4,122 research outputs found

    Modelación hidráulica de un canal urbano en la ciudad de Bogotá, caso de estudio: Canal Río Negro

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEn este trabajo de investigación se analizara y modelara el comportamiento hidráulico para conocer cotas máximas de desbordamiento. De acuerdo a las herramientas de trabajo se analizara si el canal de confluencia (para nuestro caso Canal Rio Negro) soporta las condiciones y si su diseño es el adecuado para trabajar excesos de escorrentía. Las inundaciones en los canales representan un grave problema en las temporadas de invierno ya que se generan pérdidas económicas en la infraestructura, problemas de comunicación y dificultades en el transporte en donde el peor de los casos ponen en riesgo la vida de la población. Esto se produce debido a los malos estudios, diseños y mala elección de la calidad de los materiales. Finalmente se recomienda que se selecciones del canal deben de tener ajustes para eventos de alta precipitación que traen como resultado problemas de desbordamiento e inundaciones de las secciones transversales del canal Río Negro, el cual se encuentra ubicado a la altura de la AV NQS con Calle 92 (nororiente de Bogotá) y AV 68 con Calle 80(noroccidente de la ciudad).INTRODUCCIÓN 1. ANTECEDENTES Y JUSTIFICACIÓN 2. PLANTEAMIENTO Y FORMULACIÓN DEL PROBLEMA 3. MARCO DE REFERENCIA 4. OBJETIVOS 5. ALCANCES Y LIMITACIONES 6. METODOLOGÍA 7. CRONOGRAMA DE ACTIVIDADES 8. PRESUPUESTO DEL TRABAJO Y RECURSOS FINANCIEROS 9. CONCLUSIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Civi

    Dinámica del razonamiento inductivo en la resolución de problemas matemáticos. Una propuesta didáctica

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    El artículo discute una estrategia didáctica, encaminada a orientar a los profesores hacia la organización y desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la resolución de problemas matemáticos. El énfasis de dicha estrategia está en la formación de habilidades que permitan potenciar el razonamiento inductivo en los estudiantes. La misma toma como base a la modelación de la dinámica del razonamiento inductivo, la que se sustenta en los procesos de orientación inductiva y sistematización inductiva, que se desarrollan en estrecha relación y contienen al razonamiento deductivo

    Brief Communication: Can recent ice discharges following the Larsen-B ice-shelf collapse be used to infer the driving mechanisms of millennial-scale variations of the Laurentide ice sheet?

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    Discussion paper.The effects of an ice-shelf collapse on inland glacier dynamics have recently been widely studied, especially since the breakup of Antarctic Peninsula's Larsen-B ice shelf in 2002. Several studies have documented acceleration of the ice streams that were flowing into the former ice shelf. The mechanism responsible for such a speed-up lies with the removal of the ice-shelf backforce. Independently, it is also well documented that during the last glacial period, the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets experienced large discharges into the ocean, likely reflecting ice flow acceleration episodes on the millennial time scale. The classic interpretation of the latter is based on the existence of an internal thermo-mechanical feedback with the potential to generate oscillatory behavior in the ice sheets. Here we would like to widen the debate by considering that Larsen-B-like glacial analog episodes could have contributed significantly to the registered millennial-scale variablity.Peer reviewe

    First-year university students entrepreneurial competence: Exploring the relationship between grit, creative self-efficacy and entrepreneurial self-efficacy

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    [EN] Grit, creative self-efficacy and entrepreneurial self-efficacy have been associated with the development of entrepreneurial behaviours that can prepare students for a rapidly changing world of work. The main purpose of this study is to analyse the relationship between the three variables amongst first-year university students. A positive relationship, albeit modest, was found between grit and the two measures of self-efficacy. Furthermore, findings suggest that grit can be considered a predictor variable for student self-efficacy beliefs in the context of entrepreneurship. However, this relationship was found to be weak and not to offer significant opportunities for the improvement of student creative and entrepreneurial self-perception, beyond those already contemplated in social cognitive theory. Moreover, results revealed a significant and robust positive relationship between creative and entrepreneurial self-perceptions in university students. The strong relationship found between creative and entrepreneurial self-efficacy renders an opportunity to develop informed interventions directed towards improving student entrepreneurial self-perceptions. In this regard, the results suggest the importance of cultivating creativity in educational institutions.Álvarez-Huerta, P.; Larrea, I.; Muela, A. (2021). First-year university students entrepreneurial competence: Exploring the relationship between grit, creative self-efficacy and entrepreneurial self-efficacy. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1295-1302. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.12830OCS1295130

