919 research outputs found

    Basic Psychological Needs, Class-related Emotions and Satisfaction with Life in Spanish Teachers

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    The objective of this study was to examine possible antecedents and consequences of teachers’ emotions in the classroom. Based on a cognitive-social perspective and self-determination theory, we examined the relationship between basic psychological needs (BPNs), teachers’ class-related emotions and teachers’ life satisfaction. A sample of 595 teachers from Andalusia (Spain) participated in an online survey. A structural equation model was tested, in which BPNs predicted teachers’ emotions (β = .69; p < .001 positive emotions and β = -.42; p < .001 negative emotions). In addition, BPNs (β = .36; p < .001) and positive emotions (β = .23; p < .001) predicted satisfaction with life. The results show that the fulfilment of work-related BPNs is important to generate positive emotions and well-being in teachers. In addition, the study is the first to provide extensive details on the psychometric properties for assessing teacher emotions with the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire - Teachers (AEQ-T) in a Spanish sample

    Assessment of sustainable land management practices in Mediterranean rural regions

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    Sustainable land management practices can be suitable vehicles to simultaneously address the causes and consequences of land degradation, desertification, and climate change in land managed systems. Here, we assess the potential of a variety of sustainable land management practices that, beyond addressing specific and local issues, assist in tackling Mediterranean Basin-wide land-use challenges. With this work, we aim to highlight those options that simultaneously promote local and regional Basin-wide adaptation. To do that, we developed a novel multi-objective assessment that evaluates the effectiveness of 104 practices adopted within the Mediterranean Basin and documented in the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies global database. Results indicate that agroforestry and green covers in perennial woody crops can promote multiple ecosystem services while addressing climate change adaptation. We further argue that these two practices together with reforestation, assist in regulating the hydrological cycle of the Basin and in maintaining its multifunctional landscape. Lastly, we reflect on potential biophysical and socio-economic barriers and opportunities associated with the implementation of the three practices. Our approach provides a Basin-wide integrated view that facilitates the coordination of sustainable management strategies across the Mediterranean region. © 2020 Elsevier LtdThe authors would like to thank two anonymous reviewers whose comments helped improve this work. This research is supported by the Basque Government through the BERC 2018–2021 program and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness MINECO through BC3 María de Maeztu excellence accreditation MDM 2017–0714. M. Almagro acknowledges financial support from the Juan de la Cierva Program (IJCI-2015-23500)

    Artificial termite-fishing tasks as enrichment for sanctuary-housed chimpanzees: Behavioral effects and impact on welfare

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    The welfare of captive animals is nowadays a topic of major concern. In order to express their natural behavioral repertoires, however, animals require complex environments and stimuli which are difficult to reproduce in captivity. To overcome this, environmental enrichment is considered one of the most successful tools to increase behavioral opportunities and enhance animal welfare. In this study, we explored whether providing an artificial termite-fishing task, and whether participation in this task, predicted changes in the solitary and social behavior of sanctuary-housed chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). We compared chimpanzee behavior when the enrichment was presented to different periods without enrichment. We found that the presence of the enrichment predicted an increase in tool use and feeding behavior and a decrease in inactivity, especially for those chimpanzees with higher participation. However, we did not detect significant changes in abnormal or self-directed behaviors. Furthermore, we found no variation in affiliation- or aggression-related behaviors, but social proximity increased in chimpanzees that participated more. Our results support previous studies demonstrating that artificial termite-fishing promotes species-typical behaviors in captive chimpanzees with no major effects on social activities

    Kansei for the Digital Era

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    For over 40 years, Kansei-based research and development have been conducted in Japan and other East Asian countries and these decades of research have influenced Kansei interpretation. New methods and applications, including virtual reality and artificial intelligence, have emerged since the millennium, as the Kansei concept has spread throughout Europe and the rest of the world. This paper reviews past literature and industrial experience, offering a comprehensive understanding of Kansei, the underlying philosophy, and the methodology of Kansei Engineering from the approach of psychology and physiology, both qualitatively and quantitatively. The breadth of Kansei is described by examples, emerging from both industry and academia. Additionally, thematic mapping of the state-of-the-art as well as an outlook are derived from feedback obtained from structured interview of thirty-five of the most distinguished researchers in Kansei. The mapping provides insights into current trends and future directions. Kansei is unique because it includes the consideration of emotion in the design of products and services. The paper aims at becoming a reference for researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders across borders and cultures, looking for holistic perspectives on Kansei, Kansei Engineering, and implementation methods. The novelty of the paper resides in the unification of authors amongst pioneers from different parts of the world, spanning across diversified academic backgrounds, knowledge areas and industries

