55 research outputs found

    Donor/Recipient HLA Molecular Mismatch Scores Predict Primary Humoral and Cellular Alloimmunity in Kidney Transplantation

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    Donor/recipient molecular human leukocyte antigen (HLA) mismatch predicts primary B-cell alloimmune activation, yet the impact on de novo donor-specific T-cell alloimmunity (dnDST) remains undetermined. The hypothesis of our study is that donor/recipient HLA mismatches assessed at the molecular level may also influence a higher susceptibility to the development of posttransplant primary T-cell alloimmunity. In this prospective observational study, 169 consecutive kidney transplant recipients without preformed donor-specific antibodies (DSA) and with high resolution donor/recipient HLA typing were evaluated for HLA molecular mismatch scores using different informatic algorithms [amino acid mismatch, eplet MM, and Predicted Indirectly Recognizable HLA Epitopes (PIRCHE-II)]. Primary donor-specific alloimmune activation over the first 2 years posttransplantation was assessed by means of both dnDSA and dnDST using single antigen bead (SAB) and IFN-γ ELISPOT assays, respectively. Also, the predominant alloantigen presenting pathway priming DST alloimmunity and the contribution of main alloreactive T-cell subsets were further characterized in vitro. Pretransplantation, 78/169 (46%) were DST+ whereas 91/169 (54%) DST-. At 2 years, 54/169 (32%) patients showed detectable DST responses: 23/54 (42%) dnDST and 31/54 (57%) persistently positive (persistDST+). 24/169 (14%) patients developed dnDSA. A strong correlation was observed between the three distinct molecular mismatch scores and they all accurately predicted dnDSA formation, in particular at the DQ locus. Likewise, HLA molecular incompatibility predicted the advent of dnDST, especially when assessed by PIRCHE-II score (OR 1.014 95% CI 1.001-1.03, p=0.04). While pretransplant DST predicted the development of posttransplant BPAR (OR 5.18, 95% CI=1.64-16.34, p=0.005) and particularly T cell mediated rejection (OR 5.33, 95% CI=1.45-19.66, p=0.012), patients developing dnDST were at significantly higher risk of subsequent dnDSA formation (HR 2.64, 95% CI=1.08-6.45, p=0.03). In vitro experiments showed that unlike preformed DST that is predominantly primed by CD8+ direct pathway T cells, posttransplant DST may also be activated by the indirect pathway of alloantigen presentation, and predominantly driven by CD4+ alloreactive T cells in an important proportion of patients. De novo donor-specific cellular alloreactivity seems to precede subsequent humoral alloimmune activation and is influenced by a poor donor/recipient HLA molecular matching

    Influence of continuous exposure to gaseous ozone on the quality of red bell peppers, cucumbers and zucchini

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    The effect of continuous exposure to ozone on quality changes during the storage of red bell peppers, cucumbers and zucchini was investigated. Peppers were stored at 14 °C and were exposed to ozone at 0.1 and 0.3 μmol mol−1, while cucumbers and zucchini were stored at 12 and 8 °C, respectively, and exposed to ozone at 0.1 μmol mol−1. The content of fructose (2.75 g/100 g FW) and glucose (2.00 g/100 g FW) in red bell peppers exposed to ozone at 0.1 μmol mol−1 was increased by 8 and 7%, respectively, when compared to controls. Continuous exposure to ozone at 0.3 μmol mol−1, on the other hand, had no effect on fructose (2.52 g/100 g FW) and glucose (1.88 g/100 g FW) content. The content of vitamin C was significantly enhanced in red bell peppers exposed to ozone at 0.1 and 0.3 μmol mol−1 after 7 d of storage, however, this effect was not maintained. After 14 d, vitamin C content in peppers exposed to ozone at 0.1 μmol mol−1 was not significantly different from the control, whereas it was reduced at 0.3 μmol mol−1. Total phenolics content was increased in peppers exposed to ozone at 0.1 μmol mol−1, but was unaffected at 0.3 μmol mol−1. Continuous exposure of red bell peppers to ozone at 0.1 and 0.3 μmol mol−1 had no significant effect on weight loss, texture and colour. In cucumbers and zucchini, continuous exposure to ozone at 0.1 μmol mol−1 reduced weight loss by more than 40% and improved texture maintenance, while having no significant effect on their biochemistry. The findings from this study suggest that continuous exposure to ozone at 0.1 μmol mol−1 is a promising method for shelf-life extension of cucumbers and zucchini. Even though in red bell peppers continuously exposed to ozone at 0.1 μmol mol−1 sugars and phenolics content was increased, further work is still needed to better understand the exact mechanism of ozone action and its potential for the industrial use

    Definition of a Structured Training Curriculum for Robot-assisted Radical Cystectomy with Intracorporeal Ileal Conduit in Male Patients: A Delphi Consensus Study Led by the ERUS Educational Board

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    Robot-assisted radical cystectomy (RARC) continues to expand, and several surgeons start training for this complex procedure. This calls for the development of a structured training program, with the aim to improve patient safety during RARC learning curve. A modified Delphi consensus process was started to develop the curriculum structure. An online survey based on the available evidence was delivered to a panel of 28 experts in the field of RARC, selected according to surgical and research experience, and expertise in running training courses. Consensus was defined as ≥80% agreement between the responders. Overall, 96.4% experts completed the survey. The structure of the RARC curriculum was defined as follows: (1) theoretical training; (2) preclinical simulation-based training: 5-d simulation-based activity, using models with increasing complexity (ie, virtual reality, and dry- and wet-laboratory exercises), and nontechnical skills training session; (3) clinical training: modular console activity of at least 6 mo at the host center (a RARC case was divided into 11 steps and steps of similar complexity were grouped into five modules); and (4) final evaluation: blind review of a video-recorded RARC case. This structured training pathway will guide a starting surgeon from the first steps of RARC toward independent completion of a full procedure. Clinical implementation is urgently needed

