75 research outputs found

    Effect of Addition of Rosemary Leaves Powder on the Rheological Characteristics of Dough in Addition to the Quality Attributes of Bread Manufactured from to Local Wheat

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            أضيفت تراكيز مختلفة من مسحوق نبات اكليل بنسب (2,5% و 5% و 7,5%) إلى دقيق الحنطة المحلية (استخلاص 80%) لمعرفة تاثير اضافة هذه النسب على الخواص الريولوجية باستخدام جهاز الفارينوجراف وقورنت النتائج مع دقيق القمح المحلي بدون اضافه. أوضحت النتائج المتحصلة أن دقيق القمح المحلي كان مقارب فى نسبة ثباتية العجبنة ونسبة الامتصاصية وزمن الوصول. بعد اضافة تركيزات (2,5% و5%) من مسحوق نبات اكليل الجبل وتحسنت صفات العجينة الناتجة من حيث الثباتية والامتصاصية ومدى تحمل العجينة للخلط. ويمكن ان نستنتج بان مسحوق أوراق إكليل الجبل له القدرة على تحسين الخصائص الريولوجية لطحين القمح المحلي عند (2.5٪و5٪) والى رغيف ذو مواصفات جيده.Different percentages (2.5%, 5% and 7.5%) of  rosemary leaves powder were added to local wheat flour(80% extraction), to study the result of adding this herb on the rheological properties of dough. To reach this target, Farinograph  was used to study the water absorption, dough development time, dough stability and degree of dough softening, the out come was compared with local wheat flour with out addition. The obtained results showed that local wheat had values of water absorption, dough stability approximate to those of the local wheat flour after adding the percent of 2.5 and 5% of degree dough softening from rosemary leaves powder. The water absorption, dough development time of local wheat flour was improved as a function of adding rosemary to the flour. The increase rosemary is forming, which helped include The water absorption, dough development time of local wheat flour. It can be concluded that rosemary leaves powder was able to improve the rheological properties of local wheat flour at (2.5% and 5%)and a good quality loaf

    The Geomorphological Diversity in the Bakrman Region and its Role in Achieving Tourism Development Using GIS and RS

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     تمتلك منطقة باكرمان العديد من الظاهرات الجيومورفولوجية التي تعد من عوامل الجذب للسياحة الطبيعية، وترجع أهميتها انها تمتلك مقومات للسياحة الطبيعية إلى ارتباطها بالسياحة لجمال منظرها الطبيعي من جهة، وارتباطها بوسائل الترفيه والرياضات كرياضة التسلق الجبال من جهة أخرى. حيث تهدف الدراسة الحالية إلى تحديد دور التنوع الجيومورفولوجي لمنطقة باكرمان في استدامة السياحة، حيث تتميز منطقة باكرمان بتنوع جيومورفولوجي من جبال وما تحتويه من قمم والسفوح، وتلال صخرية مع انتشار أشكال جيومورفولوجية أخرى كالكهوف والخوانق والجزر النهرية وغيرها، حيث تساعد هذه المعطيات الجيومورفولوجية على الجذب السياحي واقامة القرى السياحية. وعلى هذا الأساس اشتقت مجموعة من الخرائط بالاعتماد على المرئيات الفضائية الحديثة للوصول إلى إنتاج الخريطة الجيومورفولوجية للمنطقة بواسطة برنامج ArcMap بالإضافة إلى ذلك حثددت عوامل الجذب السياحي للمنطقة مع القيام بمجموعة من الزيارات الميدانية للوقوف على المناطق التي تصلح بشكل فعلي للوصول إلى التنمية السياحية المستدامة. وبناء على ما تقدم توصل البحث إلى أن هذا التنوع في الأشكال الجيومورفولوجية بالمنطقة يساعد على القيام العديد من الأنشطة العلمية والترفيهية التي لها الأثر الكبير في جذب محبي هواية التصوير للمناظر الطبيعية ومحبي الرياضة والمغامرات وغيرها، وهذا ما دعنا إلى الاستفادة من هذا التنوع المكاني للمنطقة وتقدمه كدراسة متكاملة إلى أصحاب القرار ممكن الإفادة منها في دعم التنمية السياحية في منطقة باكرمان.Bakarman region has many geomorphological phenomena which is one of the attractions of natural tourism, its importance is due to the fact that it possesses ingredients for natural tourism due to its connection with tourism due to the beauty of its natural landscape on the one hand, and its relation to entertainment and sports including climbing mountains on the other. where the current study aims to determine the role geomorphological to region Bakarman in the sustainability of tourism, which is characterized by Bakarman region diversity geomorphological of the mountains and the content of the peaks and slopes, and rocky hills with the spread of other geomorphological forms such as caves, gorges and islands of rivers and others. where This data helps geomorphological on tourism to the establishment of the attractions of tourist and tourist villages. A series of maps based on satellite visualization of modern mapping has been producing of the area by geomorphological ArcMap program. It has also been stood on the tourist attractions with a series of field visits to find out some points that determine the tourist sites. Based on the foregoing, the research concluded that this diversity in the geomorphological forms in the region helps to carry out many scientific and recreational activities, which have a great impact in attracting lovers of landscape photography and sports and adventure lovers, and this is what called us to take advantage of this spatial diversity of the region and present it as a study Integrated to decision makers that can be used to support tourism development in the Bakrman region

