197 research outputs found

    â„“-CTP: Utilizing Multiple Agents to Find Efficient Routes in Disrupted Networks

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    Recent hurricane seasons have demonstrated the need for more effective methods of coping with flooding of roadways. A key complaint of logistics managers is the lack of knowledge when developing routes for vehicles attempting to navigate through areas which may be flooded. In particular, it can be difficult to re-route large vehicles upon encountering a flooded roadway. We utilize the Canadian Traveller’s Problem (CTP) to construct an online framework for utilizing multiple vehicles to discover low-cost paths through networks with failed edges unknown to one or more agents a priori. This thesis demonstrates the following results: first, we develop the ℓ-CTP framework to extend a theoretically validated set of path planning policies for a single agent in combination with the iterative penalty method, which incentivizes a group of ℓ \u3e 1 agents to explore dissimilar paths on a graph between a common origin and destination. Second, we carry out simulations on random graphs to determine the impact of the addition of agents on the path cost found. Through statistical analysis of graphs of multiple sizes, we validate our technique against prior work and demonstrate that path cost can be modeled as an exponential decay function on the number of agents. Finally, we demonstrate that our approach can scale to large graphs, and the results found on random graphs hold for a simulation of the Houston metro area during hurricane Harvey

    The Need for Seed (in the abstract Tile Assembly Model)

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    In the abstract Tile Assembly Model (aTAM) square tiles self-assemble, autonomously binding via glues on their edges, to form structures. Algorithmic aTAM systems can be designed in which the patterns of tile attachments are forced to follow the execution of targeted algorithms. Such systems have been proven to be computationally universal as well as intrinsically universal (IU), a notion borrowed and adapted from cellular automata showing that a single tile set exists which is capable of simulating all aTAM systems (FOCS 2012). The input to an algorithmic aTAM system can be provided in a variety of ways, with a common method being via the "seed" assembly, which is a pre-formed assembly from which all growth propagates. In this paper we present a series of results which investigate the the trade-offs of using seeds consisting of a single tile, versus those containing multiple tiles. We show that arbitrary systems with multi-tile seeds cannot be converted to functionally equivalent systems with single-tile seeds without using a scale factor > 1. We prove tight bounds on the scale factor required, and also present a construction which uses a large scale factor but an optimal number of unique tile types. That construction is then used to develop a construction that performs simultaneous simulation of all aTAM systems in parallel, as well as to display a connection to other tile-based self-assembly models via the notion of intrinsic universality.Comment: To appear in the SODA 2023 proceeding

    Green Buildings in Cold Climate

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    The purpose of this report is to enlighten and analyze how the differences in policies, regulations and other instrumental means affect the environmental footprint and energy consumptions of buildings in cold regions such as northern Japan and northern Norway. Simulations are conducted as a part of a case study to further enlighten and visualize by figures the differences between Japan and Norway. The report also includes an assessment of the feasibility and potential measures that complies with green building aspects in cold climate. The result show great difference between the two countries regarding energy efficiency in existing buildings and the major means are: locations, cultural and historic background, policy and regulation strategies based on each nation prerequisites and available resources


