36 research outputs found

    Persuasive Strategies in Donald Trump's Political Speeches

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    This study analyses persuasive strategies on Donald Trumpā€™s political speeches. This study uses qualitative research as the design and Content Analysis as the approach. The researcher explores persuasive strategies used by Donald Trump using Aristotleā€™s Theory to see what persuasive strategies are used and how Trumpā€™s political speech could affect audiences to vote for him. The researcher selected three speeches such as campaign speech (2015),victory speech (2016) and inauguration speech (2017) as the object of study. These speeches are selected based on some considerations, such as lexical density, political concepts described by Trump, academic scrutiny and also to make this research more manageable. Furthermore, the researcher found that Trump has used persuasive strategies in order to convince Americans to vote him as President. According to Aristotle , there are three types of Persuasive Strategies such as Logos, Ethos and Pathos. The researcher found thirty one statements indicated of containing pathos, thirteen statements of Logos and fifteen statements as Ethos.  Pathos encompasses the emotional influence on the audience. Based on the analysis, the researcher concludes that persuasive strategies played crucial part to evoke audienceā€™s emotions and feelings


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    Numerous consequences on East Borneo's multicultural environment will result from the New Capital Country's presence there. Because Indonesia is a cosmopolitan nation with a diversified background, it is crucial to learn multicultural principles there. Thus, including intercultural ideals in textbooks is advantageous. Both the culture of Indonesia and the cultures of other nations must be represented in EFL textbooks. The fact that an EFL textbook is one of the resources students might utilize to learn about the outside world should cause worry. Higher education ought to have featured more cultural representation. In this study, the multicultural ideals portrayed in the listening textbook used at UINSI Samarinda are to be examined. Utilizing the content analysis method, the researcher conducts qualitative research. Klaus (2004) asserts that reliable data references from content are the main emphasis of content analysis. The researcher employed Yuen's (2011) theory, which included the Big C, Little C, perspective, and person categories, to analyze multicultural values. After analysing the data, the researcher found that Little C was the category that was most prevalent in this listening textbook because it portrays cultural practices such as people's daily lives, such as their attire, cuisine, tools, and so on. It may also depend on how people act and how they live their life


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    Macaranga motleyana merupakan salah satu spesies dari famili Euphorbiaceae. Macaranga banyak mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder golongan flavonoid dan stilbenoid. Bunga M.motleyana secara ekologi, merupakan salah satu sumber pangan lebah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisoasi dan menentukan struktur senyawa flavonoid yang terdapat pada daun M. Motleyana, serta menentukan aktivitas antioksidan terhadap senyawa radikal DPPH. Ekstraksi dan isolasi senyawa flavonoid dari daun M.motleyana dilakukan dengan metode maserasi dengan pelarut metanol pada suhu kamar. Pemisahan dan pemurnian yang digunakan meliputi kromatografi kolom gravitasi dan kromatografi radial menghasilkan senyawa ayanin dan kaempferol 7,4ā€™- dimetileter. Struktur senyawa ditetapkan berdasarkan analisis spektroskopi, meliputi UV, IR, 1D NMR (1H-NMR dan 13C-NMR) dan 2D NMR (HMBC). Uji Aktivitas senyawa ayanin dan kaempferol 7,4ā€™-dimetileter terhadap senyawa radikal DPPH berturut-turut memperlihatkan nilai IC50 sebesar 30,89 Ā± 0.02 ppm (aktif) dan 0,60Ā±0.03 ppm (sangat aktif)


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    This research aimed to (1) discover the profile of the studentsā€™ listening anxiety; (2) reveal the studentsā€™ English listening comprehension; and (3) uncover whether there is a correlation between studentsā€™ listening anxiety and their English Listening Comprehension. This research was designed quantitatively by employing correlational analysis. The sample chosen was 35 fourth semester students in English Department of Universitas Islam Makassar. The instruments were listening anxiety questionnaire consisted of 33 items adopted from Chang (2008) and listening and listening comprehension test consisted of 50 items by Phillips (2001). The results of the instruments were analyzed quantitatively which were then analyzed by using SPSS 21 for the correlational analysis. The results showed that the mean score of the listening anxiety questionnaire was 120.77 which can be concluded as medium anxiety level. Meanwhile, the mean score of the studentsā€™ English listening test was 43.14 which could be concluded as fair listening comprehension. Furthermore, the correlational analysis showed that the value of the r-computed was -0.748 meaning that H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted and since the result of the r-computed was negative, it can be concluded that there was strong negative correlation between listening anxiety and listening comprehension of the students meaning that the higher the listening anxiety of the students is, the lower the studentsā€™ listening comprehension is and vice versa