    The Agricultural Activity in Smail District

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    تعد الزراعة أحد العناصر والمقومات المهمة في تحقيق الاستقرار الاقتصادي للدولة، فعبرها تسد الحاجة المحلية للسكان وتوفير حياة مستقرة لهم الذين يعملون في هذا القطاع، وهذا لا يأتي عشوائيا وإنما بدراسات وأبحاث علمية تعمل على تطوير النشاط الزراعي وفق خطة محددة للوصول للهدف المنشود، وبناء على ذلك جاءت دراسة هذا الموضوع وتطبيقه على محافظة دهوك (قضاء سميل) أنموذجا، ونستخلص من هذه الدراسة أن المساحات الزراعية في القضاء في تزايد ما بين عامين (2010-2020)؛ لتحسين الوضع الاقتصادي وتمويل الجهات المعنية للقطاع الزراعي في هذه الأعوام، ولكن هذا التزايد عاد ليتناقص بين (2020-2022)، مما يشير  إلى انخفاض كبير في العمليات الزراعية في العامين الأخيرين نتيجة لمجموعة من العوامل الطبيعية والبشرية، منها؛ الأسباب الطبيعية: كالعواصف الترابية وارتفاع درجات الحرارة وانخفاض نسب تساقط الأمطار في العامين الماضيين، وأيضاً جملة من الأسباب البشرية، منها؛ الأحداث السياسية التي أسهمت في تدني النشاط الزراعي، وتناقص المساحات المزروعة، واستغلال بعض هذه المساحات للنشاط السكني والصناعي. وتبين أيضاً تناقص المساحات التي تشغلها المحاصيل الشتوية مقارنة بالصيفية التي تشكل (94%) أي مساحة (234728) دونما وهذه المساحة تمثل جميع المحاصيل الشتوية من ضمنها الحبوب والبقوليات والدرنية، أما مساحة الخضروات فتشغل(1154) دونما، ويعود هذا الانكماش في المساحة إلى أن المساحات التي تشغلها الحبوب هي أكبر من التي تشغلها بقية المحاصيل الشتوية، أما المحاصيل الصيفية  فتشغل نسبة متدنية من مساحة المحاصيل المزروعة إذ تشغل (6%) أي مساحة (14109) دونما، ويرجع سبب ذلك إلى توفر المياه في المواسم الشتوية وقلتها قي المواسم الصيفية، ففي الشتاء تسقى الأرض مباشرة من مياه الأمطار.  Agriculture is one of the important elements and components in achieving the economic stability of the state, so through it it can meet the needs of the population. Smail) as a model, where we conclude from this study that the agricultural areas in the district increased between two years (2010-2020) in order to improve the economic situation and finance the concerned authorities for the agricultural sector during these years, but this increase returned to decrease during the two years between (2020-2022), which Refers to a significant decline in agricultural operations during the last two years as a result of a combination of natural and human factors, which contributed to the decline in agricultural activity and the decrease in cultivated areas. It also showed a decrease in the areas occupied by winter crops compared to summer crops, which constitute (94%), i.e. an area of (234,728) dunums. This area represents all     winter crops, including grains, legumes, and tubers. As for the area of ​​vegetables, it occupies (1154) dunums. This shrinkage in the area is due to The areas occupied by grains are larger than those occupied by the rest of the winter crops, while the summer crops occupy a low percentage of the area of cultivated crops if they occupy (6%), i.e. an area of (14109) dunums, and the reason for this is due to the availability of water in the winter seasons and its scarcity in the seasons summer, if it deliberately waters it with rain and groundwater. &nbsp