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    TOYIBIN : Dalam proses pendidikan, masalah kesulitan belajar yang sering di alami oleh peserta didik di sekolah merupakan masalah penting yang perlu mendapat perhatian yang serius di kalangan para pendidik. Untuk hal tersebut, perlu adanya upaya atau usaha dari para pendidik demi kelangsungan proses belajar mengajar yang baik. Dalam penelitian ini dirumuskan masalah yang terkait dengan judul diatas yakni : 1. Bagaimana upaya wali kelas dalam membantu mengatasi kesulitan belajar siswa ?; 2. Apa saja faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat upaya wali kelas dalam membantu mengatasi kesulitan belajar siswa ? Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1. Mengetahui bagaimana upaya wali kelas dalam membantu mengatasi kesulitan belajar siswa ; 2. Mengetahui faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat upaya wali kelas dalam membantu mengatasi kesulitan belajar siswa. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut digunakan beberapa metode diantaranya adalah metode observasi, metode interview ( wawancara ) , dan metode dokumentasi. Dalam hal ini peneliti mengumpulkan data-data yang diperlukan terkait dengan permasalahan diatas. Dari penelitian ini di hasilkan beberapa kesimpulan sebagai berikut : 1. Upaya wali kelas mengatasi kejenuhan belajar siswa yaitu : - Memilih metode pembelajaran secara tepat. - Penggunaan media yang bervariasi sebagai penunjang proses pembelajaran. - Berusaha lebih telaten dalam memahami siswa yang mengalami kesulitan belajar. - Memberikan motivasi kepada siswa. 2. Beberapa hal yang mendukung upaya wali kelas dalam mengatasi kesulitan belajar diantaranya upaya bimbingan yang berkelanjutan di sekolah dan mengadakan kerjasama dengan orang tua

    Biochemical characterization and DNA repair pathway interactions of Mag1-mediated base excision repair in Schizosaccharomyces pombe

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    The Schizosaccharomyces pombe mag1 gene encodes a DNA repair enzyme with sequence similarity to the AlkA family of DNA glycosylases, which are essential for the removal of cytotoxic alkylation products, the premutagenic deamination product hypoxanthine and certain cyclic ethenoadducts such as ethenoadenine. In this paper, we have purified the Mag1 protein and characterized its substrate specificity. It appears that the substrate range of Mag1 is limited to the major alkylation products, such as 3-mA, 3-mG and 7-mG, whereas no significant activity was found towards deamination products, ethenoadducts or oxidation products. The efficiency of 3-mA and 3-mG removal was 5–10 times slower for Mag1 than for Escherichia coli AlkA whereas the rate of 7-mG removal was similar to the two enzymes. The relatively low efficiency for the removal of cytotoxic 3-methylpurines is consistent with the moderate sensitivity of the mag1 mutant to methylating agents. Furthermore, we studied the initial steps of Mag1-dependent base excision repair (BER) and genetic interactions with other repair pathways by mutant analysis. The double mutants mag1 nth1, mag1 apn2 and mag1 rad2 displayed increased resistance to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) compared with the single mutants nth1, apn2 and rad2, respectively, indicating that Mag1 initiates both short-patch (Nth1-dependent) and long-patch (Rad2-dependent) BER of MMS-induced damage. Spontaneous intrachromosomal recombination frequencies increased 3-fold in the mag1 mutant suggesting that Mag1 and recombinational repair (RR) are both involved in repair of alkylated bases. Finally, we show that the deletion of mag1 in the background of rad16, nth1 and rad2 single mutants reduced the total recombination frequencies of all three double mutants, indicating that abasic sites formed as a result of Mag1 removal of spontaneous base lesions are substrates for nucleotide excision repair, long- and short-patch BER and RR

    Self-Replication via Tile Self-Assembly (Extended Abstract)

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    In this paper we present a model containing modifications to the Signal-passing Tile Assembly Model (STAM), a tile-based self-assembly model whose tiles are capable of activating and deactivating glues based on the binding of other glues. These modifications consist of an extension to 3D, the ability of tiles to form "flexible" bonds that allow bound tiles to rotate relative to each other, and allowing tiles of multiple shapes within the same system. We call this new model the STAM*, and we present a series of constructions within it that are capable of self-replicating behavior. Namely, the input seed assemblies to our STAM* systems can encode either "genomes" specifying the instructions for building a target shape, or can be copies of the target shape with instructions built in. A universal tile set exists for any target shape (at scale factor 2), and from a genome assembly creates infinite copies of the genome as well as the target shape. An input target structure, on the other hand, can be "deconstructed" by the universal tile set to form a genome encoding it, which will then replicate and also initiate the growth of copies of assemblies of the target shape. Since the lengths of the genomes for these constructions are proportional to the number of points in the target shape, we also present a replicator which utilizes hierarchical self-assembly to greatly reduce the size of the genomes required. The main goals of this work are to examine minimal requirements of self-assembling systems capable of self-replicating behavior, with the aim of better understanding self-replication in nature as well as understanding the complexity of mimicking it

