288 research outputs found

    Eph/ephrin Signaling and Biology of Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells

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    Mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs) have emerged as important therapeutic agents, owing to their easy isolation and culture, and their remarkable immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. However, MSCs constitute a heterogeneous cell population which does not express specific cell markers and has important problems for in vivo homing, and factors regulating their survival, proliferation, and differentiation are largely unknown. Accordingly, in the present article, we review the current evidence on the relationships between Eph kinase receptors, their ephrin ligands, and MSCs. These molecules are involved in the adult homeostasis of numerous tissues, and we and other authors have demonstrated their expression in human and murine MSCs derived from both bone marrow and adipose tissue, as well as their involvement in the MSC biology. We extend these studies providing new results on the effects of Eph/ephrins in the differentiation and immunomodulatory properties of MSC

    What drives growth of Scots pine in continental Mediterranean climates: drought, low temperatures or both?

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    Scots pine forests subjected to continental Mediterranean climates undergo cold winter temperatures and drought stress. Recent climatic trends towards warmer and drier conditions across the Mediterranean Basin might render some of these pine populations more vulnerable to drought-induced growth decline at the Southernmost limit of the species distribution. We investigated how cold winters and dry growing seasons drive the radial growth of Scots pine subject to continental Mediterranean climates by relating growth to climate variables at local (elevational gradient) and regional (latitudinal gradient) scales. Local climate-growth relationships were quantified on different time scales (5-, 10- and 15-days) to evaluate the relative role of elevation and specific site characteristics. A negative water balance driven by high maximum temperatures in June (low-elevation sites) and July (high-elevation sites) was the major constraint on growth, particularly on a 5- to 10-day time scale. Warm nocturnal conditions in January were associated with wider rings at the high-elevation sites. At the regional scale, Scots pine growth mainly responded positively to July precipitation, with a stronger association at lower elevations and higher latitudes. January minimum temperatures showed similar patterns but played a secondary role as a driver of tree growth. The balance between positive and negative effects of summer precipitation and winter temperature on radial growth depends on elevation and latitude, with low-elevation populations being more prone to suffer drought and heat stress; whereas, high-elevation populations may be favoured by warmer winter conditions. This negative impact of summer heat and drought has increased during the past decades. This interaction between climate and site conditions and local adaptations is therefore decisive for the future performance and persistence of Scots pine populations in continental Mediterranean climates. Forecasting changes in the Scots pine range due to climate change should include this site-related information to obtain more realistic predictions, particularly in Mediterranean rear-edge areas

    Efectos de los estrógenos como contaminantes emergentes en la salud y el ambiente

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    Los contaminantes emergentes son sustancias que tienen el potencial de dañar al ser humano, flora y fauna, y no están regulados por la legislación. Los estrógenos son parte de esta definición, es decir, contaminantes emergentes, que cuando incrementan su concentración en el ser humano o el ambiente causan daño. Los seres humanos están expuestos a concentraciones altas de estrógenos debido a su uso como parte de terapias de reemplazo hormonal o métodos anticonceptivos. Flora y fauna están expuestas a los estrógenos cuando se incorporan al ambiente por descargas de agua residual municipal, efluentes de plantas de tratamiento o por escurrimientos con desechos de la ganadería y otras actividades pecuarias. En este trabajo se presenta una revisión del estado del conocimiento sobre los efectos de los estrógenos en los seres humanos y la vida silvestre. Asimismo, se identifican el origen antropogénico, presencia y características de los estrógenos en el ambiente. Por último, se señalan algunos procesos de tratamiento para reducir o eliminar los estrógenos del agua

    Climatic drivers of the historical variations in cereal prices in the northeast of the Iberian peninsula in the 17th century

