226 research outputs found

    Kehidupan sosial ekonomi pengrajin di Desa Tanjung Atap Kecamatan Batu tahun 2007-2018

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    Desa Tanjung Atap menjadi daerah sentral industri pengrajin di Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, sebab mayoritasnya berprofesi pengrajin. Keahlian ini didapatkan turun-temurun yang terus dilestarikan. Sehingga berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan sosial dan ekonominya yang dapat dilihat pada dinamika perkembangannya dalam sebelas tahun terakhir (2007-2018). Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan keadaan sosial dan ekonomi pengrajin Desa Tanjung Atap Kecamatan Tanjung Batu, khususnya kerajinan alumunium dan anyaman tikar purun. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian sejarah. Awal mula peneliti mengumpulkan sumber yang berkaitan dengan topik yang diteliti, setelah terkumpul peneliti melakukan ktirik terhadap semua sumber yang sudah didapat, seperti narasumber yaitu pengrajin di Desa Tanjung Atap sebagai rujukannya. Kemudian peneliti melakukan analisis terhadap hasil yang didapatkan dari wawancara dengan narasumber. Selanjutnya hasil analisis tersebut peneliti uraikan dalam bentuk tulisan yang sistematis sehingga hasil dari penelitiannya dapat diuraikan bahwa kehidupan sosial pengrajin alumunium dan anyaman tikar purun memiliki relasi yang terjalin antara pengrajin dengan tengkulak dan pengrajin dengan masyarakat setempat. Kemudian aspek kehidupan ekonominya secara historis mengalami peningkatan terutama rentang waktu 2007 sampai 2018 terhadap penjualan kerajinan alumunium dan kerajinan anyaman tikar purun

    The Effect of Answering in a Preferred Versus a Non-Preferred Survey Mode on Measurement

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    Previous research has shown that offering respondents their preferred mode can increase response rates, but the effect of doing so on how respondents process and answer survey questions (i.e., measurement) is unclear. In this paper, we evaluate whether changes in question format have different effects on data quality for those responding in their preferred mode than for those responding in a non-preferred mode for three question types (multiple answer, open-ended, and grid). Respondents were asked about their preferred mode in a 2008 survey and were recontacted in 2009. In the recontact survey, respondents were randomly assigned to one of two modes such that some responded in their preferred mode and others did not. They were also randomly assigned to one of two questionnaire forms in which the format of individual questions was varied. On the multiple answer and open-ended items, those who answered in a non-preferred mode seemed to take advantage of opportunities to satisfice when the question format allowed or encouraged it (e.g., selecting fewer items in the check-all than the forced-choice format and being more likely to skip the open-ended item when it had a larger answer box), while those who answered in a preferred mode did not. There was no difference on a grid formatted item across those who did and did not respond by their preferred mode, but results indicate that a fully labeled grid reduced item missing rates vis-á-vis a grid with only column heading labels. Results provide insight into the effect of tailoring to mode preference on commonly used questionnaire design features

    The Effect of Answering in a Preferred Versus a Non-Preferred Survey Mode on Measurement

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    Previous research has shown that offering respondents their preferred mode can increase response rates, but the effect of doing so on how respondents process and answer survey questions (i.e., measurement) is unclear. In this paper, we evaluate whether changes in question format have different effects on data quality for those responding in their preferred mode than for those responding in a non-preferred mode for three question types (multiple answer, open-ended, and grid). Respondents were asked about their preferred mode in a 2008 survey and were recontacted in 2009. In the recontact survey, respondents were randomly assigned to one of two modes such that some responded in their preferred mode and others did not. They were also randomly assigned to one of two questionnaire forms in which the format of individual questions was varied. On the multiple answer and open-ended items, those who answered in a non-preferred mode seemed to take advantage of opportunities to satisfice when the question format allowed or encouraged it (e.g., selecting fewer items in the check-all than the forced-choice format and being more likely to skip the open-ended item when it had a larger answer box), while those who answered in a preferred mode did not. There was no difference on a grid formatted item across those who did and did not respond by their preferred mode, but results indicate that a fully labeled grid reduced item missing rates vis-á-vis a grid with only column heading labels. Results provide insight into the effect of tailoring to mode preference on commonly used questionnaire design features

    Acute phase response in experimentally infected broilers with avian infectious bronchitis virus serotype 4/91

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    Measurement of acute phase proteins is important for diagnosis of animal diseases. In the present study, effects of avian infectious bronchitis virus infection on acute phase response and acute phase proteins were determined. Thirty one-day-old commercial broiler chicks were reared in experimental facilities and, at the age of 21 days, were challenged intranasally with 0.2 mL of allantoic fluid virus suspension (titre 106.5 EID50 per 0.1 mL). Serum samples were obtained prior to challenge and on days 1, 2, and 5 post-inoculation. Haptoglobin, serum amyloid A and C- reactive protein concentrations were measured. Our results showed that all investigated acute phase proteins increased significantly after infection, with mean maximum concentrations between 24 h and 48 h. No correlation was observed between plasma acute phase proteins in the chickens prior and post inoculation of the virus. Haptoglobin was most sensitive factor to change in the exposed birds

    Network insights on oxaliplatin anti-cancer mechanisms

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    Abstract Oxaliplatin has been a crucial component of combination therapies since admission into the clinic causing modest gains in survival across multiple malignancies. However, oxaliplatin functions in a non-targeted manner, posing a difficulty in ascertaining precise efficacy mechanisms. While previously thought to only affect DNA repair mechanisms, Platinum-protein adducts (Pt-Protein) far outnumber Pt-DNA adducts leaving a big part of oxaliplatin function unknown. Through preliminary network modeling of high throughput data, this article critically reviews the efficacy of oxaliplatin as well as proposes a better model for enhanced efficacy based on a network approach. In our study, not only oxaliplatin’s function in interrupting DNA-replication was confirmed, but also its role in initiating or intensifying tumorigenesis pathways was uncovered. From our data we present a novel picture of competing signaling networks that collectively provide a plausible explanation of chemotherapeutic resistance, cancer stem cell survival, as well as invasiveness and metastases. Here we highlight oxaliplatin signaling networks, their significance and the clinical implications of these interactions that verifies the importance of network modeling in rational drug design

