64 research outputs found

    Study the Effect of Lead Acetate and the Water Extracted (Melissa Officinalis) on Physiological and Antioxidative State of the Seminal Fluid of Rooster, Ross 308

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    أجريت الدراسة في مختبرات الكلية التقنية /المسيب وفي قسم علوم الحياة/جامعة بابل وفي حقل طيور الجفلاوي في بابل للمدة من تشرين الأول 2018 ولغاية آذار2019 لقياس تأثير كل من المستخلص المائي لحشيشة النحل Melissa officinalis وخلات الرصاص Lead acetate في المعايير الفسلجية الخاصة بالتكاثر وحالة التضاد التأكسدي في السائل المنوي لديكة دجاج Ross 308. أستعمل في الدراسة 100 ديك من سلالة Ross 308 وبعمر 60-56 أسبوع وبمعدل وزن 6-5 كغم وزعت بصورة عشوائية الى أربع مجاميع متساوية، المجموعة الأولىA)) أعطيت الماء المقطر وعدت مجموعة السيطرة، المجموعة الثانيةB) ) أعطيت المستخلص المائي لأوراق حشيشة النحل بتركيز100ملغم/كغم من وزن الجسم/لتر والمجموعة الثالثة (C) أعطيت خلات الرصاص عن طريق مياه الشرب بتركيز0.5ملغم/كغم من وزن الجسم/لتر والمجموعة الرابعة (D) أعطيت الماء الحاوي على المستخلص المائي لحشيشة النحل 100ملغم/كغم/لتر و 0.5 ملغم/كغم/لتر من خلات الرصاص في ماء الشرب. وتم جمع السائل المنوي أسبوعياً لغرض قياس حجم وتركيز النطف وقياس التشوهات ومقاومة النطف للأملاح وقياس نسبة الحركة الجماعية والفردية للنطف ثم قيست حالة التضاد التأكسدي في البلازما المنوية بفحص تركيز كل من القابلية الكلية المضادة للأكسدة TAC والمالونداي الديهايد MDA، وتمت دراسة وزن الخصى ووزن الجسم. أظهرت الدراسة زيادة معنوية في وزن الجسم والخصية وزيادة في حجم القذفة وتركيز النطف ومقاومة الملح والحركة الفردية والجماعية في المجموعة (B) التي أعطيت المستخلص المائي لحشيشة النحل وزيادة معنوية في نسبة التشوهات في المجموعة (C) التي أعطيت خلات الرصاص بماء الشرب. كما أظهرت الدراسة زيادة عالية المعنوية في TAC في البلازما المنوية في المجموعة (B) في حين أظهرت الدراسة زيادة معنوية في MDA في البلازما المنوية في المجموعة (C) مقارنة بمجموعة السيطرة.The study was carried out in the Laboratories of Al-Mussyab Technical college and in biology Department/Babylon university and Al-Jafflawy Avian farm in Babylon. During the period from October 2018 until March 2019  to investigate the effect water extracted of Melissa officinalis and Lead acetate in drinking water on semen physiological parameter and antioxidant status of  Ross 308 Roosters. The study was held on 100 Roosters of Ross 308 at the age of 56-60 weeks with average weight 5-6 Kg. The Roosters were randomly distributed in equal groups. The First group(A) was given distilled water which regarded as control. The second group (B) was given the water extracted of Melissa officinalis leaves in the level of 100mg/Kg of body weight/L. The third group (C) was given Lead acetate in drinking water 0.5 mg/Kg of body weight/L. The Fourth group (D) which was given water extract of Melissa officinalis (100mg/Kg of B.W/L) and (0.5mg/Kg of B.W/L) of Lead acetate in drinking water. The semen was collected weekly to evaluate the ejaculated volume concentration, abnormalities, sperm resistance to salt and level of individual and mass mortality. The antioxidant status was evaluated by measuring malondialdehyde ( MDA) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) also, body and testes weight was gain weekly. The study demonstrated that there was a significant increase in seminal ejaculate volume and concentration, salt-resistance and individual and mass mortality in the group(B) which given the water extracted of Melissa officinalis, and there was a significant increase in seminal abnormalities in the group(C) which given Lead acetate in drinking water. So the study demonstrated that there was a significant increase in TAC Level in seminal plasma of group(B) when there was a significant increase in Level of MDA in seminal plasma of group(C)

