117 research outputs found

    Integrating Exception Handling in Machine Development

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    In modern batch plants, alarm floods overwhelming the operator is a common problem of ever increasing severity. As plant hardware increase in complexity and performance, measures such as downtime and meantime between failures, increase in importance and the need for a well-functioning exception handling routine therefore grows critical. In order to minimize downtime and hence boost production efficiency, it is important that faulty or unexpected behaviour is noted early and diagnosed accurately. If it is, the machine or its operator can deal with it fast and accurately, perhaps even while production continues. If it is not, however, it basically means two bad things, the first being unnecessary production stops and the second a flooded alarm list. The alarm list is the screen on which all exceptions are listed and which is meant to tell the process operator what is wrong and what he should do about it. If no care is taken about it, the list will be flooded since one key exception will cause several others, leaving the operator with the quite unpleasant task of identifying what went wrong and how he should fix it. This master's thesis, carried out at Tetra Pak in Lund, Sweden, presents a well-structured exception handling method and a way of linking it to a workflow. It uses advantages of reusability, modularisation and linking to almost any structural model such as a Function Means Tree (used in WCE) or a UML-model. The linking has several advantages minimizing the work and improving evolutionary possibilities. Examples are being made for illustrational purposes but no implementational efforts or issues are addressed. A well-defined structure for information flow is also suggested to provide modular thinking that, for example, prepares the possibility to collect data for statistical analysis and such

    Med en enad syn pĂĄ rehabilitering - En studie av samverkan inom arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering

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    The following bachelor thesis investigates how successful the cooperation between Försäkringskassan and Arbetsförmedlingen is at a local level. These two authorities have a joint mission since February 2012 to help people, who are about to be unqualified for compensation through their health insurance, to find a job through rehabilitation. Through the theoretical approach joined-up government, I have found that despite some minor issues it is possible to qualify their aim of cooperation as a success. Through their united purpose around rehabilitation they have found a way to work together and to separate their differences. One of the greatest factors that have affected the outcome is a good leadership and also a clearly defined purpose. The fact that they have well adopted an “adopt, adapt, act” has also lead to a well-developed organisation. A few issues could still be spotted, with inadequate evaluation systems and a lack of formal guidelines. The conclusion drawn from this study is that they have managed to develop a stable foundation for a continued joint-approach. To reaffirm that it is sustainable, it is necessary to look upon some issues and to proceed with continuous evaluations in the future

    Motivationsfaktorer för användning av wiki som ett Knowledge Management System – En studie på ST-Ericsson

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    Användandet av wikis inom organisationer är en relativt ny företeelse. Intåget har i stort sett gjorts utan någon bakomliggande kunskap om vad detta system kan tillföra. På senare år har fenomenet dock uppmärksammats inom forskningsvärlden där man nu börjar inse systemets potential som ett knowledge management system. Verktyget ger användarna möjlighet att generera, lagra och sprida kunskap inom organisationen. Wikin är en användardriven och öppen arkitektur vilket ställer stora krav på användarna själva. Det är därför intressant att studera vad som driver användarna till ett aktivt användande. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är således att kartlägga och belysa de motivationsfaktorer som gör att de anställda i en organisation använder en intern wiki. En redogörelse av relevanta motivationsfaktorer presenteras och ligger sedan till grund för vår studie. Motivationsfaktorerna kategoriseras och sammanställs i ett översiktligt format, vilket också inkluderar eventuella hinder för användning. För att genomföra studien användes en enkätundersökning tillsammans med två semi-strukturerade intervjuer, för att ge både bredd och djup till studien. Undersökningen genomfördes på ST-Ericsson, som är ett av de världsledande företagen inom mobila plattformar och användare av en intern wiki. Resultatet vilar på en ganska liten studie och bör inte generaliseras allt för mycket. I vår studie har vi dock funnit vissa signifikanta reslutat, som slutsatser dragits utifrån för detta specifika fall. Vårt empiriska material gick, i relativt hög grad, i samklang med tidigare studier. Våra slutsatser blev att den, av användarna, upplevda nyttan med systemet var den största bidragande faktorn till användning hos ST-Ericsson. Vi fann även belägg för att användarvänlighet kan vara sekundärt, givet att motivationen att använda systemet är tillräckligt stor. Dessutom fann vi ytterligare två faktorer som möjligtvis kan påverka användandet, beronde av system och konkurrerande system

