54 research outputs found

    Implication de CDC dans des processus d'Ă©laboration de projets cliniques de CSSS

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    Ce cahier présente les résultats d'une recherche exploratoire portant sur l'implication de CDC (Corporation de développement communautaire) du Québec dans des processus d'élaboration de projets cliniques de CSSS (Centre de santé et de services sociaux). Trente responsables de CDC (sur un total de 43 au Québec) ont été interviewées à l'automne 2006. Il en ressort que 17 étaient impliquées dans un processus de projet clinique avec un CSSS et que 13 ne l'étaient pas. Notre interrogation de recherche était double. Nous désirions explorer : 1) les formes de participation des CDC et des autres acteurs dans les projets cliniques; 2) les impacts appréhendés des projets cliniques sur les organismes communautaires, sur les déterminants sociaux de la santé, ainsi que sur la pratique des organisateurs communautaires des CSSS. Sur le plan de la méthodologie, nous avons eu recours à des entrevues téléphoniques semi-dirigées auprÚs de 30 dirigeantes de CDC du Québec. L'analyse de contenu s'est faite selon un mode de type catégoriel à partir d'un résumé écrit des entrevues. Nous avons également procédé à l'analyse documentaire de divers textes relatifs aux projets cliniques. Ce cahier présente les résultats de cette recherche et analyse les principaux enjeux que soulÚvent les projets cliniques pour le milieu communautaire

    L’effet d’un programme de pleine conscience de huit semaines sur le niveau d’anxiĂ©tĂ© et de fatigue de personnes atteintes de la sclĂ©rose en plaques

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    Depuis plusieurs annĂ©es, la prĂ©valence de la plupart des maladies auto-immunes connait une hausse. Aux États-Unis, plus de 23.5 millions de personnes souffrent d’une maladie auto-immune et parmi celles-ci on estime qu’environ 25 millions d’individus ne sont toujours pas diagnostiquĂ©s (AARDA, 2011). Le National Institutes of Heath (s.d.) dĂ©finit une maladie auto-immune comme Ă©tant des attaques du systĂšme immunitaire contre certains tissus du corps humain. On dĂ©nombre environ 80 maladies auto-immunes diffĂ©rentes. La sclĂ©rose en plaques (SP) fait partie de ces maladies auto-immunes et elle touche environ 350 000 personnes aux États-Unis (Ehrman, 2009). Au Canada, le nombre de personnes atteintes de la SP se situe autour de 100 000 (Statistique Canada, 2011). Les causes de la SP ne sont pas encore bien dĂ©finies, mĂȘme si les des chercheurs ont identifiĂ©s des pistes comme la position gĂ©ographique (Scolding et Wilkins, 2012), l’exposition au soleil et vitamine D (Van Der Mei et al., 2003; Munger, Levin, Hollis, Howard et Ascherio, 2006), les agents infectieux (Gilden, 2005), le tabagisme (Ascherio et Munger, 2007), l’alimentation (Ascherio et Munger, 2007) et les facteurs gĂ©nĂ©tiques (Howard, Stankiewicz et Weiner, 2012). Cependant, certaines recherches tendent Ă  montrer qu’un programme d’exercices physiques et la gestion du stress pourraient attĂ©nuer diffĂ©rents symptĂŽmes de la maladie et amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© de vie des patients (Artemiadis et al., 2012; Mohr et al., 2012; Motl et Gosney, 2007). Le kinĂ©siologue possĂšde alors un rĂŽle primordial lorsqu’il s’agit d’intervenir auprĂšs de cette population. Il se doit de connaĂźtre la maladie et les symptĂŽmes associĂ©s, les paramĂštres de la prescription d’exercice, les effets secondaires de certains mĂ©dicaments pour offrir une intervention appropriĂ©e aux patients souffrant de SP. En Estrie, plus de 2 000 personnes souffrent de la maladie et de nouvelles personnes sont diagnostiquĂ©es chaque mois (Le Sherbrooke Express, 2015). Suite Ă  l’annonce du diagnostic, plusieurs personnes ont tendance Ă  s’isoler et courent un plus grand risque de dĂ©velopper une dĂ©pression. La prĂ©valence de la dĂ©pression au Canada se situe Ă  11.3 % (Sunderland et Findlay, 2013) contrairement Ă  37 % chez les personnes atteintes de la SP (Patten, Beck, Williams, Barbui et Metz, 2003). D’ailleurs, les personnes atteintes de SP doivent apprendre Ă  vivre avec plusieurs symptĂŽmes de la maladie qui affectent grandement leur qualitĂ© de vie. Les problĂšmes urinaires, la fatigue, le manque de dĂ©sirs sexuels, les pertes de mĂ©moire et le handicap physique font partie des symptĂŽmes affectant la plupart de personnes atteintes de la SP (Howard, Stankiewicz et Weiner, 2012). Il est donc important d’offrir un programme adaptĂ© pour cette population afin de leur donner des outils et qu’elles puissent les utiliser afin de minimiser le stress, l’anxiĂ©tĂ© et la fatigue normalement associĂ©s Ă  cette maladie

