11,537 research outputs found

    Design, Prototyping, and Testing of a Novel Flowpath with an Array of Six 3D Matrix Vitvo Bioreactors for the NASA Bioculture System

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    The NASA Bioculture System is an advanced cell culture closed-loop system containing highly automated flowpaths designed to conduct long term biology experiments on ISS with earth remote controllable medium flow, temperature, gas composition, medium exchange, cell sampling and fixation. This technology was already demonstrated with successful cardiomyocyte and osteocyte cultures experiments onboard the ISS and is now supporting NASA PI science. The Bioculture System, however, can only support 10 cassettes with disposable flowpaths, each containing a single hollow fiber bioreactor with a culture capacity of about 2ml. This constraint not only severely limits the number of investigators that can conduct experiments in space, but also subjects the experiments to limitations in the number of replicates and conditions that can be studied. To address these limitations, we sought a novel design solution to maximize the number of separate bioreactor cultures and volume that can be conducted simultaneously. To this end we designed, prototyped, and are now testing a six-Vitvo 3D Matrix 2ml bioreactor insert that replaces the conventional Bioculture System hollow fiber bioreactor. This design will allow the Bioculture System to support up to 60 different bioreactors and samples at once. Specifically, the novel gas-tight containment housing insert contains six COTS Rigenerand VITVO bioreactors stacked on each side of a heat sink powered by the existing heating element and pair of temperature sensors. Medium will be distributed into each bioreactor's cell-free chamber via its built-in Luer connector, then across the 3D matrix to the cell chamber, dissipating laminar flow and limiting fluid shear stresses that might mechanostimulate cell cultures. Gas (5% CO2 in air) will be supplied directly to the bioreactor gas-tight housing for exchange via the bioreactor flat-surface gas-permeable membranes, eliminating the need for the existing Bioculture System cassette oxygenator. If successfully implemented on ISS, this new multi-bioreactor insert for the Bioculture System has the potential to make real-time cell science experimentation in space more efficient and accessible to more investigators

    Sequence heterogeneity and phylogenetic relationships between the copia retrotransposon in Drosophila species of the repleta and melanogaster groups

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    Although the retrotransposon copia has been studied in the melanogaster group of Drosophila species, very little is known about copia dynamism and evolution in other groups. We analyzed the occurrence and heterogeneity of the copia 5'LTR-ULR partial sequence and their phylogenetic relationships in 24 species of the repleta group of Drosophila. PCR showed that copia occurs in 18 out of the 24 species evaluated. Sequencing was possible in only eight species. The sequences showed a low nucleotide diversity, which suggests selective constraints maintaining this regulatory region over evolutionary time. On the contrary, the low nucleotide divergence and the phylogenetic relationships between the D. willistoni/Zaprionus tuberculatus/melanogaster species subgroup suggest horizontal transfer. Sixteen transcription factor binding sites were identified in the LTR-ULR repleta and melanogaster consensus sequences. However, these motifs are not homologous, neither according to their position in the LTR-ULR sequences, nor according to their sequences. Taken together, the low motif homologies, the phylogenetic relationship and the great nucleotide divergence between the melanogaster and repleta copia sequences reinforce the hypothesis that there are two copia families

    Observations of gravel beach dynamics during high energy wave conditions using a laser scanner

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    The work described in this publication was supported by the EPSRC project ARCoES — Adaptation and Resilience of the UK Energy System to Climate Change (EPSRC reference: EP/1035390/1) and by EPSRC grant EP/H040056/1 in partnership with the Channel Coastal Observatory (CCO). The full text is under embargo until 01.01.16

    Admissão de Doentes com Cancro do Pulmão nas Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos

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    Improbable lesion in a child

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    A Posterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome Associated With Spontaneous Rupture of the Extensor Pollicis Longus Tendon

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    Posterior interosseous nerve entrapment syndrome and spontaneous rupture of the extensor pollicis longus tendon are rare conditions. The authors describe the bizarre combination of a spontaneous rupture of the extensor pollicis longus tendon in a 82-year-old lady with a posterior interosseous nerve syndrome. As far as the authors know, this is the first description of such an association in the literature. Surgical exploration revealed compression of the posterior interosseous nerve at the proximal portion of the supinator muscle and at Henry's leash. The nerve was freed, and the tendon of the extensor index proprius was transferred to the extensor pollicis longus. Six months after the procedure, the patient had resumed her daily activities, showing a good functional result

    Heavy Majorana Neutrinos in the Effective Lagrangian Description: Application to Hadron Colliders

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    We consider the effects of heavy Majorana neutrinos N with sub-TeV masses. We argue that the mere presence of these particles would be a signal of physics beyond the minimal seesaw mechanism and their interactions are, therefore, best described using an effective Lagrangian. We then consider the complete set of leading effective operators (up to dimension 6) involving the N and Standard Model fields and show that these interactions can be relatively easy to track at high-energy colliders. For example, we find that an exchange of a TeV-scale heavy vector field can yield thousands of characteristic same-sign lepton number violating l^+ l^+ j j events (j=light jet) at the LHC if m_N < 600 GeV, which can also have a distinctive forward-backward asymmetry signal; even the Tevatron has good prospects for this signature if m_N < 300 GeV.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Divisão Alta do Nervo Isquiático: Duas Variantes Anatómicas Distintas

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    Introduction: Sciatic nerve variations are relatively common. These variations are often very significant in several fields of Medicine. The purpose of this paper is to present two such variants and discuss their clinical implications. Material and Methods: Three Caucasian cadavers with no prior history of lower limb trauma or surgery were dissected and found to present anatomical variants of the sciatic nerve. Results: In all cases the sciatic nerve divided above the popliteal fossa. In two cases (cadavers 1 and 2) it divided on both sides in the inferior portion of the gluteal region in its two terminal branches: the common fibular and the tibial nerves. In another case (cadaver 3) the sciatic nerve was found to divide inside the pelvis just before coursing the greater sciatic notch. The common fibular nerve exited the pelvis above the pyriformis muscle and then passed along its posterior aspect, while the tibial nerve coursed deep to the pyriformis muscle. Discussion: According to the literature, the anatomical variant described in cadaver 3 is considered relatively rare. This variant can predispose to nerve entrapment and thus to the pyriformis syndrome, sciatica and coccygodynia. The high division of the sciatic nerve, as presented in cadavers 1 and 2, can make popliteal nerve blocks partially ineffective. Conclusion: The anatomical variants associated with a high division of the sciatic nerve, must always be born in mind, as they are relatively prevalent, and have important clinical implications, namely in Anesthesiology, Neurology, Sports Medicine and Surgery