180 research outputs found

    hiPSC and hiPSC-cardiomyocytes are alternative EV biofactories for cardiac regeneration

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    In cardiac regenerative medicine, there is a growing interest in using EV as cell-mimetic therapeutics due to their potential superior efficacy and overall advantages over cell transplantation: i) absence of oncogenic risk, ii) low immunogenicity [1], iii) easier large-scale manufacturing and iv) consistent product profile. However, most studies have focused particularly on the potential of either mesenchymal or cardiac progenitor cell-derived EV to promote cardiac repair [2]. Here, we study the potential of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) and hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CM) as alternative cell factories for the production of a high yield of therapeutic EV for cardiac regeneration. Due to their high self-renewal ability and capacity to differentiate into functional cardiomyocytes, these cells can provide an unlimited source of EV for application in cardiac regeneration. We generated and characterized EV derived from key stages of hiPSC-CM differentiation and maturation, i.e. from hiPSC (hiPSC-EV), cardiac progenitors (CPC-EV), immature (CMi-EV) and mature (CMm-EV) cardiomyocytes, with the goal of studying their potential role as therapeutics, and whether their yield and function was influenced by the state of their parent cell. Two hiPSC lines were differentiated into hiPSC-CM and cultured as 3D spheroids in a fatty acid supplemented medium to improve CM maturation [3,4]. EV isolation was performed based on density separation on an iodixanol discontinuous gradient, and EV were characterized in terms of particle size and particle size distribution, presence of EV-specific markers, and imaging through transmission electron microscopy. Functional studies were performed using human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) to evaluate EV-uptake, migration and angiogenesis. EV yield varied along CM differentiation stages, with a minimum for CPC, for both cell lines. Bioactivity assays with HUVECs showed that uptake of PKH26-labelled EV could be blocked by dynasore, an inhibitor of dynamin-2, a GTPase that plays a crucial role in clathrin and caveolin-dependent endocytosis. Increased migration was observed in HUVECs treated with hiPSC, CPC and CM-derived EV (92.25 ± 14.69% wound closure at 24h for hiPSC, 77.13 ± 13.64 % for CPC, 74.71 ± 19.86% for CMi, 69.2 ± 19.12% for CMm versus 45.65 ± 7.26% for control), but angiogenic properties were found only for hiPSC-EV (fold change of 11.2 ± 4.59 in total segment length vs. control, p\u3c0.001). Current efforts towards the characterization of EV small RNA cargo aim at understanding the correlation between cargo composition and in vitro activity, to identify the optimal cell factory for scalable therapeutic EV production. Funding: FCT PhD fellowship PD/BD/139078/2018; IC&TD Projects MetaCardio” (PTDC/BTM-SAL/32566/2017) and NETDIAMOND (SAICTPAC/0047/2015), and iNOVA4Health Research Unit (UIDB/04462/2020). 1. Zhu, X., et al. Comprehensive toxicity and immunogenicity studies reveal minimal effects in mice following sustained dosing of extracellular vesicles derived from HEK293T cells. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles 6, 1, 2017. 2. El Harane, et al. Acellular therapeutic approach for heart failure: in vitro production of extracellular vesicles from human cardiovascular progenitors. European Heart Journal 39, 20, 2018. 3. Correia, C., et al. Distinct carbon sources affect structural and functional maturation of cardiomyocytes derived from human pluripotent stem cells. Scientific reports 7, 1, 2017. 4. Correia, C., et al. 3D aggregate culture improves metabolic maturation of human pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 115, 3, 2018

    Global transcriptome characterization of Candida glabrata biofilms in response to acetate and fluconazole