    Photophysical Investigations of Thiophene Azomethine Derivatives

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    Une sĂ©rie de dimĂšres composĂ©s de thiophĂšne-aniline encombrĂ©e stĂ©riquement a Ă©tĂ© synthĂ©tisĂ©e. Les diffĂ©rents processus de dĂ©sactivation de l’état singulet excitĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s par UV-visible, fluorescence, phosphorescence, photolyse par impulsion laser et calculs thĂ©oriques. Les graphiques de Stern-Volmer obtenus Ă  partir des expĂ©riences de dĂ©sactivation des Ă©tats singulet et triplet ont dĂ©montrĂ© l’efficacitĂ© de l’azomĂ©thine Ă  dĂ©sactiver les fluorophores. Les calculs semi-empiriques AM1 examinant l’effet des substituants encombrĂ©s ont dĂ©montrĂ©s que les groupements tert-butyls sur l’aniline ont moins d’influence sur la barriĂšre de rotation N-aryl que les substitutions alkyles en ont sur la rotation de thiophĂšne-C. Les calculs Rehm-Weller basĂ©s sur les potentiels d’oxydation et de rĂ©duction ont montrĂ© que l’autodĂ©sactivation de l’état excitĂ© des azomĂ©thines se fait par transfert d’électron photoinduit menant Ă  une Ă©radication complĂšte de la fluorescence. Des complexes mĂ©talliques contenant des ligands azomĂ©thines ont aussi Ă©tĂ© prĂ©parĂ©s. Le ligand est composĂ© d’une unitĂ© hydroxyquinoline liĂ© Ă  un cycle thiophĂšne. Les donnĂ©es photophysiques de ces complexes indiquent un dĂ©placement bathochromique aussi bien en absorbance qu’en fluorescence. Des dispositifs de dĂ©tection d’ion mĂ©tallique ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©parĂ©s et un exemple Ă  partir d’une solution de cuivre a montrĂ© un dĂ©placement bathochromique.A series of sterically hindered thiophene-aniline azomethine dyads were prepared. The decay pathways that deactivate the singlet excited state were studied using UV-vis fluorescence and phosphorescence, laser flash photolysis and quantum calculations. Stern-Volmer relationships, derived from singlet and triplet state quenching experiments, showed that azomethines efficiently deactivate the singlet and triplet excited states of fluorophores with bimolecular kinetics. AM1 Semi-empirical quantum calculations examining the effect of bulky substituents on the bond rotational barriers demonstrate that bulky tert-butyl groups attached to the aniline moiety have less influence on the N-aryl bond rotation barrier than alkyl substitutions do on the thiophene-CH bond rotation barrier. Rehm-Weller calculations based on electrochemical potentials demonstrate that azomethines self-quench their excited states via fast and efficient intramolecular photoinduced electron transfer leading to complete fluorescence suppression. Metal complexes containing an azomethine ligand were also prepared. The ligand contains a hydroxyquinoline moiety linked with a thiophene ring. Photophysical investigations of the resulting metal complexes demonstrated significant bathochromic shifts in the absorbance and fluorescence spectra. Metal-ion sensing devices for water solutions were prepared by spin casting the ligand onto glass slides. The metal-ion sensor detected copper in water solutions through a bathochromic shift in the absorbance maximum


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    Two mol­ecules of the title compound, C14H10N2OS, are hydrogen bonded about a center of inversion. In the mol­ecule, the two aromatic rings are twisted by 37.27 (5)° with respect to one another. The azomethine bond is in the E configuration

    The dissociation of the J/psi by light mesons and chiral symmetry

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    The implication of chiral symmetry for the pion-induced dissociation of the J/psi is examined in detail. It is shown how the low-energy dynamics of pions, constrained by chiral symmetry, affect the dissociation cross-section. The derived soft-pion theorem is then integrated into a Lagrangian model which includes also abnormal parity content and chiral-symmetric form factors. Dissociation by the rho meson is also considered.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures. Minor revision

    Body Fluid Estimation Via Segmental Multi-Frequency Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Following Acute Resistance Exercise