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    The 17th century knew in Spain several periods of agricultural crisis producing shortages in staple foods and a rising in grain prices. The fluctuations of the prices of wheat, barley and rye are relatively well documented in several areas of the country, however, the knowledge about the influence of climatic and environmental factors on these variations is still limited. In this work, we present the historical records of grain prices of four cities of different geographical areas in northeastern Iberian Peninsula during period 1630-1660, and they are compared with drought indices, reconstructed from documentary and dendroclimatic proxies. We observed that prices variations coincide with regional anomalies in spring-summer drought. Direct correlations between them are low (0.435), however, if analysis is focused on extreme values, the climatic influence is higher: prices are high during dry periods and lower during wet periods. This correspondence is higher in previous and following years to the Guerra dels Segadors, showing that the exchange of goods and the coherence of data were controlled by sociopolitical and environmental factors, being the latter more influential in peacetime. ©2021 José M. Cuadrat, Francisco J. Alfaro Pérez, Ernesto Tejedor Vargas, Mariano Barriendos, Roberto Serrano-Notivoli, Miguel Á. Saz Sánche

    Restauración y manejo de pinares de pino carrasco tras incendio en el sureste de la Península Ibérica

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    En el contexto actual de cambio global y en particular, de cambio climático, el régimen de incendios en la Cuenca Mediterránea se está viendo modificado. En el sureste de la Península Ibérica Pinus halepensis es la especie arbórea principal de las masas forestales. En este trabajo se ha realizado una revisión sobre la evolución de las masas de pino carrasco después de incendio, observando diferentes comportamientos en su regeneración natural. Esta regeneración no siempre está garantizada, dando lugar a una elevada densidad de brinzales o bien una ausencia total de los mismos pudiendo requerir una restauración forestal. Ambos casos demandan un seguimiento de la masa a corto, medio y largo plazo, para mejorar su manejo post-incendio, y así valorar qué tipo de tratamientos son precisos llevar a cabo en cada momentoIn the current framework of climate change, the Mediterranean Basin fire regime is being modified. In the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, Pinus halepensis is the principal tree species of forest stands. A revision of the post-fire Aleppo pine stands evolution has been performed, showing different behaviours in its natural regeneration. Regeneration is not always guaranteed, promoting whether a large regeneration or an absence of it requiring forest restoration. Both cases need monitoring in the short, medium and long term, in order to improve its post-fire management, and therefore assess which treatments are suitable to carry out at each time

    The ALHAMBRA photometric system

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    This paper presents the characterization of the optical range of the ALHAMBRA photometric system, a 20 contiguous, equal-width, medium-band CCD system with wavelength coverage from 3500A to 9700A. The photometric description of the system is done by presenting the full response curve as a product of the filters, CCD and atmospheric transmission curves, and using some first and second order moments of this response function. We also introduce the set of standard stars that defines the system, formed by 31 classic spectrophotometric standard stars which have been used in the calibration of other known photometric systems, and 288 stars, flux calibrated homogeneously, from the Next Generation Spectral Library (NGSL). Based on the NGSL, we determine the transformation equations between Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) ugriz photometry and the ALHAMBRA photometric system, in order to establish some relations between both systems. Finally we develop and discuss a strategy to calculate the photometric zero points of the different pointings in the ALHAMBRA project.Comment: Astronomical Journal on the 14th of January 201

    Espacios vitales de aprendizaje: su ecología en el sétimo año de la educación pública costarricense

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    The present article is the result of an investigation between CIDE-UNA to build a desirable profile for teachers that might teach seventh grade in Costa Rican public education schools. This article evidences transparency in the ecology of learning spaces, known as the environment, the actors involved and their complex interrelations. There is also a description of these spaces and their incidence in the permanence and promotion of the students population, in the singular moment in which the educational system imposes them the first and rough institutional changes coinciding with physical transformations and social and familiar relationships.Recibido 31 de julio de 2009 • Aceptado 02 de diciembre de 2009 • Corregido 27 de abril de 2010     Este artículo es el resultado de una investigación del CIDE-UNA para construir el perfil de docentes deseables y posibles para el 7º año de la educación pública costarricense; en él se evidencia la trascendencia de la ecología de los espacios de aprendizaje, entendida como el ambiente, los actores involucrados y sus interrelaciones complejas. Se describen estos espacios, y su incidencia en la permanencia y la promoción del estudiantado, en el momento singular en que el sistema educativo les impone los primeros y bruscos cambios institucionales coincidentes con transformaciones físicas y en sus relaciones familiares y sociales. &nbsp

