190 research outputs found

    Diseño de un sistema informático para la gestión de los recursos continuos en la Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba “José Martí”

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    Objective. It was designed an informatics system for managing the continuous resources at the National Library of Cuba “José Martí” (NLCJM). Design/Methodology/Approach. A RUP methodology was used to guide the system; while UML was employed as modeling language. Results/Discussion. It was presented the identification and the modeling of processes from the Serial Publications Department of the NLCJM. Functional and non-functional system requirements were captured; such as the actors and workers involved in the process. Finally, the logical data model was designed. Conclusions. The design of the system contributes to the automation of processes in the BNCJM and to follow up on the actions carried out in its serial publications department. Originality/Value. The designed system considers the inclusion of the kardex of serial publications, thus allowing a more effective control of the existence of publications in the library’s collections

    Pielonefritis xantogranulomatosa: experiencia clínica, 2000-2005.

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    Antecedentes: la pielonefritis xantogranulomatosa es una forma infrecuente de infección crónica del riñón y los espacios retroperitoneales. Ocurre en aproximadamente 0.6% de los casos de pielonefritis. La enfermedad fue descrita por primera vez en 1916 por Slagenhaufer. Objetivo: analizar los aspectos clínicos de esta variante poco frecuente de pielonefritis para conocer más respecto a ella. Pacientes y métodos: se estudiaron siete pacientes con diagnóstico anatomopatológico de pielonefritis xantogranulomatosa de enero de 2000 a octubre de 2005, internados en el Hospital Universitario Dr. José Eleuterio González. Resultados: seis pacientes eran mujeres, el rango de edad fue de 29 a 50 años. Se encontró que tres pacientes eran diabéticos, uno tenía antecedente de urolitiasis, uno de obesidad y dos no tenían antecedentes de importancia. Las manifestaciones desencadenantes fueron: litiasis en cinco pacientes, carcinoma de uretero en uno y en otro no se encontró causa aparente. Conclusiones: la pielonefritis xantogranulomatosa es una afección renal benigna cuya manifestación clínica es inespecífica, no tiene un tiempo claro y determinado para establecerse

    Diseño de un sistema informático para la gestión de los recursos continuos en la Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba “José Martí”

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    Objective. It was designed an informatics system for managing the continuous resources at the National Library of Cuba “José Martí” (NLCJM). Design/Methodology/Approach. A RUP methodology was used to guide the system; while UML was employed as modeling language. Results/Discussion. It was presented the identification and the modeling of processes from the Serial Publications Department of the NLCJM. Functional and non-functional system requirements were captured; such as the actors and workers involved in the process. Finally, the logical data model was designed. Conclusions. The design of the system contributes to the automation of processes in the BNCJM and to follow up on the actions carried out in its serial publications department. Originality/Value. The designed system considers the inclusion of the kardex of serial publications, thus allowing a more effective control of the existence of publications in the library’s collections

    Diseño de un sistema informático para la gestión de los recursos continuos en la Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba “José Martí”

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    Objective. It was designed an informatics system for managing the continuous resources at the National Library of Cuba “José Martí” (NLCJM).Design/Methodology/Approach. A RUP methodology was used to guide the system; while UML was employed as modeling language.Results/Discussion. It was presented the identification and the modeling of processes from the Serial Publications Department of the NLCJM.Functional and non-functional system requirements were captured; such as the actors and workers involved in the process. Finally, the logical data model was designed.Conclusions. The design of the system contributes to the automation of processes in the BNCJM and to follow up on the actions carried out in its serial publications department.Originality/Value. The designed system considers the inclusion of the kardex of serial publications, thus allowing a more effective control of the existence of publications in the library’s collections.Objetivo. Se diseñó un sistema informático para la gestión de los recursos continuos en la Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba “José Martí” (BNCJM).Diseño/Metodología/Enfoque. Se utilizó la metodología RUP para guiar el desarrollo del sistema y como lenguaje de modelación se empleó el UML.Resultados/Discusión. Fue presentada una identificación y modelación de los procesos realizados en el Departamento de Publicaciones Seriadas de la BNCJM. Se capturaron los requisitos funcionales y no funcionales del sistema; así como los actores y trabajadores que intervienen en el proceso. Finalmente se diseñó el modelo lógico de los datos.Conclusiones. El diseño del sistema contribuye a la automatización de los procesos en la BNCJM y a dar un seguimiento de las acciones llevadas a cabo en el departamento de publicaciones seriadas.Originalidad/Valor. El sistema diseñado considera la inclusión del kardex de publicaciones seriadas, permitiendo así un control más eficaz de la existencia de las publicaciones en los fondos de la Biblioteca

