-years of vital registration data, 1710 site-years of verbal autopsy data, 764 site-years of sample-based vital registration data, and 361 site-years of mortality surveillance data to estimate mortality due to tuberculosis using the Cause of Death Ensemble model. We analysed all available data sources, including annual case notifications, prevalence surveys, population-based tuberculin surveys, and estimated tuberculosis cause-specific mortality to generate internally consistent estimates of incidence, prevalence, and mortality using DisMod-MR 2.1, a Bayesian meta-regression tool. We assessed how the burden of tuberculosis differed from the burden predicted by the Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a composite indicator of income per capita, average years of schooling, and total fertility rate. Findings Globally in 2016, among HIV-negative individuals, the number of incident cases of tuberculosis was 9·02 million (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 8·05–10·16) and the number of tuberculosis deaths was 1·21 million (1·16–1·27). Among HIV-positive individuals, the number of incident cases was 1·40 million (1·01–1·89) and the number of tuberculosis deaths was 0·24 million (0·16–0·31). Globally, among HIV-negative individuals the age-standardised incidence of tuberculosis decreased annually at a slower rate (–1·3% [–1·5 to −1·2]) than mortality did (–4·5% [–5·0 to −4·1]) from 2006 to 2016. Among HIV-positive individuals during the same period, the rate of change in annualised age-standardised incidence was −4·0% (–4·5 to −3·7) and mortality was −8·9% (–9·5 to −8·4). Several regions had higher rates of age-standardised incidence and mortality than expected on the basis of their SDI levels in 2016. For drug-susceptible tuberculosis, the highest observed-to-expected ratios were in southern sub-Saharan Africa (13·7 for incidence and 14·9 for mortality), and the lowest ratios were in high-income North America (0·4 for incidence) and Oceania (0·3 for mortality). For multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, eastern Europe had the highest observed-to-expected ratios (67·3 for incidence and 73·0 for mortality), and high-income North America had the lowest ratios (0·4 for incidence and 0·5 for mortality). Interpretation If current trends in tuberculosis incidence continue, few countries are likely to meet the SDG target to end the tuberculosis epidemic by 2030. Progress needs to be accelerated by improving the quality of and access to tuberculosis diagnosis and care, by developing new tools, scaling up interventions to prevent risk factors for tuberculosis, and integrating control programmes for tuberculosis and HIV