    Mapping Polyclonal HIV-1 Antibody Responses via Next-Generation Neutralization Fingerprinting

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    Computational neutralization fingerprinting, NFP, is an efficient and accurate method for predicting the epitope specificities of polyclonal antibody responses to HIV-1 infection. Here, we present next-generation NFP algorithms that substantially improve prediction accuracy for individual donors and enable serologic analysis for entire cohorts. Specifically, we developed algorithms for: (a) selection of optimized virus neutralization panels for NFP analysis, (b) estimation of NFP prediction confidence for each serum sample, and (c) identification of sera with potentially novel epitope specificities. At the individual donor level, the next-generation NFP algorithms particularly improved the ability to detect multiple epitope specificities in a sample, as confirmed both for computationally simulated polyclonal sera and for samples from HIV-infected donors. Specifically, the next-generation NFP algorithms detected multiple specificities in twice as many samples of simulated sera. Further, unlike the first-generation NFP, the new algorithms were able to detect both of the previously confirmed antibody specificities, VRC01-like and PG9-like, in donor CHAVI 0219. At the cohort level, analysis of ~150 broadly neutralizing HIV-infected donor samples suggested a potential connection between clade of infection and types of elicited epitope specificities. Most notably, while 10E8-like antibodies were observed in infections from different clades, an enrichment of such antibodies was predicted for clade B samples. Ultimately, such largescale analyses of antibody responses to HIV-1 infection can help guide the design of epitope-specific vaccines that are tailored to take into account the prevalence of infecting clades within a specific geographic region. Overall, the next-generation NFP technology will be an important tool for the analysis of broadly neutralizing polyclonal antibody responses against HIV-1

    Delineating antibody recognition in polyclonal sera from patterns of HIV-1 isolate neutralization.

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    Serum characterization and antibody isolation are transforming our understanding of the humoral immune response to viral infection. Here, we show that epitope specificities of HIV-1–neutralizing antibodies in serum can be elucidated from the serum pattern of neutralization against a diverse panel of HIV-1 isolates. We determined “neutralization fingerprints” for 30 neutralizing antibodies on a panel of 34 diverse HIV-1 strains and showed that similarity in neutralization fingerprint correlated with similarity in epitope. We used these fingerprints to delineate specificities of polyclonal sera from 24 HIV-1–infected donors and a chimeric siman-human immunodeficiency virus–infected macaque. Delineated specificities matched published specificities and were further confirmed by antibody isolation for two sera. Patterns of virus-isolate neutralization can thus afford a detailed epitope-specific understanding of neutralizing-antibody responses to viral infection

    Active search for computer-aided drug design

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    We consider lead discovery as active search in a space of labelled graphs. In particular, we extend our recent data-driven adaptive Markov chain approach, and evaluate it on a focused drug design problem, where we search for an antagonist of an av integrin, the target protein that belongs to a group of Arg-Gly-Asp integrin receptors. This group of integrin receptors is thought to play a key role in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a chronic lung disease of significant pharmaceutical interest. As an in silico proxy of the binding affinity, we use a molecular docking score to an experimentally determined avb6 protein structure. The search is driven by a probabilistic surrogate of the activity of all molecules from that space. As the process evolves and the algorithm observes the activity scores of the previously designed molecules, the hypothesis of the activity is refined. The algorithm is guaranteed to converge in probability to the best hypothesis from an a priori specified hypothesis space. In our empirical evaluations, the approach achieves a large structural variety of designed molecular structures for which the docking score is better than the desired threshold. Some novel molecules, suggested to be active by the surrogate model, provoke a significant interest from the perspective of medicinal chemistry and warrant prioritization for synthesis. Moreover, the approach discovered 19 out of the 24 active compounds which are known to be active from previous biological assays