4,308 research outputs found

    A pós-graduação em educação em ciências no Brasil : paradigmas, identidades e epistemologias

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    O presente texto apresenta a pesquisa em andamento que visa identificar as mudanças de paradigmas da Educação em Ciências no Brasil, para tanto, a pesquisa dividiu-se em etapas distintas, onde terá como fontes: as avaliações trienais da CAPES; as linhas de pesquisa dos programas, e os Trabalhos de Conclusão de Curso (TCCs), dissertações e teses dos programas selecionados. Na primeira etapa foi possível verificar alguns marcos históricos da educação em ciências, a segunda etapa está em fase de análise dos 53 programas de pós-graduação, em seguida serão feitas as análises destes e finalmente, serão investigados os trabalhos acadêmicos da área. Com esse movimento espera-se que sejam clarificados os paradigmas da educação em ciências no cenário brasileiro

    Evaluación de la actividad anticáncer de Thevetia peruviana.

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    El cáncer es un problema mayor de salud alrededor del mundo, su morbilidad y mortalidad incrementa una vez que ha ocurrido metástasis. El uso de agentes nutraceúticos como una alternativa han sido sugeridos para la prevención y tratamiento de cáncer avanzado. El propósito de este estudio obtener un agente nutraceútico con actividad contra células de cáncer humano, in vitro. Se evaluó la actividad citotóxica de 48 extractos metanólicos. De 32 plantas evaluadas, el proveniente de Thevetia peruviana presentó una CI50 < 20 μg/ml, el mayor efecto citotóxico contra células de cáncer de colon, mama, próstata y pulmón. El efecto contra células normales de fibroblastos y Vero fue nulo y marginal, respectivamente. El extracto causó una reducción significativa de la motilidad celular y formación de colonias en todas las líneas celulares de cáncer evaluadas. Además, la examinación morfológica mostró una disminución en el tamaño celular, formación de pliegues en la membrana celular y desprendimiento de las células, comparados contra las líneas celulares de cáncer no tratadas. El extracto de T. peruviana indujo muerte celular por apoptosis, que fue confirmada por los ensayos de fragmentación de ADN y la tinción dual de BE/NA. Neriifósido y peruvósido fueron determinados como los compuestos activos más potentes del extracto crudo. Su actividad citotóxica fue evaluada en las líneas celulares humanas de cáncer de próstata, colon ovario, melanoma y leucemia; con la mayoría de los CI50 < 100 ng/ml. El extracto T. peruviana y sus compuestos activos neriifósido y peruvósido, tienen un potencial como un producto anticáncer con efectos críticos en la proliferación, motilidad y adhesión de las células de cáncer humano, inducción de apoptosis en las líneas celulares de cáncer humano de próstata, pulmón y leucemia, con mínimos efectos sobre las líneas celulares no cancerosas. ABSTRACT Cancer is the major health problem around the world, its morbidity and mortality increased once the cancer has metastasized. The use of nutraceutical agents as an alternative healing has been suggested for the preventions and treatment of advanced cancer. The purpose of this study was to obtain a nutraceutical agent with activity against human cancer cell, in vitro. We evaluated the cytotoxic activity of 48 metanolic extracts. From 32 plants evaluated, the one from T. peruviana showed values of CI50 lower than 20 μg/ml, with a mayor cytotoxic effect on colorectal, breast, prostate and lung cancer cell lines. The effect against the normal cell lines human fibroblast and vero, were null and marginal respectively. The extract caused a significant reduction of cell motility and colony formation on all evaluated cancer cell lines. In addition, morphological examination displayed cell size reduction, membrane blebbing and detachment of cells, compared to non-treated cancer cell lines. The T. peruviana extract induced apoptotic cell death, which was confirmed by DNA fragmentation and AO/EB double staining. Neriifoside and peruvoside were determined as the active compounds and they showed identical properties as the extract. Their cytotoxity was evaluated on human prostate, colorectal, ovary cancer, melanoma and leukemic cell lines; with most CI50 values lower than 100 ng/ml. T. peruviana extract and his active compounds neriifoside and peruvoside has potential as anti-cancer product with critical effects in the proliferation, motility, and adhesion of human cancer cells, and apoptosis induction in human prostate lung and leukemic cancer cell lines, with minimal effects on non-tumorigenic cell lines