    Diseño de un portafolio de inversión de renta variable con instrumentos financieros colombianos bajo la metodología de cartera eficiente de Harry Markowitz

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo diseñar un portafolio de inversión de renta variable con instrumentos financieros colombianos bajo la metodología de cartera eficiente de Harry Markowitz. Esta teoría es el primer acercamiento fundamentado en la matemática y la estadística a la administración eficiente de portafolios y su idea central es que a través de la diversificación el riesgo puede reducirse sin cambiar el rendimiento esperado; en otros términos se puede maximizar el rendimiento de las inversiones diversificando el riesgo de la forma más eficiente posible. La metodología que se utilizará para el desarrollo de este trabajo es: Como primera instancia se desarrollará el referente teórico del trabajo el cual contiene las fórmulas matemáticas que se requieren para aplicar la teoría de media varianza de Markowitz y poder con esta hallar la frontera eficiente del portafolio de inversión. Como segundo paso se planteará el objetivo general y objetivos específicos del trabajo así como el alcance de los mismos. Como tercer punto, se identificará los elementos básicos que debe tener una inversión, el perfil de riesgo y tipos de riesgos existentes en el mercado, se definirá de manera general ¿qué es el mercado de renta variable colombiano?, clase de instrumentos financieros que lo componen, nombre y nemotécnico de las acciones que se tranzan actualmente logrando obtener una identificación de los instrumentos que se tranzan en el mercado Colombiano. Posterior a esto se procederá a seleccionar (10) activos financieros de renta variable del mercado los cuales harán parte del portafolio de inversión. Como cuarta medida se recolectará la información histórica de los últimos 5 años (del 31 de marzo de 2009 hasta el 28 de febrero del 2014) con el fin de hallar la rentabilidad promedio, volatilidad promedio, coeficiente de correlación y varianza de las acciones, obteniendo las variables necesarias para aplicar la metodología de media varianza descritas en el referente teórico en tres escenarios corto plazo (12 meses), mediano plazo (36 meses) y largo plazo (60 meses) obteniendo la frente eficiente de estos. Como quinto paso, se verificará que la frontera eficiente de los 3 escenarios cumplan con el objetivo que tiene todo gestor de portafolios que es superar el benchmark, en este caso el COLCAP; y por último se finalizará con tres conclusiones sobre los hallazgos de la aplicación de la metodología propuesta por Harry Markowitz.This work aims to design an equity investment portfolio with Colombian financial instruments under the methodology of efficient portfolio of Harry Markowitz. This theory is based on the first approach of mathematics and statistics to efficient portfolio management and its central idea is that by diversifying, the risk can be reduced without changing the expected yield; In other words you can maximize the yield on investment by diversifying the risk the most efficient way possible. The methodology used for the development of this work is: As a first instance, we will develop the theoretical work which contains mathematical formulas that are required to apply the theory of average variance of Markowitz and be able with this to find efficient frontier of portfolio investment. As a second step, expose the overall objective and specific objectives of the work as well as the scope of the same. As a third point, identify the basic elements that an investment must have, profile risk and types of risks existing in the market, we will define on a general matter “what is Colombian equity market? Types of Financial instruments that compose it, name and mnemonic of the shares that are traded currently managing to obtain an identification of the instruments that are traded in the Colombian market. Following this we will proceed to select (10) financial equities of the market which will be part of the investment portfolio. As a fourth measure, recollect the historical data of the last 5 years (from March 31, 2009 until February 28, 2014) in order to find the average yield, average volatility, correlation coefficient and variance actions, obtaining the necessary variables to implement average variance methodology described in the theory in three scenarios concerning short-term (12 months), medium term (36 months) and long term (60 months) obtaining the efficient front of these variables. As a fifth step, verify that the efficient frontier of the 3 scenarios will meet the objective that has every portfolio manager that is to overcome the benchmark, in this case the COLCAP; and finally end with three conclusions about the findings of the application of the methodology proposed by Harry Markowitz