    Omprioritering av gatuutrymmet : En kunskapsöversikt

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    Rapporten ger en översyn kring forskning gällande olika sätt att förstå och omprioritera existerande gatuutrymme

    Severe COVID-19 in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in Sweden: a nationwide retrospective cohort study

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    Background: Whether infection with SARS-CoV-2 leads to excess risk of requiring hospitalization or intensive care in persons with diabetes has not been reported, nor have risk factors in diabetes associated with increased risk for these outcomes. Methods: We included 44,639 and 411,976 adult patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes alive on Jan 1, 2020, and compared them to controls matched for age, sex, and county of residence (n=204,919 and 1,948,900). Age- and sex-standardized rates for COVID-19 related hospitalizations, admissions to intensive care and death, were estimated and hazard ratios were calculated using Cox regression analyses. Findings: There were 10,486 hospitalizations and 1,416 admissions into intensive care. A total of 1,175 patients with diabetes and 1,820 matched controls died from COVID-19, of these 53•2% had been hospitalized and 10•7% had been in intensive care. Patients with type 2 diabetes, compared to controls, displayed an age- and sex-adjusted hazard ratio (HR) of 2•22, 95%CI 2•13-2•32) of being hospitalized for COVID-19, which decreased to HR 1•40, 95%CI 1•34-1•47) after further adjustment for sociodemographic factors, pharmacological treatment and comorbidities, had higher risk for admission to ICU due to COVID-19 (age- and sex-adjusted HR 2•49, 95%CI 2•22-2•79, decreasing to 1•42, 95%CI 1•25-1•62 after adjustment, and increased risk for death due to COVID-19 (age- and sex-adjusted HR 2•19, 95%CI 2•03-2•36, complete adjustment 1•50, 95%CI 1•39-1•63). Age- and sex-adjusted HR for COVID-19 hospitalization for type 1 diabetes was 2•10, 95%CI 1•72-2•57), decreasing to 1•25, 95%CI 0•3097-1•62) after adjustment• Patients with diabetes type 1 were twice as likely to require intensive care for COVID-19, however, not after adjustment (HR 1•49, 95%CI 0•75-2•92), and more likely to die (HR 2•90, 95% CI 1•6554-5•47) from COVID-19, but not independently of other factors (HR 1•38, 95% CI 0•64-2•99). Among patients with diabetes, elevated glycated hemoglobin levels were associated with higher risk for most outcomes. Interpretation: In this nationwide study, type 2 diabetes was independently associated with increased risk of hospitalization, admission to intensive care and death for COVID-19. There were few admissions into intensive care and deaths in type 1 diabetes, and although hazards were significantly raised for all three outcomes, there was no independent risk persisting after adjustment for confounding factors

    Protein traffic is an intracellular target in alcohol toxicity

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    Eukaryotic cells comprise a set of organelles, surrounded by membranes with a unique composition, which is maintained by a complex synthesis and transport system. Cells also synthesize the proteins destined for secretion. Together, these processes are known as the secretory pathway or exocytosis. In addition, many molecules can be internalized by cells through a process called endocytosis. Chronic and acute alcohol (ethanol) exposure alters the secretion of different essential products, such as hormones, neurotransmitters and others in a variety of cells, including central nervous system cells. This effect could be due to a range of mechanisms, including alcohol-induced alterations in the different steps involved in intracellular transport, such as glycosylation and vesicular transport along cytoskeleton elements. Moreover, alcohol consumption during pregnancy disrupts developmental processes in the central nervous system. No single mechanism has proved sufficient to account for these effects, and multiple factors are likely involved. One such mechanism indicates that ethanol also perturbs protein trafficking. The purpose of this review is to summarize our understanding of how ethanol exposure alters the trafficking of proteins in different cell systems, especially in central nervous system cells (neurons and astrocytes) in adult and developing brains
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