    Feminist Experiences of ‘Studying up’: Encounters with International Institutions

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    Feminist Experiences of \u27Studying up\u27: Encounters with International Institutions This article makes the case for feminist IR to build knowledge of international institutions. It emerges from a roundtable titled ‘Challenges and Opportunities for Feminist IR: Researching Gendered Institutions’ which took place at the International Studies Association Annual Convention in Baltimore in 2017. Here, we engage in self-reflexivity, drawing upon our conversation to consider what it means for feminist scholars to ‘study up’. We argue that feminist IR conceptions of narratives and the everyday make a valuable contribution to feminist institutionalist understandings of the formal and informal. We also draw attention to the value of postcolonial approaches, and multi-site analysis of international institutions for creating a counter-narrative to hegemonic accounts emerging from both the institutions themselves, and scholars studying them without a critical feminist perspective. In so doing, we draw attention to the salience of considering not just what we study as feminist International Relations scholars but how we study it. Spanish Experiencias feministas de \uabEstudiar a los de arriba\ubb: encuentros con instituciones internacionales Este art\uedculo plantea el argumento de que las relaciones internacionales (RR. II.) feministas pueden fomentar el conocimiento de las instituciones internacionales. Se destila de una mesa redonda denominada Challenges and Opportunities for Feminist IR: Researching Gendered Institutions(Retos y oportunidades para las RR. II. feministas: el estudio de las instituciones marcadas por el g\ue9nero) que tuvo lugar en la convenci\uf3n anual de la Asociaci\uf3n de Estudios Internacionales celebrada en Baltimore en 2017. Aqu\ued, nos sumergimos en la autorreflexi\uf3n, recurriendo a nuestra conversaci\uf3n para dilucidar qu\ue9 significa para los acad\ue9micos feministas \uabestudiar a los de arriba\ubb. Argumentamos que las concepciones feministas de las RR. II. sobre los relatos y lo cotidiano realizan una valiosa contribuci\uf3n a las interpretaciones institucionalistas feministas de lo formal y lo informal. Tambi\ue9n queremos destacar el valor de los enfoques poscoloniales y el an\ue1lisis de m\ufaltiples ubicaciones de las instituciones internacionales para crear un contrarrelato frente a los discursos hegem\uf3nicos que se derivan tanto de las propias instituciones como de los acad\ue9micos que las estudian sin una perspectiva feminista cr\uedtica. Al hacerlo, pretendemos destacar la trascendencia de tener en cuenta no solo lo que estudiamos como acad\ue9micos feministas de Relaciones Internacionales, sino tambi\ue9n c\uf3mo lo estudiamos.Palabras clave: g\ue9nero, instituciones internacionales, relaciones internacionales feministas French Exp\ue9riences f\ue9ministes de \uab studying up \ubb : \uc0 la rencontre des institutions internationalesCet article affirme la n\ue9cessit\ue9 pour l’approche f\ue9ministe des RI de renforcer le savoir en mati\ue8re d’institutions internationales. Il est issu d’une table ronde intitul\ue9e \uab D\ue9fis et opportunit\ue9s pour l’approche f\ue9ministes des RI : Recherche sur les institutions genr\ue9es \ubb ayant eu lieu \ue0 Baltimore en 2017 lors de la convention annuelle de l’International Studies Association. Nous entreprenons ici un travail de r\ue9flexion sur nous-m\ueames \ue0 partir de notre discussion sur la question de savoir ce que \uab study up \ubb signifie pour les chercheurs f\ue9ministes. Nous soutenons que les conceptions f\ue9ministes des r\ue9cits et du quotidien dans les RI contribuent positivement \ue0 une compr\ue9hension f\ue9ministe institutionnaliste du formel et de l’informel. Nous mettons \ue9galement en exergue la valeur des approches postcoloniales et de l’analyse sur plusieurs sites des institutions internationales dans la cr\ue9ation d’un r\ue9cit alternatif aux r\ue9cits h\ue9g\ue9moniques provenant \ue0 la fois des institutions elles-m\ueames et des chercheurs qui les \ue9tudient sans cadre d’analyse critique f\ue9ministe. Nous attirons ainsi l’attention sur l’importance pour nous, en tant que sp\ue9cialistes des relations internationales sous un angle f\ue9ministe, de bien r\ue9fl\ue9chir non seulement \ue0 l’objet de nos recherches, mais \ue9galement \ue0 la mani\ue8re dont nous effectuons ces recherches.Mots-cl\ue9s : genre, institutions internationales, relations internationales f\ue9ministes

    Physical activity and depression: a systematic review

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    Esta revisión tiene como objetivo examinar las investigaciones originales que tratan la asociación entre actividad física (AF) y la depresión o síntomas depresivos en todo tipo de poblaciones. Se realizó una búsqueda en las principales bases de datos electrónicas. Tras aplicar los criterios de inclusión, se obtuvieron un total de 12 artículos de los cuales 10 eran estudios observacionales y 2 estudios de intervención. Los resultados de los estudios muestran una relación inversa entre práctica de actividad física y probabilidad de presentar síntomas depresivos o capacidad de la misma para atenuar dichos síntomas en personas deprimidas. La mayoría de los estudios analizan la frecuencia y regularidad de práctica de AF. La AF actúa como efecto protector de padecer depresión o como atenuante de síntomas depresivos.This review examines original pieces of research which have investigated overall associations between physical activity (PA) and depression or symptoms of depression in. A search in the most important electronic databases was performed. A total of 12 articles were included, 10 of them were observational studies and 2 of them were intervention studies. Results show an inverse relationship between physical activity and symptoms of depression or the ability to mitigate those symptoms in depressed people. Most studies examine the frequency and regularity in PA. PA mitigates depression symptoms and it is a protective effect of risk depression

    Participatory coastal management through elicitation of ecosystem service preferences and modelling driven by coastal squeeze

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    The Baixo Vouga Lagunar (BVL) is part of Ria de Aveiro coastal lagoon in Portugal, which is classified as a Special Protection Area under the European Habitats and Birds Directives. This part of the system, corresponding to the confluence of the Vouga River with the lagoon, is very important culturally and socioeconomically for the local communities, taking place several human activities, especially agriculture. To prevent salt water intrusion from the Ria de Aveiro into agriculture fields, a floodbank was initiated in the 90's. In frame of ongoing changes in Ria de Aveiro hydrodynamics, the existing floodbank will be now extended, introducing further changes in the ecological dynamics of the BVL and its adjacent area. As a consequence, the water level in the floodbank downstream side is expected to rise, increasing the submersion period in tidal wetlands, and leading to coastal squeeze. The aim of this study is to apply an ecosystem based-management approach to mitigate the impacts on biodiversity resulting from the management plan. To do so, we have modelled the implications of the changes in several hydrological and environmental variables on four saltmarsh species and habitats distribution, as well as on their associated ecosystem services, both upstream and downstream of the floodbank. The ecosystem services of interest were prioritized by stakeholders' elicitation, which were then used as an input to a spatial multi-criteria analysis aimed to find the best management actions to compensate for the unintended loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the BVL. According to our results, the main areas to be preserved in the BVL were the traditional agricultural mosaic fields; the freshwater courses and the subtidal estuarine channels. By combining ecology with the analysis of social preferences, this study shows how co-developed solutions can support adaptive management and the conservation of coastal ecosystems. © 2018 The AuthorsThe European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration supported this study through the collaborative research project AQUACROSS (Grant Agreement no. 642317 ). María Almagro was supported by the Juan de la Cierva Program (Grant IJCI-2015-23500 ). Ana I. Sousa was supported by the “ Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia , I.P. (FCT)” Post-Doc grant SFRH/BPD/107823/2015 . Ana Genua-Olmedo was funded by the project PORBIOTA - Portuguese E-Infrastructure for Information and Research on Biodiversity (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022127), financed by the “ Programa Operacional de Competitividade e Internacionalização ” and “Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa, FEDER ”, and by the “ Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia , I.P. (FCT)” through national funds (PIDDAC). Thanks are due by co-funding to Labex DRIIHM, French program “Investissements d'Avenir” ( ANR-11-LABX-0010 ) managed by the ANR, which funded the MARSH-C-LEVEL project. Thanks are also due, for the financial support to CESAM ( UID/AMB/50017 - POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007638 ), to FCT /MEC through national funds (PIDDAC), and the co-funding by the FEDER , within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement and Compete 2020