7,264 research outputs found

    Optical detection of the radio supernova SN 2000ft in the circumnuclear region of the luminous infrared galaxy NGC 7469

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    SN 2000ft is detected in two independent Planetary Camera images (F547W and F814W) taken May 13, 2000, about two months before the predicted date of the explosion (July 19, 2000), based on the analysis of its radio light evolution by Alberdi and collaborators. The apparent optical magnitudes and red color of SN 2000ft indicate that it is observed through an extinction of at least AV_V= 3.0 magnitudes. The extinction corrected lower limit to the absolute visual magnitude (MV_V \leq - 18.0), identifies SN 2000ft as a luminous supernova in the optical, as other luminous radio supernovae before. SN 2000ft exploded in a region located at only 0.1 arcsec (i.e. 34 +/- 3 pc) west of a faint cluster (C24). No parent cluster is identified within the detection limits of the HST short exposures. The unambiguous detection of SN 2000ft in the visual shows that multi-epoch sub-arcsecond (FWHM less than 0.1 arcsec) optical imaging is also a valid tool that should be explored further to detect supernovae in the dusty (circum)nuclear regions of (U)LIRGs

    Effects of adenotonsillectomy on plasma inflammatory biomarkers in obese children with obstructive sleep apnea: A community-based study.

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    BackgroundObesity and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) are highly prevalent and frequently overlapping conditions in children that lead to systemic inflammation, the latter being implicated in the various end-organ morbidities associated with these conditions.AimTo examine the effects of adenotonsillectomy (T&A) on plasma levels of inflammatory markers in obese children with polysomnographically diagnosed OSA who were prospectively recruited from the community.MethodsObese children prospectively diagnosed with OSA, underwent T&A and a second overnight polysomnogram (PSG) after surgery. Plasma fasting morning samples obtained after each of the two PSGs were assayed for multiple inflammatory and metabolic markers including interleukin (IL)-6, IL-18, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), adiponectin, apelin C, leptin and osteocrin.ResultsOut of 122 potential candidates, 100 obese children with OSA completed the study with only one-third exhibiting normalization of their PSG after T&A (that is, apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) ≤1/hour total sleep time). However, overall significant decreases in MCP-1, PAI-1, MMP-9, IL-18 and IL-6, and increases in adropin and osteocrin plasma concentrations occurred after T&A. Several of the T&A-responsive biomarkers exhibited excellent sensitivity and moderate specificity to predict residual OSA (that is, AHI⩾5/hTST).ConclusionsA defined subset of systemic inflammatory and metabolic biomarkers is reversibly altered in the context of OSA among community-based obese children, further reinforcing the concept on the interactive pro-inflammatory effects of sleep disorders such as OSA and obesity contributing to downstream end-organ morbidities

    Depresión en la adolescencia en centros de atención primaria: importancia de un problema oculto en salud colectiva

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    ObjetivosInvestigar la prevalencia de depresión y su relación con el motivo de la consulta y el diagnóstico médico.DiseñoDescriptivo transversal.EmplazamientoUnidades de atención primaria de una comunidad de Brasil.Pacientes u otros participantesIndividuos entre 13 y 19 años, que acudieron a 10 unidades de atención primaria para consultar con médico no psiquiatra entre octubre del 1997 y enero del 1998 (n = 463).Mediciones y resultados principalesSe utilizó el CET-DE (Alonso-Fernández, 1986) para medir la depresión y un cuestionario para evaluar datos sociodemográficos y relativos a la consulta. La prevalencia fue del 26,5% (intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%: 22,6–30,4%). Hubo un 99,2% de casos de depresión no identificados. Las quejas estuvieron dispersas en el campo somático (61,1%) y relacionadas con la sexualidad (49,5%), principalmente el embarazo (31,7%), sobre todo entre los deprimidos (p < 0,001). Hubo pocas quejas psicosociales (1,5%). Los diagnósticos con frecuencia estuvieron de acuerdo con las quejas: un 59,9% somáticos; un 38,4% relacionados con la sexualidad (embarazo, el 21,6%), y un 1,7% de tipo psicosocial.ConclusionesLa depresión en adolescentes es frecuente en atención primaria, y no suele ser identificada. La razón se puede atribuir al tipo de depresión, que suele ser leve o focalizada en una sola dimensión de la vitalidad humana; por una tendencia del médico a centrar su atención en la queja sin ampliar el espectro clínico, o incluso porque el joven apenas expresa sus problemas emocionales, lo que contribuye para que la depresión pase con frecuencia sin ser diagnosticada.ObjectivesTo investigate the prevalence of depression and its relationship to the reason for the consultation and to the medical diagnosis.DesignDescriptive, cross-sectional design.SettingPrimary care units of a community in Brazil.Patients and other participantsIndividuals between 13 and 19 years old, who attended 10 primary care units to consult with a non-psychiatric doctor between October 1997 and January 1998 (n = 463).Main measurements and resultsThe CETDE (Alonso-Fernández, 1986) was used to measure depression, jointly with a questionnaire for evaluating social and demographic details and data pertinent to the consultation. Prevalence ran at 26.5% (95% CI: 22.6–30.4%). 99.2% cases of depression had not been identified. Complaints were spread over the somatic field (61.1%), or were sex-related (49.5%), mainly pregnancy (31.7%), especially among the cases of depression (p < 0.001). There were few psychiatric-social complaints (1.5%). Diagnoses often coincided with complaints: 59.9% somatic, 38.4% sex-related (pregnancy = 21.6%) and 1.7% psychiatric-social.ConclusionsAdolescent depression is common in primary care, but is not usually identified. The reason for this may be the kind of depression, which is usually light or focused on just one dimension of human vitality; the doctor´s tendency to centre his/her attention on the complaint without broadening the clinical spectrum; or even because the adolescent expresses his/her emotional problems poorly, which often contributes to the depression not being diagnosed