    Bira Beach Tourism Governance Through Digital Marketing Communication Strategies

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    This research delves into the role and implications of digital marketing communication strategies in the tourism governance of Bira Beach. Bira Beach, renowned for its pristine coastal beauty, has witnessed fluctuating tourism trends over the years. Ensuring sustainable tourism development, which balances economic benefits, environmental protection, and socio-cultural integration, necessitates effective governance mechanisms. Digital marketing communication strategies have emerged as instrumental in shaping this governance. Through a qualitative approach encompassing interviews, surveys, and digital data analytics, this study explores (1) the existing digital communication practices in promoting Bira Beach, (2) stakeholders' perceptions about the effectiveness of these practices, and (3) the influence of these strategies on tourism governance frameworks and decisions. Preliminary findings suggest that well-structured digital communication campaigns can enhance stakeholder participation, foster transparent decision-making, and drive sustainable tourism policies. However, certain challenges like digital literacy, infrastructural constraints, and authenticity concerns have been identified. The research emphasizes the need for a cohesive strategy that integrates technology, local community insights, and environmental considerations for robust tourism governance at Bira Beach. This study contributes to the growing body of knowledge on the intertwining realms of digital marketing and tourism governance, offering insights for policy-makers, tourism planners, and marketers

    Pengaruh Frame yang Hilang pada Kualitas Video Konten Head-and-Shoulder dalam Layanan VoD

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    Video konten Head-and-Shoulder memiliki karakteristik khas. Video konten ini ditampilkan berupa seorang yang sedang menginformasikan sesuatu dalam sorotan kamera yang menampilkan kepala, bahu, hingga ke bagian atas diagfarma. Contoh umum video konten ini dapat dilihat pada video pembaca berita, reportase, ataupun seorang pembawa acara. Pada penelitian ini, video konten Head-and-Shoulder yang diambil dari repositori CDVL dijadikan objek penelitian. Video ini akan diturunkan kualitasnya dengan menghilangkan beberapa frame video. Video ini kemudian dinilai dalam sebuah penilaian kualitas video secara subjektif berdasarkan ITU P.910. Penilaian ini melibatkan 47 responden sebagai penonton awam. Hasil penilaian kemudian dianalisa untuk melihat bagaimana pengaruh kualitas video pada video konten Head-and-Shoulder akibat dari penghilangan frame. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa video konten Head-and-Shoulder sangat baik dalam beradaptasi terhadap hilangnya frame video. 3 pola frame yang hilang dengan jumlah GOP yang berbeda menghasilkan nilai rata-rata MOS=2.89 dengan ĻƒMOS=0.05. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dimanfaatkan dalam pengaturan strategi pentransmisian video dalam layanan Video on Demand (VoD)

    The Home Security Monitoring System with Passive Infrared Receiver, Temperature Sensor and Flame Detector Based on Android System

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    A home state monitoring is important for homeowners. Because in Indonesia, theft and fire are common occurrences. This is caused by the negligence of homeowners. Therefore, home security monitoring systems are made to minimize theft and house fires. In this study, home security monitoring systems were made using human motion detection sensors or PIR (Passive Infrared Receiver) sensors, temperature sensors, flame detectors, buzzers, and pumps. The PIR sensor is used to detect thieves so buzzer can sound. The Temperature sensor and flame detector are used to detect fires then the pump will extinguish the fire. The system is then integrated with android HP devices, so homeowners can monitor the home wherever and whenever. From the test results, PIR sensor can detect human movement with a distance of 3.4 meters and the angle is 90o. The Temperature sensors and flame detectors detect temperatures and hotspots with a maximum distance of 25 cm, respectivel