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Kunyit Putih (Curcuna Alba) Terhadap Nilai Hb (Hemoglobin), Pcy (Packed Cell Volume), Jumlah Dan Diferensial Lekosit Tikus Yang Terpapar Asap Sepeda Motor

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    Asap kendaraan sebagai hasil buangan industri dan kendaraan bermotor memiliki kandungan untama timbal (Pb) yang dapat masuk melalui respirasi dan kulit dan berakibat buruk pada tubuh. Sebagai polutan udara, timbal merusak darah dan organ-organ, menyebabkan anemia, kerusakan sel darah merah dan mengakibatkan nekrosis berbagai jaringan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak kunyit putih terhadap darah tikus yang dipapar dengan asap knalpot sepeda motor. Sebanyak 25 ekor tikus Wistar jantan digunakan sebagai hewan model dan dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Kelompok 1 sampa 4 diberi perlakuan asap kendaraan selama 30 menit tiap pagi dan sore selama 16 hari. Kelompok I, 2 dan 3 diberi ekstrak kunyit putih masing-masin 50, 100 dan 200 mg/kg berat badan, sementara kelompok 4 dan 5 hanya diberi aquades. Setelah perlakuan selama 16 hari, semuakelompok t kus diambil darahnya dari vena chantus medialis di sinus orbitalis untuk pemeriksaan hemoglobin (Hb), Packed Cell Volume(PCV), jumlah total dan diferensial lekosit. Hasil analisi secara Analysis of Variance(ANOVA) satu arah terhadap Hb menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (P<0,05) diantara kelompok perlakuan. Analisis untuk nilai PCV tidak menunjukkan perbedaan secara signifikan namun menunjukkankenaikan persentase nilai PCV pada kelompok yang diberi ekstrak kunyit dengan kelompok yang tidak diberi ekstrak. Sementara penghitungan jumlah total dan diferensial lekosit tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yangsignifikan di antara kelompok

    The impact of law enforcement on the dispensing antibiotics without prescription in Saudi Arabia : findings and implications

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    Background: Dispensing of antibiotics without a prescription (DAwP) has been widely practised in Saudi Arabia despite being illegal. This is a concern increasing AMR. In May 2018, the law and regulations were enforced including fines up to 100,000 SR (equivalent to US$26,666) and cancellation of licences. Consequently, we wanted to evaluate the impact. Methods: Mixed method study among 116 community pharmacies in two phases. Pre-law enforcement phase between December 2017 and March 2018 and post-law enforcement phase one year later. Each phase consisted of a cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey and a simulated client method (SCM). In the SCM, clients presented with either pharyngitis or urinary tract infections (UTI) with 3 levels: level 1 – SC asked for something to relieve the symptoms, level 2 – SC asked for something stronger if an antibiotic was not dispensed, level 3 – SC requested an antibiotic. In SCM for each phase, all 116 pharmacies were visited with at least one of the scenarios. Results: Before the law enforcement, 70.7% of community pharmacists reported DAwP was common. 96.6% and 87.7% of participating pharmacies dispensed antibiotics without a prescription for pharyngitis and UTI respectively. After law enforcement, only 12.9% of community pharmacists indicated that DAwP was common, with only 12.1% and 5.2% dispensing antibiotics without prescriptions for pharyngitis and UTI respectively and mostly after level 3. Conclusion: Law enforcement was effective. However, there is still further scope for improvement as community pharmacists are worried patients may go elsewhere if no antibiotic dispensed on request. This could include educational activities

    Dual role of microRNA-1297 in the suppression and progression of human malignancies

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous, non-coding, single-stranded and tiny RNAs that modulate several biological functions, more importantly, the pathophysiology of numerous human cancers. They are bound with target mRNAs and thereby regulate gene expression at post-transcriptional levels. MiRNAs can either trigger cancer progression as an oncogene or alleviate it as a tumor suppressor. Abnormal expression of microRNA-1297 (miR-1297) has been noticed in several human cancers suggesting a distinct role for the miRNA in tumorigenesis. More specifically, it is both up-regulated and down-regulated in various cancers suggesting that it can act as both tumor suppressor and oncogene. This review systematically highlights the different roles of miR-1297 in the pathophysiology of human cancers, explains the mechanisms underlying miR-1297-mediated tumorigenesis, and discusses its potential prognostic, diagnostic, and therapeutic importance. © 202

    Optimised phase disposition pulse-width modulation strategy for hybrid-clamped multilevel inverters using switching state sequences

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    This study describes an optimised modulation strategy based on switching state sequences for the hybrid-clamped multilevel converter. Two key control variables defined as 'phase shift angle' and 'switching state change' for a five-level hybrid-clamped inverter are proposed to improve all switches' operation, and by changing their values, different control methods can be obtained for modulation optimisation purposes. Two example methods can solve the voltage imbalance problem of the dc-link capacitors and furthermore avoid two switches' simultaneous switching transitions and improve the inverter's performance as compared with the traditional phase disposition pulse-width modulation strategy. A 6 kW prototype inverter is developed and a range of simulation and experiments are carried out for validation. It is found that simulation and experimental results are in a good agreement and the proposed modulation strategy is verified in terms of low-order harmonic reduction