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    Candida glabrata is considered a major opportunistic fungal pathogen of humans and has emerged as a leading cause of nosocomial fungal infections. The capacity of this yeast species to cause infections is dependent on the ability to grow within the human host environment and to assimilate the carbon sources available. Previous studies have suggested that Candida can encounter glucose-poor microenvironments during infection and that the ability to use alternative non-fermentable carbon sources, such as carboxylic acids, contributes to the virulence of these fungi. Our recent study (Mota et al., 2015) supported this view by demonstrating that the host metabolite acetate influences C. glabrata biofilm formation, antifungal drug resistance and phagocytosis; and suggesting a potential role of putative carboxylate transporters on these processes. In order to extend our studies and provide a comprehensive view of the C. glabrata biofilms' response to alternative carbon sources and antifungal treatment, we performed comparative transcriptomics analyses using RNA-sequencing. An overview of the most significant results will be presented. Our data support the view that adaptative responses of Candida cells to the different carbon sources present in host niches affects their virulence through multifarious mechanisms.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Vivemos tempos de violência, desrespeito e intolerância na sociedade. A escola pública não está isenta dessa triste realidade sendo permeável aos problemas do território que adentram seu cotidiano. Na escola ocorrem inúmeras situações de incivilidades, conflitos e violências, entre os seus atores. Objetivo: Essa pesquisa objetivou avaliar o clima relacional em uma escola pública estadual de Educação Fundamental e Médio, avaliando a dimensão das relações sociais que compõe o clima escolar, com ênfase nos conflitos e violência. Metodologia: Avaliou-se o clima escolar sob o ponto de vista dos estudantes, na instituição supracitada, de uma cidade do interior do estado de São Paulo. Participaram da pesquisa 59 estudantes, das séries do ensino fundamental II e 1º e 3º anos do ensino médio. Como instrumento utilizou-se o questionário de avaliação do clima escolar. Resultados: Após a avaliação, os dados foram organizados para apresentação e discussão junto aos docentes e gestores, identificando as necessidades de mudança. Pudermos detectar nas respostas dos estudantes em situações graves de violência, inclusive, a presença de situações de intimidação entre alunos e o porte de armas e tráfico de drogas na escola. Discussão final: Os resultados foram discutidos com os professores e gestores da escola participante, de modo a oferecer uma reflexão sobre as potencialidades e necessidades de melhorias no ambiente escolar. O intuito foi de buscar caminhos para superação de dificuldades e potencializar capacidades para contribuir assim com o aprimoramento na formação dos adolescentes das escolas públicas estaduais como pessoa humana, promovendo a formação ética, autonomia intelectual e pensamento crítico


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    O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as perspectivas dos usuários sobre os atendimentos de suas necessidades pelo serviço de atenção domiciliar. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, com abordagem descritiva e exploratória. Participaram do estudo, usuários de serviços de atenção domiciliar de 16 municípios de Minas Gerais. Os dados foram obtidos de entrevistas com 20 usuários. Os resultados indicam que o perfil da população atendida pelos serviços remete a um público idoso. Os motivos de admissão são diversos e remetem à cronicidade. As equipes buscam realizar as atividades considerando as necessidades naturais e radicais de usuários. O atendimento no domicílio é apresentado como melhor, pelo conforto do lar, vínculo e pela superação quanto as barreiras de acesso a outros pontos da rede. Foi possível compreender que na perspectiva de usuários que o cuidar em casa apresenta novas relações que ampliam o acesso, a autonomia e a qualidade de vida do usuário. Estudio cuyo intuito fue analizar las perspectivas de los usuarios acerca de los atendimientos de sus necesidades por el servicio de Atención Domiciliar. Es un estudio cualitativo, de abordaje descriptivo y exploratorio, realizado entre febrero de 2014 y julio de 2015. Participaron 15 usuarios y 15 cuidadores de la Atención Domiciliar de ocho municipios de Minas Gerais. Los resultados apuntaron que el perfil de la población atendida es de ancianos en mayoría. Los motivos de esa opción son variables y se asocian a la cronicidad. Los equipos buscan realizar las actividades considerando las necesidades naturales y radicales de los usuarios. El atendimiento en domicilio es presentado como mejor opción a causa del conforto del hogar, vínculo con la familia y con el equipo, además de la superación de dificultades de acceso a otros puntos de la red de atención a la salud. Se constató que, en la perspectiva de los usuarios, cuidar en casa presenta nuevas relaciones que extienden el acceso, la autonomía y la cualidad de vida del usuario.The objective was to analyze service users’ perspectives regarding the attendance of their needs by the Home Care Service. This is a qualitative study, with a descriptive and exploratory approach, undertaken between February 2014 and July 2015. A total of 15 service users and 15 caregivers participated, from the Home Care Service of eight municipalities in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. The results indicated that the profile of the population attended is mainly older adults. The reasons for admission are diverse, and relate to the chronic nature of the health conditions. The team seeks to undertake the activities taking into account the service users’ natural and radical needs. Attendance in the home is presented as the best option due to the comfort of the home, the link with the family and with the team, and to the fact that this overcomes the barriers to accessing other points in the healthcare network. It is possible to understand that, in the service users’ perspective, care provided in the home presents new relationships which broaden access, autonomy and quality of life for the service user