    Self- Categorization of University Students

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    Identification of the following is the goal of the current study: 1- The Self – Categorization of the university students. Students at Babylon University make up the study's population. (Morning Study) including both genders (males and females) that majoring (Scientific and Humanities) studies for the school year 2022-2023. The research sample consisted of (380) male and female students were selected by stratified random method with appropriate distribution, and to achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher adopted the self-classification scale (Al-Saadi 2010) in this research, based on the theory (Turner 1979) It was presented to a group of specialized arbitrators to judge the validity of its paragraphs, and then the psychometric properties were extracted for it through the application to the research sample of (380) male and female students, and the value of the stability coefficient by Alpha Cronbach method (0.8 5) and by re-testing method (0.81) After the scale became in its final form (42) items, the researcher applied it to the research sample of (380) male and female students, and the researcher built a scale of emotional dissonance based on the theory (1983, Hochschild ) of emotional dissonance As well as it was presented to a group of experts arbitrators were also extracted psychometric properties of it, as the coefficient of stability of the scale in the manner of Alpha Cronbach (0.8 8) and the method of re-testing (0.83) and after confirming the validity of the scale was applied in its final form (30) paragraph on the research sample. After finishing the application, the researcher utilized the proper statistical techniques to analyze the data with the help of the statistical bag for social sciences, and the results of the research showed the following: 1- The university students have the ability for Self – Categorizatio

    The impact of asset management on achieving bank profitability (Applied study within Al-Khaleej commercial bank)

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    Banking activity is essential in countries' economies, as banks are considered intermediate financial institutions between surplus and deficit. Bank managers work on achieving the main objectives of any bank, which are: (profitability, liquidity, and security) by balancing the management of assets and liabilities and avoiding risks that face their work, such as liquidity risks and credit risks, as asset management is concerned with choosing the optimal investment combination for available sources of funds, as the funds are utilized in a variety of ways to reduce risks and obtain profit. Maximizing the bank's profitability is the responsibility of the management, as maximizing profitability is a strategic goal for the bank, and it will contribute to expanding the bank's work and obtaining a larger market share. The research was based on the analysis of banking profitability indicators (income of assets, income of investment) and their impact on profitability. As asset management is the one factor that affects the returns of assets and acquisitions, and, in turn, bank profitability is concerned. Thus, asset management must invest money elaborately and keep risks at bay

    The Effectiveness of the Letters of Guarantee Platform within Banking Legislation and its Reflection in Reducing the Risks of Letters of Guarantee Through/Applied Research