    Possible ring material around centaur (2060) Chiron

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    We propose that several short duration events observed in past stellar occultations by Chiron were produced by rings material. From a reanalysis of the stellar occultation data in the literature we determined two possible orientations of the pole of Chiron's rings, with ecliptic coordinates l=(352+/-10) deg, b=(37+/-10) deg or l=(144+/-10) deg, b=(24+/-10) deg . The mean radius of the rings is (324 +/- 10) km. One can use the rotational lightcurve amplitude of Chiron at different epochs to distinguish between the two solutions for the pole. Both imply lower lightcurve amplitude in 2013 than in 1988, when the rotational lightcurve was first determined. We derived Chiron's rotational lightcurve in 2013 from observations at the 1.23-m CAHA telescope and indeed its amplitude is smaller than in 1988. We also present a rotational lightcurve in 2000 from images taken at CASLEO 2.15-m telescope that is consistent with our predictions. Out of the two poles the l=(144+/-10) deg, b=(24+/-10) deg solution provides a better match to a compilation of rotational lightcurve amplitudes from the literature and those presented here. We also show that using this preferred pole, Chiron's long term brightness variations are compatible with a simple model that incorporates the changing brightness of the rings as the tilt angle with respect to the Earth changes with time. Also, the variability of the water ice band in Chiron's spectra in the literature can be explained to a large degree by an icy ring system whose tilt angle changes with time and whose composition includes water ice, analogously to the case of Chariklo. We present several possible formation scenarios for the rings from qualitative points of view and speculate on the reasons why rings might be common in centaurs. We speculate on whether the known bimodal color distribution of centaurs could be due to presence of rings and lack of them

    Visible and near-infrared observations of asteroid 2012 DA14 during its closest approach of February 15, 2013

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    Near-Earth asteroid 2012 DA14 made its closest approach on February 15, 2013, when it passed at a distance of 27,700 km from the Earth's surface. It was the first time an asteroid of moderate size was predicted to approach that close to the Earth, becoming bright enough to permit a detailed study from ground-based telescopes. Asteroid 2012 DA14 was poorly characterized before its closest approach. We acquired data using several telescopes on four Spanish observatories: the 10.4m Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) and the 3.6m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG), both in the El Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (ORM, La Palma); the 2.2m CAHA telescope, in the Calar Alto Observatory (Almeria); the f/3 0.77m telescope in the La Hita Observatory (Toledo); and the f/8 1.5m telescope in the Sierra Nevada Observatory (OSN, Granada). We obtained visible and near-infrared color photometry, visible spectra and time-series photometry. Visible spectra together with color photometry of 2012 DA14 show that it can be classified as an L-type asteroid, a rare spectral type with a composition similar to that of carbonaceous chondrites. The time-series photometry provides a rotational period of 8.95 +- 0.08 hours after the closest approach, and there are indications that the object suffered a spin-up during this event. The large amplitude of the light curve suggests that the object is very elongated and irregular, with an equivalent diameter of around 18m. We obtain an absolute magnitude of H_R = 24.5 +- 0.2, corresponding to H_V = 25.0 +- 0.2. The GTC photometry also gives H_V = 25.29 +- 0.14. Both values agree with the value listed at the Minor Planet Center shortly after discovery. From the absolute photometry, together with some constraints on size and shape, we compute a geometric albedo of p_V = 0.44 +- 0.20, which is slightly above the range of albedos known for L-type asteroids (0.082 - 0.405).Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted in A&A (June 17 2013

