114 research outputs found

    Integrativer Ansatz zum Ausbau berufsrelevanter Schlüsselkompetenzen in der Ingenieurausbildung

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    Durch den Bologna-Prozess gewann die insbesondere in den Ingenieurwissen­schaf­ten existierende Forderung nach fachübergreifenden Studieninhalten eine neue Dynamik. Im Rahmen der Modifizierung und Neugestaltung der Curricula für Bachelor- und Masterabschlüsse entstanden Möglichkeiten, den Erwerb von Schlüs­­selkompetenzen in die universitäre Ausbildung zu integrieren. In diesem Zug wurden im Rahmen des Maschinenbau-Studiums am Karlsruher Institut für Tech­nologie (KIT) Ansätze zur integrativen Vermitt­lung dieser Kompetenzen ent­wickelt, die in die Konzeption einer Lehrveranstaltung mit dem Titel "Arbeits­tech­niken für den Maschi­nenbau" mündeten, deren Konzept und Umsetzung hier erläu­tert wird. 19.10.2012 | Katja Poser, Katrin Klink, Anke Diez & Alexander Wanner (Karlsruhe

    Connective Tissue Disease Mimicking Multiple Sclerosis

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus, primary Sjogren's syndrome and systemic sclerosis may be associated with acute transverse myelitis and chronic relapsing neurological syndromes mimicking multiple sclerosis in the same individuals and/or their relatives. We now present three cases which suggest that there is a wide spectrum of connective tissue disorders mimicking multiple sclerosis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. These cases demonstrate that the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis should be kept under constant review by searching for the development of connective tissue disorders in the patients or their relatives


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    На багатьох гірничодобувних підприємствах тих, що забезпечують мінера-льною сировиною чорну і кольорову металургію України та країн СНД, виник-ла проблема з розвіданими запасами. Резерв запасів багатьох видів корисних копалини на експлуатованих родовищах недостатній для забезпечення повної проектної потужності. Стан сировинних баз багатьох найважливіших гірничо-добувних регіонів і підприємств, що діють, різко погіршав у зв'язку з висна-женням запасів, зниженням їх якісних і економічних характеристик ускладнен-ням умов відробітку в результаті тривалої і інтенсивної експлуатації раніше освоєних родовищ. Основною причиною ситуації, що створилася, можна назва-ти зниження фінансування геологорозвідувальних робіт для освоєння нових ро-довищ необхідної мінеральної сировини

    Using multi-echo simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) EPI to improve functional MRI of the subcortical nuclei of the basal ganglia at ultra-high field (7T)

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    The nuclei of the basal ganglia pose a special problem for functional MRI, especially at ultra-high field, because T2* variations between different regions result in suboptimal BOLD sensitivity when using gradient-echo echo-planar imaging (EPI). Specifically, the iron-rich lentiform nucleus of the basal ganglia, including the putamen and globus pallidus, suffers from substantial signal loss when imaging is performed using conventional single-echo EPI with echo times optimized for the cortex. Multi-echo EPI acquires several echoes at different echo times for every imaging slice, allowing images to be reconstructed with a weighting of echo times that is optimized individually for each voxel according to the underlying tissue or T2* properties. Here we show that multi-echo simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) EPI can improve functional activation of iron-rich subcortical regions while maintaining sensitivity within cortical areas. Functional imaging during a motor task known to elicit strong activations in the cortex and the subcortex (basal ganglia) was performed to compare the performance of multi-echo SMS EPI to single-echo SMS EPI. Notably within both the caudate nucleus and putamen of the basal ganglia, multi-echo SMS EPI yielded higher tSNR (an average 84% increase) and CNR (an average 58% increase), an approximate 3-fold increase in supra-threshold voxels, and higher t-values (an average 39% increase). The degree of improvement in the group level t-statistics was negatively correlated to the underlying T2* of the voxels, such that the shorter the T2*, as in the iron-rich nuclei of the basal ganglia, the higher the improvement of t-values in the activated region