    Arbeidsevnevurdering i NAV - Brukerorientert prosess eller ren prosedyre

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    -Arbeidet med denne rapporten er et ledd i Høgskole- og Universitetssosialkontor (HUSK) sitt fokus på sosialt arbeid som fagfelt under NAV-reformen. Målsettingen har vært at en gjennom praksisnær forskning får frem kunnskapen som eksisterer i praksis, gir mulighet for å betrakte denne kunnskapen ut fra et forskningsmessig ståsted og at forskning og praksis i fellesskap finner løsninger for bedre praksisutøvelse. Det er i denne sammenheng gitt ut en rekke HUSK-rapporter som tar for seg ulike sider av oppfølgingsarbeidet som foregår i NAV. Med denne rapporten ønsker vi å bidra til en bedre praksisforståelse for og utøvelse av metodikken for arbeidsevnevurderinger i NAV

    Bacterial biodiversity drives the evolution of CRISPR-based phage resistance

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer Nature via the DOI in this record About half of all bacteria carry genes for CRISPR–Cas adaptive immune systems, which provide immunological memory by inserting short DNA sequences from phage and other parasitic DNA elements into CRISPR loci on the host genome. Whereas CRISPR loci evolve rapidly in natural environments, bacterial species typically evolve phage resistance by the mutation or loss of phage receptors under laboratory conditions. Here we report how this discrepancy may in part be explained by differences in the biotic complexity of in vitro and natural environments. Specifically, by using the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its phage DMS3vir, we show that coexistence with other human pathogens amplifies the fitness trade-offs associated with the mutation of phage receptors, and therefore tips the balance in favour of the evolution of CRISPR-based resistance. We also demonstrate that this has important knock-on effects for the virulence of P. aeruginosa, which became attenuated only if the bacteria evolved surface-based resistance. Our data reveal that the biotic complexity of microbial communities in natural environments is an important driver of the evolution of CRISPR–Cas adaptive immunity, with key implications for bacterial fitness and virulence.European CommissionNatural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Lønnsgapet i Norge. Lønnsforskjellen mellom menn og kvinner – hvor stor er den?