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    SMK Taruna Persada Dumai merupakan salah satu SMK yang mengikuti program SMK Pusat Keunggulan. Program ini fokus pada pengembangan kompetensi keahlian tertentu untuk siswa SMK. Pengembangan kompetensi diprioritaskan pada kompetensi yang selaras dengan dunia usaha, dunia industri, dan dunia kerja. Berdasarkan evaluasi kegiatan PkM tahun sebelumnya, pihak SMK Taruna Persada Dumai meminta untuk melanjutkan kegiatan dengan fokus penambahan kompetensi siswanya. Kompetensi yang akan diajarkan dalam PkM PSTRK tahun 2022 adalah pengenalan bidang IoT yang saat ini sedang berkembang. PSTRK melaksanakan implementasi Student Centered Learning (SCL) untuk menambah kompetensi siswa SMK dalam memonitor proyek IoT melalui platform Blynk. PkM telah dilaksanakan pada 6 September 2022 dari jam 9.00 pagi sampai dengan jam 14.00 siang. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 20 siswa-siswi Jurusan Teknik Komputer Jaringan, SMKS Taruna Persada Kota Dumai. Modul SCL yang diberikan terdiri dari 5 bagian. Bagian pertama fokus pada model pembelajaran small group discussion dalam pengenalan prosesor, aktuator, dan sensor. Kemudian, bagian kedua siswa-siswi melakukan simulasi rangkaian LED dan ESP32 menggunakan simulator wokwi.com. Bagian ketiga dilanjutkan dengan model case study rangkaian LED dan NodeMCU 8266. Antusiasme dan semangat siswa dalam melakukan pembelajaran mandiri membuat bagian ketiga ini memakan waktu yang lama. Sehingga, bagian keempat berupa role-play kontrol lampu warna-warni berupa kontrol LED melalui Blynk dan bagian kelima berupa model discovery learning pembacaan data sensor DHT11 tidak sempat dikerjakan. Sebagai solusi, tim PkM meninggalkan dua set modul pembelajaran untuk bisa dikerjakan siswa-siswi di lain waktu secara mandiri. Di akhir pembelajaran, umpan balik dari siswa-siswi dikumpulkan dan hasilnya menunjukkan kepuasan mereka terhadap materi yang diberikan, cara penyajiannya, kualitas modul, dan kesesuaian materi. Siswa-siswi juga berharap kembali diikutkan pada program PkM lainnya dengan materi yang berbeda.SMK Taruna Persada Dumai is one of the vocational schools that participate in the SMK Center of Excellence program. This program focuses on developing specific skill competencies for SMK students. Competency development is prioritized on competencies that are aligned with the business world, industrial world, and world of work. Based on the evaluation of the previous year's Community service activities, the SMK Taruna Persada Dumai asked to continue the activity to increase its studentsā€™ competencies. The competency that will be taught in the 2022 Community service PSTRK is an introduction to the field of IoT which is currently developing. PSTRK implements Student-Centered Learning (SCL) to increase the competency of SMK students in monitoring IoT projects through the Blynk platform. Community service was held on September 6, 2022, from 9.00 am to 14.00 pm. This activity was attended by 20 students from the Department of Computer Network Engineering, SMKS Taruna Persada Dumai City. The given SCL module consists of 5 parts. The first part focuses on the small group discussion learning model in the introduction of processors, actuators, and sensors. Then, in the second part, the students simulated the LED and ESP32 circuits using the wokwi.com simulator. The third part is followed by a case study model of the LED series and NodeMCU 8266. Studentsā€™ enthusiasm for independent learning makes this third part take a long time. So, the fourth part in the form of colorful light control role-plays in the form of LED control via Blynk, and the fifth part in the form of a discovery learning model for reading DHT11 sensor data did not have time to work on it. As a solution, the Community service team left two sets of learning modules for students to work on independently later. At the end of the lesson, feedback from students was collected and the results showed their satisfaction with the material provided, the way it was presented, the quality of the modules, and the suitability of the material. The students also hope to be included in other Community service programs with different materials