    Familial Occurrence of Multiple Sclerosis with Thyroid Disease and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) has some features which suggest it is an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases frequently occur in families, and patients and families often have more than one type of autoimmune disease. However, there are few reports of MS occurring in patients or families with other autoimmune conditions. It is difficult to make a separate diagnosis of MS in a patient who has a systemic autoimmune disease such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or Sjogren's syndrome, because these diseases can affect the nervous system directly. However, it is possible to make independent diagnoses of MS and an autoimmune disease confined to another single organ in the same patient, or diagnoses of MS and SLE (or other autoimmune diseases) in different family members. Here we describe clinically definite MS in 2 sisters, one of whom had Graves' disease, and the other of whom had a daughter with SLE and with a high titre of anti-thyroid antibodies. Other female family members over 4 generations had histories of thyroid disease, MS and Addison's disease. Available family members were HLA typed. The MS patients were positive for HLA DR2. All but one of the affected family members were related to the proband on the maternal side, and all of these affected females shared an HLA haplotype. However, this haplotype was also present in unaffected individuals. Thus HLA type alone cannot account for the familial occurrence of these disorders. We conclude that, in this family, MS, like autoimmune thyroid disease and SLE, may be an autoimmune disease developing in genetically predisposed individuals

    No More Free Drug Samples?

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    Susan Chimonas and Jerome Kassirer argue that giving out “free” drug samples is not effective in improving drug access for the indigent, does not promote rational drug use, and raises the cost of care

    Use of antipsychotics and benzodiazepines in patients with psychiatric emergencies: Results of an observational trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Conventional antipsychotics augmented with benzodiazepines have been the standard acute treatment for psychiatric emergencies for more than 50 years. The inability of patients to give informed consent limits randomised, controlled studies. This observational study on immediate therapy for aggression and impulse control in acutely agitated patients (IMPULSE) evaluated the short-term effectiveness and tolerability of atypical and typical antipsychotic medications (AP) in a non-interventional setting.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This was a comparative, non-randomised, prospective, open-label, observational study. Treatment over the first 5 days was classified according to whether any olanzapine, risperidone, or haloperidol was included or not. Documentations (PANSS-excited component, CGI-aggression, CGI-suicidality, tranquilisation score) were at baseline (day 1) and days 2–6 after start of AP.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During the short treatment-period, PANSS-EC and CGI-aggression scores improved in all cohorts. 68.7% of patients treated with olanzapine, 72.2% of patients treated with risperidone, and 83.3% of patients treated with haloperidol received concomitant benzodiazepines (haloperidol vs. non-haloperidol: p < 0.001). More patients treated with olanzapine (73.8%) were fully alert according to a tranquilisation score and active at day 2 than patients treated with risperidone (57.1%) or haloperidol (58.0%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Current medication practices for immediate aggression control are effective with positive results present within a few days. In this study, concomitant benzodiazepine use was significantly more frequent in patients receiving haloperidol.</p

    Down-regulation of CYLD expression by Snail promotes tumor progression in malignant melanoma

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    High malignancy and early metastasis are hallmarks of melanoma. Here, we report that the transcription factor Snail1 inhibits expression of the tumor suppressor CYLD in melanoma. As a direct consequence of CYLD repression, the protooncogene BCL-3 translocates into the nucleus and activates Cyclin D1 and N-cadherin promoters, resulting in proliferation and invasion of melanoma cells. Rescue of CYLD expression in melanoma cells reduced proliferation and invasion in vitro and tumor growth and metastasis in vivo. Analysis of a tissue microarray with primary melanomas from patients revealed an inverse correlation of Snail1 induction and loss of CYLD expression. Importantly, tumor thickness and progression-free and overall survival inversely correlated with CYLD expression. Our data suggest that Snail1-mediated suppression of CYLD plays a key role in melanoma malignancy