    Resistencia longitudinal del casco de un buque : Desarrollo de la aplicación Actiontracker para el cálculo de carga de un buque

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    El trabajo se basa en el estudio de la resistencia longitudinal del buque, así como todos los esfuerzos y tensiones que sufre el buque tanto en aguas tranquilas como en aguas movidas. Se ha realizado un estudio teórico en referencia a todos los esfuerzos que puede sufrir el buque, y también hay capítulos donde se realiza un estudio práctico de toda la teoría expuesta, calculando tanto la resistencia longitudinal y transversal del buque y el cálculo de la estructura. El trabajo está motivado por el desarrollo de la aplicación Actiontracker, cuyo objetivo es crear una plataforma para la conectividad de embarcaciones y navíos dirigido a dar soluciones a las necesidades de la navegación. Se quiere diseñar y construir una plataforma de monitorización completa, incluyendo hardware y software. Y este trabajo es el principio de un largo camino para poner en el mercado una aplicación que haga la navegación de grandes buques un poco más confortable. En definitiva, este trabajo reúne un estudio teórico y práctico, así como el desarrollo de una aplicación real para la empresa Atmosferia

    Resistencia longitudinal del casco de un buque : Desarrollo de la aplicación Actiontracker para el cálculo de carga de un buque

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    El trabajo se basa en el estudio de la resistencia longitudinal del buque, así como todos los esfuerzos y tensiones que sufre el buque tanto en aguas tranquilas como en aguas movidas. Se ha realizado un estudio teórico en referencia a todos los esfuerzos que puede sufrir el buque, y también hay capítulos donde se realiza un estudio práctico de toda la teoría expuesta, calculando tanto la resistencia longitudinal y transversal del buque y el cálculo de la estructura. El trabajo está motivado por el desarrollo de la aplicación Actiontracker, cuyo objetivo es crear una plataforma para la conectividad de embarcaciones y navíos dirigido a dar soluciones a las necesidades de la navegación. Se quiere diseñar y construir una plataforma de monitorización completa, incluyendo hardware y software. Y este trabajo es el principio de un largo camino para poner en el mercado una aplicación que haga la navegación de grandes buques un poco más confortable. En definitiva, este trabajo reúne un estudio teórico y práctico, así como el desarrollo de una aplicación real para la empresa Atmosferia

    Self-determined motivation and types of sportive cooperation among players on competitive teams. A Bayesian network analysis

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    [eng] The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between levels of selfdetermined motivation and the factors of sportive cooperation in young sports players. 270 athletes belonging to official competitive teams were studied, from the Balearic Islands, Spain (M = 14.6; Range = 11-18; SD = 1.53). To this end, we used the Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire and the Cuestionario de Cooperación Deportiva. The relationships of probabilistic dependence and independence of the six variables studied were established using a validated Bayesian network. Afterward, hypothetical probability values of the variables of cooperation were instantiated to observe changes in the probabilities in levels of self-determination. The results indicate that unconditional cooperation and extrinsic motivation are the most probabilistically independent variables, with intrinsic motivation being directly dependent on the other two. Conditional cooperation and amotivation have the lowest probability values in the athletes studied. The main conclusion is that cooperation and extrinsic motivation are the two roots of team dynamics, as unrelated variables. Coaches should take advice on that fact regarding their coaching style

    Análisis bayesiano de la motivación, el clima motivacional y la ansiedad en jóvenes jugadores de equipo

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    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las relaciones entre la autodeterminación, la disposición de orientación a metas, y el clima motivacional percibido por jóvenes deportistas, así como su impacto sobre los componentes somáticos y cognitivo de la ansiedad competitiva, y sobre la aceptación del uso del engaño y la astucia en el deporte. Se administraron los instrumentos PMCSQ, TEOSQ, BRSQ, CDED y SAS-2 a 270 jugadores de fútbol, balonmano y baloncesto (Media de edad = 14.67; DT = 1.53). Las relaciones de dependencia e independencia probabilística de las variables estudiadas fueron establecidas mediante una red Bayesiana implementada con Netica y Tetrad IV, que fue validada. Posteriormente, se modificaron hipotéticamente los valores de probabilidad de algunas variables dependientes en la red Bayesiana para analizar la variación sobre las probabilidades de las variables independientes. Los resultados muestran diferentes relaciones de dependencia estadística entre la motivación autodeterminada y la motivación de logro, respecto de la ansiedad competitiva, y evidencian una controvertida relación entre los climas motivacionales percibidos y las orientaciones de tarea y de ego de los jugadores. Asimismo, se observa el papel residual de la ansiedad somática y el rol instrumental de la aceptación del engaño y la astucia

    Revista española de pedagogía

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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónSe presenta una investigación llevada a cabo para diseñar, aplicar y comprobar la idoneidad de una intervención destinada a promover la deportividad y los valores sociales deseables en el deporte en edad escolar. La intervención diseñada para ser aplicada a entrenadores, padres y deportistas, se lleva a cabo sobre un grupo de 245 sujetos agrupados en un grupo experimental N=109 y un grupo control N=136, de jugadores de fútbol de categoría cadete (15-16 años). El instrumento de medida que se utiliza es el SVQ (Sport Value Questionnaire) de Lee, Whitehead y Balchin (2000). Los resultados indican que la intervención dirigida a deportistas, padres y entrenadores permite cambiar la importancia de los valores que la práctica deportiva trasmite.MadridBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]