    The ALHAMBRA Project: A large area multi medium-band optical and NIR photometric survey

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    (ABRIDGED) We describe the first results of the ALHAMBRA survey which provides cosmic tomography of the evolution of the contents of the Universe over most of Cosmic history. Our approach employs 20 contiguous, equal-width, medium-band filters covering from 3500 to 9700 A, plus the JHKs bands, to observe an area of 4 sqdeg on the sky. The optical photometric system has been designed to maximize the number of objects with accurate classification by SED and redshift, and to be sensitive to relatively faint emission lines. The observations are being carried out with the Calar Alto 3.5m telescope using the cameras LAICA and O-2000. The first data confirm that we are reaching the expected magnitude limits of AB<~25 mag in the optical filters from the blue to 8300 A, and from AB=24.7 to 23.4 for the redder ones. The limit in the NIR is (Vega) K_s~20, H~21, J~22. We expect to obtain accurate redshift values, Delta z/(1+z) <~ 0.03 for about 5x10^5 galaxies with I<~25 (60% complete), and z_med=0.74. This accuracy, together with the homogeneity of the selection function, will allow for the study of the redshift evolution of the large scale structure, the galaxy population and its evolution with redshift, the identification of clusters of galaxies, and many other studies, without the need for any further follow-up. It will also provide targets for detailed studies with 10m-class telescopes. Given its area, spectral coverage and its depth, apart from those main goals, the ALHAMBRA-Survey will also produce valuable data for galactic studies.Comment: Accepted to the Astronomical Journal. 43 pages, 18 figures. The images have been reduced in resolution to adapt to standard file sizes. Readers can find the full-resolution version of the paper at the ALHAMBRA web site (http://www.iaa.es/alhambra) under the "Publications" lin

    Lyman break and UV-selected galaxies at z ~ 1: II. PACS-100um/160um FIR detections

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    We report the PACS-100um/160um detections of a sample of 42 GALEX-selected and FIR-detected Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) at z ~ 1 located in the COSMOS field and analyze their ultra-violet (UV) to far-infrared (FIR) properties. The detection of these LBGs in the FIR indicates that they have a dust content high enough so that its emission can be directly detected. According to a spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting with stellar population templates to their UV-to-near-IR observed photometry, PACS-detected LBGs tend to be bigger, more massive, dustier, redder in the UV continuum, and UV-brighter than PACS-undetected LBGs. PACS-detected LBGs at z ~ 1 are mostly disk-like galaxies and are located over the green-valley and red sequence of the color-magnitude diagram of galaxies at their redshift. By using their UV and IR emission, we find that PACS-detected LBGs tend to be less dusty and have slightly higher total star-formation rates (SFRs) than other PACS-detected UV-selected galaxies within their same redshift range. As a consequence of the selection effect due to the depth of the FIR observations employed, all our PACS-detected LBGs are LIRGs. However, none of them are in the ULIRG regime, where the FIR observations are complete. The finding of ULIRGs-LBGs at higher redshifts suggests an evolution of the FIR emission of LBGs with cosmic time. In an IRX-β\beta diagram, PACS-detected LBGs at z ~ 1 tend to be located around the relation for local starburst similarly to other UV-selected PACS-detected galaxies at their same redshift. Consequently, the dust-correction factors obtained with their UV continuum slope allow to determine their total SFR, unlike at higher redshifts. However, the dust attenuation derived from UV to NIR SED fitting overestimates the total SFR for most of our PACS-detected LBGs in age-dependent way: the overestimation factor is higher in younger galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA