23 research outputs found

    Critical role of interleukin (IL)-17 in inflammatory and immune disorders: An updated review of the evidence focusing in controversies

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    Interleukin 17 (IL-17) is a proinflammatory cytokine that has been the focus of intensive research because of its crucial role in the pathogenesis of different diseases across many medical specialties. In this context, the present review in which a panel of 13 experts in immunology, dermatology, rheumatology, neurology, hematology, infectious diseases, hepatology, cardiology, ophthalmology and oncology have been involved, puts in common the mechanisms through which IL-17 is considered a molecular target for the development of novel biological therapies in these different fields. A comprehensive review of the literature and analysis of the most outstanding evidence have provided the basis for discussing the most relevant data related to IL-17A blocking agents for the treatment of different disorders, such as psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, cardiovascular disorders, non alcoholic fatty liver disease, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, uveitis, hematological and solid cancer. Current controversies are presented giving an opening line for future research.This work was supported by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Spain

    Enseñanza-aprendizaje constructivista a través de la robótica educativa

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    Una propuesta para la enseñanza – aprendizaje constructivista en robótica. La competencia de “ordenar tareas a robots para que realicen determinados comportamientos (con un objetivo en mente)” puede ser el objeto de una ensenanza (por parte del profesor) y un aprendizaje (por parte del alumno) constructivist

    Molecular and cytological characterization of repetitive DNA sequences from the centromeric heterochromatin of Sciara coprophila

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    11 páginas, 8 figuras -- PAGS nros. 387-397Sciara coprophila (Diptera, Nematocera) constitutes a classic model to analyze unusual chromosome behavior such as the somatic elimination of paternal X chromosomes, the elimination of the whole paternal, plus non-disjunction of the maternal X chromosome at male meiosis. The molecular organization of the heterochromatin in S. coprophila is mostly unknown except for the ribosomal DNA located in the X chromosome pericentromeric heterochromatin. The characterization of the centromeric regions, thus, is an essential and required step for the establishment of S. coprophila as a model system to study fundamental mechanisms of chromosome segregation. To accomplish such a study, heterochromatic sections of the X chromosome centromeric region from salivary glands polytene chromosomes were microdissected and microcloned. Here, we report the identification and characterization of two tandem repeated DNA sequences from the pericentromeric region of the X chromosome, a pericentromeric RTE element and an AT-rich centromeric satellite. These sequences will be important tools for the cloning of S. coprophila centromeric heterochromatin using libraries of large genomic clonesThis work was supported by grants BFU2008-02947-C02-02/BMC to C.G. and BFU2008-02947-C02-01/BMC to A.V. from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, an institutional grant from the Fundación Ramón Areces to the Centro de Biología Molecular “Severo Ochoa” and a grant supporting the Cambridge Resource Centre from the Wellcome Trust to M.A.FS; M.C.Escribá was supported by the FPI fellowship BES-2006-12492 from the Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónPeer reviewe

    Aplicaciones SIG en la caracterización geoarqueológica del yacimiento paleolítico de Las Delicias (Madrid, España) y visualización en 3D de los resultados

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    The open-air Palaeolithic site of Las Delicias, located in the Manzanares river valley (Madrid, Spain), has been the object of recent archaeological excavations during 2008 and 2009. Field data gathered at the site has been processed through Geographic Information Systems software, and results have been represented in 3D. We have achieved a topographic and archaeological database which has been associated with 3D planimetries through GIS. At the micro-spatial level, this database will allow future studies on different topics, such as the genesis of the deposits and their conservation, displacement patterns of the archaeological objects, refitting of lithic pieces and planning of future excavation seasons at the site.En los años 2008 y 2009 se llevaron a cabo varias campañas de excavación arqueológica en el yacimiento paleolítico al aire libre de Las Delicias, situado en el valle del Manzanares (Madrid, España). La información obtenida en campo se procesó mediante SIG, representándose los resultados en 3D. Se ha conseguido una base de datos topográficos y arqueológicos asociada mediante SIG a planimetrías 3D, que a nivel microespacial servirá para estudios posteriores sobre la génesis de los depósitos y su grado de conservación, la intensidad de desplazamiento de las piezas, la detección de remontajes de piezas líticas y la planificación de futuras campañas de excavación en el yacimiento