12 research outputs found

    Yttrium-90 Selective Internal Radiation Therapy with Glass Microspheres for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Current and Updated Literature Review.

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most common primary liver cancer and it represents the majority of cancer-related deaths in the world. More than 70% of patients present at an advanced stage, beyond potentially curative options. Ytrrium-90 selective internal radiation therapy (Y90-SIRT) with glass microspheres is rapidly gaining acceptance as a potential therapy for intermediate and advanced stage primary hepatocellular carcinoma and liver metastases. The technique involves delivery of Y90 infused glass microspheres via the hepatic arterial blood flow to the appropriate tumor. The liver tumor receives a highly concentrated radiation dose while sparing the healthy liver parenchyma due to its preferential blood supply from portal venous blood. There are two commercially available devices: TheraSphere® and SIR-Spheres®. Although, Y90-SIRT with glass microspheres improves median survival in patients with intermediate and advanced hepatocellular carcinoma and has the potential to downstage hepatocellular carcinoma so that the selected candidates meet the transplantable criteria, it has not gained widespread acceptance due to the lack of large randomized controlled trials. Currently, there are various clinical trials investigating the use of Y90-SIRT with glass microspheres for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma and the outcomes of these trials may result in the incorporation of Y90-SIRT with glass microspheres into the treatment guidelines as a standard therapy option for patients with intermediate and advanced stage hepatocellular carcinoma

    ¿Qué opinión tiene el sector turístico sobre los cruceros?

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    Frente al debate sobre si el impacto económico del turismo de cruceros es real o está sobreestimado, este trabajo se centra en analizar la percepción que tiene el propio sector turístico de las ciudades que acogen cruceros sobre dicho impacto. Para ello se cuenta con una muestra de 371 gerentes de establecimientos turísticos del hinterland de dos puertos españoles de cruceros. La metodología está basada en regresiones ordered logit y multinomial logit. Las conclusiones confirman la buena imagen pública que tradicionalmente ha disfrutado el tráfico de cruceros. Concretamente, muestran un sector turístico que mayoritariamente defiende el turismo de cruceros como instrumento de desarrollo económico y turístico, especialmente en el segmento de turismo cultural y gastronómico, donde los gerentes le presuponen una contribución incluso mayor a la de las aerolíneas de bajo coste (LCCs). Aunque la visión de los gerentes no es uniforme sino que depende de las características del establecimiento turístico y su propia experiencia. Los gerentes también defienden la intervención directa de las administraciones públicas, incluso con ayudas económicas, para favorecer la implantación de los cruceros en sus ciudades. Incluso las agencias de viajes, tradicionalmente críticas con las ayudas a las LCCs, muestran un apoyo claro a este tipo de ayudas

    Desafíos de las metrópolis: Efectos ambientales y sociales. Tendencias geográficas II

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    El libro está conformado de estudios realizados por profesores-investigadores de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, de la Universidad de Varsovia, así como de la Universidad Pedagógica Comisión de Educación Nacional de Cracovia. En esta obra se exponen algunas investigaciones sobre los cambios en los factores sociales, naturales, económicos y ambientales como principales desafios que presentan las zonas de México, Polonia y de contextos de Sudamérica, tales como Sao Paulo, Quito y Bogotá y ciudades medias y pequeñas.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic

    Way on : designing from habit to product : catalogue

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    Way on is a collective initiative developed by the 3rd and 4th year students of the Degree in Design at EINA School of Design and Art of Barcelona, and coordinated by professors Javier Nieto and Oriol Ventura. It is a bridge project between the academic and the professional context. It is held at Salone Satellite - Salone del Mobile Milano where students of product design, interior design, and graphic design have the opportunity to answer the question what design is? raised by the contest. The project is centred on two interrelated lines of work: find solutions to the new habits of society and the relationship between people and the object, and the objects and their surroundings. This initiative is evident in the presentation of six different projects: Nomad, Köllen, Tryk Y-Light, Trote chair, Imagiro and Cut the cube.Way on es una iniciativa colectiva desarrollada por los alumnos de 3º y 4º curso del Grado de Diseño de EINA Centro Universitario de Diseño y Arte de Barcelona, y coordinada por los profesores Javier Nieto y Oriol Ventura. Se trata de un proyecto puente entre el contexto académico y el profesional y es en el Salone Satellite - Salone del Mobile Milano donde los estudiantes de diseño de producto, diseño de interiores y diseño gráfico tienen la oportunidad de responder a la pregunta what design is? planteada por el certamen. El proyecto se articula a través de dos líneas de trabajo interrelacionadas: dar solución a los nuevos hábitos que se presentan en nuestra sociedad y la interacción y relación entre personas y objetos y su entorno. Esta iniciativa se constata en la presentación de seis proyectos diferentes: Nomad, Köllen, Tryk Y-Light, Trote chair, Imagiro y Cut the cube

    Yttrium-90 Selective Internal Radiation Therapy with Glass Microspheres for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Current and Updated Literature Review

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most common primary liver cancer and it represents the majority of cancer-related deaths in the world. More than 70% of patients present at an advanced stage, beyond potentially curative options. Ytrrium-90 selective internal radiation therapy (Y90-SIRT) with glass microspheres is rapidly gaining acceptance as a potential therapy for intermediate and advanced stage primary hepatocellular carcinoma and liver metastases. The technique involves delivery of Y90 infused glass microspheres via the hepatic arterial blood flow to the appropriate tumor. The liver tumor receives a highly concentrated radiation dose while sparing the healthy liver parenchyma due to its preferential blood supply from portal venous blood. There are two commercially available devices: TheraSphere® and SIR-Spheres®. Although, Y90-SIRT with glass microspheres improves median survival in patients with intermediate and advanced hepatocellular carcinoma and has the potential to downstage hepatocellular carcinoma so that the selected candidates meet the transplantable criteria, it has not gained widespread acceptance due to the lack of large randomized controlled trials. Currently, there are various clinical trials investigating the use of Y90-SIRT with glass microspheres for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma and the outcomes of these trials may result in the incorporation of Y90-SIRT with glass microspheres into the treatment guidelines as a standard therapy option for patients with intermediate and advanced stage hepatocellular carcinoma