1,023 research outputs found

    The Spatial Distribution of Star Formation in the Solar Neighbourhood: Do all stars form in clusters?

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    We present a global study of low mass, young stellar object (YSO) surface densities in nearby (< 500 pc) star forming regions based on a comprehensive collection of Spitzer Space Telescope surveys. We show that the distribution of YSO surface densities in the solar neighbourhood is a smooth distribution, being adequately described by a lognormal function from a few to 10^3 YSOs per pc^2, with a peak at 22 stars/pc^2 and a dispersion of 0.85. We do not find evidence for multiple discrete modes of star-formation (e.g. clustered and distributed). Comparing the observed surface density distribution to previously reported surface density threshold definitions of clusters, we find that the fraction of stars in clusters is crucially dependent on the adopted definitions, ranging from 40 to 90%. However, we find that only a low fraction (< 26%) of stars are formed in dense environments where their formation/evolution (along with their circumstellar disks and/or planets) may be affected by the close proximity of their low-mass neighbours.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, MNRAS letters, accepte

    Color Transformations for the 2MASS Second Incremental Data Release

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    Transformation equations are presented to convert colors and magnitudes measured in the AAO, ARNICA, CIT, DENIS, ESO, LCO (Persson standards), MSSSO, SAAO, and UKIRT photometric systems to the photometric system inherent to the 2MASS Second Incremental Data Release. The transformations have been derived by comparing 2MASS photometry with published magnitudes and colors for stars observed in these systems. Transformation equations have also been derived indirectly for the Bessell & Brett (1988) and Koornneef (1983) homogenized photometric systems.Comment: To appear in AJ, May 200

    Spitzer Imaging of the Nearby Rich Young Cluster, Cep OB3b

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    We map the full extent of a rich massive young cluster in the Cep OB3b association with the IRAC and MIPS instruments aboard the {\it Spitzer} Space Telescope and the ACIS instrument aboard the Chandra\it{Chandra} X-Ray Observatory. At 700 pc, it is revealed to be the second nearest large (>1000>1000 member), young (<5< 5 Myr) cluster known. In contrast to the nearest large cluster, the Orion Nebula Cluster, Cep OB3b is only lightly obscured and is mostly located in a large cavity carved out of the surrounding molecular cloud. Our infrared and X-ray datasets, as well as visible photometry from the literature, are used to take a census of the young stars in Cep OB3b. We find that the young stars within the cluster are concentrated in two sub-clusters; an eastern sub-cluster, near the Cep B molecular clump, and a western sub-cluster, near the Cep F molecular clump. Using our census of young stars, we examine the fraction of young stars with infrared excesses indicative of circumstellar disks. We create a map of the disk fraction throughout the cluster and find that it is spatially variable. Due to these spatial variations, the two sub-clusters exhibit substantially different average disk fractions from each other: 3232% \pm 4% and 5050% \pm 6%. We discuss whether the discrepant disk fractions are due to the photodestruction of disks by the high mass members of the cluster or whether they result from differences in the ages of the sub-clusters. We conclude that the discrepant disk fractions are most likely due to differences in the ages.Comment: 48 Pages, 12 figures, 6 table

    "How do pilates trained physiotherapists utilize and value pilates exercise for MSK conditions? A qualitative study"

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    Background Pilates is a popular exercise therapy approach offering numerous benefits, including muscular strength, flexibility, control, and core stability. Pilates has been widely utilized in the prevention and rehabilitation of a variety of musculoskeletal disorders. Objectives The aim of this study was to explore the experiences and opinions of Pilates trained NHS and private practice physiotherapists in the UK, regarding the perceived benefits, risks, delivery and rationale for this exercise method. Methods This qualitative study used a self‐designed electronic survey to retrieve the views of 30 physiotherapists, who had undertaken formal Pilates Instruction training, recruited by a purposive and snowball sampling method. Questions were either multiple choice or open‐ended, examined via thematic analysis. Results Physiotherapists identified the most important benefits of Pilates as reduction in fear‐avoidance, improving bodily awareness and increasing muscular strength. Exercises that promote general movement were highlighted as being particularly useful, with a majority recommending daily practice for optimum benefit. Participants recognized lack of core strength as a key indicator, whereas others criticized excessive focus on this principle. Conclusions Physiotherapists identified a range of inter‐linked benefits and recognized that Pilates is hugely modifiable. Individualizing exercises can further encourage participation and negate the restriction of some health conditions. NHS and Private Practice Therapists utilize Pilates in a similar way, although rationales for its use may differ, as the justification for Pilates exercise may be evolving. Pilates appears a valuable methodology in the NHS, which can help patients engage with activity

    Correlation between the spatial distribution of circumstellar disks and massive stars in the young open cluster NGC 6611. II: Cluster members selected with Spitzer/IRAC

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    Context: the observations of the proplyds in the Orion Nebula Cluster, showing clear evidence of ongoing photoevaporation, have provided a clear proof about the role of the externally induced photoevaporation in the evolution of circumstellar disks. NGC 6611 is an open cluster suitable to study disk photoevaporation, thanks to its large population of massive members and of stars with disk. In a previous work, we obtained evidence of the influence of the strong UV field generated by the massive cluster members on the evolution of disks around low-mass Pre-Main Sequence members. That work was based on a multi-band BVIJHK and X-ray catalog purposely compiled to select the cluster members with and without disk. Aims: in this paper we complete the list of candidate cluster members, using data at longer wavelengths obtained with Spitzer/IRAC, and we revisit the issue of the effects of UV radiation on the evolution of disks in NGC 6611. Methods: we select the candidate members with disks of NGC 6611, in a field of view of 33'x34' centered on the cluster, using IRAC color-color diagrams and suitable reddening-free color indices. Besides, using the X-ray data to select Class III cluster members, we estimate the disks frequency vs. the intensity of the incident radiation emitted by massive members. Results: we identify 458 candidate members with circumstellar disks, among which 146 had not been revealed in our previous work. Comparing of the various color indices we used to select the cluster members with disk, we claim that they detect the excesses due to the emission of the same physical region of the disk: the inner rim at the dust sublimation radius. Our new results confirm that UV radiation from massive stars affects the evolution of nearby circumstellar disks.Comment: Accepted for publication at Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Mid-Infrared Variability of protostars in IC 1396A

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    We have used Spitzer/IRAC to conduct a photometric monitoring program of the IC1396A dark globule in order to study the mid-IR (3.6 - 8 micron) variability of the heavily embedded Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) present in that area. We obtained light curves covering a 14 day timespan with a twice daily cadence for 69 YSOs, and continuous light curves with approximately 12 second cadence over 7 hours for 38 YSOs. Typical accuracies for our relative photometry were 1-2% for the long timespan data and a few mmag, corresponding to less than 0.5%, for the 7 hour continuous "staring-mode" data. More than half of the YSOs showed detectable variability, with amplitudes from ~0.05 mag to ~0.2 mag. About thirty percent of the YSOs showed quasi-sinusoidal light curve shapes with apparent periods from 5-12 days and light curve amplitudes approximately independent of wavelength over the IRAC bandpasses. We have constructed models which simulate the time dependent spectral energy distributions of Class I and I I YSOs in order to attempt to explain these light curves. Based on these models, the apparently periodic light curves are best explained by YSO models where one or two high latitude photospheric spots heat the inner wall of the circumstellar disk, and where we view the disk at fairly large inclination angle. Disk inhomogeneities, such as increasing the height where the accretion funnel flows to the stellar hotspot, enhances the light curve modulations. The other YSOs in our sample show a range of light curve shapes, some of which are probably due to varying accretion rate or disk shadowing events. One star, IC1396A-47, shows a 3.5 hour periodic light curve; this object may be a PMS Delta Scuti star

    The Initial Mass Function and Disk Frequency of the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud: An Extinction-Limited Sample

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    We have completed an optical spectroscopic survey of an unbiased, extinction-limited sample of candidate young stars covering 1.3 square degrees of the Rho Ophiuchi star forming region. While infrared, X-ray, and optical surveys of the cloud have identified many young stellar objects (YSOs), these surveys are biased towards particular stages of stellar evolution and are not optimal for studies of the disk frequency and initial mass function.We have obtained over 300 optical spectra to help identify 135 association members based on the presence of H-alpha in emission, lithium absorption, X-ray emission, a mid-infrared excess, a common proper motion, reflection nebulosity, and/or extinction considerations. Spectral types along with R and I band photometry were used to derive effective temperatures and bolometric luminosities for association members to compare with theoretical tracks and isochrones for pre-main-sequence stars. An average age of 3.1 Myr is derived for this population which is intermediate between that of objects embedded in the cloud core of Rho Ophiuchi and low mass stars in the Upper Scorpius subgroup. Consistent with this age we find a circumstellar disk frequency of 27% plus or minus 5%. We also constructed an initial mass function for an extinction-limited sample of 123 YSOs (A_v less than or equal to 8 mag), which is consistent with the field star initial mass function for YSOs with masses > 0.2 M_sun. There may be a deficit of brown dwarfs but this result relies on completeness corrections and requires confirmation.Comment: 46 pages, 7 figures, 4 table

    Properties of the Distant Kuiper Belt: Results from the Palomar Distant Solar System Survey

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    We present the results of a wide-field survey using the 1.2-m Samuel Oschin Telescope at Palomar Observatory. This survey was designed to find the most distant members of the Kuiper belt and beyond. We searched ~12,000 deg2 down to a mean limiting magnitude of 21.3 in R. A total number of 52 KBOs and Centaurs have been detected, 25 of which were discovered in this survey. Except for the re-detection of Sedna, no additional Sedna-like bodies with perihelia greater than 45 AU were detected despite sensitivity out to distances of 1000 AU. We discuss the implications for a distant Sedna- like population beyond the Kuiper belt, focusing on the constraints we can place on the embedded stellar cluster environment the early Sun may be have been born in, where the location and distribution of Sedna-like orbits sculpted by multiple stellar encounters is indicative of the birth cluster size. We also report our observed latitude distribution and implications for the size of the plutino population.Comment: 40 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables Accepted by Ap

    Overexpression of Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase-1 in Skeletal Muscle Is Sufficient to Enhance Fatty Acid Oxidation and Improve High-Fat Diet–Induced Insulin Resistance

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    OBJECTIVE—Skeletal muscle insulin resistance is associated with lipid accumulation, but whether insulin resistance is due to reduced or enhanced flux of long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria is both controversial and unclear. We hypothesized that skeletal muscle–specific overexpression of the muscle isoform of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1), the enzyme that controls the entry of long-chain fatty acyl CoA into mitochondria, would enhance rates of fatty acid oxidation and improve insulin action in muscle in high-fat diet insulin-resistant rats

    Anthropogenic Space Weather

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    Anthropogenic effects on the space environment started in the late 19th century and reached their peak in the 1960s when high-altitude nuclear explosions were carried out by the USA and the Soviet Union. These explosions created artificial radiation belts near Earth that resulted in major damages to several satellites. Another, unexpected impact of the high-altitude nuclear tests was the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that can have devastating effects over a large geographic area (as large as the continental United States). Other anthropogenic impacts on the space environment include chemical release ex- periments, high-frequency wave heating of the ionosphere and the interaction of VLF waves with the radiation belts. This paper reviews the fundamental physical process behind these phenomena and discusses the observations of their impacts.Comment: 71 pages, 35 figure