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    Purpose: Of the research is to show the importance of the letter of guarantee platform as an electronic supervisory control for managing the process of issue isng letters of guarantee and limiting fraud and forgery operations, and to determine the impact between the independent variable of the letter of guarantee platform in light of banking legislation with its dimensions of (traditional issuance procedures before the platform and issuance procedures after the platform, and the position beneficiariesies), and the dependent variable reducing the risks of letters of guarantwith in idimensionons of (centralization of the decision), identifying the reasons for resorting to the use of the letter Andand the research problem has been identifi is the adequacy of the electronic platform in reducithe riskssks of letters of guarantee?    Theoretical framework: In solving its problems, the research was based on a hypothesis: correlation and influence, where the first main impact hypothesis was: "There is no statistically significant effect of the issuance of traditional letters of guarantee (X) in reducing the risks of letters of guarantee (Y)", and the second hypothesis was: "There is no effect of statistically significant significance of the issuance of letters of guarantee after the electronic platform (Z) in reducing the risks of letters of guarantee (Y)", and the research adopted the method of the inductive approach: in the theoretical side to review the research problems and prove its hypotheses to achieve the objectives of the research.   Design: The relationship supported by the quantitative aspect of analyzing the annual financial statements of private commercial banks, the research sample before and after the platform (2017-2021), which represented the first community of the research sample and numbered six commercial banks, field visits and personal interviews with the Central Bank of Iraq As the entity responsible only for managing the platform, as well as the statistical tests of the second community of the research sample to measure the attitude of the beneficiaries towards the letters of guarantee platform, the questionnaire was adopted as a research tool for the purpose of With the data from the sample of 50 individuals, i.e., 87% of the total study population, in the administrative levels (senior management, middle management, and executive) in a number of beneficiaries, the questionnaire was used as a means to obtain data from the sample of  50 people"by the beneficiaries represented by the ministries and their departments, and the paragraphs of the questionnaire were analyzed based on the statistical programs:SPSS,version 26; (Exce;) and(Amo)  Security in the Iraqi banking environment and a steptowardr applying electronic governance.    Results: The research reached a set of results, the most prominent of which were: The weakness of the centralization of the decision and the procedures followed for the issuance process for letters of guarantee before the platform contributed to the expansion of risks for letters of guarantee, and in addition, the "Letters of Guarantee platform" contributed more broadly  In ensuring the rights of the beneficiaries due to electronic supervisory oversigh, and recommendation, it is necessary: to develop the platform’s work and work to create an additional field in the platform and develop it in broader areas by making the customer’s account linked to the platform to support customer operation.    Originality/Value: The value of the study was finance, as well as "documents related to in-kind guarantees,especially real estate that is mortgaged,y" are provided with the validity of electronic issuance with the availability of advanced means to detect them if theyd areforged to encourage the use of technology more widely in state departments andf electroniccontrol and to achieved electronic governance, and accordingly the research structure consisted of four chapterss: the first axis is the research methodolog;, the second axis is the theoretical aspec;, the third axis is the practical aspect of the researc;, and the fourth axis is the conclusions and recommendations

    Multiplicity in Parsing: Concept and Reasons

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    التعدّد مفردة يراد بها في المعجمات العربية الكثرة, والإحصاء, وتتعلق الدراسة بالكثرة الواردة في الوجوه النحوية للمفردة, ولا تعلق لها بالمعنى الآخر (الإحصاء)؛ لأنّنا نبحث في كثرة الوجوه النحوية في إعراب المفردة.   والمراد بالتعدّد: هو كثرة التوجيه النحوي في إعراب المفردة. و(الإعراب): تغيير يحصل في آخر الكلمة فينقلها بين الحالات الإعرابية التي تحتملها كالرفع, والنصب, والجر, والجزم, حسب ما قعّده النحاة, وحصل التعدّد الإعرابي نتيجة أسباب متعددة كان لها أثر بارز في احتمالية المفردة لأكثر من وجه نحوي, فمنها ما يتعلق بالتقديم والتأخير, وتعدّد معنى التركيب, ومنها يتعلق بوظائف الكلمة, والوقف والابتداء. وقد انتظم هذا البحث في مبحثين، تكفل الأول بيان مفهوم التعدد الإعرابي، بينما كان الثاني معقودًا لبيان الأسباب التي تؤدي إلى التعدد الإعرابيّ، ويعقب هذين المبحثين خاتمة تضمنت أهم نتائجه، وقائمة بالمصادر والمراجع التي استقى منها مادته.Multiplicity in Arabic dictionaries is a term that is intended to mean richness and identification. This study relates to the richness of the grammatical cases of the word and it is not related to identification, because we are after the large number of grammatical cases in the parsing of a word. The grammatical case is a change that takes place at the end of the word and transposes it between the syntactic features that a word takes such as nominative, accusative, genitive and jussive cases, according to the position of the grammarians, and the Fatha of the Hamza is given to the people of the desert, our study relates to the first meaning, which is an application of grammatical rules, and we have nothing to do with the other meaning. The syntactic plurality occurred as a result of multiple reasons that had a prominent role in the singular possibility of more than one grammatical aspect, some of them are related to advance, delay and multiplicity of the meaning of the composition, and some are related to the functions of the word, stopping and starting. &nbsp

    Evaluating the Social Studies Textbooks in the Intermediate Schools According to the Main Dimensions of Sustainable development

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    يرمي البحث الحالي إلى تقويم محتوى كتب اجتماعيات المرحلة المتوسطة للعام الدراسي (2021 -2022) على وفق الأبعاد الرئيسة للتنمية المستدامة ولتحقيق هذا الهدف سعى الباحث جاهداً لأعداد أداة بحث تتكون من ثلاثين مطلبا مقسم على أبعاد رئيسة للتنمية المستدامة الثلاثة وهي (الاقتصادي، والاجتماعي، والبيئي) بعد الاطلاع على الكتب والأدبيات والدراسات المهتمة بالتنمية المستدامة إذ عرضت الأداة على محكمين في مجال موضوع البحث من تنمية مستدامة وطرائق تدريس وتقويم وبناء المناهج للتحقق من صدق الأداة وقدرتها على قياس ما صممت لأجله، ثم أعد الباحث قائمة تحليل محتوى كتب الاجتماعيات للدراسة المتوسطة معتمداً على وحدة الفكرة وإيجاد والنسب المئوية والتكرارات، وقام الباحث بإيجاد الثبات عن طريق التحليل مع نفسة عبر وحدة الزمن، والاستعانة بمحللين خارجيين مستعملاً في ذلك معادلة كوهين كابا (Cohen's kappa) إذ كان الثبات والصدق عاليا وأسفرت نتائج البحث عن الأبعاد الرئيسة للتنمية المستدامة ضمن محتوى كتب الاجتماعيات للمرحلة المتوسطة على (32) تكرارا وبنسبة مئوية بَلَغَت (74.41%) لكتاب الصف الثالث أما كتاب الصف الثاني للمادة نفسها فعلى (6) تكرارات ونسبة مئوية بَلَغَت (13.95%) اما كتاب صف الأول فقد بلغ مجموع تكراراته (5) ونسبة مئوية (11.62%) في ضَوء نتائج البحث قدم الباحث مجموعة من استنتاجات وتوصيات ومقترحات واستنتج الباحث قلة أبعاد التنمية المستدامة في كتب الاجتماعيات للمرحلة المتوسطة للصفين الأول والثاني ولم يراعَ الاستمرارية بالخبرات وتكاملها وهذا يؤشر لوجود فجوة بين كتاب الاجتماعيات للصف الثالث والمرحلتين السابقتين في ضوء الأبعاد الرئيسة للتنمية المستدامة مع عدم تحقيق مراعاة للتغيرات المناخية والبيئية واثرها في التنمية المستدامة في كتب الاجتماعيات للمرحلة المتوسطة.  The current research aims to evaluate the content of the middle school social studies books for the academic year (2021-2022) according to the main dimensions of sustainable development. After reviewing the books, literature and studies interested in sustainable development, as the tool was presented to arbitrators in the field of the research topic of sustainable development, methods of teaching, evaluation and building curricula to verify the validity of the tool, then the researcher prepared a list to analyze the content of the social studies books for middle school and found stability through analysis with himself، and the use of external analysts, using Cohen's kappa equation The reliability and validity were high, and the results of the research resulted in (32) recurrences and a percentage of (74.41%) for the third grade book and the second grade book for the same subject on (6) recurrences and a percentage of (13.95%). 5) And a percentage (11.62%) in light of the results. The researcher presented a set of conclusions, recommendations and suggestions. The researcher concluded the lack of dimensions of sustainable development in the social books of the intermediate stage for the first and second grades. He did not take into account the continuity of experiences and their integration between the third stages, and this indicates the existence of a gap between the sociology book for the third grade. and the previous two phases.&nbsp

    Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy of Sr_2CuO_2Cl_2 - a revisit

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    We have investigated the lowest binding-energy electronic structure of the model cuprate Sr_2CuO_2Cl_2 using angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). Our data from about 80 cleavages of Sr_2CuO_2Cl_2 single crystals give a comprehensive, self-consistent picture of the nature of the first electron-removal state in this model undoped CuO_2-plane cuprate. Firstly, we show a strong dependence on the polarization of the excitation light which is understandable in the context of the matrix element governing the photoemission process, which gives a state with the symmetry of a Zhang-Rice singlet. Secondly, the strong, oscillatory dependence of the intensity of the Zhang-Rice singlet on the exciting photon-energy is shown to be consistent with interference effects connected with the periodicity of the crystal structure in the crystallographic c-direction. Thirdly, we measured the dispersion of the first electron-removal states along G->(pi,pi) and G->(pi,0), the latter being controversial in the literature, and have shown that the data are best fitted using an extended t-J-model, and extract the relevant model parameters. An analysis of the spectral weight of the first ionization states for different excitation energies within the approach used by Leung et al. (Phys. Rev. B56, 6320 (1997)) results in a strongly photon-energy dependent ratio between the coherent and incoherent spectral weight. The possible reasons for this observation and its physical implications are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Neutron Scattering study of Sr_2Cu_3O_4Cl_2

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    We report a neutron scattering study on the tetragonal compound Sr_2Cu_3O_4Cl_2, which has two-dimensional (2D) interpenetrating Cu_I and Cu_{II} subsystems, each forming a S=1/2 square lattice quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet (SLQHA). The mean-field ground state is degenerate, since the inter-subsystem interactions are geometrically frustrated. Magnetic neutron scattering experiments show that quantum fluctuations lift the degeneracy and cause a 2D Ising ordering of the Cu_{II} subsystem. Due to quantum fluctuations a dramatic increase of the Cu_I out-of-plane spin-wave gap is also observed. The temperature dependence and the dispersion of the spin-wave energy are quantitatively explained by spin-wave calculations which include quantum fluctuations explicitly. The values for the nearest-neighbor superexchange interactions between the Cu_I and Cu_{II} ions and between the Cu_{II} ions are determined experimentally to be J_{I-II} = -10(2)meV and J_{II}= 10.5(5)meV, respectively. Due to its small exchange interaction, J_{II}, the 2D dispersion of the Cu_{II} SLQHA can be measured over the whole Brillouin zone with thermal neutrons, and a novel dispersion at the zone boundary, predicted by theory, is confirmed. The instantaneous magnetic correlation length of the Cu_{II} SLQHA is obtained up to a very high temperature, T/J_{II}\approx 0.75. This result is compared with several theoretical predictions as well as recent experiments on the S=1/2 SLQHA.Comment: Figures and equations are rearrange

    Review on Superconducting Materials

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    Short review of the topical comprehension of the superconductor materials classes Cuprate High-Temperature Superconductors, other oxide superconductors, Iron-based Superconductors, Heavy-Fermion Superconductors, Nitride Superconductors, Organic and other Carbon-based Superconductors and Boride and Borocarbide Superconductors, featuring their present theoretical understanding and their aspects with respect to technical applications.Comment: A previous version of this article has been published in \" Applied Superconductivity: Handbook on Devices and Applications \", Wiley-VCH ISBN: 978-3-527-41209-9. The new extended and updated version will be published in \" Encyclopedia of Applied Physics \", Wiley-VC

    Expanding frontiers in materials chemistry and physics with multiple anions

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    During the last century, inorganic oxide compounds laid foundations for materials synthesis, characterization, and technology translation by adding new functions into devices previously dominated by main-group element semiconductor compounds. Today, compounds with multiple anions beyond the single-oxide ion, such as oxyhalides and oxyhydrides, offer a new materials platform from which superior functionality may arise. Here we review the recent progress, status, and future prospects and challenges facing the development and deployment of mixed-anion compounds, focusing mainly on oxide-derived materials. We devote attention to the crucial roles that multiple anions play during synthesis, characterization, and in the physical properties of these materials. We discuss the opportunities enabled by recent advances in synthetic approaches for design of both local and overall structure, state-of-the-art characterization techniques to distinguish unique structural and chemical states, and chemical/physical properties emerging from the synergy of multiple anions for catalysis, energy conversion, and electronic materials