    Chemical Speciation of constituents in pyrolytic liquid from cassava harvest residues by APPI-Orbitrap MS

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    A cone-continuity constraint qualification and algorithmic consequences

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    PRONEX - PROGRAMA DE APOIO A NÚCLEOS DE EXCELÊNCIAFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOREvery local minimizer of a smooth constrained optimization problem satisfies the sequential approximate Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (AKKT) condition. This optimality condition is used to define the stopping criteria of many practical nonlinear programming algorithms. It is natural to ask for conditions on the constraints under which AKKT implies KKT. These conditions will be called strict constraint qualifications (SCQs). In this paper we define a cone-continuity property (CCP) that will be shown to be the weakest possible SCQ. Its relation to other constraint qualifications will also be clarified. In particular, it will be proved that CCP is strictly weaker than the constant positive generator constraint qualification.Every local minimizer of a smooth constrained optimization problem satisfies the sequential approximate Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (AKKT) condition. This optimality condition is used to define the stopping criteria of many practical nonlinear programming algorithms. It is natural to ask for conditions on the constraints under which AKKT implies KKT. These conditions will be called strict constraint qualifications (SCQs). In this paper we define a cone-continuity property (CCP) that will be shown to be the weakest possible SCQ. Its relation to other constraint qualifications will also be clarified. In particular, it will be proved that CCP is strictly weaker than the constant positive generator constraint qualification26196110PRONEX - PROGRAMA DE APOIO A NÚCLEOS DE EXCELÊNCIAFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORPRONEX - PROGRAMA DE APOIO A NÚCLEOS DE EXCELÊNCIAFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORE-26/111.449/2010-APQ12013/07375-0; 2012/20339-0; 2013/05475-7304618/2013-6; 482549/2013-0; 303750/2014-6; 303013/2013-3sem informaçã

    Quantification of microstructural changes during first stage air drying of grape tissue

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    Microstructural changes in cells of Ruby grape (Vitis vinifera) quarters were monitored during first stage of convective air drying, under a stereo-microscope. A gradual overall shrinkage of grape cells was observed during the process. The cellular parameters: area, perimeter, major and minor axis length, Feret diameter, elongation, roundness and compactness, were quantified by image analysis. It was verified that cell dimensions suffered modifications during drying, but their shape remained unchanged. These microstructural changes showed a smooth exponential decrease with time, and a first-order kinetic model was satisfactorily fitted to the data. Temperature increased the rate of cellular shrinkage and this effect followed an Arrhenius type behaviour. Increasing temperature from 20 to 60 C resulted in a 350% increase of the area change rate. For the parameters related to cellular dimensions, the magnitude of the values were 10 3 min 1 for the rate of change at 40 C and 3 kJ/mol for the activation energ


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    N° ISBN - 978-2-7380-1284-5International audienceDesigning a method for rural sustainable development process modelling. This work aims to develop a method for modeling and simulation dynamical aspects of social interaction in rural areas. The project focuses on the study of multi-stakeholder conflicts concerning the use and conservation of natural resources in the context of sustainable rural development. The territory is therefore considered a scenario where the social actors develop systemic and complex relationships. The initial approach is supported by the Sociology of Organized Action by Crozier and Friedberg as theoretical support for understanding the social processes in the South Territory of Sergipe, Brazil. The methodology for social modeling and simulation was based on a constructivist, iterative, exploratory and not predictive approach