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    Historien fra 1997 viser at kvinner nærmer seg menns lønnsnivå, ved at lønnsgapet krymper. En av årsakene til at kvinner tar innpå i menn har sammenheng med at lønnsulikheten blant kvinner øker, altså det blir større forskjeller i lønn blant kvinner. Utviklingen i lønnsulikhet blant menn har stoppet opp og gått litt tilbake de siste årene. Likevel reduseres lønnsgapet sakte. For hele populasjonen, uten lærlinger, i 2021 har vi et lønnsgap på 12,8 prosent med bruk av gjennomsnittlig månedslønnen fra lønnsstatistikken. Lønnsgapet kan dekomponeres for å skille ut hva som kan forklares av at menn og kvinner jobber forskjellige steder i arbeidsmarkedet. Det er dette som ofte kalles det kjønnssegregerte arbeidsmarkedet. Ved bruk av regresjonsmodeller i en Oaxaca-Blinder-dekomponering får vi et beregnet lønnsgap på 10,7 prosent, som påvirkes av kjennemerkene vi benytter, og vi sto igjen med et uforklart justert lønnsgap på 5,4 prosentpoeng. Når vi holder de høyest lønte, både menn og kvinner, utenfor ble lønnsgapet ytterligere redusert. Den uforklarte differansen var da 3,4 prosentpoeng, og det samlede lønnsgapet var 4,4 prosent. Bidraget fra kjennemerkene i modellen samsvarer godt med hovedtrekkene vi beskriver med deskriptiv statistikk. Modellens styrke er at vi lettere kan belyse kompleksiteten som oppstår når vi bruker mange kjennemerker samtidig. I denne rapporten bruker vi kjennemerker fra lønnsstatistikken til Statistisk sentralbyrå (SSB) for å belyse forskjeller mellom menn og kvinner i arbeidsmarkedet med vekt på lønn. Vi følger opp med å se på en analyse utført av det europeiske statistikkbyrået, Eurostat, som benytter en OaxacaBlinder-dekomponering for å finne et justert lønnsgap. Det justerte lønnsgapet mener Eurostat kan nyttes som et bedre alternativ til det ujusterte lønnsgapet. Det ujusterte lønnsgapet benyttes ofte i sammenlikningen mellom land, men også i det offentlige ordskiftet om temaet og kalles «Gender Pay Gap» internasjonalt. Vi går videre med modellen til Eurostat og forsøker å utnytte mer av rikdommen i data som ligger til grunn for SSBs arbeidsmarkeds- og lønnsstatistikk. Ved blant annet å benytte flere kjennemerker og mer detaljering enn det Eurostat har mulighet til. I tillegg undersøker vi om lønnsgapet også kan belyses bedre ved å inkludere og alternativt ekskludere jobbene med høyest lønn. Hensikten er å synliggjøre konsekvensene av at det er mange flere menn i de høyest lønte jobbene. Gjennomgående finner vi at næring, sektor, utdanning, stillingsprosent og yrke er kjennemerker som bidrar sterkt til å forklare gapet, men resultatene trekker i forskjellig retning. Kvinner har i løpet av de siste tiårene fått et høyere utdanningsnivå samlet sett og i arbeidsmarkedet er tendens klar. Kvinner er oftere høyt utdannede og de høyt utdannede deltar mer i arbeidslivet enn kvinner med lavere utdanning. Det bidrar til at gjennomsnittsalderen til de høyt utdannede kvinnene er lavere enn for menn. Uavhengig av om vi har med de 10 prosent høyest avlønte eller ikke, bidrar utdanningsnivå til å øke lønnsgapet. Det forklarte bidraget til yrke påvirker også negativt. Størst bidrag til å forklare og redusere det samlede lønnsgapet kommer fra den ulike fordelingen og deltagelsen menn og kvinner har i arbeidsmarkedet. Men det er sannsynlig at vi bør kunne komme lenger i utnyttelsen av kjennemerkene ved å detaljere ytterligere og ta hensyn til samvariasjon mellom de ulike kjennemerkene, noe vi i liten grad har gjort her. Likevel er det flere godt dokumenterte sammenhenger knyttet til deltagelse i arbeidsmarkedet som kan slå ut på lønn, eksempelvis omsorg av barn eller andre familiemedlemmer, som vi ikke har undersøkt i denne rapporten. Samlet sett oppfatter vi at modeller slik som Oaxaca-Blinder-dekomponering kan være, som Eurostat argumenterer for, nyttige redskap.NITO - Norges ingeniør- og teknologorganisasjon har delfinansiert rapporten

    Crystal structure and mutational analysis of human uracil-DNA glycosylase: Structural basis for specificity and catalysis

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    AbstractCrystal structures of the DNA repair enzyme human uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG), combined with mutational analysis, reveal the structural basis for the specificity of the enzyme. Within the classic α/β fold of UDG, sequence-conserved residues form a positively charged, active-site groove the width of duplex DNA, at the C-terminal edge of the central four-stranded parallel β sheet. In the UDG-6-aminouracil complex, uracil binds at the base of the groove within a rigid preformed pocket that confers selectivity for uracil over other bases by shape complementarity and by main chain and Asn-204 side chain hydrogen bonds. Main chain nitrogen atoms are positioned to stabilize the oxyanion intermediate generated by His-268 acting via nucleophilic attack or general base mechanisms. Specific binding of uracil flipped out from a DNA duplex provides a structural mechanism for damaged base recognition
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