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    Segmental multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (S-MFBIA) estimates body composition and fluids by passing electrical currents through the body and can separate the body into distinct segments. The minimum required abstention from exercise before S-MFBIA is unclear. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to monitor changes in total body water (TBW), intracellular water (ICW), and extracellular water (ECW) estimated via S-MFBIA following acute, localized bouts of resistance exercise (RE). METHODS: Thirty-two female (n = 18; age: 22.7 ± 1.4 y; height: 167.5 ± 7.5 cm; body mass: 66.6 ± 14.5 kg; body fat: 30.3 ± 6.2%) and male (n= 14; age: 24.2 ± 2.9; height: 178.7 ± 5.3; body mass: 85.7 ± 7.8 kg; body fat: 19.6 ± 6.9%) resistance-trained volunteers completed three randomly assigned conditions in a crossover design. Each RE protocol (REUPPER or RELOWER) consisted of three exercises and began with two warm-up sets of 12-15 repetitions per exercise. This was followed by a RE circuit of 5 sets of 10 repetitions per exercise with a one-minute rest interval between circuits. In the resting (REST) condition, participants did not complete any physical activity. S-MFBIA was performed at five timepoints: pre-exercise, immediate post-exercise, 15-, 30-, and 60-minutes post-exercise. Data were analyzed using linear mixed-effects models with a random intercept for participant. In all models, REST was the reference condition, and pre-exercise was the reference time point. RESULTS: Although body mass did not differ between conditions, condition by time interactions were observed for TBW, ICW, and ECW (p\u3c0.001 each), with the higher values observed at post-exercise time points in REUPPER as compared to the REST condition. Mean differences between REUPPER and REST for TBW, ICW, and ECW ranged from 0.6-1.0 kg, 0.4-0.6 kg, and 0.2-0.4 kg, respectively. Conversely, RELOWER did not alter fluid estimates. CONCLUSION: An acute increase in TBW, ICW, and ECW is detected by S-MFBIA after a single bout of upper body, but not lower body, RE. This could be due to the smaller initial diameter and greater relative change in diameter of the arms as compared to legs. Due to the potential of artificial body fluid changes, users should avoid exercise – particularly upper body exercise – prior to S-MFBIA assessments

    Acute Resistance Exercise Influences Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Segmental Fat Mass Estimates

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    Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is an attractive tool for routine assessment of human body composition. However, there is also concern regarding how some variables, particularly exercise, may affect its measurements and therefore limit the conditions under which this technology can provide useful body composition data. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine if acute, localized resistance exercise (RE) compromises the validity of BIA segmental fat mass (FM) estimates. METHODS: In a crossover design, 32 healthy, resistance trained adults (18 F, 14 M; age: 23.4 ± 2.3 y; height: 172.4 ± 8.7 cm; body mass: 74.9 ± 15.3 kg; body fat: 25.6 ± 8.4%) completed three conditions in a randomized order: lower-body resistance exercise (L), upper-body resistance exercise (U), and rest (R). The RE protocol included a warm-up consisting of 2 sets of 12-15 repetitions of 3 upper-body exercises (U), or 3 lower-body exercises (L), followed by 5 sets of 10 repetitions per exercise, with 1-minute rest intervals. The R condition involved no exercise. BIA (InBody 770) was completed immediately pre- and post-exercise and at 15-, 30-, and 60-minutes post-exercise. The effects of the acute RE session on BIA estimates of total and segmental FM were analyzed using linear mixed-effects models with condition and time specified as within-subject factors and a random intercept for participant. In all models, the reference groups were R for condition and the pre-exercise time point for time. RESULTS: Condition by time interactions were observed for total and segmental FM. Examination of model coefficients indicated that most condition by time interactions were attributable to differences in the U condition across time relative to the reference group (i.e., R condition at baseline). In relation to the reference group, mean decreases of 0.75 to 1.25 kg for total FM, 0.38 to 0.58 kg for trunk FM, 0.27 to 0.47 kg for leg FM, and 0.15 to 0.22 kg for arm FM were observed in the U condition (p≀0.001 for all). In contrast, no changes across time were observed in the L condition. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that an acute bout of localized RE influences BIA total and segmental FM estimates to an extent that can compromise accurate interpretation of the results. These data corroborate the need for a period of rest from physical activity, particularly upper body RE, prior to BIA body composition assessment

    Exome-wide association study to identify rare variants influencing COVID-19 outcomes : Results from the Host Genetics Initiative

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    Publisher Copyright: Copyright: © 2022 Butler-Laporte et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Host genetics is a key determinant of COVID-19 outcomes. Previously, the COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative genome-wide association study used common variants to identify multiple loci associated with COVID-19 outcomes. However, variants with the largest impact on COVID-19 outcomes are expected to be rare in the population. Hence, studying rare variants may provide additional insights into disease susceptibility and pathogenesis, thereby informing therapeutics development. Here, we combined whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing from 21 cohorts across 12 countries and performed rare variant exome-wide burden analyses for COVID-19 outcomes. In an analysis of 5,085 severe disease cases and 571,737 controls, we observed that carrying a rare deleterious variant in the SARS-CoV-2 sensor toll-like receptor TLR7 (on chromosome X) was associated with a 5.3-fold increase in severe disease (95% CI: 2.75–10.05, p = 5.41x10-7). This association was consistent across sexes. These results further support TLR7 as a genetic determinant of severe disease and suggest that larger studies on rare variants influencing COVID-19 outcomes could provide additional insights.Peer reviewe

    Exome-wide association study to identify rare variants influencing COVID-19 outcomes: Results from the Host Genetics Initiative

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