    Evaluation and assessment of demand response potential applied to the meat industry

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    Demand response has proven to be a useful mechanism that produces important benefits for both the customer and the power system. In the context of an increasingly competitive electricity market, where prices are constantly rising and the presence of renewable energy resources is gaining prominence, this paper analyzes the flexibility potential of customers in the meat industry, based on the management of the most energy consuming process in this type of segment: cooling production and distribution. The effectiveness of the proposed actions has been successfully tested and validated in an active factory that produces cured ham in Spain, where savings of about 5% in the total annual cost of electricity have been assessed, together with power reductions in the range of 50% of the total peak demand of the studied facilities. Such results demonstrate the efficacy of these techniques, and they open the door to an innovative perspective on the evaluation of flexibility among customers which are traditionally considered rigid, providing a novel approach to the management of customer infrastructures in order to exploit their flexibility in electricity markets.This work was supported by the Spanish Government (Ministerio Ciencia e Innovacion, MICINN) under Research Project ENE2007-67771-C02-01&02/CON.Alcázar Ortega, M.; Álvarez Bel, CM.; Escrivá Escrivá, G.; Domijan, A. (2012). Evaluation and assessment of demand response potential applied to the meat industry. Applied Energy. 92:84-91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2011.10.040S84919

    Commodity Medium-Term Cycles and Transition to Green Energies: A Markov Switching Model

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    This study uses an AR model with Markov Switching approach to forecast the real growth of copper price using 2 regimes: expansion and contraction. We expect an increase in the demand for metals in the medium term due to the transition to green energies. In the estimated model, we see that the contractive state presents a negative growth, while the expansionary state shows a growth equal to 3.57 percent annually. The filtered and smoothed probabilities show that the real growth of copper is in the expansionary state most of the time (approximately the 82.56 percent of the time of the sample period). Thus, we provide evidence that in the medium-run term (next 20 years), it is expected that the real price of copper grows at the same rate as the expansionary state of its previous medium-run term cycle, which is equal to 3.57 percent annually.This study uses an AR model with Markov Switching approach to forecast the real growth of copper price using 2 regimes: expansion and contraction. We expect an increase in the demand for metals in the medium term due to the transition to green energies. In the estimated model, we see that the contractive state presents a negative growth, while the expansionary state shows a growth equal to 3.57 percent annually. The filtered and smoothed probabilities show that the real growth of copper is in the expansionary state most of the time (approximately the 82.56 percent of the time of the sample period). Thus, we provide evidence that in the medium-run term (next 20 years), it is expected that the real price of copper grows at the same rate as the expansionary state of its previous medium-run term cycle, which is equal to 3.57 percent annually

    Clasificación de eventos sísmicos empleando procesos gaussianos

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    La clasificación de señales sísmicas es de crucial importancia para el descubrimiento de posibles interacciones entre movimientos telúricos volcánicos y procesos volcánicos per se. En este artículo, se presenta la aplicación de procesos gaussianos para la clasificación de eventos sísmicos registrados en el volcán Nevado del Ruíz. Las señales se caracterizan usando los coeficientes de un modelo autoregresivo, empleado para estimar la densidad espectral de potencia. La función de distribución predictiva para la clasificación se aproxima mediante el método de Laplace. El desempeño obtenido es mayor que el de una red neuronal artificial, clasificador utilizado tradicionalmente para resolver esta tarea.Seismic signals classification is important by itself in order to discover factual interactions between volcanic earthquakes and volcanic processes. In this paper, it is presented the application of Gaussian processes for seismic events classification registered at Nevado del Ruiz volcano. Feature extraction is accomplished using the coefficients of an autoregressive model, employed for the estimation of the power spectral density. The predictive distribution for classification is approximated using the Laplace method. Obtained performance is higher than the one obtained with an artificial neural network, the state of the art classifier for this kind of task