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    Problema: Os acidentes de trânsito são a segunda principal causa de mortalidade entre jovens de até 29 anos. No trânsito, em sua grande maioria, os jovens morrem ou ficam inválidos por motivos comuns que poderiam ser evitados. Objetivo: O estudo objetiva conhecer o perfil e o desfecho dos acidentes de trânsito envolvendo adolescentes em Montes Claros - MG. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, retrospectiva e documental, com abordagem quantitativa. O projeto de pesquisa foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa, com parecer consubstanciado nº 401.508. Resultados: A avaliação dos dados permitiu a constatação de que o sexo masculino lidera os acidentes de trânsito em um valor de 73,5% dos casos. No que tange a idade da vítima, 85% são de 15 a 19 anos de idade. Quando se faz a comparação entre tipo de veículo envolvido no acidente com localização da ocorrência, percebe-se que a motocicleta corresponde cerca de 70% dos números, com maior índice na região leste, com 26,4%. Conclusão: A atual condição desses adolescentes requer uma reorganização para a educação no trânsito

    Aortic Thromboembolism in a Cat

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    Background: The aortic thromboembolism in cats is usually associated with cardiomyopathy, when a thrombus or a clot is formed in the heart, transported through the bloodstream and fixed at somewhere. According to Virchow’s triad, changes in the endocardial surface or in the blood flow/composition can result in thrombus formation. The most common clinical signs are: hind limb paralysis, lack of femoral pulse, cold and cyanotic extremities. The treatment should be performed as soon as possible and it is based on antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants, thrombolytics agents or surgical procedures. It is reported the case of a cat presenting aortic thromboembolism.Case: Macroscopically it was observed that the hind limb extremities were with a dark red color and with a bad odor on cut. There were in the subcutaneous tissue of the hind limbs a severe and diffuse accumulation of a reddish material, translucent, shiny, gelatinous (intense diffuse edema) and the skeletal muscles of the hind limbs had extensive pale and friable areas. Inside the medial saphenous vein lumen there was a greyish-white and soft material which adhered to the vessel wall. The lungs were not fully collapsed, it had a smooth and shiny surface and an extensive dark red area in the right middle lobe (moderate extensive bleeding). The spleen was with slightly bulging edges and on cut flowed moderate amount of blood (moderate congestive splenomegaly). In the kidneys there was numerous whitish and slightly depressed areas measuring approximately 0.5 cm in diameter, which was deep and wedge-shaped on cut (multifocal infarction). Microscopically it was observed mild diffuse congestion in the spleen; mild diffuse congestion and moderate focal bleeding in the lungs; intense multifocal neutrophilic infiltrate associated with coagulation necrosis in the cortical and medullary with multifocal cysts in moderate amounts in the kidneys; abdominal aorta artery with intense accumulation of fibrin, red blood cells and cellular debris organized and stuck in the tunica intima featuring a multifocal thrombosis area. The saphenous artery contained fibrin organization in the lumen, which was compatible with embolus.Discussion: The patient presented paralysis of hind limbs, absence of superficial and deep pain, cyanotic and cold hind limb extremities, loss of proprioception of the limbs and absence of detectable pulse in the vascular Doppler, which is characteristic of thromboembolic disease, but no specific sign of the underlying cause. Thromboembolic episodes are compatible with thrombus in the trifurcation of the abdominal aorta artery and the embolus in the saphenous artery. The focal lung bleeding can be the clinical sign of pulmonary thromboembolism. The unilateral renal infarction may have been induced after surgical excision of the thrombus, as the patient had no change in renal biochemical parameters prior to the surgical procedure. This is a complication, because small thrombus fragments can break off and cause thromboembolism elsewhere. The surgical procedure is generally non indicated because most domestic cats that have arterial thrombus have significant heart disease and more than half have congestive heart failure, making them poor candidates for surgery, which did not occur in the clinical case described. The repetitions of the events are common, and significant embolization of the kidney, intestines or other organs worsen the prognosis.Keywords: aortic thromboembolism, feline

    Percepções de puérperas sobre a assistência pré-natal prestada por enfermeiras residentes em Enfermagem obstétrica / Perceptions of postpartum women about prenatal care provided by nurse midwifery residents

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    Analisar as percepções de puérperas adolescentes quanto à satisfação com a consulta pré-natal realizada por enfermeiras do Programa Nacional de Residência em Enfermagem Obstétrica. Estudo qualitativo, descritivo, exploratório, com análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Foram entrevistadas seis puérperas adolescentes em suas residências, atendidas por enfermeiras residentes em enfermagem obstétrica. Emergiram-se duas categorias temáticas: Assistência de enfermagem na consulta ao pré-natal sob o olhar de puérperas adolescentes e satisfação das mesmas com a assistência obstétrica recebida de enfermeiras residentes em enfermagem obstétrica.  Esta investigação demonstrou que as entrevistadas percebem o atendimento prestado pela enfermeira residente como integral, individualizado, humanizado e diferenciado que propicia vínculo, qualidade da assistência e humanização