    Sôbre os trabalhos da campanha de combate à esquistossomose no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    The data about Schistosomiasis in the São Paulo State, Brazil, shows that the disease is now here at an expansive stage. To conclude by this, are the discorvery of new active foci in counties where it had been found before and its recrudescence very year producing new autochthonous case. The detection, at the beginning, of other active foci, it is very suggestive too. This was obtained by collecting naturally infected planorbids at places where no autochthonous cases was announced up to date. As a picture of the Schistosomiasis incidence in the State, some data are presented. From 1951 until 31st July 1970, 4499 autochthonous cases were recorded distributed at 30 counties. During the period were imported from other Brazilian places.Foi demonstrado que a esquistossomose está em fase de expansão no Estado de São Paulo, o que vem sendo comprovado através da descoberta de novos focos ativos em municípios onde já havia sido assinalada; da verificação de seu recrudescimento a cada ano pelo registro de novos casos autóctones e, ainda pela observação de focos ativos no início de sua instalação, isto é, captura de planorbídeos naturalmente infectados pelas cercárias do Schistosoma mansoni em localidades onde até o momento não se constatou qualquer caso autóctone da endemia. Foram apresentados informes sobre a incidência da helmintose no Estado de São Paulo: casos autóctones registrados de 1951 até 31 de julho de 1970 - 4.499 distribuídos em 30 municípios; casos importados de outras Unidades da Federação, no período de 1958 a agôsto de 1970, o número registrado é de 7.859. Referem-se também aos trabalhos que vêm sendo executados pela Campanha de Combate à Esquistossomose, destacando-se a política sanitária adotada em relação à parasitose. Informa-se ainda sobre os trabalhos de saneamento ambiental, e o que tem sido realizado em relação ao tratamento dos portadores da infecção. No período de 1969 até julho do corrente ano, foi tratada por moluscicidas uma área de 293.247 m². Quanto aos doentes foram tratados 4.276, pelo Etrenol (Hycanthone)

    Uso de la metribuzina, asociado con diferentes fertilizantes foliares, en cultivos de zanahoria

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 351-358) : ilustraciones color.This study aimed to evaluate the use of different foliar fertilizers, associated or not associated with metribuzin, in terms of carrot yield. The experiments were carried out over two crop years with treatments in a 2×4 factorial scheme. The first factor was the absence or presence of metribuzin (0 and 288 g ha-1 a.i.) and the second factor was the foliar fertilizers: FertiG, FertiB, sucrose and no application. In crop year 1, the commercial yield increased with FertiG with metribuzin, and the forked/total discard ratio decreased when the foliar fertilizers were applied together with metribuzin. The isolated metribuzin decreased the total yield and the commercial/total yield ratio in crop year 1; however, the stress was attenuated when FertiG was applied. In crop year 2, the metribuzin, isolated or associated with FertiG, increased the commercial yield. The FertiB decreased the forked/total discard ratio. The metribuzin, isolated or associated with FertiG, and FertiB obtained similar results for the commercial/total yield ratio in crop year 2. FertiG satisfactorily attenuated the stress caused by metribuzin in the carrot plants, with a positive effect on the commercial yield of the carrot crop.El objetivo del estudio evaluó el uso de diferentes fertilizantes foliares asociados, y no asociados con metribuzina, sobre la productividad de zanahoria. Los experimentos se realizaron en dos ciclos de cultivo con un arreglo factorial 2×4 de los tratamientos. El primer factor fue la ausencia y presencia de la metribuzina (0 y 288 g ha-1 i.a.) y el segundo factor fueron los fertilizantes foliares: FertiG, FertiB, sacarosa y sin aplicación. En el primer ciclo de producción, la productividad comercial aumentó en la asociación de FertiG y metribuzina, la relación bifurcación/descarte total disminuyó cuando se aplica los fertilizantes foliares junto con la metribuzina. La metribuzina sola disminuyó la productividad total y la relación producción comercial/rendimiento total en el primer ciclo, sin embargo el estrés se mitigó cuando se aplicó FertiG. En el segundo ciclo, la metribuzina sola o asociada a FertiG aumentó la productividad comercial. El FertiB disminuyó la relación bifurcación/descarte total. La metribuzina sola o asociada con FertiG y FertiB obtuvieron resultados similares en la relación producción comercial/rendimiento total en el ciclo 2. FertiG atenúa satisfactoriamente el estrés causado por la metribuzina a las plantas de zanahoria con un impacto positivo en la productividad comercial del cultivo de zanahoria.Bibliografía y webgrafía: páginas 357-358