    Encefalitis de Bickerstaff: informe de caso y revisión de la literatura

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    We describe the case of a 34-year-old male patient, who was referred to the Instituto Neurológico de Colombia with probable Guillain-Barré syndrome, requiring intensive care management. The presence of cognitive alterations during his evolution, lead the team to reconsider the initial diagnosis for theBickerstaff’s brainstem encephalitis diagnosis. We aim to describe the patient’s treatment and evolution, as well as a brief review and discussion. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7705/biomedica.v33i4.1438En este artículo se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente de sexo masculino de 34 años que fue remitido al Instituto Neurológico de Colombia e internado en la unidad de cuidados intensivos neurológicos, por la sospecha inicial de un síndrome de Guillain-Barré. La presencia de alteraciones cognitivas durante su evolución, llevó a reconsiderar el diagnóstico presuntivo inicial por el de encefalitis de Bickerstaff. Se describen el tratamiento instaurado y la evolución del paciente, se hacen la revisión de la literatura y la discusión. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7705/biomedica.v33i4.143

    Augment d’alçada en salt en jugadors universitaris de voleibol

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    L’entrenament del salt és fonamental per obtenir un òptim acompliment en diversos esports, sent el mètode complex, basat en el fenomen de potenciació postactivació (PPA), un dels més utilitzats per a l’entrenament d’aquesta qualitat. Nombrosos estudis recolzen l’existència de PPA representada en les variacions d’un salt vertical, no obstant això, en la literatura no es descriu un protocol estàndard d’entrenament que generi aquest fenomen. Aquest estudi pilot quantitatiu quasi experimental té com a objectiu determinar en quina de les zones de força descrites per Naclerio s’ha d’entrenar perquè la PPA s’expressi, en major mesura, evidenciat en les variacions d’altura d’un salt Counter Movement Jump (CMJ). Es va utilitzar un mostreig per conveniència de vint-i-cinc individus, dividits aleatòriament en cinc grups, cadascun corresponent a una zona de força. Després els subjectes van ser entrenats amb mig esquat segons els paràmetres de cada zona. Finalment, es va obtenir l’altura del salt basant-se en la fórmula de Bosco a partir dels fotogrames d’una càmera digital. Es van trobar dues zones de força que van presentar un augment en l’altura del salt posterior a la potenciació, la zona de força potència i explosiva, no obstant això solament la primera d’aquestes va mostrar resultats significatius en aquest canvi (p < 0,05), representats com un 7 % d’augment. Pretenem que aquestes troballes siguin útils per al desenvolupament de nous estudis que permetin el disseny de noves metodologies d’entrenament i rehabilitació esportiva veient-se beneficiats per les seves propietats

    Modularization in Belief-Desire-Intention agent programming and artifact-based environments

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    This article proposes an extension for the Agents and Artifacts meta-model to enable modularization. We adopt the Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) model of agency to represent independent and reusable units of code by means of modules. The key idea behind our proposal is to take advantage of the syntactic notion of namespace, i.e., a unique symbol identifier to organize a set of programming elements. On this basis, agents can decide in BDI terms which beliefs, goals, events, percepts and actions will be independently handled by a particular module. The practical feasibility of this approach is demonstrated by developing an auction scenario, where source code enhances scores of coupling, cohesion and complexity metrics, when compared against a non-modular version of the scenario. Our solution allows to address the name-collision issue, provides a use interface for modules that follows the information hiding principle, and promotes software engineering principles related to modularization such as reusability, extensibility and maintainability. Differently from others, our solution allows to encapsulate environment components into modules as it remains independent from a particular BDI agent-oriented programming language

    Insulin Resistance Is Not Increased in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients but Is Related to Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    Background: Insulin resistance (IR) has been linked to inflammatory states. The aim of this study was to determine whether IR is increased in a cohort of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients with low disease activity. We additionally intended to establish which factors were the determinants of IR in this population, including the presence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Methods: Cross-sectional study encompassing 151 IBD patients and 174 non-diabetic controls. Insulin and C-peptide serum levels and IR and beta cell function (%B) indices based on homoeostatic model assessment (HOMA2) were assessed in patients and controls. Liver stiffness as measured by transient elastography, and the presence of NAFLD detected via ultrasound were additionally assessed. A multivariable regression analysis was performed to evaluate the differences in IR indexes between patients and controls, and to determine which predictor factors were associated with IR in IBD patients. Results: Neither HOMA2-IR (beta coef. -0.26 {95%CI -0.64-0.13}, p = 0.19) nor HOMA2-%B (beta coef. 15 {95%CI -14-44}, p = 0.31) indexes differed between patients and controls after fully multivariable analysis. Among classic IR risk factors, obesity, abdominal circumference, and triglycerides significantly and positively correlated with IR indexes in IBD patients. However, most features related to IBD, such as disease patterns, disease activity, and inflammatory markers, were not associated with IR. The presence of NAFLD was independently and significantly associated with beta cell dysfunction in patients with IBD (HOMA2-B grade 4, 251 ± 40 vs. grade 1, 107 ± 37, p = <0.001). Conclusions: IR is not increased in IBD patients with low disease activity compared to controls. However, the presence of NAFLD favors the development of IR in patients with IBD.This work was supported by a grant to I.F-A. from the Spanish Ministry of Health, Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación, Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013–2016 and by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional-FEDER-(Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, FIS PI14/00394, PI17/00083)