    Mid-Infrared T-ReCS Spectroscopy of Local LIRGs

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    We present T-ReCS high spatial resolution N-band (8-13 micron) spectroscopy of the central regions (a few kpc) of 3 local LIRGs. The nuclear spectra show deep 9.7 micron silicate absorption feature and the high ionization [SIV]10.5 micron emission line, consistent with their optical classification as AGN. The two LIRGs with unresolved mid-IR emission do not show PAH emission at 11.3 micron in their nuclear spectra. The spatially resolved mid-IR spectroscopy of NGC 5135 allows us to separate out the spectra of the Seyfert nucleus, an HII region, and the diffuse region between them on scales of less than 2.5 arcsec ~ 600 pc. The diffuse region spectrum is characterized by strong PAH emission with almost no continuum, whereas the HII region shows PAH emission with a smaller equivalent width as well as [NeII]12.8 micron line

    Basic physical parameters of a selected sample of evolved stars

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    We present the detailed spectroscopic analysis of 72 evolved stars, including the [Fe/H] determination for the whole sample. These metallicities, together with the Teff values and the absolute V magnitude derived from Hipparcos parallaxes, are used to estimate basic stellar parameters (ages, masses, radii, (B-V)o and log g using theoretical isochrones and a Bayesian estimation method. The (B-V)o values so estimated turn out to be in excellent agreement with the observed (B-V), confirming the reliability of the (Teff,(B-V)o) relation used in the isochrones. The estimated diameters have been compared with limb darkening-corrected ones measured with independent methods, finding an agreement better than 0.3 mas within the 1-10 mas interval. We derive the age-metallicity relation for the solar neighborhood; for the first time such a relation has been derived from observations of field giants rather than from open clusters and field dwarfs and subdwarfs. The age-metallicity relation is characterized by close-to-solar metallicities for stars younger than ~4 Gyr, and by a large [Fe/H] spread with a trend towards lower metallicities for higher ages. We find that the [Fe/H] dispersion of young stars (less than 1 Gyr) is comparable to the observational errors, indicating that stars in the solar neighbourhood are formed from interstellar matter of quite homogeneous chemical composition. The three giants of our sample which have been proposed to host planets are not metal rich, what is at odds with those for main sequence stars. However, two of these stars have masses much larger than a solar mass so we may be sampling a different stellar population from most radial velocity searches for extrasolar planets. We also confirm that the radial velocity variability tends to increase along the RGB.Comment: 17 pgs, 19 fig

    Kinetic Theory of a Dilute Gas System under Steady Heat Conduction

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    The velocity distribution function of the steady-state Boltzmann equation for hard-core molecules in the presence of a temperature gradient has been obtained explicitly to second order in density and the temperature gradient. Some thermodynamical quantities are calculated from the velocity distribution function for hard-core molecules and compared with those for Maxwell molecules and the steady-state Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook(BGK) equation. We have found qualitative differences between hard-core molecules and Maxwell molecules in the thermodynamical quantities, and also confirmed that the steady-state BGK equation belongs to the same universality class as Maxwell molecules.Comment: 36 pages, 4 figures, 5 table

    JWST observations of stellar occultations by solar system bodies and rings

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    In this paper we investigate the opportunities provided by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) for significant scientific advances in the study of solar system bodies and rings using stellar occultations. The strengths and weaknesses of the stellar occultation technique are evaluated in light of JWST's unique capabilities. We identify several possible JWST occultation events by minor bodies and rings, and evaluate their potential scientific value. These predictions depend critically on accurate a priori knowledge of the orbit of JWST near the Sun-Earth Lagrange-point 2 (L2). We also explore the possibility of serendipitous stellar occultations by very small minor bodies as a by-product of other JWST observing programs. Finally, to optimize the potential scientific return of stellar occultation observations, we identify several characteristics of JWST's orbit and instrumentation that should be taken into account during JWST's development.Comment: This paper is one of a series for a special issue on Solar System observations with JWST in PASP. Accepted 2-Oct-2015. Preprint 30 pages, 5 tables, 8 figure